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Marck John B.


Answer the following questions: (4 items x 10 points)

1. What is/are the factor/s that affect/s the productivity of Globaltech’s employees?

• Communication and the office environment, both of which have become noisier,
have a negative impact on employee productivity at Globaltech. In order to
encourage specific breakthroughs and ideas, workers must be provided periods
of peaceful concentration. including the workplace environment, including air
quality, noise, and vibration.

2. How can Globaltech avoid the “Sick Building Syndrome” in their workplace?

•Globaltech may avoid the "Sick Building Syndrome" in their workplace by

building highly engineered workplaces with the proper temperature, lighting, and
ventilations, as well as the proper furniture choices, layout, and air quality.

3. How can Globaltech maximize employee productivity based on the design of

their facility?

• They can maximize staff productivity by providing the appropriate type of space
for workers to use during working hours. The company must acknowledge that
their employees engage in a variety of activities, and it is imperative that they
adapt their workplace's room and facility employees by selecting an environment
that allows individuals and teams to select the most suitable environment for their
task-related needs at any given time.

4. How can Globaltech apply the concept of 5S in their workplace organization?

•GlobalTech can adopt the 5S concept in their workplace by beginning their lean
transformation with the 5S in order to develop the framework and discipline
required to execute continuous improvement efforts with success. S1-Sort is a
method that requires employees to practice going through all of the tools and
supplies in the work area and keeping just the essential stuff. Second, S2- Shine
demands employees to do three tasks: cleaning the workplace, maintaining its
look, and taking preventative actions to keep the workplace clean. S3-Set is
required to focus on the necessity for organizing tools and equipment in order to
optimize workflow. S-4 Standardize requires the development of best practices
for continual workplace improvement. S5-Sustain entails maintaining the
momentum obtained from the first adoption of 5S and establishing tactics to
ensure the discipline's continued success.

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