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Thematic Unit: “Holidays/Places to visit”

Linguistic objectives:

- Grammar (Past Simple, Past Continuous)

- Lexical (Vocabulary for description - Adjectives)

Function: - Description of places.

- Comparison and contrast.

- Debate.

- Make a brochure.


- To develop reading, writing and speaking skills.

- Ability to compare and contrast.
- To contextualize the learning.
- To encourage group cooperative work.
- To develop students’ creativity.

Evaluation Criteria:

- Group work/organization
- Participation
- Tasks completion
- Use of vocabulary and grammar

Public: Level: Intermediate

Age: 16/17 – 2nd Polimodal.

Number: 20

Time: 80 min. per class.

Resources: brochures, computer, beamer.

Class 1:

- A video will be shown to the students. Then, there will be a discussion about the
two places (New York and Barbados). They will be compared and described.

- Students will be divided into two groups, one for Barbados, and the other one for
NY. The groups will have to make a brochure about the cities explaining why those
are good holiday destinations to visit.

- The two groups will talk about the two places they were assigned to work about,
and will try to convince the students from the opposite group that their city is
better to visit.

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