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Submitted by:

Tome, Esmeralda A.

Padilla, Gezziel T.

Cole, Fercelyn R.

Garsula, Chamma L.

Sumalpong, Rexey P.

Aranas, Lenilyn T.

Western Mindanao State University Ipil External Studies Unit

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the degree of Bachelor In

Secondary Education Major in English



An Undergraduate Thesis

Submitted To:

The Faculty

Western Mindanao State University Ipil External Studies Unit

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the degree of Bachelor In

Secondary Education Major in English

Submitted by:

Tome, Esmeralda A.

Padilla, Gezziel T.

Cole, Fercelyn R.

Garsula, Chamma L.

Sumalpong, Rexey P.

Aranas, Lenilyn T.


We would like to express our warm gratitude to the following

personages, who were there conducting our Educational Research Paper for

bearing their hands in assisting and making this paper possible.

To our Almighty Father, God of heaven and earth who gives us

wisdom, strength hope, and deep understanding for us to continue this

finished work.

To Mrs. Felwyn Lovely R. Natividad Ma.ED – our research instructor

and our Unit Coordinator of Western Mindanao State University, for her great

effort in supervising and leading us to accomplish this fine work.

To Mrs. Prisavel Cuadra Clemenia, DR. Gilda B. Gose, and DR.

Rolando G. Vergara who lend their time in checking the research instruments

that we used in our study. For the useful comments and for signing the validity

letter for us to proceed to the next step of the research paper.

To Mr. Reymond Paragas, in his effort to teach us to get the exact

statistical computation.

To our beloved parents who gave their full support physically,

emotionally, and financially.


This research is dedicated to our Almighty God for giving us grace and

wisdom in the completion of this research.

This is also dedicated to our respective parents, who have been our constant

source of inspiration and funds. Without their love and support, this project would not

have been possible

Lastly, to our school, Western Mindanao State University Ipil External Studies

Unit for allowing us to conduct our research in the Tabernacle of Praise church.

The Researchers


The study aimed to determine the status of young people of Tabernacle

of Praise during distance learning, the challenges they encountered, and their

coping mechanisms and to formulate a program based on the findings of the

study. The study will be conducted at Lower Taway Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

Tabernacle of Praise. The study made use of a survey questionnaire checklist

to gather the necessary data for the study.

The study yields that the Majority of the young people were attending

modular distance learning, accounting for 47.4%. The cellphone was the main

gadget used, constituting around 89 percent of where data was the main source

of their internet connectivity. Facebook Messenger was the main platform used

for communication.

Furthermore, the young people did not experience any serious

challenges in terms of independent learning, learning process, or teaching

process. Furthermore, gadgets and internet connectivity were not an issue in

their distance learning

The result of the study shows that students sought advice from their

pastor and discipleship, they also seek help from their parents for advice and

in encountering difficulties in answering the modules. The students also

communicate with their teachers for further explanation to fully understand their

lessons and keep an open mind to new ideas. Also, the students do not hesitate

in asking their parents for financial support.


Title Page i

Acknowledgment ii

Dedication iii

Abstract iv

Table of Content v

List of Figure vii

List of Table viii

Chapter Title Page


Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem 2

Significance of the Study 3

Scope and Limitation 4

Definition of Terms



Related Literature

Local Literature 14

Review of Related Studies 16

Theoretical Framework 23

Conceptual Framework 24


Research Design

Research Locale

Research Respondents 26

Sampling Procedures


Data Gathering Procedure 27

Statistical Treatment 28






Findings 43


Recommendations 44

Bibliography 46





Table No. Page

1. Status of the Distance learning class in Terms of Modality 30

2. Status of the modular class in Terms of Gadget used for Distance Learning 31

3. Status of the modular class in Terms of Internet Connectivity 32

4. Status of Distance learning in Terms of Communication 33

5. Independent Learning 34

6. Learning Process 35

7. Teaching Process

8. Technology 36



This chapter presents the background of the study which gives an

overview of what the study is all about, statement of the problem, its

significance and scope, and delimitations.


The researcher has learned that during the pandemic, the face to face

class has been stopped, and adapted distance learning instead, which embrace

online and modular classes. The researcher finds this situation a burden and a

struggle for every student, parent, and also the teacher. This study aims to

recommend helpful tips and ways, how to overcome this kind of situation in

education in these trying times so that learning will not be stagnant. The

researcher will conduct a survey in checklist form to gather some data from the

young people of the Tabernacle of Praise who are still studying.

Distance learning, which is also called distance education, modular and

online learning is a form of education in which the main elements include the

physical separation of teachers and students during instruction; and the use of

various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student

communication. Distance learning is defined as the use of technology to bridge

a gap in the physical distance between a teacher and a student.

This study will focus on the challenges that young people are

experiencing and the strategies they used as they face these new systems of

learning. It will be exciting to know that students even at an early age learn to

survive and persevere in their studies. This type of learning is new to young

learners, they will surely have a hard time adjusting to the new education

system, but everything will be possible through perseverance. A lot of problems

come up as they go along such as financial, physical, low connectivity, power

interruption, and the online class itself. It will also enable the students to see

the reality of how distance learning whether the modular or online class will

affect their lives. Thus, this research will be conducted to know how the young

people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil cope with the current situation and during

distance learning so that the researchers can recommend a program as an

output of this research.


This study aimed to know the student’s life in distance learning of the

young people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil. Particularly, this study seeks to

answer the following specific questions:

1. What is the status of the young people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil

during Distance Learning?

2. What are the challenges encountered among the young people of

Tabernacle of Praise-Ipil, in distance learning?

3. What are the coping strategies of the young people of Tabernacle of

Praise-Ipil concerning the challenges they encountered?

4. Based on the findings, what support program can be formulated?


Since the number of infected by the pandemic disease Novel Corona

Virus is still arising, the department of education has its strategies and

techniques so that education won’t stop. It has been a very tragic idea of being

a student without going to school as what students used to do but stay at home,

but with the help of technology, students can do an online and modular classes.

This study will be a great help for the researchers but also as well of the


Students, this study is to give young people the possible outcomes and

help them evaluate how they cope with the challenges they face, during the

distance learning process.

Teachers, will be a reference to understand how students are being

challenged during distance learning and able to help them come up with more

interventions to cater to the different needs of the students.

Church Youth Pastors and Youth leaders, to know their current

situations, and struggles and know how to motivate them through related verses

from the Bible that will motivate them to persevere and do more for God’s

greater glory through their school achievements.

Parents, like teachers, the parents will be a reference in improving their

children’s skills in learning and give full support through a financial and deep

understanding of what and how their children go through their studies in

distance learning.


The focus of this study is on the challenges that young people of the

Tabernacle of Praise-Ipil faced and the coping strategies they used during

distance learning. This study will be conducted on the young people of

Tabernacle of Praise-Ipil at Purok Dhalia, Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga

Sibugay.Inclusion criteria: Young People of Tabernacle of Praise-Ipil, ages 12-

30 years old who are officially enrolled this school year 2020-2021.Exclusion

criteria: Young People of Tabernacle of Praise-Ipil who are not enrolled this

school year 2020-2021.

Definition of Terms

YOUNG PEOPLE- the youth, specifically the young people of Tabernacle of

Praise Ipil ages 12- 28 that are serving in Elevate Youth Ministry.

Independent Variables

DISTANCE LEARNING- Distance learning, also called distance education,

modular and online learning form of education where the Tabernacle of Praise

young people enrolled in. In which the main elements include the physical

separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various

technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication.

Distance learning is defined as the use of technology to bridge a gap in the

physical distance between a teacher and a student.

CHALLENGES- is something that puts young people of the Tabernacle of

Praise Ipil to test their endurance, knowledge, or capabilities on doing certain


COPING STRATEGIES- refer to the specific efforts, that the young people of

Tabernacle of Praise Ipil both behavioral and psychological, that they employ

to master, tolerate, reduce, or minimize stressful events.




This chapter presents the review of the related literature and studies

from both foreign resources, which includes the relevance of theories gathered

concerning the Novel Corona Virus world pandemic and Distance learning, its

Challenges, Coping strategies, and Academic Performances. This also

includes the conceptual framework, statement of the hypothesis, and lastly, the

operational definition of terms far better comprehension of the study.


Foreign Literature

Novel Corona Virus- The hidden foe against the whole world that

threatened the life of every people. According to CNN news about an epidemic

that began to spread in a Chinese city in early 2020, no one anticipated the

scope of the epidemic for the entire world in a very short period. From Wuhan

(China) to New York (USA) through Africa, South America, Asia, and Europe,

the new coronavirus, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) or severe acute

respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has paralyzed, to a greater

or lesser extent, the life in many countries, causing thousands of deaths and

about 6 million were infected. For these reasons, the scientific community is on

the alert by conducting studies on the virus, the disease it produces, the

situation it creates, and the population it attacks, from different perspectives,

including systematic reviews of the literature, such as the one presented in this


However, researchers on this topic are not only biologists or physicians.

It is worth noting the contribution of Maestre Maestre (2020) President of the

Society for Latin Studies, in an article on the virus that has caused the

pandemic, in which, playing with different related terms, he explains that the

neutral noun “virus” means “poison” in Latin, so most current research is trying

to find a medicine that will kill the virus. Likewise, the Greek term ϕάρμακoν (in

Latin pharmacum) also means poison. The relationship between the two terms

is that pharmacies are looking for poisons that will kill the “poisons” that

undermine people's health or their desire to be safe. Remember the symbol of

the pharmacies, the “Bowl of Hygieia” with the snake that pours a “poison” into

it that stops being a poison to become an antidote. The name “coronavirus” is

given to it because, through the microscope, the “virus-poison” is shaped like a

“crown” which makes it the king of poisons.

However, in addition to scientists who study the pandemic, biologists,

doctors, and humanists, educators are obliged to care for the psychological and

emotional health, as well as cultivate the minds, of children. The consequences

of the containment measures of COVID-19 are detrimental to the mental health

of people around the world. It is logical that the most vulnerable are children

who do not understand what is happening and who, along with the concern and

frustration of their elders, may present risk factors, such as anxiety and affective

and post-traumatic stress disorders (Giallonardo et al., 2020). However, not

only minors are affected. According to Roy et al. (2020), more than 80% of

people over 18 have shown the need for attention to their mental health, as a

result of the anxiety and stress experienced during the pandemic. Forte et al.

(2020) agree with this idea, stating that the pandemic has caused stress,

psychological discomfort, sleep disorders, and instability, among others, in a

large part of the population.

In this sense, many questionnaires have been applied to obtain

information in the educational context or related to it from research groups at

different universities, including the one from the IDIBAPS research group at the

Hospital Universitario de Barcelona, concerning behaviors to reduce emotional

distress during the pandemic and confinement by COVID-19.

Distance Learning

The term “Distance Education” refers to an educational approach in

which there is the quasi- separation of the learners and the lecturers in time

and space. In distance education, the instructor and instructional strategy and

methods are subsumed into the learning materials that have been designed as

a self-directed learning guide for students (Garland, 2010). In addition, open

learning refers to the philosophical construct that seeks to remove barriers and

constraints that may prevent learners from accessing and succeeding in quality

and lifelong education. These two terms represent approaches that focus on

opening access to education and training provision, freeing learners from the

constraints of time and place, and offering flexible learning opportunities to

individuals and groups of learners. Precisely, Open and distance learning is one

of the most rapidly growing fields of education, and its potential impact on all

education delivery systems has been greatly accentuated through the

development of Internet-based information technologies, and in particular the

World Wide Web (Mossberger, Tolbert, & Stansbury, 2013).

As a force contributing to social and economic development, open and

distance learning is today one of the most rapidly growing fields of education

and training. It is fast becoming an accepted and indispensable part of the

mainstream educational systems in both developed and developing countries,

with particular importance for the latter (Frick, Coffman, & Dey, 2015). This

growth has been stimulated in part by interest among educators and trainers in

the use of new, Internet-based information technologies, but also by the

recognition that traditional ways of organizing education need to be reinforced

by innovative methods if the fundamental right of all people to a life of learning

is to be realized. One innovation, in particular, is the expansion of the World

Wide Web, coupled with a continued fall in the cost of processing, storing, and

transmitting information. This has contributed to significant shifts in how

distance education is perceived by educators and how it is designed, delivered,

and administered.

The practice of open and distance learning (ODL) in Kenya has been at

all levels of education and provided by different institutions governed by their

institutional policies. Some of the major providers: are the Kenya Institute of

Curriculum Development (KICD), the University of Nairobi (UoN), the Kenya

Institute of Special Education (KISE), Kenyatta University; African Medical

Research Foundation (AMREF), the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture,

Ministry of Education under school-based teacher development program;

Strathmore University, Daystar University and USIU (Anyona, 2010). Besides,

there are other institutions hosted in Kenya that provide and manage distance

learning. For example, the African Virtual University (AVU) used to run

programs in Francophone and Anglophone Africa but has since changed its

mandate from providing distance learning directly to the learners to providing

training to staff in institutions offering open and distance learning. According to

Winnsboro (2012), this uncoordinated ODL practice has made some impact on

education and development in the training of adult literacy teachers, primary

school teachers, training of teachers in special education, cooperative

practitioners, and training of medical professionals and primary school

enrichment through the radio programs and use of electronic modes.

Open and distance education in Tanzania and other sub-Saharan

African countries is considered an important avenue for the provision of

education and to remove barriers for many and increase access to education

for as many people as possible. For example, many people including those

living in remote areas, those who could not allowed to leave their homes or

workplace to study, or those who otherwise could not have such access depend

on open and distance education. Although open and distance learning is widely

developed in western countries due to well-developed structures, African

countries are slowly catching up. This is because more and more people are

understanding and embracing ODL learning in Africa (Anderson, 2013). One of

the common issues observed throughout all ODL programs in the world is the

similarities in challenges faced by ODL students in Kenya, Africa, Europe,

America, and Asia among other parts of the world. The difference is in how

these problems are solved by the students themselves and the institutions

involved. The focus of this paper is to analyze some of the challenges facing

ODL students and subsequent coping strategies deployed by male and female

learners across the globe, as well as the demographic characteristics of ODL

learners concerning their academic performance.

Coping Strategies Gore, Bloem, Patton, Ferguson, and Joseph (2014)

on coping strategies employed by distant students indicate that students use

diverse coping strategies including seeking social support and making changes

to improve the stressful situation. They also use escapism through substance

use, comfort eating, or trying to ignore stressful experiences. There is limited

research from teacher education students’ perspectives on the strategies they

use to cope with stress during their educational programs. Some of the positive

coping strategies identified by Gore et al. (2014) include seeking support and

using leisure activities. However, dysfunctional coping methods are also

reported which include taking out frustrations on children, especially for married

distant learning students.

Lack of self-direction and management (Abrami and Bures 1996 )

and (Tinto 1997 ) According to Abrami and Bures (1996) some students in

distance learning programs and courses report feelings of isolation, lack of self-

direction and management, and eventual decreases in motivation levels. These

factors are supported by Tinto’s (1997) model of institutional departure with its

central notion that student

persistence is strongly predicted by their degree of academic integration (e.g.,

performance, academic self-esteem, identity as a student, etc.) and social

integration (e.g., personal interaction, connection to the academic community,


Lack of interaction (Bennett, Priest, and Macpherson, 1999; Harasim,

Hiltz, Teles, and Turoff, 1995) and ( Booher and Seiler, 1982 )One of the most

consistent problems associated with distance learning environments is a sense

of isolation due to lack of interaction (Bennett, Priest, and Macpherson, 1999;

Harasim, Hiltz, Teles and Turoff, 1995). This sense of isolation is linked with

attrition, instructional ineffectiveness, and failing academic achievement.

Self-directed (Knowles, 1975, p. 15 )As Knowles described in his text

on self-directed learning (Knowles, 1975, p. 15), “students entering these

programs without having learned the skills of self-directed inquiry will

experience anxiety, frustration, and often failure . . .” To be successful, learners

need the skills required for effective online learning, and those skills need to be

explicitly taught and supported in the online learning environment. These

challenges to the retention of distance learners, interestingly enough, have

something in common: they seem to hinge on learners’ need for significant

support in the distance learning environment through interaction with others

(e.g., peers, instructors, and learner support services personnel). 12

(Vàzquez, Otero, & Diàz, 2012) For a minority of students, the challenge

is too great, and consequently, they exit their programs of study. Some students

adopt positive methods such as seeking social support or using leisure activities

while others use maladaptive strategies like escape/avoidance to manage

stress. Other poor coping mechanisms include: ignoring the problem, failure to

seek help from others, and escapism through substance use. As a result, some

students contemplate self-harm and suicide, especially young people who do

not seek help or talk about their problems.

Utilization of Gadgets as learning resources

Globalization has changed our lives from the era of communicating with pen

and paper which takes days before information could get to the destination,

and one of the ways how it changed our lives, is how we communicate

effectively through advancements in Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT). According to Ling (2004), mobile phones have become

an almost essential part of daily life since their rapid growth in popularity in the

late 1990s. According to Haruna et al., (2016), mobile phones are the most

necessary medium of communication for adolescents. It has virtually affected

society's accessibility, security, safety, and coordination of business and

social activities and has hence become a part of the culture of the whole

world. Ling (2004), states that traditional agents of socialization are families

and schools.

There are various educational benefits of mobile phone technologies that are

most often cited as; easily accessing content, integrating a broad range of

educational activities, supporting independent study and student organization,

encouraging student enthusiasm, supporting classroom-based collaboration

and interaction as well as supporting inquiry-based instruction and learning

(Roschelle, 2003). More sophisticated mobile phones, also known as

smartphones, can be used to assist students in accessing information from

the web, transforming it, transferring it, collaborating with students, and also

creating a more media-rich approach to instruction (Ferry, 2009).

Recent advances in ICT have significantly increased the possibilities of mobile

phones being used as instructional tools, because of their increasing

processing power, memory, and connectivity which have made these

technologies drastically more interactive (Pea & Maldonado, 2006).

Additionally, Vavolua (2005) suggests that these technologies can be used in

science during field trips, where students gather scientific data for future

analysis in the laboratory.

Local Literature

According to Phlorita A. Ridao, Acting Vice-chairperson of RDC IX,

Acting Vice-Chairperson for Rehabilitation and Recovery, and an OIC-

Regional Director, NEDA IX that the Zamboanga Peninsula Recovery Program

(RRP) was formulated based on Republic Act no. 10121 or the Philippine

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010, as well as, the We

Recover As One report of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of

Emerging Infectious Diseases-Technical Working Group for Anticipatory and

Forward Planning (IATF-TWG for AFP) led by National Economic and

Development Authority (NEDA).

As mandated in the RA 10121, NEDA Regional Office IX, as Vice-Chair

for Rehabilitation and Recovery of the National Regional Disaster Risk

Reduction and Management Council (RDRRMC), coordinated the preparation

of the RRP, to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Zamboanga


The RRP addresses the impact of COVID-19 on the economic, social,

infrastructure, environmental, and governance sectors. The proposed

interventions cover the period 2020-2022. The RRP is outlined as follows: (a )

Introduction; (b) Rehabilitation and Recovery Framework; (c) Assessment of

the Effects of COVID-19; (d) Strategies; (e) Financial and Investment

Requirements; (f) Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism; and (g)

Communication Strategy. The RRP also contains the list of programs, projects,

and activities proposed by the various lines of agencies.

The formulations of ZamPen RRP was made possible through the

collaborative efforts of the members of Regional Development Council (RDC)

IX and its sectoral committees, as well as, the members of the Rehabilitation

and Recovery Committee of the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Council (RDRRMC) IX. May I take this opportunity, to extend my

gratitude and appreciation for the cooperation and valuable contribution of the

various regional line agencies, local government units, and private sector in

coming up with this sector.

The Zamboanga Peninsula RRP was approved jointly by RDC IX and

RDRRMC IX on 13th May 2020. May we all continue to support the

implementation of the development of the region, particularly the RRP to realize

the aspirations of our constituents to fully recover in this pandemic as we move

toward a safer, healthier, and more resilient Zamboanga Peninsula under the

new and better normal.

Review of Related Studies

Robotham and Julian (2016) conducted a bivariate analysis that

illustrated statistically significant differences in coping processes concerning

several demographic variables that included gender, age, marital status, place

of residence, the program of study, and year of study. The findings indicate that

female ODL students used escape avoidance and sought social support more

frequently than males. Students under the age of 26 years used escape

avoidance frequently in contrast to those aged 26 years and older who used

positive reappraisal. Marital status was linked with the coping strategies used.

Those categorized as single, divorced, and separated used escape avoidance,

distancing, and self-controlling frequently compared to those categorized as

married and cohabiting. Differences in the coping processes of student

nurses/midwives and teacher education students emerged. Nursing/midwifery

students used escape avoidance and sought social support and positive

reappraisal more frequently than teacher education students. Those who

perceived that being a student was stressful used escape avoidance, accepting

responsibility, and confronting coping more than those who did not.

Young People Challenges

Stress Coping Strategies

Managing stress is very vital to averting any negative effects of

prolonged stress. Students use various coping strategies in managing stress.

As shown in Table 4, the majority of the students were using positive coping

strategies. Praying/meditation was a very important coping strategy for both

male (M=3.22, SD=0.89,) and female (M=3.22, SD=1.04) students. In Ghana

religion plays an important role in solving problems that confront people,

especially with issues that do not have social structures to mitigate their

negative effects. Hence, these results have shown the use of prayer in solving

social problems in the Ghanaian context. Other important coping strategies

were self-distracting (M=2.82, SD=1.07; M=2.69, SD=1.22) such as watching

TV, movies listening to music; emotional support (M=2.84, SD=0.92; M=2.57,

SD=1.09) and instrumental support (M=2.60, SD=1.08; M=2.26, SD=1.10) for

males and females respectively. These results corroborate Sideridis’ (2008)

study that revealed five important stress coping strategies; browsing the

internet, sleeping, and resting, watching TV or movies, and instant messaging

as frequently used coping strategies by students. However, many students

were also attempting to learn to live with the situation. In contrast to some

perceptions in Ghanaian society that some students use tobacco and alcohol

abuse to reduce stress, this study found that the majority of the students

reported not using tobacco/alcohol or drugs to address stressful situations.

Some of the students also used ‘Denial”, that is refusing to believe it happened

or not accepting the situation, male (M=2.24, SD=1.13) and female (M=2.29,

SD=1.12) as a coping strategy for stressful events. This implies students make

sure to forget that they are going through stress and free their minds of the

stressful events but for how long can these situations sustain such a coping

strategy as far as the stress keep occurring? The results in Table 4 further show

that instrumental support such as getting support or advice from lectures or

tutors was also used by a reasonable number of the students; Males (M=2.60,

SD=1.08); Females (M=2.26, SD=1.10).

The challenges in remote learning for young children

A lot of challenges a student can have especially those children in

remote places, this is the most heart-melting experience that the researchers

felt about those children. Many times the researchers viewed that the children

in remote places areas suffer more today with the system of education due to

a lack of resources like; gadgets and learning materials that can be used during

this time of the pandemic.

Teaching styles must evolve to ensure that young children, regardless

of their situation, enjoy the experience of learning, while continuing to engage

with their teachers and classmates.

Before the onset of the pandemic, the digitalization of education was often

equated with equipping a campus with Wi-Fi. Ironically, while Covid-19 is

causing harm to human society, it led to the establishment of remote learning.

Today, both educators and parents have a better handle on guiding children

through a flipped learning environment where the educator guides students as

they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter.

However, as societies and communities across the world try to protect

themselves from the virus, children are bracing themselves for a change of

normal. Child psychologists and educationists have been vocal about the

impact of a lockdown on the minds of young children. They have suddenly had

to adjust to being away from their schools, friends, and teachers. Incidentally,

being away from school for a very long time in the early years creates gaps in

learning that impact developmental milestones. While online classes warrant

an easing of the situation, it is a fact that every child’s experience of remote

learning will be different. These differences are intensified by social divides,

access to technology, availability of resources, and the amount of parental

support and input the kids receive. The idea of remote learning is new and

possibly intimidating for many parents. While many schools rolled out online

classes for children, many families are also undergoing financial stress,

employment flux, or pressures of home working as a result of the pandemic.

However, adult worries aside, a continued learning routine will allow our

children some degree of choice and independent learning within the activities

and work set by teachers. So, schools must ensure to make remote learning

convenient, purposeful, and engaging for youngsters. It is therefore important

for parents to keep certain factors in mind as they collaborate with educators to

make the transition fun for young children. We are in the middle of a global

health crisis and the physical and mental health of our students is far more

important than the assessment measures on which we relied during normal

times. The core idea remains to build a plan that includes a variety of learning

experiences, online and off, by modifying or adapting activities to meet the

needs of our children. The truth is, Covid-19 has fueled the creation of remote

learning pedagogy that has to be more creative in execution. The unique and

intricate nature of the current situation means everybody has to adapt.

Teaching styles must evolve to ensure that young children, regardless of their

situation, enjoy the experience of learning, while continuing to engage with their

teachers and classmates.

Typically, for young children, a blended approach of clear, structured

activities and aspects of project-based learning works well. This may help to

alleviate challenges around differing access to technology and may be a

potentially more sustainable long-term approach to homeschooling. In addition

to clear tutoring, guiding, and questioning tasks, teachers may wish to provide

opportunities for children to take their time on longer projects. This approach

gives children greater autonomy over their learning and encourages them to

participate in complex questions and real-world problems. It also allows children

to follow their inquisitiveness, while also helping teachers and parents, as the

day is broken down into short modules. Project-based learning requires careful

scaffolding from teachers and parents, especially for young kids, through

careful prompts and helping children to learn at their own pace. Project-based

learning helps teachers to focus on building a child’s natural skills while allowing

them to undertake independent learning. While children will learn new things

and acquire new information owing to their projects, teachers should remain in

control of what concepts are taught. The introduction and success of new

technology in a classroom can only be enabled when combined with best

teaching practices. Also, with digital tools, the social environment of the school

can be created as best as possible. Without after-school activities, playdates,

and daycare, children will be looking for other ways to entertain themselves and

keep busy. Without their normal activities, parents and teachers need to come

up with ways to keep them happy, healthy, and engaged while at home. It is

important to understand that our children are most likely bored, afraid,

confused, and stressed. It is easy to worry that they are not learning enough or

that they are losing motivation because remote learning is challenging.

However, young children are more resilient than we think, and we have to be

realistic with ourselves as educators. We are unquestionably more dependent

on technology now than ever before, but there is a need to harness this

technology and digital skills to navigate complex online learning materials. A

careful framework and simple instructions from teachers and parents will help

young children to work on their own time, using the resources available to them.

Remarkably, while it assimilates technology in terms of communication and

presentation, it will also allow kids to learn self-sufficiently remotely. (The writer

is Co-founder and Group CEO, EuroKids International.)

Coping Strategies

Lazarus and Folkman (1984) thought of stress as an interactive process

between the person and their surroundings, in which the influence of stressful

events on physical and psychological well-being is determined by coping. From

this widely accepted transactional approach, coping would come to be defined

by cognitive and behavioral efforts employed in response to external or internal

demands that the individual deems to be threats to their well-being. Despite the

documentation of more than 400 coping strategies (Skinner et al., 2003), they

are generally categorized into two broad types (for a complete categorization,

see Zimmer-Gembeck and Skinner, 2016): approach (also called active)

strategies and evasive (or disengagement) strategies. Approach strategies

involve cognitive and behavioral mechanisms aimed at making an active

response to the stressor, directly changing the problem (primary control) or the

negative emotions associated with it (secondary control). This category

includes strategies such as planning, taking a specific action, seeking support

(instrumental and emotional), the positive reappraisal of the situation, or

acceptance. Evasive strategies are those which involve cognitive and

behavioral mechanisms used to evade the stressful situation, such as

distraction, denial, and wishful thinking. Based on this classification, there is a

broad consensus that approach strategies are related to good academic,

physical, and psychological adjustment (Clarke, 2006; Syed and Seiffge-

Krenke, 2015; Gustems-Carnicer et al., 2019), whereas evasive strategies

usually mean maladaptive consequences for the students (Tavolacci et al.,

2013; Deasy et al., 2014; Skinner et al., 2016; Tran and Lumley, 2019).

We used the coping scale from the Academic Stress Questionnaire to

measure coping strategies (Cabanach et al., 2010). This instrument has 23

items evaluating three approach strategies for coping: a positive reappraisal,

support seeking, and planning. Positive reappraisal is a secondary control

strategy in which the student seeks to reassign the stressful event, highlighting

the positive (e.g., “When I am faced with a problematic situation, I forget

unpleasant aspects and highlight the positive ones”). The psychometric

properties were acceptable, in terms of both reliability (α = 0.860; ω = 0.864;

construct reliability = 0.857; composite reliability = 0.857) and validity

(convergent validity = 0.483; construct validity: χ2 = 119.87; df = 30; p > 0.05;

GFI = 0.98; AGFI = 0.96; TLI = 0.96; CFI = 0.98; RMR = 0.03; RMSEA = 0.05).

Support seeking is a mixed coping strategy, as the student can do that to seek

information and advice from others to resolve the issue at hand (e.g., “When I

am faced with a problematic situation, I ask for advice from a family member or

a close friend”) or they can seek consolation and emotional relief. e.g., “When

I am faced with a problematic situation, I manifest my feelings and opinions to

others”). The psychometric properties of this subscale were good, in reliability

(α = 0.902; ω = 0.903; construct reliability = 0.900; composite reliability = 0.900)

and validity (convergent validity = 0.566; construct validity: χ2 = 35.43; df = 12;

p > 0.05; GFI = 0.99; AGFI = 0.98; TLI = 0.99; CFI = 0.99; RMR = 0.02; RMSEA

= 0.04). Planning is a primary control strategy, characterized by analysis and

the design of a plan of action aimed at resolving the problematic situation

(“When I am faced with a problematic situation, I draw up an action plan and

follow it”). The psychometric properties were acceptable, in terms of both

reliability (α = 0.81; ω = 0.81; construct reliability = 0.85; composite reliability =

0.82) and validity (convergent validity = 0.504; construct validity: χ2 = 33.52; df

= 8; p > 0.05; GFI = 0.99; AGFI = 0.97; TLI = 0.97; CFI = 0.98; RMR = 0.03;

RMSEA = 0.05). The participants’ responses are recorded on a five-point Likert

scale (1 = never to 5 = always).

Theoretical Framework

Wedemeyer (1981) identifies essential elements of independent learning

as greater student responsibility, widely available instruction, an effective mix

of media and methods, adaptation to individual differences, and a wide variety

of start, stop and learn times. Holmberg (1989) calls for foundations of theory

construction around the concepts of independence, learning, and teaching:

Folkman and Lazarus 1988, (Lazarus 1991), Lazarus and co-workers

distinguished eight coping strategies: confrontative coping, distancing, self-

controlling, seeking social support, accepting responsibility, escape-avoidance,

planful problem-solving, and positive reappraisal.

Figure 1


The diagram in figure 1 would show the input, process, and output, which

are the components of this study. It illustrates that the input is distance learning

while the processes are the challenges and coping strategies among young

people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil. To come up with an output which is the

support program that the researcher can recommend.

Status on Distance Challenges, Coping
Support Program
Learning Strategies.




This chapter presents and discusses the research design, research

environment, research subjects, sampling technique, instrument, data-

gathering procedure, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study employed a descriptive-survey research design with the

survey questionnaire checklist to gather data on the challenges of the young

people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil, as well as the coping strategies they used.

A descriptive type of research is designed to investigate a certain topic

to gather information about the existing condition or situation. This involves the

collection of data to answer questions concerning the current status of the

subject of this study. It determines and qualifies the attitudes and opinions of

a group or persons that provide the information needed for the study. The main

intention to use this method is to collect data problem solving

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Tabernacle of Praise Ipil, located in Purok

Dhalia, Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay. The church is headed by

Doctor/Pastor Pearly B. Sibud as the host pastor, 2 Associate Pastors, 120

members. The church has a parsonage and pastoral house, 2 rooms for the

Nextgen or kids ministry, and a room for the elevate or the young people


Research Respondents

To address the issue of the challenges the young people of Tabernacle

of Praise Ipil faced today and the coping strategies they used. This study

choose samples of 38 young people who are enrolled during distance learning

from Tabernacle of Praise Ipil out of 50 young people.

Sampling Procedures

This study used a total enumeration of the whole population out of 50

young people only 38 young people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil ages 12 to 30

enrolled in distance learning.


Since the research design is a survey, the researcher used a questionnaire. A

questionnaire is a data-gathering instrument used to gather desired factual

information (Best and Khan 2003). The researcher administered questionnaires

to 38 young people of distance-learning students. The questions are centered

more on what are the young people’s challenges, what are the coping strategies

they used, and their academic performances during distance learning.

Data Gathering Procedure

As the researcher received the corrected questionnaire, the researcher

soon conducted a survey of the said respondents. The first part, of the survey

questionnaire, is the demographic profile that they are going to answer through

the checking box with the selection of their personal information. This

demographic profile questionnaire includes their age, gender, grade level, and

college level. The next part would be, the challenges each young people of the

Tabernacle of Praise faced today during distance learning includes;

independent learning, the teaching process, the learning process, technology,

and others. The third part of the questionnaire includes the coping strategies

young people used as they go through their online and modular classes

including; Social support, Family support, Leisure activities, Escapism, and


In gathering the data for the challenges, and coping strategies of young

people during distance learning respondents must answer the questionnaire in

a checklist form. Respondents must choose and check the item concerning

their situation during distance learning. Respecting confidentiality and rules,

researchers will tally their corresponding scores so that researchers will get the

desired data in response to the researcher’s topic; Distance Learning: Its

Challenges, Coping Strategies Among Young People.

Statistical Treatment

There will be a few procedures to be used, to show the results of the

survey. First, the statements will form questionnaire design responses that will

be tabulated on a checklist. Second, the total score will be tabulated, and SPSS

(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) will be used to determine the

significant effect of distance learning concerning the challenges, and coping

strategies of the young people in Tabernacle of Praise Ipil.

The raw data to be generated from the questionnaires will tabulate

organized and analyzed will be using the following statistical tools:

1. To answer research question number 1, a weighted mean will be used to

determine the status of the young people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil.

2. To answer research question number 2, Weighted Mean will be used, to

determine the challenges of young people in distance learning of the

Tabernacle of Praise Ipil.

3. To answer question number 3, Weighted Mean will be used, to determine

the coping strategies of young people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil used as

they face distance learning.

4. To know the basis of the findings, on what support programs can be




This chapter presents the data in tabular forms, and analyzes, and

interprets the results. The presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data,

which are presented hereto, are arranged in accordance with the order of the

problems stated in the first chapter.

Problem No. 1 What is the status of the young people of Tabernacle of Praise

Ipil during Distance Learning in terms of;

a. Modality

b. Gadget used for Distance Learning

c. Internet Connectivity

d. Social Media Platforms used in Student-teacher and Student-student


Modality of distance learning
Table 1. Status of the Distance learning class in Terms of Modality

High School College

Modality Frequency Percent Modality Frequency Percent

MODULAR 16 53.3 MODULAR 2 25

ONLINE 5 16.7 ONLINE 1 12.5
HYBRID 9 30 HYBRID 5 62.5
Total 30 100.0 Total 8 100.0

Table 1 shows the status of Distance learning in terms of the modality.

The table reveals that for high school students, 53.3 percent, or a total of 16

students were attending modular classes. On the other hand, 5 or 16.7 percent

of the students were attending online classes while 30 percent or a total of 9

students were attending the hybrid mode of distance learning. For college

students, 25 percent, or 2 students were attending modular classes, 12.5

percent, or 1 student was attending online classes, and 62.2 percent or 5

students were attending the hybrid mode of distance learning.

The result indicates that for high school students, the majority of them

are in modular mode while college students is a hybrid mode of learning.

This finding is corroborated by Mossberger, Tolbert, & Stansbury, 2013).

Gadgets used for Distance Learning

Table 2. Status of the modular class in Terms of Gadget used for Distance


High School College


Cellphone 27 90 Cellphone 7 87.5
Laptop 3 10 Laptop 1 12.5
PC 1 3.3 PC 0 0

Table 2 presents the data that shows the status of Distance learning in

terms of Gadgets used for distance learning. The table shows that for high

school student, the majority of them 90 percent, or 25 out of 30 students uses

a cell phone, 10 percent or 3 students use laptops, 3.3 percent or 1 student

uses a Pc and 3.3 percent or 1 student uses a tablet. For college students, the

table shows that 87.5 percent or 7 out of 8 students use a cellphone, 12.5

percent or 1 student use a laptop and none of them use pc or tablet as means

of distance learning.

The result indicates that cellphone was the main gadget used by both

high school and college students in their distance learning education.

This finding is corroborated by Ling (2004) and Haruna et al., (2016)

Internet Connectivity

Table 3. Status of the modular class in Terms of Internet Connectivity

High School College

DATA 22 73.3 DATA 6 75

Table 3 presents the status of Distance learning in terms of Internet

Connectivity. The result reveals that for high school students, 73.3 percent or

22 out of 30 students use data, 10 percent or 3 students use pocket wifi, 13.3

percent or 4 students use DSLR Fiber and 10 percent or 3 students use wifi

modem prepaid while none of them uses peso net and wifi modem postpaid.

For college students, 75 percent or 6 out of 8 people use data, 25 percent or 2

students use pocket wifi, and none of them use DSLR Fiber, peso net, wifi

modem postpaid, and wifi modem prepaid.

The result indicates that data was the main source of internet

connectivity both for high school and college students. This supports the result

above where the majority of the students owned cellphones.

Social Media Platform used in Student-teacher and Student-student


Table 4. Status of Distance learning in Terms of communication

High School College

FB 3 10 FB 0 0
MEET 6 20 MEET 2 25
ZOOM 4 13.3 ZOOM 0 0

Table 4 presents the status of distance learning in terms of the mode of

communication. The data on the table shows that for high school students, 90

percent or 27 students out of 30 students use fb messenger, 10 percent or 3

students use fb, 20 percent or 6 students use google classroom, 20 percent or

6 students use google meet and 13.3 percent or 4 students use the zoom while

none of them uses Gmail and yahoo mail. For college students, 87.7 percent

or 7 out of 8 students use fb messenger, 25 percent or 2 students use google

classroom while 25 percent or 2 students use google meet and none of them

use Gmail, yahoo mail, or zoom.

The result indicates that FB messenger was the main mode of

communication used by both high school and college students to communicate

with their classmates and teacher.

Problem 2. What are the challenges encountered among the young people

of Tabernacle of Praise-Ipil, in distance learning?

1. I have a hard time looking for
resources from the net to reinforce my 3.1
lessons. NEUTRAL
2. I’m having a hard time complying
with my requirements. NEUTRAL
3. I don’t feel like answering my
modules. NEUTRAL
4. I have difficulties learning
independently. NEUTRAL
5. I don’t have any idea how to
download files. Strongly Disagree
overall 2.8 NEUTRAL
1.0-1.7-Strongly Disagree, 1.8-2.5- Disagree, 2.6-3.3 – Neutral, 3.4-4.1-

Agree, 4.2-5.0- Strongly Agree

Table 5 shows the challenges encountered among young people in distance

learning in terms of Independent learning. The result reveals that the young

people neither agree nor disagree towards the different indicators pertaining to

independent learning except for item 5, where they strongly disagree. This

means that the young people did not experience serious problems in learning

independently. The result also shows that young people are knowledgeable

enough about downloading files.

Table 6. Learning Process
1. I’m having a hard time focusing on Neutral
my studies.
2. I don’t study in advance to fully Neutral
understand the lesson.
3. I have a hard time submitting my Neutral
requirements on time.
4. I can’t easily understand my lesson. 3.0 Neutral
5. I don’t have time management to do Neutral
my activities.
Overall 3.1 Neutral
1.0-1.7-Strongly Disagree, 1.8-2.5- Disagree, 2.6-3.3 – Neutral, 3.4-4.1-

Agree, 4.2-5.0- Strongly Agree

Table 6 shows the challenges encountered among young people in distance

learning in terms of the Learning process. The table reveals that the young

people neither agree nor disagree towards the different indicators pertaining

Learning process. This means that the young people did not experience serious

problems in the learning process.

Table 7. Teaching Process
1. My teacher is not approachable. 2.5

2. I can’t clearly understand the Neutral

discussion with my teacher online.
3. I feel disappointed with my teacher Neutral
who comes late on the said online 2.7
4. I get frustrated participating when Neutral
the teacher doesn’t call me during an 2.6
online class.
5. I’m disappointed when my teachers Neutral
give lessons without discussion.
Overall 2.8

1.0-1.7-Strongly Disagree, 1.8-2.5- Disagree, 2.6-3.3 – Neutral, 3.4-4.1-

Agree, 4.2-5.0- Strongly Agree

Table 7 shows the challenges encountered among young people in distance

learning in terms of the Teaching process. The table reveals that the young

people neither agree nor disagree with the different indicators pertaining to the

Teaching process. This means that the young people did not experience

serious problems in the Teaching process amidst the pandemic.

Table 8. Technology
1. I lack financial support for my online
3.0 Neutral
2. I have no gadgets to be used in
2.0 Disagree
distance learning.
3. I just borrowed gadgets from my
1.9 Disagree
relatives to join my online class.
4. I go to an internet café every time
1.8 Disagree
we have an online class.
5. I suffer from a poor internet
3.1 Neutral

Overall 2.4 Disagree

1.0-1.7-Strongly Disagree, 1.8-2.5- Disagree, 2.6-3.3 – Neutral, 3.4-4.1-

Agree, 4.2-5.0- Strongly Agree

Table 8 shows the challenges encountered among young people in distance

learning in terms of the availability of Technology. The table reveals that the

young people disagree with items 2,3 and item 4. This means that gadget and

internet connectivity was not an issue in their distance learning.

Problem 3. What are the coping strategies of the young people of

Tabernacle of Praise Ipil on distance learning concerning the challenges

they encountered?

The first challenge the students encountered is independent learning,

second is the learning process, the result of the study shows that none of them

have is having difficulties when it comes to learning independently, the result

yields that in dealing with the stress and struggles that come with independent

learning and learning process, students sought advice from their pastor and

discipleship. The students also seek help from their parents when they are

having difficulties in answering the modules.

The third challenge that students encountered is the teaching process,

however, the result of the study also shows that none of the students have any

problems with the teaching problems. The result yields that students deal with

problems related to the teaching process by communicating with their teachers

for further explanation while maintaining an open mind to new ideas.

The last challenge they encountered is technology related, however, the

result shows that none of the students have a problem related to technology.

The result shows that in dealing with problems related to technology, the

students ask for financial support from their parents, and find ways and means

to learn.

Problem no. 4 based on the findings, what support program can be


Tabernacle of Praise
Lower Taway, Ipil
Zamboanga Sibugay


The researchers conducted an interview on the challenges encountered

by the young people of the tabernacle of praise on distance learning. The

results show that there are no challenges encountered the young people both

high school and college students. However, the majority of them were neutral

on the learning process, teaching process, and independent learning,

particularly on the following:

A. Complying with requirements and answering modules ahead of time.

B. Studying in advance to fully understand the lesson.

C. Time management to do their activities.

Hence, the researchers created a program to improve the following fields based

on the result of the study.


Based on the result of the study, the program aims to improve the


A. Complying with requirements and answering modules ahead of time.

B. Studying in advance to fully understand the lesson.

C. Time management to do their activities.

The strategy of the Program

The researchers shall submit this program to the Tabernacle of Praise

in lower Taway Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay.

Upon the approval of the proposal, the researcher will implement the

program with the help of the members of the Tabernacle of Praise.

Based on the data gathered, there are a total of 38 students who are

attending distance learning wherein 30 are in high school and 8 students are in

college. Since all of them are attending church, it is easier to cater to them all

on Sunday before the mass starts at 1:30 P.M. every Sunday.

The process of orientation includes orientation and guidance talk with

the head and members of the Tabernacle of Praise.

Tabernacle of Praise

Lower Taway Ipil

Zamboanga Sibugay


1. Advantages of 5 hours August School Parents Tabernacl
principal e of Praise
complying with 07,

your requirements 2021

and answering

your module on


2. Encouragement

to study in

advance to fully
understand their

3. Importance of

time management

Prepared by:

Tome, Esmeralda A.

Padilla, Gezziel T.

Cole, Fercelyn R.

Garsula, Chamma L.

Sumalpong, Rexey P.

Aranas, Lenilyn T.





This chapter presents the summary of the study, the findings of each

problem, the conclusion, and the recommendations based on the data gathered

and analyzed.


This study aimed to know the Challenges and coping strategies of the

young people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay. Specifically,

the study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the status of the young people of Tabernacle of Praise Ipil

during Distance Learning?

2. What are the challenges encountered among the young people of

Tabernacle of Praise-Ipil, in distance learning?

3. What are the coping strategies of the young people of Tabernacle of

Praise Ipil on distance learning concerning the challenges they


4. Based on the findings, what support programs can be formulated?

The descriptive-survey method of research was used in the study with

the aid of a questionnaire. There were 38 young people utilized as respondents

in the study. Frequency counting, percentage, and weighted mean were the

main statistical tools used in the study to facilitate the analysis and

interpretation of the data.


The following findings were revealed:

1. Majority of the young people were attending modular distance

learning, accounting for 47.4%. The cellphone was the main gadget

used, constituting around 89 percent of where data was the main

source of their internet connectivity. Facebook Messenger was the

main platform used for communication.

2. The young people did not experience any serious challenges in terms

of independent learning, learning process, or teaching process.

Furthermore, gadgets and internet connectivity were not an issue in

their distance learning

3. Social and family supports were the coping strategies used by the

young people in the case where they experience challenges.


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers hereby conclude that

modular distance learning is the preferred mode of learning during the

pandemic where the cellphone is the main gadget used and data is the primary

source of internet connectivity to supplement the necessary pieces of

information needed to answers the different modules. Furthermore, young

people are comfortable communicating with their teachers and classmates thru

messenger. Moreover, young people are learning independently amidst the

pandemic, where teaching and learning processes are not serious problems in

dealing with their modular class. Lastly, young people need social and family

supports to cope whenever challenges arise.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations

are hereby offered:

1. support from their friends and family in times of challenges. They are

banking on Students or the young people of the Tabernacle of Praise

shall evaluate themselves always and choose the right coping

strategies in dealing with challenges during distance learning like

asking for social support, especially from their spiritual leader,

pastors, discipleship group leader, and family support.

2. Teachers shall have extra patience for the students, be approachable

to the students, especially during online classes, and especially bank

more strategies for them to cater to students’ needs.

3. Church Youth Pastors and Youth leaders, continue to give a

motivational word from the word of God, to always let the young

people be involved in a discipleship group and always be the source

of encouragement for the young people, especially in this time of the


4. Parents, shall be the source of strength for their children and shall

give attention, guidance, and assistance regarding the young

people’s emotions, mental stability, physical health, financial needs,

and most especially with their spiritual aspects.

5. The youth organization of Tabernacle of Praise must conduct a virtual

bridging event that includes; Virtual Seminars, Virtual Bible games,

and an Online Small group having the theme “Rise up, Look up God

is in control” as a support program. That despite the struggles the

Tabernacle of Praise youth faced they will find hope in the Lord.


A. Internet


B Books

Anderson, T. (2013). “Modes of Interaction in Distance Education”; in

Handbook of Distance Education. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, Inc., Publishers.

C. Journal

Arbaugh, B. (2012). An Empirical Verification of the Community of

Inquiry Framework. Journal of Synchronous Learning Network, 11(1),


D. Unpublished Thesis

JMT thesis body Distance learning


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