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One: If a story moves you, act on it

From lines 1–2, select two words or phrases that describe the writer’s feelings.

1. Excited
2. Terrified

2. Look again at lines 13–21. In your own words, explain what the writer thinks about

The writer thinks of storytelling as a way to communicate between people and make them
closer. The writer thinks that storytelling “heals rifts” and “bridge divides” and this proves
that the writer thinks that storytelling helps people get closer. The words “rift” and “divides”
are used to create a sense of distance, which are then “[healed]” and “[bridged]” using
storytelling. The use of providing distances helps the reader understand the purpose of
storytelling and how it may help people get closer.

3. The writer initially reacts to the situation very narrow minded. She reacts to the situation as
simple as a robbery but after giving it a good thought through, she tries to understand the
bigger picture. She eventually reacts to the theft of the bike, not as a robbery, but as a
lesson she could learn. A lesson that “[people don’t like others] simply because of what
[they] represent”.

4. The writer uses anecdotes effectively to communicate her thoughts and opinions. She talks
about the story of how her “bike was stolen” and “Googling [Chimamanda]”. This helps
convey her thoughts and opinions because it helps people understand a concept in an easier
way or a more unique way. This helps more people relate to the story and makes the people
feel closer and more open to the writer. The effective use of anecdote effectively helps
communicate her thoughts and opinions as it makes more people relate to the story and
understand a concept better.

The writer also uses structural techniques such as flashbacks and a brief use of direct speech
to communicate her thoughts and opinions. Direct speech is used in her anecdote of how
her bike was stolen and it communicates how she felt at the time and gives a clear view on
how she reacted to the situation. Flashbacks are also used and as it uses past tense, it can
give a variety of opinions, as she gives her thoughts in the situation and after the situation.

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