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Student ID Reg No.

Family Name Dilip giri Given Name Samir giri

Enrolment Year 2022 Section B

Semester 1st Email


Unit Title Unit 3:professional Unit Code


Assessor Name Issued Date

Assignment Title

Assignment No Submission Date

Qualification Campus

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 1


Samir giri (professional practice) Page 2

When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their

Student Name Samir giri Assessor Name Sakhsi pokhrel

Issue Date Submission Date


Unit Name Professional practice

Assignment Title Enhancing professional practice


Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the
rules, however innocently, may be penalized. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct
referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout
and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for material you have used in your work,
including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course
tutor if you need any further advice.

Student Declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand
the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of

Student signature: Date:

Pearson Education 2018

Higher Education Qualifications

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 3


Qualification Unit Number & Title

BTEC HND IN COMPUTING Y/615/1620 – Unit 3: Professional Practice

Student Name Assessor Name

Sakshi Pokharel

Assignment Launch Date Due Date Completion Date

29 June 2022 28 August 2022

Session/Year 2021/2022 Assignment Number 1/1

Assignment Title Enhancing Professional Practices

Assignment submission format

Each student has to submit their assignment as guided in the assignment brief. The students are guided
what sort of information is to produce to meet the criteria targeted. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using the Harvard Referencing system.


● Read the plagiarism notice and requirements at Page 6

● Word-limit- 8000 words (excludes cover page, table of content, figures, graphs,
reference list, appendix, and logbook)
● Accepted Sources: Research Papers (Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings,
Thesis), Textbooks, Governmental Data, Websites (only a registered organization,
an educational institution, government agency)
● Information taken from unreliable sources will not be accepted
● Must follow Harvard Reference Style

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 4


Learning outcomes covered

● LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a

target audience.

● LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios.

● LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of
team working in different environments.

● LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role
within the workplace and for higher level learning.

Purpose of this assignment

This assignment help students to demonstrate their employability skills required for effective
employment and to manage their own personal and professional development. The assignment provides
an opportunity to the learners to assess and develop an understanding of their own responsibilities and
performance in or when entering the workplace.

Completing this assignment you will demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable
communication skills to a given target audience, apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of
problem scenarios, be able to discuss on the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the
impact of team working in different environments and most importantly examine the need for
Computing Professional Development (CDP) and its roles within the workplace and for higher level

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 5

Other requirements

Part 1: Training schedule (using project management software) for the two-day event and a training
pack to include a range of activities, seminars, workshops, team-building activities and break-out

Part 2: Ten-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® style presentation with interactive links to suitable sites
and an activity sheet. The presentation slides for the findings should be submitted with speaker notes.
You are required to make effective use of headings, bullet points and subsections as appropriate. Your
research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is
600 words, including speaker notes, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word

Part 3: A written evaluation of your performance in this task and your contribution to the team. You
are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as appropriate, and all
work must be supported with research and referenced using the APA referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 1,000 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total
word limit.

Part 4: A report discussing problem-solving techniques.

Part 5: A report examining the need for CPD (continuing Professional needs)


Assume that you have been working as an intern in an IT company. Your key task is to support your
training and development manager with the planning and implementation of a professional development
event to targeted audiences.

The training event is scheduled over a two-day period at a mutually agreed venue and will include a
number of activities such as workshops, pair works, presentation and discussion. The centre requires a
schedule of the types of activities proposed so that plans can be finalized. You have also been asked to
design and deliver a workshop as part of the training event based on the dynamics of team working.

To effectively complete the tasks below you need to be able to apply a range of skills such as effective
communicative skills, interpersonal skills, and time management skills. You need to be able to develop a
specification of an identified problem, identify the tools and methods to solve the problems, plan and
implement the solutions and finally be able to evaluate the problem.

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 6

Assignment Task

Based on the context above, complete the followings.

Part 1 (work in a small group of 3 or 4 but each has to produce individual report)

1. Produce a professional schedule for a two-day event (using project management

software) that identifies planning and resourcing prior to the event.
2. Design a training pack including a range of activities, seminars, workshops, team-
building activities and break-out sessions. It is expected that 30 employees will attend the
event. There is a large auditorium that will seat 60, and the outdoor center can
accommodate 15 at any one time for activities. In addition, there are three break-out
rooms, one with computers for up to 20 and two other seminar rooms that seat up to 30.

Part 2

1. Design a two-hour workshop session based on ‘team dynamics’. The workshop will
include a presentation which will discuss the importance of team dynamic in the success
and/or failure of a group work. You will also provide interactive links to suitable sites
and prepare an activity sheet that will require delegates (trainees/ participates) to take part
in some form of team-building task.

Part 3

1. Following the event, your training and development manager has asked you to provide
some feedback. Produce a written evaluation of the effectiveness and application of
interpersonal skills during the design and delivery process. You should also include an
evaluation of your performance in this project and your contribution to the team you
worked in.
2. Produce a report discussing problem-solving and its importance in planning and running
an event. Your report should include a discussion of various problem-solving techniques
and justify the solution methodologies used during your project. You should also include
a critique of the application of critical reasoning and your experiences of it.

Part 4

1. Having completed the Training Event Management project, you now need to reflect on
your experience and consider your Continuous Professional Development (CPD) needs.

Section 1

Consider your personal and/or career goals and identify your CPD needs and what actions would put you
in a position to achieve these goals. Produce a development plan outlining your future goals and
identifying how these can be realized.

Section 2

Samir giri
Conduct (professional
some practice)
research into motivational theories Page 7
and illustrate how they can be used to improve

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 8

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable

communication skills to a target audience

P1 Demonstrate, using different D1 Evaluate the

communication styles and formats, M1 Design a professional effectiveness and
that you can effectively design and schedule to support the planning application of interpersonal
deliver a training event for a given of an event, to include skills during the design and
target audience. contingencies and justifications of delivery of a training event
time allocated.
P2 Demonstrate that you have used
effective time management skills in
planning an event.

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving


P3 Demonstrate the use of different M2 Research the use of different LO2

problem-solving techniques in the problem-solving techniques used
design and delivery of an event. in the design and delivery of an D2 Critique the process of
event. applying critical reasoning to
P4 Demonstrate that critical a given task/activity or
reasoning has been applied to a M3 Justify the use and application event.
given solution. of a range of solution

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and
the impact of team working in different environments

P5 Discuss the importance of team M4 Analyse team dynamics, in D3 Provide a critical

dynamics in the success and/or terms of the roles group members evaluation of your own role
failure of group work. play in a team and the effectiveness and contribution to a group
in terms of achieving shared goals. scenario.
P6 Work within a team to achieve a
defined goal.

LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development

(CPD) and its role within the workplace and for higher level learning

P7 Discuss the importance of M5 Compare and contrast LO4

CPD and its contribution to own different motivational theories
learning. and the impact they can have on
performance within the D4 Evaluate a range of
P8 Produce a development plan workplace. evidence criteria that is used
Samir giri (professional practice) Page 9

Grades Achieved

Note: Refer the unit details provided in your handbook when responding all the tasks above. Make
sure that you have understood and developed your response that matches the highlighted key words in
each task.

Plagiarism Notice

You are remined that there exist Academic Misconduct Policy and Regulation concerning
Cheating and Plagiarism.

Extracts from the Policy:

Section 3.4.1: Allowing others to do assignments / Copying others assignment is an offence

Section 3.4.2: Plagiarism, using the views, opinion or insights / paraphrasing of another person’s
original phraseology without acknowledgement


● It should be the student’s own work – Plagiarism is unacceptable.

● Clarity of expression and structure are important features.
● Your work should be submitted as a well presented, word-processed document with
headers and footers, and headings and subheadings.
● You are expected to undertake research on this subject using books from the Library,
and resources available on the Internet.
● Any sources of information should be listed as references at the end of your
document and these sources should be referenced within the text of your document
using Harvard Referencing style
● Your report should be illustrated with screen-prints, images, tables, charts and/or
● All assignments must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, 11/2 spacing.

The center policy is that you must submit your work within due date to achieve “Merit” and
“Distinction”. Late submission automatically eliminates your chance of achieving “Merit and
Distinction”. Also, 80% attendance is required to validate this assignment.

I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work and I understand that if any
part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarised, none of the work submitted
will be allowed to count towards the assessment of the assignment.

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 10


Assignment Prepared By Signature Date

Sakshi Pokharel 21 June 2022

Brief Checked By Signature Date

Dhruba Babu Joshi 24 June 2022

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 11


Part 1..................................................................................................................................................15
Gantt diagram..................................................................................................................................17
Making a Gantt Chart for a Work Schedule.....................................................................................17
Day 1 of the schedule..................................................................................................................18
Professional Calendar (2nd Day).................................................................................................18
Professional Calendar (3rd Day)..................................................................................................18
Package for Professional Training (Day 1)..................................................................................19
Microsoft Office Packages are introduced.......................................................................................20
Microsoft Word training..................................................................................................................20
Workshop in Microsoft Excel.........................................................................................................20
Package for Professional Training (Day 2)..................................................................................21
Day 6...........................................................................................................................................21
Time Management...........................................................................................................................22
Roles and Responsibilityat Training Events....................................................................................23
Management of time........................................................................................................................24
The time-management rule of Eisenhower......................................................................................24
Activity Dairy..................................................................................................................................26
Part 2...................................................................................................................................................27
Describe team dynamics..................................................................................................................28
The significance of team dynamics..................................................................................................28
Part 3...................................................................................................................................................36
Team Dynamics...............................................................................................................................37
Roles that focus on action................................................................................................................37
Completer/ Finisher.....................................................................................................................38
People oriented team roles...............................................................................................................38

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Team worker....................................................................................................................................38
Resources Investigator.....................................................................................................................39
Though oriented Role......................................................................................................................39
Monitor evaluator........................................................................................................................39
The specialists.............................................................................................................................39
Definition of Interpersonal skill.......................................................................................................39
Importance of interpersonal skills....................................................................................................40
Interpersonal skills that are important at work.................................................................................40
Verbal communication.................................................................................................................40
Body language.............................................................................................................................41
Confidence and Positive Energy......................................................................................................41
Critical evaluation of my role and contribution to the group...........................................................41
Evaluating Own Work.....................................................................................................................42
Areas of improvement.....................................................................................................................42
My Contribution to Achieve Goals..................................................................................................43
2nd part................................................................................................................................................44
Definition of Problem-Solving........................................................................................................46
Using Techniques to Solve Problems..............................................................................................46
3 Whys Technique...........................................................................................................................46
Implementation of 3 whys Techniques:...........................................................................................46
Causes and solution.........................................................................................................................47
Problem that occurs during the training session...............................................................................47
Implementation of Techniques........................................................................................................47
Six Hats for Thinking......................................................................................................................48
Why  Hats?..................................................................................................................................48
Critical thinking...............................................................................................................................50
Critical Reasoning in Problem Solving............................................................................................50
Problems During Organizing Events...............................................................................................51
Lack of Effective communication....................................................................................................51
Technical problem...........................................................................................................................51

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 13

Methodology for Solving Problem..................................................................................................51
Justification for Solving Problems...................................................................................................52
Study of a Case for SWOT Analysis...............................................................................................52
Critical Thinking in Practice............................................................................................................53
Evaluating Critical Thinking During the Time of Events................................................................53
Part 4...................................................................................................................................................54
CPD definition.................................................................................................................................55
Importance of CPD..........................................................................................................................55
Contribution of CPD in my own learning Process...........................................................................55
Personal Development Plan.............................................................................................................56
Set of responsibilities.......................................................................................................................56
where I am now?.............................................................................................................................56
Section 2..............................................................................................................................................58
The Two Factor Theory of Herzberg...............................................................................................59
Hygiene factor.............................................................................................................................59
Motivating Factor........................................................................................................................59
Maslow's theory...............................................................................................................................60
McGregor Theories X and Y...........................................................................................................61
X Theory......................................................................................................................................61
Y theory.......................................................................................................................................61
Similarities between Herzberg’s two factor theory and Abraham Maslow......................................62
Differences between Abraham Maslow and Herzberg's two-factor theory......................................62
Similarities between Herzberg’s theory of two factors and McGregor theory.................................62
Difference between Herzberg’s theory of two factors and McGregor theory..................................62
Section 3..............................................................................................................................................64
Evidence criteria:.............................................................................................................................65
Production data................................................................................................................................65
Personal Data...................................................................................................................................65

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Judgmental data...............................................................................................................................66
Rating Techniques:..........................................................................................................................66
Skill audit........................................................................................................................................67
Records of CPD...............................................................................................................................67
Seminar for one day for Desktop application development.........................................................67
workshop in Visual Studio...........................................................................................................68
Evaluating my learnt skills..............................................................................................................68
One day Seminar for Desktop Application Development................................................................68
Workshop on visual effects and coding...........................................................................................68
Workshop on Visual Studio.............................................................................................................69

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Part 1
(work in a small group of 3 or 4 but each has to produce individual report)

1. Produce a professional schedule for a two-day event (using project management

software) that identifies planning and resourcing prior to the event.
2. Design a training pack including a range of activities, seminars, workshops, team-
building activities and break-out sessions. It is expected that 30 employees will attend
the event. There is a large auditorium that will seat 60, and the outdoor center can
accommodate 15 at any one time for activities. In addition, there are three break-out
rooms, one with computers for up to 20 and two other seminar rooms that seat up to

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 17

In an IT company called Softwel, I have been working as an intern. My main duty is to
supportHaving planned and carried out a professional training program, my training and
development manager targeting audiences with a development event.
The training session is arranged for two days at a location that has been mutually agreed
upon, and it will incorporate a variety of activities such workshops, pair collaborations,
presentations, and debate. I have additionally been asked to plan and perform a workshop
based on the team dynamics while work.
I've chosen a four-person team to plan a two-day team meeting with this section.for
Shree Saraswati Primary School, a primary school. The primary goal of this training
session is to show better comprehension of such Office suite programs the latest
generationmay even be thought in terms of a scientific time. So, ideally, this explanation
may permit the trainees to to use the key aspects of the Microsoft Office suite in their
present work and future interests. We will train the pupils on how to manage and operate
office suites throughout the session. how they ought to be employed and how their work
life future will benefit us.
I managed things needed for my team's training even during span of those two days.
members to instruct the pupil. While instructing the pupil, I used straightforward
language. A primary school pupil can understand an information from it rapidly and easy.
This two-day training or teaching activity is organized in the flowchart which describe the
Microsoft package in depth.
Three segments totaling six days make up our training. three days for planning, three
days, and two days for training. The final days are for reviewing and assessing the
training we undertook.
We managed and prepared everything in the first section, including the scheduling, topic
research, and everything. In three days, all the required gear, etc. Leader assigned roles
and tasks for the training. All the equipment, including the projector and other
accessories, was managed in those two days.

Schedule for professionals

All of the events and activities are described in the program. The highlighted point is
significant for schedule planning.
• Attainable objectives
• Problems are often handled
• Selecting ideas is simple
• Massive costs won't apply.
• Coaches will be classed appropriately.

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 18


Gantt diagram

One of the most used and effective project management tools is the Gantt chart helpful
methods for displaying tasks (actions or occurrences) in real time. A chart is on the left of it.
A list of chores with a timeline at the top. A bar represents each function: The position and
the start, duration, and end dates are indicated by the length of the bar. This enables you to
quickly determine:

Making a Gantt Chart for a Work Schedule

The professional schedule for the two-day event includes illustrations of all the successful
The Gantt chart details every aspect of the two-day event's planning and preparation. Why
we used a professional schedule to plan our activities. For the reason that it enables us to
maintain the successful completion of all tasks and the event.

Fig 1: grantt chart

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Day 1 of the schedule

1. Assembling the team and addressing the dynamics of working as a team

2. Picking the subject for a two-day training event
3. Making preparations for the occasion: gathering materials and doing research on the
chosen subject
4. Present a plan of action.
5. Developed an expert training schedule.
6. Determine the training location and comply with it.

By speaking with the manager of training and development, we already constituted the four-
person team.In order to discuss the teamwork dynamics, we have a group meeting on the first
day. Team dynamics, as we all know, refers to the relationships between team members.
Everyone in the group made the recommendation to provide the elementary school students
two days of instruction in the "Microsoft Office Package." Everyone in this generation should
be educated in and familiar with technology, according to the opinion of the entire group. We
all fixed it for the training because it is most frequently delivered by our staff.

Professional Calendar (2nd Day)

1. Discussing the team project for the two-day event during a meeting with the principal
2. Talk to the management about the project.
3. Visit the intended location and ask the school's head of school to make the appropriate
arrangements, such as a hall, and to inform the kids.

We sent the application or plan to the coordinator and principal on the second day.
After that, we were invited to come to the school with our team to provide the training, so we
all scheduled it.

On the second day, we went to the school. The scheduled meeting with the principal has
taken place. We asked the principal to provide us with "Microsoft Office Package"
instruction. The principal has also consented to hold the event at the school since he also
wants to implement additional extracurricular programs where students can express their
creativity. Our group asked the principal to equip every lecture room with a projector and
other necessities. When they learned about the training, the students were pleased and eager
to participate.

Professional Calendar (3rd Day)

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 20

1. Hold a team meeting 
2. Prepare for the two-day event, Professional Practice 2021.
3. Set up the technical equipment needed for training, such as the projector, laptops, pen
drives, etc.
4. Create the last power point slide that will be used during the session.

On the 3rd,We have a conversation about the training's success on the third. We have
individually animated each of the Microsoft Office package's presentations. The school's
principal oversees all of the equipment, including the projector and laptop that are necessary
for instruction. Every member of the team prepares the final slides to present the training

The following is professional training packages which are explained on Gantt chart which is
project management software:

Package for Professional Training (Day 1)

1. Team introduction with students
2. Training schedule highlights
3. MS Office fundamentals
4. MS Office bundle PowerPoint slide presentation
5. A round of questions and answers.
6.Game time .
7. Lunch Interval
8.PowerPoint presentation about Microsoft Excel, version .
9. Participated in a game that helped the learners better comprehend Microsoft Office.
10. Microsoft Excel practical tasks that involved creating lists of students
11. The day's end.

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 21

We traveled to Saraswati Primary School after finishing the first section. We introduce our
team to the student before we start our training.
Then, after using a laptop and projector to highlight our schedule by displaying slides on a
white screen, one of the team members made a speech on the fundamentals of the Microsoft
Office Package, which is the most crucial section before beginning the practical knowledge
of office.
As a team leader, I instructed one team member to present the slide and begin educating the
kids about Word and Excel. After the presentation, we maintained a question-and-answer
period to determine whether the students had understood.

The students have a 30-minute lunch break. We continue our Excel presentation after lunch.
We outline all of MS Excel's features and functions. We imparted all of the Excel
information at that time. then, we made the decision to impart the relevant practical expertise.
employing the formula to do operations on MS Excel, such as addition, multiplication, and
subtraction first training day went well.

Microsoft Office Packages are introduced

Office is actually a bundle of services that Microsoft developed. It was first in that category
introduced on August 1st, 1988, using Bill Gates. It contains all the fundamentals, including
MS Project, MS Word, and MS Excel. Workplace benefits vary greatly from one another
because each kit contributes to the creation of extraordinary activities and challenges. There
is use of the sexist term Excel is used to record data and do calculations, while energy factor
is utilized to create slides for the presentation. It's one of the most well-known pieces of
software in the entire world. As a result, Studying the software application, which left an
extraordinary amazing legacy in the field of period, is quite useful.Both Windows and Mac
operating systems support this program.

Microsoft Word training

By developing a document in MS Word, we supplied the practical expertise. We covered

every aspect of the MS Word tools, including boarder creation, spacing, design layout, and
shipping. The student's first objective was to easily create a simple document utilizing the
resources provided. He also provide information on several capabilities, such as auto saving,
spelling, and grammar checking We supply the learner with the note and also provide
knowledge by way of translation, shape arrangement, etc. PowerPoint slides Students are
thrilled to learn more about it.

Workshop in Microsoft Excel

The spreadsheet created by the Microsoft Corporation is also referred to as Microsoft Excel.
It has both rows and columns. Shapes and charts are also included in it. We spoke about the
value of spreadsheets in daily life throughout this workshop.
We taught the students all there is to know about it, including how to insert data, how to
merge cells, how to split cells, how to insert shapes, etc. We also teach kids how to solve
mathematical problems like addition, subtraction, and multiplication. We give the learner

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 22

notes about the spreadsheet for future reference. Our MS Excel workshops include the
• Workbook templates
• Basic formula
• Inserting data
• Arithmetical operation
• Typing

Package for Professional Training (Day 2)

1. Review
2. Presentation on slides
3. A question-and-answer period
4. Time to exercise
5. Lunch
6. Student and instructor evaluations
7. Award Presentation

We went to Saraswati Primary Schools to finish training day 2 after successfully finishing
training day 1 by imparting knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel. We collected every
student for a review of our Word and Excel lesson. Following the revision, we continue our
day by creating PowerPoint presentations. We taught the trainees how to create slides.
Additionally, we show them how to use a projector to deliver slides. Mr. Saugat Khadka, our
technical head, demonstrated how to use a projector and assisted pupils in following an easy
and straightforward process. We opened the question and answer period after the speech
about the PowerPoint.

However, if any students are uncertain or confused about creating slides, our crew will assist
them when creating slides. The students were then given a challenge to improve their
memory. We asked them questions about making Power Point presentation slides, simple
Word documents, and simple Excel calculations.

After that, we give the kids a break to eat lunch, and after lunch, we provide every student
and teacher a feedback form to assess our two-day training session. While many students and
teachers gave us excellent comments, several kids left us with nothing. We made the decision
to have an award ceremony for those who participated actively in the two-day training
activities after compiling all of the feedback forms.
And we concluded day 2 by imparting all of our expertise regarding the "Microsoft Office

Day 6
On the 6, the training day, our team members arrange a meeting to assess the instruction .Day
1 and Day 2 After that meeting, we examine our group projects and the significance of
teamwork  dynamics. We held our group conversation about the team and training event after
the meeting.
Some of the advise given by the leader was something we were unable to follow throughout
our training event. Overall, we did a terrific job finishing our training exercise. Even so, we
had many issues on days 1 and 2 of the training event. But we found various ways to

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 23

solvethose  issues communication strategies Additionally, Mr. Saugat Khadka, our technical
leader, managed andhad a significant part in presenting slides Our logistics team oversees
everything needed for training, including form for providing comments, markers, a camera, a
board, a worksheet, etc. Additionally, our leader directs us to reaching our objective. We
cannot accomplish anything without the team leader because he had experience in
successfully managing training events. In this manner, we can assess our own roles and
responsibility and cooperation. There is a proverb that reads, "The greatest power is unity."
lacking our Team members managed the training events, and cooperation was key to success
aims we have.

Additionally, on the sixth day of our training, we conducted team discussions with the aid of
SWOT analysis. We recognize our advantages, dangers, weaknesses, and opportunities.
Despite the fact that problem-solving as a team rather than individually was one of our key
strengths. Additionally, we effectively communicated with group members and shared our
entire body of work, which helps us reach our objectives. The managerial aspect of things
was lacking. Overall, we were successful teach students about Microsoft Office and its
significance in the current technological world.Thus, we concluded our sixth day by assessing
individual roles and talking about the training session. Finally, we concluded our six days by
completing our goals in more efficient methods.

We also conducted team discussions using SWOT analysis on the sixth day of our course
analysis. We recognize our advantages, dangers, weaknesses, and opportunities. Despite the
fact that One of our primary strengths is that we used to address problems as a team rather
than individually. Additionally, we effectively communicated with group members and
shared our entire body of work, which helps us reach our objectives. On the management
side, there were shortcomings. Overall, we were successful. instruct students on the use of
Microsoft Office and its significance nowadays.Thus, we concluded our sixth day by
assessing individual roles and talking about the training session. Finally, we concluded our
six days by completing our goals in more efficient methods.

Time Management
june29, 2022

10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Events: All members gather once again to decide on the program's theme and schedule
study on the chosen subject. visited Shree Saraswati Primary School to look around.
Confirmation: It is one of our dream events, and following a little break, we have a
meeting. During the break, our team has begun talking about the subject and the program by
drafting plans from when the college first opened.
Contingencies plan: In the event that one of our members is unable to attend, we have
a recording of the program, we will give them, helping to strengthen our team rather than our
individual members in performance.

June 30, 2020

11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 24

Events: When we entered the training hall on the second day to seat with the training's
themesOur team leader went through every fundamental on the first day of training. also,
foundationsVisited Shree Saraswati Primary School as well to speak with the principal and
perform a 2 day program event, go to the target neighborhood, and ask the coordinator and
principal to Projector, generator, and other essential supplies are mentioned.
Correct: It's crucial to manage the required resources, as everyone is aware.
for instruction. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the following when evaluating the training
venue visit the principal and coordinator.
Program for Emergencies: In the event that the coordinator and principal are
unavailable, we have a plan to speak with the school's founder personally.

July1, 2021
Activities: We started our first education day about "Microsoft" today.
Topic about "office package" with 40 pupils.
Justification: We used certain communication methods, such as oral presentations,
slides, and speeches. For describing the subject. We also provided them with practical
knowledge about installing software.
Plans for contingencies: IT include having a pen drive backup in case a device
malfunctions and data is lost.

2021 January 4

January 2nd was a Saturday, while January 3rd was a holiday.

11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Events: We pick up where we left off in the training, continuing it, and concluding it.
Justification: Within the time available, we have around three hours and 30 minutes
fewer complete by outlining every procedure and set of steps, employing them, and revising
every subject
Continuities: We must start the generator if there is load shedding while we are
trainingto resolve the issue.

Roles and Responsibilityat Training Events

We had our jobs and responsibilities somewhat segregated prior to training, but after the
training was successfully separated our roles in every way. The primary justification for
dividing these operations is to strengthen the organization and inspire solidarity. Each team
member has his or her own personal computer during training roles she plays. We opted to
divide our jobs because we were a close-knit group and obligations equitably. Given that
every team member was required to complete this as part of their training, seeking one in
their position and one objective, namely the success of the team's transformation, the practice

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The following tables make it easier to comprehend the duties and obligations of a member of
our team:

Name Roles and responsibility

Roman shrestha Techniccian

Suzal shrestha Leader of group

Shankar xettri Head of Logistics

Sanjay tamang Presenter

Management of time
The technique of effectively and flawlessly controlling and planning one's time is known as
time management.
We are able to operate more efficiently when we have effective time management skills. if
the job is clever
Why is hard labor necessary? We must make a huge alteration in time since it
hone in on specific tasks to enhance our work. The following are some crucial dates.
Managing abilities:
• Prepare and execute
• Gathering people and conducting work and planning.

The following are some examples of how to portray efficient time management:
1. The time-management rule of Eisenhower
2. Agenda
3. Activity log

The time-management rule of Eisenhower

Your ability to complete tasks more quickly, in accordance with Eisenhower's premise. When
utilizing this using this schedule as a guide, you may focus your time and solve key problems.
It should be crucial to participate in training. Having conversations with the principal and
coordinator who made it simple for us to locate a location and handled any technical issues
we weren't familiar with also have difficult work to do. Shree Saraswati Primary Schools
offer a welcoming environment a spirit in our life that we will never forget. The second stage
of this is now under progress program, which is urgent but also significant. If our activities
abruptly come to an end, we intend to a brief getaway, sometimes known as an informative
trip. To put it another way, each of us employs this. Our commitment to maintaining the date
and time is a crucial concept. Our attendance at a conference for significant but urgent
activity that is not necessary. The importance of playing with students is not paramount not
the most crucial task. As a result, in this manner, we manage time by

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Eisenhower's directive on time management.
(Using Mind Tool)

At our training session, we came up with an urgent/important aim for Eisenhower below:
1. It is urgent and significant.
• Team member introductions and inspiration for the training session
• Functionality of Microsoft Office Packages
• Aids in clarifying a technical subject so that it is more easily understood

2. Although urgent, it is not urgent.

• MS Office software's significance in the technological world
• Updates to Word and Excel and Award Presentation

3. Although it is urgent, it is not important.

• Be able to address delivery-related problems
• Control technological devices like a projector and PowerPoint slides
• Time for questions and answers.

4. It is neither urgent nor significant.

• Outdoor activities like volleyball, football, badminton, etc.

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One method of demonstrating the time management we employed in our training activities
This strategy is the most effective for allowing us to adjust to the schedule and set an agenda.
It is the Leader's duty to control the flow of time during our training session. In order to a
schedule of activities for training days. Below is a list of potential careers:

1. Getting training days done and distinguishing roles and duties is a crucial task.
2. Event planning, large
3. Task division: Each student will explain the subject of "Microsoft Office Package."
4. group discussions and problem-solving sooner
5. Later: Finding a solution to a problem that works

Activity Dairy
Another crucial element that impacts our time management is a work diary depicts time and
date, activity and effort, and order. It teaches us how to in certain circumstances, we utilize
our time to play games, which is a waste of time, but we seem to have fun playing with the
students. Additionally, we assembled our most crucial and necessary work log for our
training sessions:

We finally finished our training and events after those six days. Here, one of our team
members exemplifies the value of teamwork and team strength. We've created a project.
Gantt charts with the Microsoft Office Suite can be used to create a schedule. Overall, I've
described all those skilled communicators and time managers, such as successful
presentations seminars, workshops, and communication. With those organizations' assistance,
I regarding the training event, the training curriculum and student communications, we are
aware of the significance of teamwork and time management. Through all of their facets,
functions, and duties, we have successfully completed our project or event, which we will
always cherish lifetime.

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Part 2:
2. Design a two-hour workshop session based on ‘team dynamics’. The workshop will
include a presentation which will discuss the importance of team dynamic in the success
and/or failure of a group work. You will also provide interactive links to suitable sites and
prepare an activity sheet that will require delegates (trainees/ participates) to take part in
some form of team-building task.

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I'll go into detail regarding team dynamics and their significance in this section in the group's
successes and failures, as well as how the team functions.

Describe team dynamics

Nini, M. (2020, July 24).

Team dynamics is a wide concept that describes how team members interact and perform.
There are mental processes guiding these group interactions. While the crew members
converse their activities in painting projects are interrelated, and as a result of these
relationships, a group development of attitudes, motivations, and cognitive processes that
influence how crew members behave members have an understanding of one another, their
team, and crew projects. There is an in this constellation. Group dynamics, which include
attitudes and actions, form the basis for teamwork.

The significance of team dynamics

Team dynamics play a significant influence in each team member. It is crucial to
accomplishing the goals for each team member of the group and of a specific goal. The main
factor in achieving the company goal is teamwork. Team dynamics is the key element to
achieving a successful outcome. Never let anyone stop the whole team, unless you are the
team leader or a team member, as you have a role to play in the team. Each of the plans,
commitments, differences, congrats, and thank-yous in the team are the most crucial to
carrying out the goal. Leadership and camaraderie among team members are two positive
aspects of team dynamics. Here, I'll describe or demonstrate both sucess and failure on
presentation slide:

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Part 3
1. Following the event, your training and development manager has asked you to provide
some feedback. Produce a written evaluation of the effectiveness and application of
interpersonal skills during the design and delivery process. You should also include an
evaluation of your performance in this project and your contribution to the team you worked

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The team dynamics with the roles and responsibilities will be examined and demonstrated in
this the primary goal is one of the team member's tasks. I also describe the group dynamic's
role, responsibilities, and introduction, as well as an explanation of the individual's skills, its
significance and the evaluation of individual abilities that are crucial during design and I
assess my participation in the tournament and the contributions I made to our team in order
to accomplish the aim.

Team Dynamics
(Nini, M. 2020).
Team dynamics is a wide concept that describes how team members interact and perform.
There are mental processes guiding these group interactions. While the crew members
converse.Their activities in painting projects are interrelated, and as a result of these
relationships, a group development of attitudes, motivations, and cognitive processes that
influence how crew members behave members have an understanding of one another, their
team, and crew projects. There is an in this constellation of group dynamics, which include
attitudes and actions, form the basis for teamwork. Other people's words the social interaction
and group behavior of people environment to accomplish the shared objectives. Team
dynamics are crucial to the success of the group participant. The achievement of the goal for
the team member of the group and specific objective. The main factor in achieving the
company goal is teamwork. Each team member the most important of the strategies are
commitment, distinction, congratulations, and thanks, among others essential to achieving the
goal. The psychological forces influencing a team are known as team dynamics.Your team's
effectiveness and behaviors. Members or participants make up every team with the various
areas of skill, weaknesses, and strengths. Teamwork and/or team strength daily collaboration
and engagement efforts. If the leader is powerful, the followers will follow will collaborate,
develop new, improved ideas, and have a better chance of succeeding in their objectives.

Roles that focus on action

P. Merchant (2019, February 4).

Extroverts who tend to push others and themselves to attain goals are known as shapers.They
are strong, driven individuals who can encourage and reignite team love members. Despite
potential difficulties, the shapers are sincere and seem to flourish under stress. They like the
challenge of pursuing various objectives and tactics. For the team to continue working, it is
typically crucial to have one shaper are born leaders who frequently produce results, they
advance swiftly in the organization, and they good management tools, since they take
dramatic measures to address the issue and to progres.

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Implementers are the editors who like to structure their environment and maintain the orders.
Because they are practical people ,beginners like to make straightforward plans from
ambiguous ideas .Startups are very active and self regulating who can ignore their hobby to
focus on the needs of the team although the successor often choose established methods, you
can persuade them to change if you can prove that they will produce good results.

Completer/ Finisher
Completers also called finisher, they are self proclaimed people who perform quality of
assurance during the key stages of the project .they are often complementary people notice
the detail, enabling them to review the completed works. As these people strive for
perfection, they tend to expect the same from those around them. Team needs theses people
to ensure that the team produce high quality work. Finished ones are very important in
workplace where accuracy and adherence at last.

People oriented team roles

People oriented members use networking and relationship building skills m to complete
tasks. They can be very active listeners and provide support for others team member to build
unity in the team.

Coordinator are the mature and potential candidate who have excellent, interpersonal and
communication skills .Coordinator are the people who were normally in management
position, but their management styles are different from shapers .when shapers handle the
orders ,the coordinator prefers a democratic approach that includes open communication.
Instead of focusing on the achieving the goals, coordinator often focus on helping the team
member achieving their individual objectives or goals. they often have the ability to identify
the talent in the team objectives. Coordinators are generally calm and confident people who
are capable of delegating work. Coordinator are needed to ensure that the team use the power
of each member appropriately .As they tend to have boarder perspectives, Facilitators can
direct team with different personalities and abilities.

Team worker
Team members are typically considerate, courteous, and gentle. They typically have good
listening skills and the ability to get the team to function effectively as a whole. Team
members may step in and assist if they notice that other team members are not caring for their
workload. These individuals are adaptable and versatile, which helps them communicate
clearly dealing with a wide variety of people and handling unexpected developments.The
most crucial team members are the team workers because they create harmony inside the
group. They are adept at handling group communication problems assisting any member who
might feel left out as well. Team members as a result are frequently.

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Resources Investigator
Investigators of resources are sociable. They have a terrific sense of adventure and are
enthusiastic in learning about new things. They have the ability to get ideas from others even
when they might not have the ability to generate fresh ideas themselves. Resources Detectors
are adept at developing new business relationships and holding follow-up conversations
because of their outgoing personalities. Additionally, they have the ability to find fresh
approaches and chances and share these with the team.

Though oriented Role

This job description applies to those who are skilled at evaluating and are experts in serious
thought. They might discuss ideas or analyze them. They possess unique expertise and

Monitor evaluator 
Decisions are made by monitor evaluators based on facts and common reason rather than
emotions. They are frequently critical people who excel at strategic planning and careful
thought. If a project faces a challenge, Monitors Evaluators will thoroughly analyze all
options and aspects and come up with a well-informed solution. These people tend to be
interested in the lives of their co-workers ,which contributes to perspectives of goals.

The specialists
A specialist is a team member who specializes in a certain field. Having extensive knowledge
or experience, they frequently only help when the work calls for their specialization, such as
Monitor Evaluator. Specialists frequently experience loneliness, thus they don't typically
naturally gravitate into teamwork.
Specialists are the most important resources since they offer the technical knowledge that few
people possess. Senior management typically develops proposals and training based on this
specialist's knowledge. Specialists may find it difficult to work as a team, but they are very
helpful when it comes to their area of expertise and may be willing to pass along their
knowledge to younger team members who are eager to learn.

Definition of Interpersonal skill

In my speech, I'd like to discuss the interpersonal abilities that are typically used in
contemporary culture to get along with other individuals or groups. "Interpersonal skills are
the traits and dispositions we exhibit when interacting with others. They are regarded as one
of the most in-demand abilities. Strong interpersonal abilities are an important predictor of
success in the workplace since they make it easier for you to collaborate with coworkers to
solve problems and simply gain more respect in the workplace.

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Importance of interpersonal skills

Communication and collaboration with individuals and groups are key aspects of
interpersonal skills in both your personal and professional lives. People with outstanding
interpersonal skills frequently create positive relationships and get along with other people.
Family, close friends, coworkers, an  clients successfully Working with kind coworkers is
often enjoyable. 

Other advantages of collaboration abilities include the capacity to address issues and make
wise decisions. Interpersonal communication abilities and the capacity to comprehend others
can be used to find the best answer or take the best course of action for everyone involved. 

Due of the frequent employment of these individuals, many firms look to hire persons with
great social skills well with others and perform well in teams. People who frequently have
good working relationships make good leaders are able to communicate with others and
motivate their followers.

The behaviors that we display while we engage or connect with others are the interpersonal
talents others. It is often referred to as a person's skills or soft abilities. It's merely the
capacity for communication. In our society or the organizations we have worked for. When
we do, it will be instantly revealed either verbally or nonverbally communicate. Our body's
language and attitudes are based. Our interpersonal skills must be strong in order for us to
collaborate well with others. Good abilities assist in the formation of polite behavior. If we
get along with each other well.Individually, we are capable of managing complex issues. We
can increase our appeal by interactional abilities.

Interpersonal skills that are important at work

Interpersonal communication is essential to functioning as a team and attaining common
objectives, even if all working abilities can be useful in the workplace. These are the top six
communication abilities.

Verbal communication
The act of communicating orally through spoken words is known as verbal communication.
In this message, the sender identifies his or her feelings, thoughts, ideas, and opinions are
expressed through speeches, dialogues, presentations, and discussions.

In order to succeed, verbal communication is crucial for everyone, whether we are in charge
of verifying an exceptional client experience. Motivate a group of people, clientele, or drive
change. In a similar manner, it takes into account how participants will be trained while
preparing these activities. I had applied this talent in a variety of situations, and it is more
beneficial to me. I utilized this to convince the coordinator and principal of the school to
approve the training event in their setting where the training will benefit the pupils. then he
persuaded and obtained consent to carry out the instruction during the student's study period
then resume your training in greater detail. I was more considerate and utilized basic

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language to make the learner more clear. Likewise for my future. To work in the IT industry,
I had to communicate verbally a lot more efficiently in order to supply needs and desires.

Body language
During an exercise, the body's language aids in understanding what is going on. A person is
complete if their body language matches their spoken communication. I occasionally used my
body language to express such a broad topic. Additionally, it is crucial for maintaining
personality. For separate nonverbal cues and body language, I used one of them. Because of
my body language, I have faith that I will add many meditative elements to make the season
more beautiful and memorable.

While speaking, I moved my head and chin up and down. When the eyebrows are being
raised and lowered, the hand aids to control the conversation. I caught the kids' interest in this
way. Students were engaged in active communication asbecause of my body language, they
were able to finish the task more rapidly. I used to make eye contact with kids to foster a
pleasant atmosphere and to better convey my views.

Confidence and Positive Energy

In front of every student and staff member, I have displayed boldness and confidence in an
effort to establish a link between purpose and motivation. My thoughts was encouraging me
to be confident and upbeat when bringing something in front of everyone at the training
event. I can complete all the necessary tasks at a training event with good enthusiasm.
Watching your eye while giving a speech or explaining something is the secret to confidence.
During practice, I used my strength and accepted my flaws, which allowed me to play with a
more positive attitude.

You must replace your negative ideas and energies with positive ones. To give the honest
some peace of mind, I exclusively concentrate on training events. Mood has a key role in
delivering confidence and upbeat energy. Therefore, learning positive self-esteem techniques
such as respecting the elderly and dressing older aids in your ability to think positively. I
therefore put a lot of effort into making the training a success because I had confidence in
myself and my abilities. The training went successful as anticipated after using this assurance
and positive energy.

Critical evaluation of my role and contribution to the group

Finding an object's advantages and disadvantages is the essence of critical analysis. That
training was similar to a research to evaluate the sincerity and self-interest of the students.
We have planned a two-day training session at Shree Saraswati Primary School on the
Microsoft Office suite. As anticipated, our training session was a huge success, and the entire
student body and teaching staff are working together to assist us reach our objectives. One of
them declares, "Unity with immense force." Instead of working in groups, what if we worked
Can a one-on-one training session be effective? Naturally, it's not a big one. Rahul Kumar
Thakur, the leader of our group, was in charge of all our needs, and by managing our tasks
and roles, we made an effort to assist others. My responsibility was to oversee the program I
had successfully put in place.

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Evaluating Own Work

I was given the roles and obligations of a leader during our two-day training program,
including giving a speech, managing training, and conducting the training. I believe I handled
things better because, despite my lack of expertise, I was the best person available at the time
to complete that assignment quickly and easily. Since there was no one else to handle these
tasks if I wasn't there, my role was crucial, and managing everything at once is challenging.
For me, there were no other obstacles; I could only see my goals in front of me. A person
succeeds when he or she can handle pressure without depending on others. I had ample time
over those two days to practice introducing myself to the problem. My role was crucial since
no one else could manage those things without me, yet managing everything at once is
difficult. For me, the only obstacles I could see were my own goals. Success comes from the
ability to handle pressure on oneself, independent of others. I had plenty of time throughout
those two days to prepare a subject introduction.

One of my main weaknesses was that I had no experience handling all of those things. I had a
number of excellent suggestions for enhancing our training, but I kept them to myself
because I lacked expertise. By the conclusion of the day, I had learned that experience can
help you reach peak summits. I asked the leader to take care of the other supplies we lacked,
such a projector, a printer to print the schedule, and numerous other items, forms, etc.
He is an expert in these fields, therefore he was able to finish all of the chores in an hour.
Without a team leader, nothing can be accomplished, and having Rahul as our team leader
gives us a lot of confidence. I hurried to the school library and printed out all of the feedback
forms in less than a minute after discovering that the feedback form had been lost but that I
had a sample on my pen drive. I was able to govern my roles more rationally and successfully
as a result; without me, my team would not exist. I played a crucial part in managing the

I also gave a summary of the fundamental Microsoft Office products. My team leader's
backing for me returned. Initially, I was anxious, but as I began to speak, I realized I was the
only one there, and there was nothing I could do to feel more at ease. I gave one of the best
lectures on the Microsoft Office package after acquiring confidence. I managed every issue
that came throughout the training session, and our program was effective as a result of my
own skills. I play a crucial role in inspiring instructors and students alike. Mr. Shyam Sir
helps me in my difficult situation with technological challenges.
Furthermore, I am able to manage everything with the help of the school. Everyone was ready
to help me when I ran into issues because of my kind disposition. Therefore, in my opinion, it
was the best training session, and I made a substantial contribution to the team's
advancement. Through the use of interpersonal skills, we all developed confidence in our
respective roles and responsibilities.

Areas of improvement
Before the second day of our training session was through, we gave each student and member
of the teaching staff a form to fill out. This form found a lot of positives and faults that I will
work to correct over the next few days. It provided me with a significant challenge in my life
after eliminating the negative things I performed during my training course. Due to a lack of

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knowledge in such domains, many issues remain unaddressed despite the effectiveness of the

I had a lot of issues, but I still managed to do that. However, some errors on the technological
side make us upset. I have worked very hard to find solutions. I used to provide a hand to
other team members during my free time. When issues develop, students might not be able to
concentrate taking care of the management issue does not benefit the student, but I have made
all the necessary administration with greater knowledge and abilities. Last but not least, I'd
like to note that managing all the managers has not been simple, and talking about your
experience is difficult. Additionally, managing your time is a challenge. We must do each
duty on time as we proceed. During the training session, one of my team members missed the
time allocation and fell short in winning over the kids. From now on, we must be aware of
how brief is sufficient to lead a successful existence.

Last but not least, in order to increase my success in life, I must maintain my learning habits
and broaden my knowledge in these fields. Working as a team is incredibly beneficial not just
in life. I would be a much happy man if my modest accomplishment could completely
transform my life. So, when I was in a training session, this is an improvement.

My Contribution to Achieve Goals

My squad would be like a fish without water without me. I have played a key role in helping
my team build its capabilities, which has enabled us to accomplish our objectives. My
managers implemented a logical concept concerning interpersonal skills in order to boost the
abilities and self-assurance of my team in comparison to others. I had the strength of mind
and body to assist my team members in whatever way they required. Everyone needs a team
member like me to perform these tasks since training is stress-free. The team leader also aids
me in completing numerous tasks both inside and outside the group. As a result, I contribute
significantly to reaching our main objective in this way.

Lastly, I assessed the team's effectiveness by going over the many roles and responsibilities
involved in reaching common objectives, and I successfully used collaborative skills during
my training. I also discussed my evaluation of the goals and my role in accomplishing them.
But in order to excel in those professions and in life, I must make significant progress.
Without my contribution, my team's efforts would be in vain, and during the training, I
assisted every member of my team in achieving the common objectives.

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2nd part
3. Produce a report discussing problem-solving and its importance in planning and running an
event. Your report should include a discussion of various problem-solving techniques and
justify the solution methodologies used during your project. You should also include a
critique of the application of critical reasoning and your experiences of it.

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During our training event, we exhibited a variety of issues related to interpersonal skills;
however, in this section, I'll highlight some of the difficulties we ran into. We'll also stress
how important having good planning and problem-solving skills are. We had a lot of
problems to solve, such planning, organization, and purpose. We used a variety of problem-
solving techniques to tackle our obstacles. Finding the source of a problem is the first step
towards solving it. I'll also go over critical thinking's uses in further detail. I'll also
demonstrate how critical thinking skills helped me when I was giving. You can profit from
problem-solving skills in both your personal and professional lives. This part will therefore

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include all problem-solving techniques combined with critical reasoning/thinking during our
training exercises.

Definition of Problem-Solving
Simply put, defining a problem or identifying a potential solution is the process of issue
solving. A person without troubles is like a book without letters or words; everyone in this
world struggles in some way. There must thus be a solution to such problems. When carrying
out a given work, everyone will run into difficulties. When we overcome that challenge, I'll
feel joy, which will prevent them from feeling stressed out while we are engaged in that
particular activity. Another way to solve a problem is to make alternatives. While some issues
may be trivial and simple to resolve, more challenging issues can occasionally have a
detrimental effect on our lives. It is therefore the most important element of everyone's
existence. We must acknowledge the breakdown of a social contact when there is a lack of
information in a circumstance. Examples of problem-solving methods include the six
thinking hats, SWOT analysis, the five whys, and others.

Using Techniques to Solve Problems

Different issues called for different solutions. the ability to think differently in diverse people.
There are numerous issues and associated fixes. I encountered a number of issues when
developing and delivering the course. A handful of the issues were quickly resolved, but one
was more difficult and took longer to resolve. My laptop abruptly crashed as I prepared to
deliver the slide since it had too much applications running at the moment and only had 2 GB
of RAM. It hung when I tried to open it by restarting the computer. I was unsure of what was
going on at the moment, but after some time I identified the primary issue and resolved it
ahead of the training day.

3 Whys Technique
The three reasons technique is among the most well-liked and straightforward methods for
determining the root of a problem. It is regarded as one of the best resources for locating a
solution to a specific issue. You can use it to solve issues and stop failing repeatedly. It was
initially created by Dell Computer Corporation. According to Dell, "The nature of the
problem and its solution are evident by repeating why five times." Let's use a ladder and a
ladder climber as examples. To reach the center of the ladder, climb it in three steps, and to
find solutions to difficulties, climb it in three steps. You'll be able to make better selections
with the aid of this strategy. We shouldn't decide anything now. Because we shouldn't decide
on a random selection method, the ideal answer to every issue is 3.

Implementation of 3 whys Techniques:

I used this method to ask myself many inquiries regarding the causes of my issues.
I jotted down a potential resolution or response on paper. After entering the response on the
paper, I was unable to identify the issue's root. After some time and thorough analysis, I
discovered the I discovered the root of the issue and was able to resolve the issue (hanged)
that I was experiencing during creating a schedule and producing slides.

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Problem: laptop freezed

1. Why got laptop hanged ?

Because the window is not updated

2.Why the windows is not updated?

Due to old version computer it doesn’t supported latest updated.

3.Why it doesn’t support latest updated ?

Because it old version laptop.

Causes and solution

Finally, after putting three recommendations into practice, I was able to identify the issues'
causes and answers. My laptop wasn't prepared for that, which was the main reason for the
freezing. In case the issue reappears, I must set up a backup laptop. It's been difficult for me
to decide for a while, but 3 have provided me with a cause and the appropriate solutions to
address that laptop-related issue. The issue should be formatted, and a new operating system
must first be installed. When power outages do not work, using an anti-virus program helps
shield your computer from exposure to the elements and viruses. 

Problem that occurs during the training session

Before we had a problem when creating PowerPoint schedules and slides but this time, we had a big
problem during the presentation. Some of the problems we encountered during the delivery of the
events are listed below:
1. Project problem (Technical Plan)
2. Learners experience difficulty understanding slides.

Problems problems solving techniques

problem in speaker 3 whys

students face difficulty in understanding slides six thinking hats

Implementation of Techniques:
The method employed to address a technical issue that occurs during training is the same as it
was in the past. Although the presentations were difficult to understand, we employed six
thinking hats to come up with a solution. An issue that related to program management.

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1.Why there is a problem in speaker?
Due to an unpredictable power supply failure

2.Why does Electricity supply fail?

Because of power cut.

3. Why there is not any backup ?

Because not having another speaker

The method employed to address a technical issue that occurs during training is
the same as it was in the past. Although the presentations were difficult to
understand, we employed six thinking hats to come up with a solution. An issue
that related to program management.

Six Hats for Thinking

In 1986, Edward de Bono developed the Six Hats of Thought paradigm. Every hat
represents a unique lens or perspective on a particular topic, and it is a separate item that
involves little mental effort. It is a problem that can be solved based on issues, as well as a
way of thinking that can be used to assess problems in a variety of ways to highlight potential
solutions neglected.

Why  Hats?
Those who are initially part of these Six Hats of Thought are prone to be dubious; although
six hats in six different hues may initially look pleasant, they actually have symbolic
connotations. English is full of metaphors like "cap cap" and "having a bee in one's bonnet,"
showing that the association between headgear and thinking is not new. Each hat's color
represents a certain thinking style, which encourages and makes it easier to switch between
Figuratively speaking, putting on a certain mental costume casts the wearer into a position
where they must attack the problem from many angles using all of their skills. Hats indicate
where you should focus your thoughts and the direction you should take the problem. In fact,
the Confucian tradition served as inspiration for the six helmets of thinking since they
established moral rather than personality-based norms. This compels people to abandon their
usual behaviors: an optimistic person will have to consider the possibility of despair, just as a
pessimistic person will have to find the positive sides of a subject.

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White hat
An ethical security hacker is known as a white hat. The term "ethical hacking" refers to a
wider field than just penetration testing. White-hat hackers seek to find any flaws in the
current system with the owner's permission. The definitional distinction between the white
hat and the black hat, a malicious hacker, stems from Western movies, where heroic and
antagonistic cowboys may typically wear a white and a black hat, respectively. A third
category of hacker, called a "grey hat," operates with good intentions but occasionally
without authorization. Additionally, white-hat hackers could be a part of groups known as
"sneaker and/or hacker clubs," "red teams," or "tiger teams."

Red hat
A distribution bundle that clients can acquire from Red Hat combines elements of the open
source Linux operating system with relevant applications. The initial open source business
model was developed by Red Hat. The business donates to the Fedora Linux open source
project, which serves as the foundation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, but also charges
customers who depend on Red Hat for upkeep, support, and installation subscription, support,
and service costs. Programmers can modify and enhance the software by using the available
open-source code.

Yellow hat
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The yellow hat, which stands for positive rationality, is used to consider the advantages of a
scenario or idea, the possible advantages of the suggested course of action, and the people
who are anticipated to gain from it.

Green hat
The inventive Hat is the Green Hat. It's also the controversial Hat. The color green represents
new beginnings and developing vegetation. We actively seek for fresh ideas while donning
the Green Hat. These are non-obvious concepts.

Blue hat
The overview Hat is the blue hat. Imagine the sky when you think about Blue. Or envision
yourself as calm and in charge. The Blue Hat is used to organize and manage thought. The
topic of metacognition is addressed.

Black hat
The Black Hat serves as a warning hat. It prevents us from acting in ways that are unlawful,
immoral, unsuccessful, damaging to the environment, and so forth. We've been utilizing the
Black Hat for thousands of years to keep us from eating the wrong berries or placing our faith
in the wrong strangers, so it comes fairly naturally to us.

Critical thinking

With critical thinking, the intellectual refines the quality of his or her thinking by dissecting,
assessing, and rebuilding it in relation to any issue, topic, or problem. Self-control, self-
control, self-control, and self-correction are all components of critical thinking. It takes into
account adherence to exacting performance standards and a reasonable command of their
application. It comprises the ability to effectively communicate and solve problems as well as
a dedication to mastering our global and social citizenship.

Critical Reasoning in Problem Solving

During my presentation, I mentioned on the slide that my computer had hung and that I had a
laptop issue because of the Windows version. I used a variety of problem-solving techniques
to identify the flaw and come up with an interactive solution. I had the chance to identify the
error using the 3 techniques. To make my laptop function smoothly, I must install a new
version of Windows. In order to demonstrate my critical thinking at the time I installed the
OS on my laptop, I used the best approach. after utilizing those three techniques. The
unfortunate circumstance at the time I discovered the defect was the cause of the issue. I
initially believed that I had a ram problem. Reasons why, in my opinion, the circumstance
was crucial for me at the time are addressed in the third phase of tactics. When my OS
stopped functioning properly, I realized that the issue would be quite challenging to fix, so I
began looking for another movie about OS software. During that time, the internet was a
really helpful resource that I had previously used to find solutions to a variety of issues. I
began to lose weight and lost faith in the training event, but I didn't give up and I started
looking for various resources once again. I also started to consider advice from other experts
and software specialists. After experimenting with various techniques and consulting with
professionals, books, and websites,etc.

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Problems During Organizing Events

Mr. Saugat Khdkha encountered numerous challenges while organizing the event. At
one time, he was able to resolve the issue, but managing the workload presented yet
another challenge. Despite numerous issues, we were able to resolve them thanks to
our shared unity. I personally questioned my best buddy Mr. Sudan about his issue so
that I could support him in his challenging circumstance. failure to manage events as a
result of a management issue. I have experience in that area because my team leader is
responsible for supervising managers on my team. Mr. Sudan listed the following
causes for the management failure:

If things don't go as planned throughout the planning process, it's critical to be ready.
Expect significant individuals to be late, quotes to be late, incorrect times to be printed
on invitations, etc. Murphy's law holds that "Everything that can go wrong will go
wrong." However, you can have greater influence over the timeline if you begin your
planning process early enough and keep a planning calendar. You will also leave
yourself ample time to handle any problems that may arise should your plans be
He confided in her all of his issues, noting that time management is one of their main
issues. His squad members didn't spend much time getting ready for the training

Lack of Effective communication

He told me about the challenge of communication during the time he explained the problem. Such
challenges involve misworking when meeting group leaders, internal disagreements, cast
discrimination, culture, etc. These difficulties affect talented people's attitudes and thoughts.

Technical problem
You must have a technician in your team. A smaller technological error can result in a larger
one issues. Participants demand high-quality technological comforts, which must be carefully
handled.Throughout the course of the event's planning, these must be understood.

Methodology for Solving Problem

Many people think that the main reason why a certain thing won't expand is the issue. We can
only categorize the situation as a problem that keeps us from taking action. If someone has an
issue, they must figure out how to fix it. Not only do people have problems, but various
businesses and nations are constantly looking for solutions to particular types of issues as
well. The following persons and organizations use a variety of approaches to problem solving
through critical thinking:

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➢ 3 Why
➢ 6 Hats to Think
➢ Analysis of the SWOT

Justification for Solving Problems

The challenges are what stand in the way of achieving our goals. The difficulties are the
emphasis, as many people do every day at work, according to Feried. Problems can be great
or small, easy or difficult, simple or complex. The following are the steps you take to
overcome obstacles:

Step 1:Identifying the primary cause of the issue and searching for

Step 2: Evaluate alternate approaches

Step 3: Fix the issue and put it into practice
 Step 4:Results analysis

I discussed the three justifications and six approaches to handling particular difficulties that
arise throughout our training exercises.

Study of a Case for SWOT Analysis

An illustration of a straightforward SWOT analysis problem-solving approach in the business
sector is as follows:

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, or SWOT, is an acronym. It's a

straightforward method that works well for assessing your strengths and weaknesses and
looking for dangers and opportunities.
In the sample SWOT analysis that follows, I'll look at a local internet service provider's
operation. I'll offer you the point's SWOT analysis:
o Superior Internet service with sufficient capacity
o Adjustable pricing compared to competitors
o A friendlier and more helpful technical team
➢ Traditional Technology
➢ Internet service will not be unavailable during rainstorms
➢ Many pupils can practice for more opportunities
➢ Many young people are given jobs through this service provider
➢ Competitors want to get control of the market
➢ Government policies regulating traditional technologies are more stringent than

The internet service provider must concentrate on public policies to draw in more customers,
according to the aforementioned SWOT analysis. They require 24-hour internet service since,
unlike other ISPs, the Internet is unaffected by a few showers. It will draw marketing and
investors who enhance the company's reputation by focusing more on management and
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clients. It can produce extra goods locally, including mobile channels, network television,
telephones, etc.

Critical Thinking in Practice

> Thinking with capacity 
Your ability to think critically should be examined in great detail.

> Capacity for communication

Information gathering and sharing are both necessary.

By examining the weaknesses, strengths, threats, etc., you can improve your situation while
you're feeling down.

>Capacity for problem-solving 

You need to be able to solve problems in a variety of ways.

> Mind Open

You should tell the things you Mind Open You should tell the things you. Action is the best
approach to put a solution into practice.

Evaluating Critical Thinking During the Time of Events

As previously mentioned, we have taken all necessary steps to develop our critical thinking.
On the first day of instruction, we used to brainstorm several subjects in order to help pupils
comprehend the problem fast. I personally introduced the Microsoft Office suites and the
timetable details after exercising my cognitive abilities.
After assessing students' ability for thought, we interact with them through a variety of
media, including lectures, oral presentations, speeches, slides, etc. During the sessions, every
team member makes full use of communication technologies to interact with group leaders
from all throughout the group. We have to give the group leader all of the documentation,
which makes everyone in the group more engaged and enraged with their work. Following
the use of the training events, we examine them. We saw the projection's strength throughout
the spoken word, as well as its excellence, power, and weakness. The projection had a few
issues when displaying the slides, though. Nevertheless, we were able to accomplish our
goals by utilizing all the training event's potential. The members of our group were specialists
in problem-solving; they applied a variety of techniques, including SWOT analysis, the five
reasons, and six thought hats. They were constantly seeking out fresh concepts in order to
find solutions by using numerous references and sources. I experienced hardware issues
while creating presentations and schedules, therefore I identified five possible causes for my
issue. Students have trouble understanding the timing of the delivery, so our team members
use six thinking hats to help them. Thus, during the events, our team members and I individually
used critical thinking.

Finally, In this section we have mentioned many problem solving strategies that are more innovative
and contribute to reaching goals. These are the efficient approaches of dealing with challenges alone. I

Samir giri (professional practice) Page 55

also give the evidence of 5 reasons, six items hats and the methodology we used in our training
session to solve SWOT problems. In addition, during our training, critical thinking plays an important

Part 4
Section 1: Consider your personal and/or career goals and identify your CPD needs and
what actions would put you in a position to achieve these goals. Produce a development plan
outlining your future goals and identifying how these can be realized.

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I will discuss continuing personal development and the importance of CPD in this section. Also,  I'm
going to write a piece about how CPD has impacted my own learning and make a well-managed
growth strategy that details the responsibilities, abilities, and competencies required to accomplish the

CPD definition
The term "continuing professional development" or "CPD" is an acronym. It alludes to the process of
keeping track of and recording the skills, knowledge, and experience you acquire while working, both
formally and informally. It serves as a record of the knowledge you have gained via experience and
application. The phrase is frequently used to describe a physical portfolio or folder that records your
professional development. Some businesses use the term, which, in my opinion, is not strictly true, to
describe a training or development plan. The process of recording and reflecting on one's own
learning and progress is discussed in this article under the heading of "Continuing Professional

Importance of CPD
CPD is crucial in professional life, regardless of whether a person works for an IT firm. Our ability to
assess the age of our knowledge and skills is made possible by CPD. The rate of change is presently
slower than it was throughout the technological period. It is a process that will continue throughout
our working lives, ensuring that we have the abilities or physical capability in our field.
In order to better serve our clients and the local community, we might also broaden our knowledge.
People typically have a certain level of education and are employed in a particular industry. It aids
someone in focusing on the abilities they need to develop confidence in their expertise  your abilities
will be enhanced.

Contribution of CPD in my own learning Process

CPD serves a crucial purpose in each and every firm, in addition to many others. I'm going to work as
an IT administrator for Softwel IT firms for six months. Building the software required for
establishments like schools, banks, hospitals, supermarkets, and so forth need the best software or IT
I received a lot of help from CPD in getting ready to work as a software developer at this company. I
used CPD to support me in achieving my goals. As a software engineer with little skills and
experience, I had a lot of difficulties in the beginning of my career. I had a difficult time working with
it. I was afraid to tackle the issues I had with the new folks I was engaging with.
would likely come across soon. In order to be an expert and act appropriately. In this context,
CPD has been used to alter and perform. I started by looking for a gap that was required for the
firm must be a respectable employer. Throughout my studies, I didn't have a lot of faith in correcting
talents. The team members and a task like them were difficult to accept now that CPD is
used to improve these aspects and increase company accountability. First off, I began to

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maintain and record the records.
In this way, The Continuing Professional Development Is being used.

 Personal Development Plan

The goal of the personal development plan is to invest in your most valuable resource, you, therefore
that despite obstacles and challenges, you can handle life to the best of your ability way. Instead of
waiting for anything to happen, the planner can be proactive thanks to this comprehensive
approach.He makes things happen by taking the initiative to do so.

Set of responsibilities 
As a softwel IT manager, I have a lot of duties and responsibilities to carry out properly and
effectively. Additionally, I have to carry out all duties and responsibilities as a senior manager or head
of the company in that IT firm and have trained to serve the wants of the customers. First and
foremost, I am able to work and communicate effectively.
As an IT officer, my first main responsibility is to gather information from users and determine how
customers meet their expectations in order to define the demands of the customer through the user
interview. By doing this, I can share my personal expertise with others, and we encouraged the
customer to to give the importance of software to our business. Thus, I must persuade, evaluate, and 
all personnel involved in the system's design or development should review the information.  I am
able to identify the depth and source of the issue, as well as propose solutions, for that business, and I
am also  an alternative to the predetermined.  In a similar vein, I have another important task to
complete while working at this position. I  should be able to purchase sound software, design it, and
assess the team after using it for a brief period.

After this, I want to start my own IT office or business.

where I am now?

I've been working for Softwel IT Company for six months, and I attend Ismt College to learn more
IT-related information. I studied professional development as an Ismt College student, which has
improved my communication skills both verbally and in writing opportunities for training are also
available before the student.

Personal Development Plan

Name:- Rahul Kumar Thakur
Company :-Softwel IT Company

Strength and weakness

Strength Area of development

Through study under pressure and in I need to devote more time to the planning.
depravity, I have gained confidence.
work to come up with the answer. I

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that early stages of the planning process

phases, with the added information


I was given the chance to direct a team in that I need more experience to have better
company. assurance in team management for a variety
of goals.
working with my team for a while, displaying

the capacity to govern and provide clear


people to perform the job they have been


On the job, I have the opportunity to manage Personal commitments

the organization and the experience of
leading a team to assess a problem and offer
a concise solution.

After Conducting Personal Analysis, I have set my goal

1. Establish IT Company
2. Where I will be in future (dream )

Goal Skill required Goal Guidance Time required People involved

and getting

Establish IT patience and Company training 5 years from the

company managerial workplace and
abilities from other people
with greater

Master in Certificate of Teacher, books 3 years Friend and

programming software engineer colleagues

Learn to be Good Certificate with 3 years Teacher and other

professional communication HND people
and leadership

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Work planning is essential in this position because it enables me and others to d
escribe our goals and vision. Work planning facilitates job prioritization, expedited
task completion, the creation of high-quality work, and the management of workload 
upkeep of discipline. It is a crucial position since it increases my productivity by
making sure that I stay on track to accomplish my goals.

Section 2
Conduct some research into motivational theories and illustrate how they can be used
to improve employee performance. Compare a number of theories and present your

There are numerous theories that help us understand how to motivate various people, including the

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The Two Factor Theory of Herzberg 
Frederick Herzberg's Two Factor Theory of Motivation, a content model of motivation,
contends that a variety of factors can lead to both job pleasure and job dissatisfaction.
the two factors that affect whether someone is satisfied or not
1. Hygiene Factor 
2. Motivating Elements

Hygiene factor
Herzberg's concept of the hygiene factor states that while having hygienic conditions on the
job is necessary for job satisfaction, their mere existence will never people are content at
In other words, the existence of hygiene components will not lead to high levels of job
satisfaction, but their absence will prevent contentment. Salary, security, workingconditions,
and other elements are a few examples of things that could make someone unhappy at work.

Motivating Factor
In Herzberg's paradigm, motivating elements have the power to people from being
moderately satisfied to being extremely satisfied, yet they have no impact on Unless sanitary
components are present, contentment cannot be attained. Authentically engaging work,
empowerment, and accountability are a few examples of motivating elements.

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Maslow's theory
In a 1943 study titled "A Theory of Human Motivation," American psychologist Abraham
Maslow postulated a hierarchy of psychological needs to support human decision-making. In
his initial paper and subsequent 1954 book, Motivation and Personality, Maslow proposed
that five basic needs serve as the foundation for human behavioral motivation.

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McGregor Theories X and Y

In the 1960s, social psychologist Douglas McGregor put forth two competing theories to
explain how managers' impressions of what motivates their staff might affect their
management style. He gave these Theories the names X and Y. These ideas continue to have
an impact today.

X Theory
According to McGregor in Theory X, people are predisposed to believe that others are lazy.
They consequently try to evade their responsibilities and instead manage them. Theory X
states that people try to avoid doing labor. They have to impose control on them as a result in
order to uphold their standards.  In addition to this idea, people need to be punished for them
to remember their identity. This theory contends that people are unwilling to take any
responsibility for their work.

Y theory
Humans are said to have a variety of desires, in accordance with X McGregor's idea. Y makes
the assumption that people actually enjoy their jobs, desire to accomplish more in the days
ahead, and have high standards for the businesses they work for. Additionally, it is asserted
that people want to be in charge of their work and use their creative faculties.

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Similarities between Herzberg’s two factor theory and Abraham Maslow

These two concepts must both illuminate human motivation. According to Herzberg's theory,
motivation and cleanliness are two separate requirements that must be met in different ways.
The hierarchy of needs serves as the foundation of Maslow's theory. The two Theories
confirmed that a lower level was necessary in order to achieve the current state. We might
assert that higher-level employees and some low-paid bosses can nevertheless be motivated
by money. Herzberg's idea of cleanliness is consistent with Maslow's hierarchy of needs,
which also includes a need for safety and a sense of belonging.

Differences between Abraham Maslow and Herzberg's two-factor theory

Before moving on to the next page, each of the five phases must be completed in full or to a
significant degree, according to Maslow. Herzberg, however, advocated for only two steps.
Maslow claims that complying with each requirement of a reward that mandates adherence to
hygiene phases only leaves an employee in a poor state of health. And you won't discover
happiness and motivation until the second level.

Similarities between Herzberg’s theory of two factors and McGregor theory

Achievements, responsibilities, and acknowledgment are all elements that spur employees or
people to work more than ever before, according to both Herzberg's and McGregor's theories.
Herzberg and McGregor concur that only effective leaders are able to unleash the full
potential of their workforce, enhancing performance.

Difference between Herzberg’s theory of two factors and McGregor theory

These two ideas are easily demonstrated by an example. Assume that a person who works for
an IT company has a high level of self-esteem. Some people who work as senior
programmers, junior programmers, or paid training staff in an IT company may feel at home
in Herzberg because of the city's hygienic conditions, including a pleasant work environment
and reliable compensation each month. They may also be able to spot the X theory
management style since they are unwilling to assist the firm in resolving its problems.

I came to the conclusion in this section that these theories are relevant to both the individual
and the workplace. These kinds of theories demonstrate that a variety of circumstances
influence each individual's conduct at work, and I would like to add that these theories teach
us important lessons that everyone should learn since they help people get in the right frame
of mind for work.

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Section 3
Write a report on the usage of CPD within organizations and what evidence
would be required to measure how effective this CPD is in helping employees
achieve their goals while using their time and resources effectively.

The benefit of ongoing professional development is seen by both staff members and
organizations (CPD). Keeping up with the rapidly changing environment and dynamics is
crucial for IT companies like mine, where technology is the primary economic activity. In
order to be effective and successful at work, a corporation must guarantee that it will finance
the advancement of its employees' careers. A company is undergoing a positive change that

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allows the business and its people to prosper if it consistently provides its IT specialists with
adequate growth chances.

A business could lose its entire market share if it doesn't invest in the professional
development of its employees. Employees must, therefore, upgrade their skills and expertise
throughout their employment. They will be able to carry on with their work on professional
development as a result.

By using this methodical approach, systematic IT team programs can help identify and
address skills gaps, include employees in staff development and growth initiatives, and lay
the foundation for expanding people, teams, and business units across the board.

A corporation is invincible if it supports its employees in developing their careers. It enables

businesses to keep an eye on the development of their staff and ensure that they advance in
the right direction. Additionally, they can effectively manage the hiring, training, and
retention of the company's workforce. It will finally aid in changing the professional paths of
their employees and advance the entire business.

Evidence criteria:
The terms "proof criteria" and "rules for determining if we have reached" are interchangeable
competency, ability, or capacity. There must be developed a variety of evidential
requirements to serve as a standard for top-notch CPD. Additionally, we must assess the
suggested criteria and decide what is most important. CPD is a process of continuous learning
and improvement continuous professional development If a person does not have
professional competence, the not keep up with changing times and needs in terms of
competencies and capabilities. It's a never-ending process  that occurs throughout one's life.

Production data:
Production data are information that is saved and used by professionals to carry out business
operations, such as to manage, control, track, and report events, activities, or situations. Data
production: Data production For the information to be valuable to a company, it must be
accurate, well-documented, and routinely managed. It serves as the primary example for
everyone. Production data will be extremely helpful for us if we ever find ourselves in a
difficult situation and need to provide proof for ourselves or our mentors.

Personal Data:
This category of information includes details about current and former employees,
volunteers, and independent contractors. Most personal information is kept in secret.
The public can, however, access the following categories of personal information. They serve
as significant evidence or proof of the information on our employees that we should all be
aware of. Additionally, it could be evidence that our business or institutes are having
problems. The following personal information regarding employees must be known by a
➢ The worker's name.
➢ Employee's genuine gross pay.
➢ Scale of pay.

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➢ the reason for and the quantity of any additional compensation; the title and description of an
employee; and the terms and conditions of the working relationship.
➢ the background of an employee's education and training and prior experience.
➢ Continuing training of the employee and the workplace of the employee.
➢ And the personal mobile telephone number of the employee.

Judgmental data:
A numerical rating scale is frequently used to acquire judgmental information. It is often
carried out by the worker's direct supervisor. Many evaluation techniques take into
performance, disciplinary issues, achieving goals and objectives, and staff attitude. A
judgemental approach to evaluation lays more emphasis on a manager's personal opinion of
performance as opposed to impartial, predetermined evaluation criteria a critical When
evaluating employee performance in a hard-to-measure industry, evaluation techniques are
frequently used. A CEO can use all of these criteria to evaluate the performance of a junior IT
worker to assess whether goals and objectives are being met using his or her IT reports.

Rating Techniques:
For each item, we use a variety of rating techniques. As an illustration, we rate the food and
offer commentary. The clothes we wear are ranked. We assess one another's performance as
well. Students' performance is evaluated by teachers and other staff members as well.
Students also rank their instructors and mentors. Rating is hence prevalent everywhere.
Similar to this, everyone will be motivated to complete their tasks if we evaluate each other's
performance at work or in our firm. Additionally, there will be evidence that the particular
employee or member is performing their job well and improving it.

Self-performance reviews, sometimes referred to as self-examinations, are evaluations of
one's own abilities and shortcomings. It is crucial for the growth of moral behavior and self-
awareness. It is a crucial habit for personal development. To evaluate ourselves, we must
pose specific questions to ourselves.

➢ Is it true that I don't receive sufficient work in a timely way?
➢ What can I do to work faster?
➢ Is my priority need to be re-examined?
➢ Do I have to concentrate more on my time?
➢ Do I have to postpone activities of low priority?

➢ Is my tasks fulfilled or exceeded by standards and criteria?
➢ What should I do to improve my work?
➢ Is it essential for me to make more efficient use of checklists?

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1) What can I do to make my workplace a better place to work?
2)Is it feasible for me to change my negative behaviors?
3)I want to start acting like a professional boy. Is there anything I can do?

Skill audit
A skill audit is a systematic evaluation of the knowledge and research abilities that a person
might use to identify skill shortages. Auditing should show ongoing or increasing expertise. It
pinpoints any training or personal development requirements and is closely related to needs
analysis. The abilities and need analysis of an employee: What it has, what it requires, and,
are two sides of the same coin. Analyses of needs and competencies ought to be updated
often. To make sure your business can achieve its goals by having the right people in the right
places at the right times, you should use a skills audit to organize your workforce.

Records of CPD
The gathering of a complete picture and the monitoring of an employee's CPD effectiveness
both require a CPD record. More than just keeping an employee's personal information up to
date is involved. Every employee's CPD record should be kept on file at work for the benefit
of both the staff and the company. As an illustration, have a look at my CPD record from the
mega bank, where I work as a staff member.

From that point on, I worked for Mega Bank. Since I have the capacity to learn new things,
such as through CPD, I must continue to develop as a professional and keep up with myself
even though I am currently an intern. I've started to notice a lot of things about myself lately.
I also created a CPD tracker to record my daily learning. All of these must be kept by me for
a very long period, but in a more important capacity. To advance in my post work, I need to
master some skills that will be very helpful to me in the future. My desired career is in IT, so
I need to be proficient in all technical skills required by this industry as well as CPD
competences. Below are the CPD competencies which I have learned:
S.N. Year Attended Seminars, Duration
Events and Trainings

1 2022 20th july 2022

Seminar for one day
for Desktop
2 2022 Workshop on coding 24th july 2022 – 29th
and Visual Effects july

3 2022 1st september 2022-

workshop in Visual
Studio 4th september 2022

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Table 4: CPD skills

Evaluating my learnt skills 

Self evaluation is a fantastic technique to assess one's own abilities, and if we don't
improve our abilities or perform a task poorly, it may be improved through self
evaluation. Moreover, my skills, items I acquired between the years 2020 and 2021
are assessed. I took part in a lot of workshops and lectures during my internship have
helped me get better at what I do significantly. I went over my participation in the
seminars and activities below internship:

One day Seminar for Desktop Application Development 

I went to my first lecture soon after starting my internship at mega Bank. This
conference, which focused on website creation, was presented on April 11, 2020, by
IT Training Nepal. Mr. Man The seminar was introduced by Bahadur Sir. The event's
main goal was to introduce the concept and the Coperational #'c  procedures. After
going, I was able to learn the following after attending the event:

➢ What is C#?
➢ What is the advantage of using C# in desktop application Development?
➢ How to develop the Desktop application in C# programming languages?

Along with non-technical workers, the course has been significant for developers. Because
even those without technical knowledge can use the visual studio. The seminar's discussion
topics included the following:

➢ Creating the design

➢ Connection to SQL sever
➢ Method of coding
➢ Debugging
➢ Exception solution
➢ Publish The application
After the seminar I have develop a desktop application for the construction office.

Workshop on visual effects and coding

It was my first workshop for an internship. This workshop was also presented for three days
by IT Training Nepal (11th May 2020 – 18th May 2020). I went because I was instructed to
bring our bank manager and any interested parties. The lesson plan was created to instruct
beginners on how to create moving graphics and visual effects using programs like Adobe
After Effects. Due to the lecturer Mr. Suresh Khatri's numerous live demonstrations of
movement graphics and visual effects, the session was really helpful. Even though I had
become skilled in motion graphics after the training, I continued to use my talent for side

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Workshop on Visual Studio
As an intern, it was my second workshop at Nabil Bank. The week-long seminar focused on
Visual Studio. It lasted from January 1 through January 7, 2021. People can utilize Visual
Studio, a platform for desktop application development, at a minimal fee. Students, IT
professionals, business professionals, and others can design their own desktop applications
using Visual Studio. Participants in this course from all backgrounds responded favorably to
the material and created their own desktop applications using Visual Studio.

The main objective of this workshop was to equip participants from all backgrounds with the
fundamental skills necessary to create, manage, and promote applications using Visual
Studio. As an intern, it was my second workshop at mega Bank. The week-long seminar
focused on Visual Studio. It lasted from January 1 through January 7, 2021. The tool for
creating desktop applications that consumers use is called Visual Studio.

Despite a slight hiccup with the Visual Studio Software installation, we found the instruction
to be quite attractive. I was familiar with Visual Studio after the lesson, including its multiple
versions, benefits, Modules and the various types they come in, etc. I am very appreciative
that my bank gave me the opportunity to participate in such educational seminars and
workshops throughout my internship.

Finally, I want to emphasize the importance of CPD for those wishing to further their
professional careers. Keeping your own CPD records is the most important thing you can do
for yourself. CPD monitoring offers us a chance to reflect on our learning and the success of
it. By employing CPD and tracking our performance, we can demonstrate that we are more
competitive than others. After such insightful lectures and seminars, I significantly improved
myself. Learning CPD skills has made my road to progress clear, and I now have complete
confidence in my ability to achieve great success in the future. My life was significantly
impacted by attending seminars as well. I've acquired a range of skills that will be helpful in
future. Learning new things is never a waste of time, as was previously mentioned. I think my
skills and activities have greatly improved as a result of learning about motion graphics,
visual effects, and other new websites. And if I ever have the chance to work for a huge
organization, I can confidently say that I am aware of these things.

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