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The most abundant element found in human body?

भानव शयीय भें ऩामा जाने वारा सफसे प्रचुय तत्व?
1. Iron
2. Sodium
3. Oxygen
4. Iodine
The most abundant element found in human body?

1. Iron
2. Sodium
3. Oxygen
4. Iodine

Ans:- (3)
Explanation:- Nearly 99% of the mass of human body consist of just six chemical element; oxygen,
carbon, hydrogen , nitrogen , calcium and phosphorus. Oxygen is the most abundant element in human
body. भानव शयीय के द्रव्मभान का रगबग 99% ससपफ छह यासामसनक तत्व से सभरकय फनता है ;
ऑक्सीजन, काफफन, हाइड्रोजन, नाइट्रोजन, कैल्शशमभ औय पास्पोयस। भानव शयीय भें ऑक्सीजन सफसे प्रचुय
तत्व है ।
The number of bone in human skull?
भानव खोऩडी भें हड्डी की सॊख्मा
1. 28
2. 30
3. 32
4. 40
The number of bone in human skull?
भानव खोऩडी भें हड्डी की सॊख्मा
1. 28
2. 30
3. 32
4. 40

Ans:- (1)
Explanation:-The human skull consists of 28 bones. It consists of two parts , neurocranium and facial skeleton .
Neurocranium has 8 bones and there are 14 bone in facial skeleton and remaining 8 bones occurs in the middle ear,
which is helpful in listening . भानव खोऩडी भें 28 हल्ड्डमाॊ होती हैं । इसभें दो बाग होते हैं , न्मूयोक्रासनमभ औय चेहये का
कॊकार। न्मूयोक्रेसनमभ भें 8 हल्ड्डमाॉ होती हैं औय चेहये की कॊकार भें 14 हल्ड्डमाॉ होती हैं औय शेष 8 हल्ड्डमाॉ भध्म कान
भें होती हैं , जो सुनने भें सहामक होती हैं ।
Which one of the following salts is found in maximum
amount in human bones?
सनम्नसरल्खत भें से कौन सा रवण भानव हल्ड्डमों भें
असधकतभ भात्रा भें ऩामा जाता है
1. Magnesium Chloride
2. Calcium Chloride
3. Calcium Phosphate
4. Sodium Chloride
Which one of the following salts is found in maximum
amount in human bones?
1. Magnesium Chloride
2. Calcium Chloride
3. Calcium Phosphate
4. Sodium Chloride

Ans:- (3)
Explanation:- Calcium Phosphate is the principle form of calcium
found in bovine milk and blood. 70% of bone consists of
hydroxyapatite, a calcium phosphate mineral (known as bone
mineral) .
What is the approximate time required for a heart beat ?

(a) 0.5 second

(b) 0.8 second
(c) 0.5 second
(d) 1.0 second
What is the approximate time required for a heart beat ?

(a) 0.5 second

(b) 0.8 second
(c) 0.5 second
(d) 1.0 second

Ans:- (B)

A heart beat complete one cardiac cycle include joint systole and joint
diastole . A single cardiac cycle complete in 0.8 sec involving five stages.
There are how many vocal cords in human voice box ?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
There are how many vocal cords in human voice box ?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

Ans:- (B)

In human, voice is produced by the larynx or voice box present in
respiratory tract. Two vocal cords are present across the larynx stretch ,
which allow the passage of air.
On the average , what percentage of human body has the element
of oxygen ?

(a) 65
(b) 25
(c) 10
(d) 5
On the average , what percentage of human body has the element
of oxygen ?

(a) 65
(b) 25
(c) 10
(d) 5

Ans:- (A)

Oxygen is the most abundant element present in human body. Fraction of
oxygen mass in human body is 65% oxygen plays an important role in
cellular respiration and metabolic activities.
The human heart is enclosed in the?

(a) Pericardium
(b) Pleura
(c) Duramater
(d) Conjuctive
The human heart is enclosed in the?

(a) Pericardium
(b) Pleura
(c) Duramater
(d) Conjuctive

Ans:- (A )

Pericardium is a fluid filled fibroserous tissue layer that surround the
heart. It protects the hearts from external jerk or shock. Pericardium
prevents excessive relaxation of heart during acute blood overloaded.
Which one of the following is the smallest bone in the human body?
सनम्नसरल्खत भें से कौन सा भानव शयीय की सफसे छोटी हड्डी है ?

1. Vomer
2. Stapes
3. malleus
4. Incus
Which one of the following is the smallest bone in the
human body?
1. Vomer
2. Stapes
3. malleus
4. Incus

Ans:- (2)
Explanation:- The stapes is the lightest stirrup-shaped bone and the
smallest bone in the human body found in the middle of human ear.
How many pair of ribs are there in a human body?
भानव शयीय भें ऩससरमों के ककतने जोडे होते हैं ?
1. 12
2. 10
3. 14
4. 11
How many pair of ribs are there in a human body?

1. 12
2. 10
3. 14
4. 11
Ans:- (1)
Explanation:- The human rib cage is made up of 12 paired rib bones. Each are symmetrically paired
in right and left side. The rib are flat , thin bones that together with the sternum make up the ribcage. भानव
रयफ पऩॊजये 12 जोडी ऩसरी हल्ड्डमों से फना है । प्रत्मेक को दाएॊ औय फाएॊ ऩऺ भें सभसभत रूऩ से जोडा जाता
है । ऩसरी सऩाट, ऩतरी हल्ड्डमाॊ होती हैं जो उयोल्स्थ के साथ सभरकय याइफेज फनाती हैं ।
A healthy human being excretes the following litres of urine in 24 hours ?
एक स्वस्थ भानव 24 घॊटे भें भूत्र के सनम्न रीटय का उत्सजफन कयता है
1. 1.5
2. 3.0
3. 6.0
4. 9.0
A healthy human being excretes the following litres of
urine in 24 hours ?
1. 1.5
2. 3.0
3. 6.0
4. 9.0

Ans:- (1)
Explanation:- Excretion of average urine in the adult human body is
around 1.5 litres of urine per day. About 91-96% of urine consist of
Which of the following chemicals is used for ripening?
सनम्नसरल्खत भें से ककस यसामन का उऩमोग ऩकने के सरए ककमा जाता है ?

1. Sodium Chloride
2. Calcium Carbide
3. Potassium Chloride
4. None of the above
Which of the following chemicals is used for ripening?

1. Sodium Chloride
2. Calcium Carbide
3. Potassium Chloride
4. None of the above

Ans:- (2)
Explanation:- In the artificial ripening of fruit, Calcium Carbide is
sometimes used as a source of Acetylene gas, which is ripening
agent similar to Ethylene .
Which one of the following is also known as ‘wood spirit’?
सनम्नसरल्खत भें से ककसे 'रकडी की आत्भा' के रूऩ भें बी जाना जाता है

1. Methyl alcohol
2. Ethyl alcohol
3. Ethylene glycol
4. Glycerol
Which one of the following is also known as ‘wood
1. Methyl alcohol
2. Ethyl alcohol
3. Ethylene glycol
4. Glycerol

Ans:- (1)
Explanation:-Methyl alcohol is called as wood spirit. It is obtained
by the distillation of wood.
Fermentation of sugar leads to?
चीनी की ककण्वन होता है ?
1. Ethyl alcohol
2. Methyl alcohol
3. Acetic acid
4. Chlorophyll
Fermentation of sugar leads to?

1. Ethyl alcohol
2. Methyl alcohol
3. Acetic acid
4. Chlorophyll

Ans:- (1)
Explanation:- Ethyl alcohol is formed by the fermentation of sugar,
which is made of glucose and fructose.
Funk invented ? पॊक ने आपवष्काय ककमा
1. Vitamin
2. Hormones
3. Proteins
4. Enzymes
Funk invented ?
1. Vitamin
2. Hormones
3. Proteins
4. Enzymes

Ans:- (1)
Explanation:- Kazimierz Funck is generally credited with being among the
first to formulate the concept of vitamins, which he called ‘vital amines’ or
‘vitamins’. Umetaro Suzuki had in 1910 succeeded in extracting a water
soluble complex of micronutrient from rice bran and had named it ‘aberic
A rich source of both protein and fat is?
प्रोटीन औय वसा दोनों का एक सभृद्ध स्रोत है
1. Coconut
2. Groundnut
3. Soyabean
4. Sunflower
A rich source of both protein and fat is?

1. Coconut
2. Groundnut
3. Soyabean
4. Sunflower

Ans:- (2)
Explanation:- The groundnut is a rich source of both protein and fat.
Groundnut contains 25.3% protein and 48.1% fat.
Hair is composed of protein called?
फारों भे प्रोटीन ऩामा जाता है
1. Globulin
2. Mucin
3. Keratin
4. Casein
Hair is composed of protein called?

1. Globulin
2. Mucin
3. Keratin
4. Casein

Ans:- (3)
Explanation:- Hair is composed of the protein Keratin , which is also
the primary component of finger and toe nails.
The substance responsible for bread-making quality in wheat
is? गेहूॊ भें योटी फनाने की गुणवत्ता के सरए ल्जम्भेदाय ऩदाथफ है

1. Glutein
2. Globulin
3. Glycine
4. Lycine
The substance responsible for bread-making quality in
wheat is?

1. Glutein
2. Globulin
3. Glycine
4. Lycine

Ans:- (1)
Explanation:- Glutein is the protein composite, found in wheat.
Glutein gives elasticity to dough , helping its growth and keep its
shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture.
The element that maintain balance between acidity and alkalinity
in our body is? हभाये शयीय भें अम्रता औय ऺायीमता के फीच सॊतुरन
फनाए यखने वारा तत्व है
1. Phosphorus
2. Sodium
3. Potassium
4. Calcium
The element that maintain balance between acidity and
alkalinity in our body is?

1. Phosphorus
2. Sodium
3. Potassium
4. Calcium

Ans:- (1)
Explanation:- Phosphorus is the element that maintains a balance
between acidity and alkalinity in our body.
An essential constituent of diet is?
आहाय का एक असनवामफ घटक है
1. Starch
2. glucose
3. Carbohydrate
4. Cellulose
An essential constituent of diet is?

1. Starch
2. glucose
3. Carbohydrate
4. Cellulose

Ans:- (3)
Explanation:- Carbohydrates is an essential constituent of diet.
Carbohydrates are compound of carbon , hydrogen and oxygen .
What is average fat content of buffalo milk?

1. 7.2%
2. 4.5%
3. 9.0%
4. 10.0%
What is average fat content of buffalo milk?

1. 7.2%
2. 4.5%
3. 9.0%
4. 10.0%

Ans:- (1)
Explanation:- The average fat content in buffalo milk is 7.2% , while
protein content in cow milk ranges from 4.2-4.5%. Apart from this it
also contains, minerals and other essential nutritions.
What are Vitamins?
1. Organic compound
2. Inorganic compounds
3. Living organism
4. None of these
What are Vitamins?
1. Organic compound
2. Inorganic compounds
3. Living organism
4. None of these

Ans:- (1)
Explanation:-Vitamin are organic compounds a vital nutrient that an
organism requires in limited amounts. An organic chemical compound (or
related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when the organism can not
synthesize the compounds in sufficient quantities and must be obtained
through diet .
In which category of food is the most amount of
calories per unit?
1. Vitamins
2. Fats
3. Carbohydrates
4. Proteins
In which category of food is the most amount of
calories per unit?
1. Vitamins
2. Fats
3. Carbohydrates
4. Proteins

Ans:- (2)
Explanation:- Fats have high calorie value per unit because of higher rate of
oxidation due to less oxygen. 400 kilocalories energy is obtained by metabolic
oxidation of 1 gm carbohydrate or protein whereas 9.3 kcalorie is received by
fats from the same amount. Flora and Fauna , both are sources of fats .
‘Kanchan’ is an improved variety of?

1. Grapes
2. Indian gooseberry
3. Guava
4. Mango
‘Kanchan’ is an improved variety of?

1. Grapes
2. Indian gooseberry
3. Guava
4. Mango

Ans:- (2)
Explanation:- The fruits of Indian gooseberry are rich in medicinal
properties. It is rich in vitamin C. Kanchan , Krishna and Banarasi are
some of its improved varieties .
Which of the following vitamins is used as an antidote
to anticoagulant poisons?
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin D
3. Vitamin E
4. Vitamin K
Which of the following vitamins is used as an antidote
to anticoagulant poisons?
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin D
3. Vitamin E
4. Vitamin K

Ans:- (4)
Explanation:- Antidote to anticoagulant poisons –Vitamin K is used as
anticlot. This vitamins is called antihemorrhagic factor. Operation of persons
with deficiency can not be done easily because there is a fear of excess
Which of the following is found in the composition of
Vitamin D?
1. Ascorbic acid
2. Calciferol
3. Folic acid
4. Retinol
Which of the following is found in the composition of
Vitamin D?
1. Ascorbic acid
2. Calciferol
3. Folic acid
4. Retinol

Ans:- (2)
Explanation:- There are two chemical forms of Vitamin D, namely Vitamin
D2 sometimes referred to as (ergocalciferol) and Vitamin D3 sometimes
referred to a (Cholecalciferol) . Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid whereas
Vitamin A is known as retinol.
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