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Points to note

There are to philosophies called nihilism and optimistic nihilism

nahislism is nothing but thinking that world doesn’t give a heck to us and we don’t give a heck to the world.wordls
full of hatred ,global worming and destruction, then when should we even live and have goal.

Whereas optimistic nihilism is almost the same…the worlds gonna end very soon…we are going to live in this world
full of destruction but if this is true why shouldn’t we do something that we like or love.Why care about the society.

Tip 1: Take care of your body

Eat well, get enough sleep, and don’t smoke. Exercise can make us especially more zestful if it’s fun—so think about
skipping the treadmill and joining a softball league or finding a running buddy.

Practice savoring: Zest involves feeling fully engaged in the world around us, with all our senses alive. You can build
that feeling by truly savoring positive events and sensory experiences—don’t just let them breeze past you. One way
to practice is through the Raisin Meditation.

Tip 2: Cultivate optimism

Feeling hopeful can boost our excitement and joie de vivre. To work on optimism, try the Best Possible Self exercise,
where you journal about an ideal future in which everything is going as well as possible, from family and personal life
to career and health.

Tip 3: Get social

The social connections that helped our ancestors survive tens of thousands of years ago bring us more vitality today.
Try spending time with dear friends, cultivating your relationships at work, or participating in group activities to
boost zest. One way to strengthen social bonds is to practice Capitalizing on Positive Events, where you invite a
friend or family member to tell you about something positive that happened to them and respond with enthusiasm
and interest.

Tip 4: Experience nature

Being around vibrant greenery can make us feel more zestful, too. In a 2010 study, participants who took a 15-
minute walk outdoors reported an increase in their sense of vitality and energy, while those who walked indoors did
not. According to subsequent studies by the same researchers, simply being in nature—with or without physical
exercise—makes us feel more energetic.

Approaching life as an adventure; such that one has "motivation in challenging

situations or tasks". Zest is essentially a concept of courage, and involves acquiring the
motivation to complete challenging situations and tasks. Those who have zest exude
enthusiasm, excitement and energy while approaching tasks in life.  zest is defined
as living life with a sense of excitement, anticipation, and energy
Humans are programmed in a way to dwell on the negative thoughts more than the
positive things or the happy times because of the one reason that we take happiness
for granted.
 Zestful people simply enjoy things more than people low in zestfulness.
The purpose of existence is to EXPLORE,CREATE and SHARE.
The catch with psycology of zest it to be more exciting while you are exploring and
creating.A very thought provoking thing that I watched or heard recently….i don’t know
the exact thing but I remember hearing that our purpose of existence is to lay down a
brick for an ultimatum…whether it be creation or a discovery or for the whole of
mankind, it depends on each of you.It could be very little things.To lay down your brick
you just need to do your duties as you like it…live your life to the fullest…
Spending this lockdown mostly with my family and friends, I discovered myself and my
strengths and my weaknesses through them.i actually got to know more about myself
by watching certain videos as well.Personally I think, finally I am almost clear of what I
want to become in this lockdown.Before that I just wanted people to remember me, I
always wanted to contribute something to my world ,it could be family ,It could be my
father or mother or my friends, or literally the world itself.I decided to march towards
becoming an euntapreneur watching this guy called raunauq mangottil whom I inspire a
lot as person after my mother and father and also as a businessman. He was asked a
question “ why does everyone want to succeed in life, why does everyone want to have
a goal kinda thing”…and the answer was that everyone’s definition of success is very
different but ironically the society wants us to stick to a certain kinda success.The thing
is you can have a tentative goal in your life, but you should have the feeling happiness
while you are marching towards it …you should enjoy the path that you are on.You
know what when you finally reach the goal or the destination, it would definitely not
mean to you as much you would have expected it to do so according to my way of
perceiving life but when you look back at your process , it would be more gratifying.
The advice I wanted to pass to you ..or so as you call it is…” you should have a
tentative goal in your life or could be anything. When you are climbing up
that staircase of marching towards success.You shouldn’t perceive it as a bad time or a
struggle. You must enjoy everytime when you lift your foot and keep it on a single step
that makes you little nearer to your ultimatum. If you practice this, even if you not reach
your goal or your meaning of success, when you look back at your life it would amount
to something that is more meaningful,satisfying and pleasing than your goal itself.”
And one last thing when you are striving hard or working hard for something you like or
something you think is your passion please don’t call it a struggle.”
Thank you

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