Concepts 21

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1.10.5 Sophie Germain’s Identity

Theorem 1.10.10 (Sophie Germain’s Identity)

x4 + 4y 4 = (x2 − 2xy + 2y 2 )(x2 + 2xy + 2y 2 )

Remark 1.10.11
Be on the lookout for 4th powers to apply Sophie Germain’s Identity!

Video Link(s)
Sophie Germain’s Identity

Concept 1.10.12 (Algebraic Manipulation Techniques)

Here are some ideas for algebraic manipulation:

1. Group terms that are similar together

2. Be on the lookout for factorizations

3. Take advantage of symmetry, you can use to it construct polynomials

4. Make smart substitutions that can simplify your expression (for example, if the
term √
49 − x2
appears multiple times in your expression just let

y = 49 − x2

to simplify it)

1.11 Floor and Ceiling Functions

Definition 1.11.1 (Floor, Ceiling, and Fractional Part Functions).
bxc = Greatest integer less than or equal to x
dxe = Smallest integer greater than or equal to x
{x} = Fractional part of x (the value after the decimal point)


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