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ICQCC 2022 – Jakarta

Title :- Elimination of Dust Seal Cover Mounting Hole Missing On Altroz Front Door
Inner Panel
Name of the Circle – Shikhar
Name of the Presenter
1) Santosh Darde (Facilitator)
2) Nitin Shinde (Leader)
3) Pravin Shinde (Coordinator)
Company - Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited (TMPVL) Pune
Country - India

Altroz Vehicle assembly line dust seal cover mounting hole missing defect was top contributor at final door assembly line.
The Cost of Poor Quality was $ 17044 for all doors which includes Repair Cost, manpower, Part rejection and vehicle
movement cost. Quality Control Circle (QCC) Team formation done for resolution of this issue. Quality Circle Problem
Solving methodology used for Problem resolution. Analysis of problem done through Data collection, Stratification,
Brainstorming, Ishikawa Diagram, Why why analysis and Process flow layout study. After analysis team observed
 After Engineering Change Note release process layout was not changed.
 No Piercing hole on door before engineering change.
 Pallet color coding was as per old standard.
Cause Validation done of all potential causes for root cause identification. Following valid causes identified
 Process Layout Improper
 No detection of piercing hole missing on first loading station or on line
 No Pallet Identification.
Team done brainstorming for Innovative solution identification and selected following Innovative solutions. Action plan
developed for Innovative solutions implementation.
 Process layout Change for pallet movement.
 Detection mechanism on door manual line to detect non-pierced door easily and these door will not move to next
station without piercing.
 Color coding for trolley to identify pierced hole door trolley and non-pierced hole door trolley.

Trial implementation done on 1:5:25 door panel samples and all doors found ok for Dust seal cover hole missing issue.
Line stoppages of dust Seal hole missing issue completely eliminated at Trim Chassis Final assembly shop door line.

Cost of Poor Quality reduced to Zero with Saving of $ 17044.

Circle Name :- Shikhar Started :- 26/11/2019

Members Name:- Meeting :- During Working Hours

1) Santosh Darde (Facilitator)
2) Nitin Shinde (Leader)
3) Shivaji Andhale Duration of Meeting :- 60 Minutes
4) Rakesh Awati
5) Amol Kolamkar
6) Pravin Shinde (Coordinator) Frequency of Meeting :- 4 Times Per Month

Facilitator Name :- Santosh Darde Average age of Members :- 40

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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PDCA Cycle Rotation done through adherence of following 10 Step Quality
Circle Problem Solving Methodology

Form a Circle
Look for Improvement
Present 1 Themes
10 2

Reassess Circle 9 Select a Theme


Sustain Improvement 8 4 Understand the Current

and Results Baseline Condition
7 5
Create an Action Plan 6 Set Vision and Targets
(Identify, deploy, check)
Gap Analysis to Find Opportunities
for Improvement

PDCA Rotation Linkage with Problem Solving Steps

PDCA Steps Team Quality Team Quality Circle Problem Solving Steps
(Plan/Do/Check/Act) Circle Step Number
P 1 Form a Circle

P 2 Look for Improvement Themes

P 3 Select a Theme

P 4 Understand the Current Baseline Condition

P 5 Set Vision and Targets

P 6 Gap Analysis to Find Opportunities for Improvement

PDCA 7 Create an Action Plan (identify, deploy, check)

A 8 Sustain Improvement

A 9 Reassess Circle

A 10 Present

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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PDCA Step 1 - Form a Circle
Quality Circle Team formation completed with Facilitator, Coordinator, Leader and Members.

Sr. No Name & Role Employee ID Department

1 Santosh Darde (Facilitator) 190699 Weld Shop
2 Nitin Shinde (Leader) 218066 Weld Shop
3 Shivaji Andhale (Member) 188248 Weld Shop
4 Rakesh Awati (Member) 294126 Weld Shop
5 Amol Kolamkar (Member) 294032 Weld Shop
6 Pravin Shinde (Coordinator) 294659 BES – Kaizen & IPR

PDCA Step 1 - Form a Circle - Circle Assessment

To understand the skills and experience that is available in Team Quality Circle, and identify the
opportunities for individual personal development. Circle assessment done with rating from 1 to 5.

Quality Circle Problem Presentation

Quality tools Leadership skills
Member Solving skills skills
Nitin Shinde 3 3 2 3
Shivaji Andhale 3 3 3 3
Rakesh Awati 3 3 2 2
Amol Kolamkar 3 2 1 2
1 2 3 4 5
Novice Expert

Company Vision Mission & Objectives

1] Theme Selection
1.1 - Relevance to Policies /Important Issues of Workshop

BY FY2024, we will become the most aspirational Indian auto brand, consistently winning, by
• Delivering superior financial returns
• Driving sustainable mobility solutions
• Exceeding customer expectations, and
• Creating a highly engaged work force

We innovate mobility solutions with passion to enhance quality of life

• Drive sustainable profit and top line growth- Achieve targeted EBIT, revenue and Free
Cash flow.
• Provide best-in-class products & solutions to the defined customer segments.
• Offer the most enriching & engaging customer experience, & ensure widest sales and
service reach and accessibility.
• To be among the most desired auto brands – Improvement in Net Promoter Score

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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• Anticipate and fulfil demand most efficiently to deliver highest quality solutions-
Reduce Incidence Per Thousand Vehicle (IPTV) as per glide path, and enhance
productivity in plants to global standards.

PDCA Step 2 : Looking For Improvement Theme

1.1 - Relevance to Policies /Important Issues of Workshop
Team done brainstorming and identified problems linked with company Vision, Mission and
Objectives. Used selection Matrix with Safety, Quality, Costs, Delivery, People and
Environment Parameters for Evaluation.
Problem Safety Quality Delivery Cost People Environment Achievable Total
Hood to fender gap not ok at A pillar
3 4 3 2 3 1 Yes 16
Hood sealant oozing out 2 4 1 3 4 4 Yes 18
Hood latch matching issue at metal finish
4 4 1 2 1 2 Yes 14
Hood dent and damage due to rest of the
2 2 1 3 2 2 Yes 12
Tailgate inner dent and damage due to
3 5 1 1 2 1 Yes 13
the metal rest
Outer Rear View Mirror flushness not ok 4 3 3 2 4 1 Yes 17
Dust seal cover mounting hole missing
3 5 5 5 5 1 Yes 24
on Altroz Front Door inner panel
Hood latch spot burr 1 4 1 2 5 1 Yes 14
1 2 3 4 5
Very Low Impact Low Impact Moderate Impact High Impact Very High Impact

PDCA Step 3: Select Theme

Problem with highest rating and achievable selected.
Final Theme Selected:-
Dust seal cover mounting hole missing on Altroz Front Door inner panel.

PDCA Step 4 : Understand the Current Baseline Condition

1.2 - Analysis of Current states based on Facts/Data

New Engineering change note released of dust seal mounting cover hole addition in June 2020.
Additional operation added on manual fixture line. After change door rejection due missing
hole increased drastically. Following data collected of Door rejection from June 20 to Dec-20.

• Total Number of Doors Rejected from July-20 to Dec-20 was 585 Numbers
• Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) was $17044 Per Year (Including Rejection, Rework
Manpower, Tool Cost, Fixed and Variable Cost).

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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Before Engineering Change Note Layout

Piercing Fixture not required on door line.

Before ECN Release (No Hole on Door Panel) After ECN Release (Hole Added on Door Panel)

There was Chances of missing dust seal cover mounting

hole on door panel.

Layout After Engineering Change Note

Piercing Fixture Added in Layout

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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Problem Definition
Trim Chassis Final Assembly Line - Ok Condition Weld Shop Line - Not Ok Condition

Assembly Line Operator is able to fit dust seal on door Piercing Hole Missing - Operator is not able to fit dust
if hole piercing done on Door Panel. seal at final assembly line. No detection of Dust seal cover
mounting hole on Altroz Front Door inner panel.

PDCA Step 5: Set Vision and Targets

1.3- Clarity of Target, Deadline & Action Plan

Identified what Team want to achieve through EXACT Thinking

E.X.A.C.T THINKING - Explicit, Exciting, Assessable, Challenging , Time Framed
Target Statement:-
“To eliminate Rework and Rejection of door assembly at TRIM & CHASIS FITMENT shop (TCF) due
to Piercing hole missing using Team Quality Circle (TQC) problem solving tools up to March 2021.”

PDCA Step 6: Gap Analysis to Find Opportunities for Improvement

2] Analysis of Causes
2.1 - Depth & Logics of Analysis Causes - Cause & Effect Diagram

Team done brainstorming and identified Total 18 Number of probable causes for effect
of door inner dust seal hole missing.

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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Cause Validation - Identification of Dominant Causes
Cause Validation done for all potential causes with following type of Validation Method
 Testing & Simulation
 Check against standard
 Historical data verification
 Occurrence
 Knowledge
2.2 Identification of Dominant Causes - Cause & Effect Diagram After Validation
Three Dominant – Valid causes identified after Cause Validation.

Why Why Analysis for Valid Causes

Causes Cause 1 Cause 2 Cause 3
No detection of piercing Hole missing No Pallet
Valid Causes Process Layout Improper
on loading station or on line Identification
Layout not changed after Engineering As per old
Why 1? Not required in old model
change note (ECN) standard
Why 2? Standard layout as per Plant Engineering Piercing hole not present in old model
Change in pallet
Countermeasure Change layout as per new process Provision of hole detection
color coding

2.3 Appropriateness of Tools & Techniques – Quality Tools Used

 Rating Method
 Process flow diagram
 Brainstorming
 Why-why analysis
 4W 1H principle
 Ishikawa Diagram
 Graphs

PDCA Step 7 : Create an action plan (Identify, deploy, check)

3] Solution Formulation & Implementation
3.1 - Creativity level of Ideas/Solution, 3.2 – Total Participation of Team members

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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Causes Task Description Responsibity Start Date End Date
Process Layout Change the layout of piercing fixture to avoid
1 Rakesh Awati 01-12-2020 13-12-2020
Improper confusion
No detection of piercing Shivaji
Providing detection mechanism of piercing
2 Hole missing on Andhale & 20-12-2020 27-12-2020
door hole at Altroz manual line station no. 10
loading station or on line Kolamkar
Planning of new piercing fixture for mounting
Santosh Darde 03-01-2021 07-02-2021
Piercing hole
Study where and why, not pierced door gone to
3 No Pallet Identification Nitin Shinde 14-02-2021 21-02-2021
next line
Pallet color coding to avoid misplacing non Rakesh Awati
28-02-2021 07-03-2021
pierced door to next line & Shivaji

P D CA Step 7 : Action plan Implementation

3.3 - Implementation of Ideas/Solutions - Changed Layout New location of Piercing

3.3 - Implementation of Ideas/Solutions - Trolley Colour Coding Implemented

Non Pierced Door Trolley – Orange Colour Pierced Door Trolley – Blue Colour

Final Layout Implemented with Panel In and Out locations with colour coding

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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P DC A Step 7 : Action plan Implementation
3.3 - Implementation of Ideas/Solutions
4] Confirmation of Results 4.1 – Monitoring the implementation based on Facts/Data
Innovation1 Trial 1 (1:5:25 Samples)
Stage 1 Photoelectric Sensor (1 & 5 Samples) Stage 2 Photoelectric Sensor (25 Samples)

Laser passed through the hole and further clamping Operator Skill variation and Vibrations while spotting
operation occured. In hole missing case the photoelectric operation, The laser sensor interrupted with giving wrong
sensor interrupted and further clamping not occured. signal. Trial unable to give accurate outcome every time.
Doors without hole rejected automatically on the line.
Outcome – Trial failed and Idea Rejected.

Innovation2 Trial (1:5:25 Samples)

3.3 - Implementation of Ideas/Solutions
4] Confirmation of Results 4.1 – Monitoring the implementation based on Facts/Data,
4.2 – Managing the Effects and Eliminate Negative Impact
Team done brainstorming on failure of Innovation 1 of photoelectric sensor and Invented new idea of
using Cylinder Pin mechanism. Team decided to introduce a pin assembled on small pin cylinder whose
diameter is equal to the dust seal cover mounting hole.
Not Ok Condition Ok Condition

Dust seal cover mounting hole is missing on the door, the pin During the clamping operation, if the door is pierced the pin
cylinder advance motion is restricted and advance feedback on the pin cylinder will enter in the dust seal mounting hole
not given so further clamping operation will not occur. thereby giving the advance feedback for further clamping
Trial successfully completed for 1:5:25 samples of Left Hand Front Door and solution
implemented. Innovation registered under Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

PDC AStep 8 : Sustain Improvement & Results

5] Standardization
5.1 Establishment of Control/Management 5.2 Range of Standardization
 Control Plan Updated – Product and Process Parameters
 Preventive Maintenance (PM) Check sheet updated and adhered
 Process Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (PFMEA) updated for new failure mode
 Work Instruction Sheet (WIS) – Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) updated for all doors at
Station Number 10.
 Pokayoke monitoring of Pin cylinder mechanism working daily with P Chart.

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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6] Further Action - 6.1 Dissemination of Result for those who require
Cylinder pin hole mechanism detection implemented on following lines
 Four Altroz Model Door & Four Nexon Model Door
 Nexon Model rear quarter assembly & Nexon Electric Vehicle Model body side complete line
 Nexon Model Under body rear cross member hole

6.2 Efforts for Continuous Improvement - Horizontal deployment

 Implementation of full proof pin cylinder mechanism on all four Vehicle doors
resulted in detection of dust seal mounting hole missing.
 Quality Circle team empowered through Training, Cross Functional team approach,
Periodic review, Regular Reward and recognition for Implemented Innovations.

PDC AStep 9 : Circle Reassessment

6.3 Development of Leader/Member Competence
Problem solving skills Quality Tools Computer Skills Presentation Skills
Circle Member Before After Before After Before After Before After
Nitin Shinde 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5
Shivaji Andhale 3 5 3 5 2 5 3 5
Rakesh Awati 3 5 3 5 2 4 2 5
Amol Kolamkar 3 4 2 4 1 4 2 4
1 2 3 4 5
Low High

6.4 Value Added - Cost Saving & Benefits

Quantity Actual Per day Per month Cost - 8 Month Fixed Variable
Required Price/content cost cost (July20 - Feb 21) cost cost
Rework Men 2 $24.69 $49.38 $1234.56 $9876.54 $9876.54
Paint Men 1 $24.69 $24.69 $617.28 $4938.27 $4938.27
Drill Machine 1 $30.86 $30.86 $30.86 $30.86 $30.86
Drill Bit 5 $0.61 $3.08 $77.16 $617.28 $617.28
Electric & paint cost 1 $0.61 $0.45 $11.25 $90 $90
Electric cost for
1 $0.61 $1.29 $32.25 $258 $258
drilling (1100 watts)
FRP Template 4 $308.64 $1234.56 $1234.56 $1234.56 $1234.56
Total Repair Cost $1344.31 $3237.36 $17044 $1265.43 $15779

Direct Cost savings $ 17044 all doors/ year. Doors repaired 585Nos. Repair Cost/door $ 29.135

PDC AStep 10 : Present

7] Presentation
Team Presentation done of Quality Circle Case Study and Innovation inside and outside
 QCFI Pune Chapter Convention India - Team Shikhar received Gold Award
 QCFI National Convention Coimbatore India -Team Shikhar received Par Excellence Award.
 Annual Reward and Recognition Function TMPVL Pune India -Best Quality Circle Award.
 Annual Reward and Recognition Function TMPVL Pune India -Best Innovation Award for
Electro Mechanical Hole Sensing Pin Cylinder.

Team is eager to Present QC Circle Case Study at ICQCC 2022 Indonesia Jakarta in Nov-22.

“© Copyright, Confidential Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited”

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