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Today's world faces an increasing deforestation issue. It is no longer possible to ignore deforestation, which is
still one of the most damaging forces on Earth. Deforestation has a wide range of detrimental repercussions on
both our environment and human culture. Although deforestation offers many advantages for some people,
these advantages typically come at the expense of others. Deforested areas are more vulnerable to pollution, soil
erosion, droughts, and floods, all of which have an impact on both people and animals. Animal habitats are also
destroyed by deforestation, which may result in the extinction of species from which humanity may never be
able to recover.
Deforestation is the widespread removal of trees from forests. Our environment has always been under risk from
deforestation. But many people are still engaging in this harmful activity. Deforestation is also contributing to an
ecological imbalance. However, some self-centered individuals must line their pockets. As a result, they don't give it
a second thought. As a result, the government is attempting to take preventative measures to limit environmental
Deforestation is mostly done to expand the land area. This land area will also be used to establish new industries.
And the growing population is to blame for everything. The demand for goods rises along with the population. Rich
businesspeople established these industries as a result to boost profits.
Deforestation has several negative repercussions. Here are a few of them: Erosion of the soil: Erosion is the
removal of the top soil layer. It happens when the trees that hold the soil together are removed. As a result, the soil's
top layer is removed by wind and water.
Additionally, due of this, catastrophes like landslides occur. Furthermore, a number of floods are caused by soil
erosion. As there are no trees to block the direct flow of water from heavy rainfall onto the plains. As a result,
colonies where people live are harmed.
The primary factor causing the change in our environment is global warming. These seasons are currently
advancing later. Furthermore, their ratios are unbalanced. The temperature is reached its highest peak. The
lowlands, where it was 50 degrees this year, were the warmest place. In addition, the Himalayan mountains'
glaciers are melting.
As a result, floods are having an impact on both the local population and the mountainous areas of our nation.
Additionally, the appropriate water ratio for drinking is also decreasing.
Impact on the water cycle: Since through transpiration, trees release soil water into the environment. Thus, cutting
of them is decreasing the rate of water in the atmosphere. So clouds are not getting formed. As a result, the
agricultural grounds are not receiving proper rainfall. Therefore, it is indirectly affecting humans only.
Because trees release soil water into the environment through transpiration, this has an effect on the water cycle.
Therefore, reducing them is reducing the amount of water in the atmosphere. Therefore, clouds are not developing.
The agricultural areas are not getting enough rain as a result. As a result, only humans are being affected indirectly.

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