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1. Hamse Jibriil Omer

2. Mohamed Abdilahi Aidiid
3. Khaled Mohamed Aidiid
4. Abdiladiif Mohamed Adare

Project Supervisor: Abdinasir Mohamed jama




We hereby declare that this report, submitted to the College of Computing and Information
Technology of the University of Hargeisa as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Science Information Technology has not been submitted as an exercise for a degree
at any other university. We also certify that the work described here is entirely our own except
for expertts and summaries whose sources are appropriately cited in the references. This report
may be made available within the university Bus for the purposesof consultation.

July 2022

Hamse Jibriil Omer 1818563 Signature

Mohamed Abdilahi Aidiid 1818590 Signature

Khalid Mohamed Aidiid 1818587 Signature

Abdiladiif Mohamed Adare 1716294 Signature

We dedicate this work to my parents and family members for their moral support and the
encouragement that they gave me during the study.


This is to certify that this project report entitled Bus Management System
Submitted by:

1. Hamse Jibriil Omer 1818563

2. Mohamed Abdilahi Aidid 1818590
3. Khaled Mohamed Aidid 1818587
4. Abdiladiif Mohamed Adare 1716294

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science

Information Technology of the College of Computing and Information
Technology, University of Hargeisa during the academic year 2021-2022 has
been accepted.

Supervisor: Abdinasir Mohamed Jama

Signature: …………………….

Date: …………………………

This project is aimed at developing a web-based application named Online Bus Management System for
managing the Bus system of any organization. The Online Bus Management System (OIMS) refers to
the system and processes to manage the stock of organization with the involvement of Technology
system. This system can be used to store the details of the Bus, stock maintenance, update the Bus based
on the sales details, generate sales and system report daily, weekly or monthly based. This project is
categorizing individual aspects for the Bus management system. Bus Management System is important
to ensure quality in businesses that handle transactions resolving around consumer goods. Without
proper system management, a large retail store may run out of stock on an important item. A good Bus
management system will alert the wholesaler when it is time to record. system Management System is
also on important means of automatically tracking large shipment. An automated Bus Management
System helps to minimize the errors while recording the office.

In the name of ALLAH the most compassionate and the most merciful, all praises to
ALLAH that without ALLAH this paper and everything wouldn’t be possible, and for
giving us opportunity, the effectiveness, the patience, and his blessing in completing our
thesis, after all the challenges and difficulties. We gratefully acknowledge for the
assistance, cooperation, guidance and clarifications provided by Prof: Mustafa Ismail Elabe
(Dean of faculty of Information and Communication Technology in University of Hargeisa)
during the development of the Bus Management System. Our extreme gratitude to Mr.
Abdi Nasir Mohamed Jama who guided us throughout the project. Without his willing
disposition, spirit of accommodation, honesty, timely clarification and above all faith in
us, this projectcould not have been completed in due time.

Totally thanks to all our family who supported us and extended our needs and didn’t limit
their efforts on that but clumped over the trees its tall and short one to facilitate and make
possible our achievements of being graduated. our parents who neither complained nor
shorted their un limited support from the birth up to day May God bless them for their long-
care, past and present their financially morally and encouragement support to our goals
and objectives in our lives. We are also very grateful and extend our sincere thanks to
the principals and administrator, for their cooperation by sharing the consignment that we
making us have time to work on this project and throughout our thesis.


Table of Contents
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY .....................................................1
CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY .........................................................................................................2
DEDICATION ..............................................................................................................................................3
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................................5
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................................................6
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................7
LIST OF TABLES ..........................................................................................................................................10
Tables Pages ............................................................................................................................................10
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................11
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 1................................................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Problem background ..............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement ..................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the project ........................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General objectives .................................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific objectives .................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Significance of study ...............................................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope of the project ................................................................................................................................3
1.6 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................3
1.7 Expected outcome ...................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2................................................................................................................................................5
2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Current system ........................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Comparison of similar system ...............................................................................................................6
2.3 Similarity of systems ...............................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 3................................................................................................................................................9
3.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Existing system description....................................................................................................................9
3.2 Requirements specification document ..................................................................................................9

3.2.1 Functional requirements ...................................................................................................................10
3.2.2 Non-functional requirements ............................................................................................................10
3.2.3 Hardware requirements ....................................................................................................................10
3.2.4 Software requirements ......................................................................................................................11
3.3 Requirements (Functional) modelling ................................................................................................11
3.3.1 Data flow diagram (DFD) .................................................................................................................11 Context diagram .............................................................................................................................12 Level 0 diagram ..............................................................................................................................12 Level 1 diagram ..............................................................................................................................13
3.4 Use case diagram ..................................................................................................................................14
3.5 Conceptual data ....................................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 4..............................................................................................................................................16
4.0 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................16
4.1 Architectural design .............................................................................................................................16
4.2 User interface design ............................................................................................................................17
4.3 Database design.....................................................................................................................................22
4.3.1 Database schema ................................................................................................................................23
4.3.2 Physical design ...................................................................................................................................23
4.3.3 Data dictionary ..................................................................................................................................25
CHAPTER 5..............................................................................................................................................28
5.0 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................28
5.1 Development tools .................................................................................................................................28
5.2 Sample codes .........................................................................................................................................28
5.3 Testing ...................................................................................................................................................30
5.3.1 Unit testing .........................................................................................................................................30
5.3.2 Alpha testing ......................................................................................................................................31
5.3.3 Acceptance testing .............................................................................................................................31
5.3.4 Back-end testing.................................................................................................................................32
5.3.5 Browser compatibility testing ...........................................................................................................32
CHAPTER 6...............................................................................................................................................33
6.0 Summary ...............................................................................................................................................33
6.1 Future work: .........................................................................................................................................33
6.2 major things that learned from this project? ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................34
References ...................................................................................................................................................35

Tables Pages

Table 1: Hardware Requirements 16

Table 2: Software Requirements 16

Table3: Use Case Descriptions 21

Table 4: Account Table 37

Table 5: Reader Table 37

Table6: Books Table 38

Table 7: Members Table 38

Table 8: Issue Books Table 39

Table 9: Category Table 39


Figures Pages

Figure Context Diagram 18

Figure Level 0 Diagram 18

Figure Level 1 Diagram 19

Figure 3.3.1: Use case diagram 20

Figure 3.3.1: Use Case Description 20

Figure 3.3.3: Activity Diagrams 22

Figure 3.3.4: Sequence Diagrams 23

Figure 4.1: Architectural Design 25


DFD: Data Flow Diagram

ERD: Entity Relationship Diagram

SQL: Structure query Language
IDE: Integrated development environment



1.0 Introduction
The project of Bus Booking Management System is a complete web-based application.
The main aim of the project is to develop Bus Booking Management System Model software in which
all the information regarding the stock of the organization will be presented. It is an internet-based web
application which has admin component to manage the Bus and maintenance of the Bus Booking
system. This web application is based on the management of stock of an organization. The system
contains dashboard, Booking details, Bus details and the Bus report.

1.1 Problem background

Nowadays they cannot imagine their life without computer. In a business environment, even small and
mid-sized businesses have come to rely on computerized online Bus Booking management systems.
Certainly, there are plenty of small retail outlets, manufacturers, and other businesses that continue to
rely on manual means of Bus tracking. Indeed, for some small businesses, like Passengers, tickets, or
purchase of a Bus tracking system might constitute a wasteful use of financial resources. But for other
firms operating in large stores that feature high volume turnover of raw materials and/or products,
computerized tracking systems have emerged as a key component of business strategies aimed at
increasing productivity and maintaining competitiveness. Moreover, the recent development of powerful
computer programs capable of addressing a wide variety of record keeping needs—including online Bus
Booking management—in one integrated system have also contributed to the growing popularity of
electronic System control options.
“Bus Booking system” means physical System of goods, which is kept in hands for smooth and
efficient running of future affairs of an organization at the minimum cost of funds blocked in
inventories. The fundamental reason for carrying Bus Booking System is that it is physically impossible
and economically impractical for each stock item to arrive exactly where it is needed, exactly when it is

1.2 Problem statement
At this time, there is no data available on the platform at most. It was sometimes stolen and some of
these documents were lost or stolen. Also, sometimes the client took what and how much was lost and
that was a minor loss. Unnecessary costs are involved, take time, also mistakes are not always avoidable
and repetition of work may take place. So, to organize it, save the client's data to the storage and how
best to provide it. The best way to sell products should be a database of customer and well as the
jealousy sold by the date and time of the scan. this system is transferring from a lot of the problem is lost
When it comes to registering, it becomes a problem and a problem computer and puts it could resolve
problems of business I want to use this program to that we make because the program is very useful
The problems in using average daily manual system are:
▪ Loss of records.
▪ Difficulty in retrieving files.
▪ Takes a lot of time.

1.3 Objectives of the project

1.3.1 General objectives

To establish system that would identify the following:

▪ System Level
▪ Issuances and replenishment of supplies process.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

▪ To avoid missing sales and records.

▪ To save and create back up files.
▪ To minimize of time and effort used in accessing data.

1.4 Significance of study
1.4.1 The proposed project has a benefit for:
For the company / Users of the system
The System will be more accurate and faster when they use the proposed Online Bus Booking
management system. The company’s file can be easily retrieved when they need it. They are no longer
need to worry about the missing records.

For the proponents

The members learned that this kind of project needs a lot of time, effort, cooperation and patience. The
members need to work as a team/one to make this project complete and successful.
For The Future Researchers
The future researches can use the proposed system as guide for their project concerting Online Bus
Booking systems.

1.5 Scope of the project

This study will be carried out at said Bus, Hargeisa capital city in
Somaliland, and it will emphasize the management of its branches.

1.6 Methodology
The methodology we used to develop this system is a waterfall model and
is a part of system development life cycle (SDLC).
Waterfall Diagram

Looking for Company

Data Gathering

Designing of



1.7 Expected outcome
Bus management system is important to businesses because it helps them Bookings, manage multiple
locations, and ensure accurate recordkeeping. A bus solution makes these processes easier than trying to
do them all manually.

1.8 Project schedule

April May July
Project proposal 30
System study 10
Analysis 15
Design 24
Implementation 8



2.0 Introduction

This chapter will mainly discuss the current system used by the company, the similarities between the
old system and the new system. This chapter will also discuss the general knowledge of the online Bus
Booking systems comparing with manual Bus Booking systems. We will also discuss our proposed

2.1 Current system

With increased online booking and retail marketing, Bus management system has become the need of
the hour. An online bus management system is an organized and systematic process for controlling the
inflow and outflow of our product in the organization.
The maintenance and upkeep of our Bus are important to ensure that the right amount of Bus is available
at the right time and in the right quantity. As bus management system has become more of a necessity
for businesses and it is being widely used in a variety of industries from manufacturing to utilities,
healthcare, education, government, and more.
This material management software has come a long way when it comes to the history of using the bus y
system. bus in the earlier days was managed by a manual system. Apart from these manual systems,
books or registers were maintained to note transactions and reports manually.
Features of Online Bus Booking Management:
Service Management – Companies that are service-oriented rather than product-oriented can use the
Bus Booking management software which helps to track the cost of the materials. They provide the
services like Booking seats etc. They attach the prices to the services which will reflect the total cost of
Reorder Point – A company’s bus booking management system can be programmed to tell the
managers to order the products again. This also helps the company to avoid the problem of running out
of stock or tying too much of capital.

Product Identification – Barcodes are the often means for the data on the products and orders imputed
into the bus booking management software. Bar coders read the barcode and help to know the
information on the products which they represent. Today’s Bus management software uses QR codes or
NFC tags to identify the items and use smartphones as the scanners. This gives an option for businesses
to track the system by using barcode scanning without purchasing an expensive scanner.
Asset Tracking – When the product is in the store, it is often tracked by the barcodes or by other
tracking criteria. In recent days, bus management software is using a barcode, radio-frequency
identification, or wireless for tracking the products.

2.2 Comparison of similar system

Similar to other systems, Online bus management is better than manual Bus systems. In addition, this
project has a lot of benefits.
Benefits of a Bus management system
Increased sales
A good bus management system will keep a track of products, vendors, spare parts, stock availability
and many other details in a cloud based centralized database. This database is accessible by every
stakeholder in real time. Once the sales and marketing team have clear knowledge about how much of
an item is in stock, where it is, and consequently, how fast it can be delivered to the customer, they will
be in a much stronger position to make a better sales deals and customer service level.
Reduction of costs
Another benefit of having an online bus booking management system is saving on system costs. system
maintenance and upkeep cost a lot of money to companies. Many traditional business incurs huge losses
due to damage of products, wear and tear due to climate, expiry and other manual mishandling. Other
extensive expenditures are cost due to warehouse rent, staff maintenance, security, transportation and
other product handling reasons. The key to minimizing these costs is to have an adequate amount of
stock in our warehouse which strikes a balance between the over stocking and understock cases. The
stock holding cost can be reduced by maintaining an appropriate amount of stock which can reduce our
transportation cost considerably by avoiding reordering of same products repetitively. A good Bus
management system helps to understand your sales market trends and keep a track of product wear and
tear history to provide better forecasting data for appropriate product ordering.

Also, with proper rotation of goods by maintaining order history and delivery dates, we can considerably
reduce our wastage ratio and improve business revenue.
The key advantage of a good bus management system is the ability to be flexible and adapt to situations
as they arise. Every business in the economic market whether its medicine, transport, education or other
will have its risk and unpredictability involved. Similarly, bus management businesses have some
unpredictable situations like as incorrect shipments, warehouse accidents, manufacturing issues and theft
which cannot be avoided and create a major hit on business cost.
With a bus control system, we can generate numerous metrics which can help us to be more prepared for
these situations by analyzing and solve a problem as soon as it occurs.
Demand Forecasting
Demand forecasting is a fundamental key to planning what and when to order so you allocate resources
wisely and get the most out of our purchases. Analysis and metrics report in bus management system
help to plan our product storage based on the demand of products, customer preference and many other
details which can organize our demand and sales supply chain.
Customer retention
Customer retention is very critical in the modern marketplace, where consumers have more and more
options for changing to quick Bus solutions. With proper analysis on the customer details, required
products, vendor delivery commitments, and other information, we can have accurate forecasts for
future booking levels, and prevent tickets s booking -outs that can cause customers to go elsewhere.
Also, analyzing our customer buying trends and other sales data, we can understand what our customers
want and would be needing in the near future. We can create successful sales and marketing strategies to
cater to their needs by buying a proper number of tickets stocks to balance our sales.

2.3 Similarity of systems

Existing system overview
In the existing system, the Company. uses manual processing of transaction in monitoring products. It
consumes more time and effort for updating about the new changes in report because it is a written
Booking tickets. Efficiency and accuracy of the existing system cannot be expected. It has a slow
processing speed and readymade data retrieval is difficult.
This system consumes more time and effort because the company requires continuous monitoring to
ensure that each transaction is accounted for and that tickets are maintained at the appropriate booking
levels. A manual Bus system relies heavily on the actions of people, which increases the possibility of
human error.
Existing system manpower/user
The existing system procedure of the company is depending on the person who is responsible for the
system or for the Booking. He is assigning for the counting of tickets or items that was delivered and
Existing system outline/procedure
Transaction for the Users
a. Once the company has received the Order, the staff will check if the quantity of the tickets is exact
and if there’s an available seat.
b. The System clerk will record the received Tickets and Buses then they will store it to the warehouse.
c. The staff will fulfil the necessity needed of the selling area.
d. The warehouse man will count the Tickets, if its quantity is exactly to the necessity need.
f. The System clerk will list down the total quantity of Consumers added at the selling area and it is
deducted to warehouse.
g. The System records will be submitted to the manager.
Proposed system overview
The proposed system can be utilized for easy documenting and accessing various data carriers such as
forms, reports and records, Automation makes the system to be user-friendly, Accuracy and security of
data will be more comfortable for the organization. The proponents always make sure that the data
stored in it are always attached on its database. Retrieval of data or updating of data is one of the most
characteristic of the proposed system.
Proposed system outline/procedure.
Establishing Beginning balances per Office (System)
This is the process of setting beginning balances of our Bus.
It is very important that all items are recorded in the Item Master List before doing any physical count
which will form part of our beginning balances. The booking amount recorded on our Tickets must have
a detailed report summarizing all the items, quantity and their respective valuation.



3.0 Introduction
This chapter is important for the project proposal and it will be describing the existing system of the
company and the proposed one. This chapter is including requirements of the proposed system such as
functional and non-functional requirement, Requirements (Functional) modeling of the system and
project proposal system models such as context diagram, level zero, level one. We will be describing
this chapter the connectivity and relationship between tables of the project proposal system called Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD).

3.1 Existing system description

A manual Bus system relies heavily on the actions of people, which increases the possibility of human
error. People might forget to record a transaction or simply miscount the number of goods. This results
in needless additional orders that increase the company's system carrying costs and use up precious
storage space.

3.2 Requirements specification document

The requirement specification document is produced at the end of Analysis of the system. This
document is a very comprehensive document and contains all the User requirements, and also Analysis
The Requirements are broadly divided into two groups:
• Functional requirements.
• Non-Functional requirements.

3.2.1 Functional requirements
The main purpose of functional requirements within the requirements specification document is to
define all the activities or operations that take place in the system. These are derived through
interactions with the users and other parts of the system. Since the Requirements Specification is a
comprehensive document and contains a lot of data, it has been broken down into different parts in this
The functional requirements in the system are include: -
▪ User management, dashboard, Booking management, Data Backups and Report.

3.2.2 Non-functional requirements

Apart from the functional requirements which we mentioned above also this system has a non-functional
requirement which describes features and the structures that the system contains, like what is used to
implement it and different hardware and software which is used during constructing it.
The non-functional requirements in the system are include: -
▪ Asset management, System forecasting, System valuation and Quality management

3.2.3 Hardware requirements

Processor 1.6GHz or Faster Processor
Disk Space 4GB of Available Hard Disk
Direct X 9-Capable Video
1024 68 or Higher

3.2.4 Software requirements
Operating System Windows 10
Front End HTML, CSS, JS
Back End PHP
Text Editor Sublime Text
Database MYSQL
Web Browser Google Chrome
Web Server Apache
Lucid chart, Star UML, YED
Drawing Tools
Graphic Editor

3.3 Requirements (Functional) modelling

The functional requirement modelling helps to visualize and explain how the components of the system
communicate and interact with each other and we represent conceptual into modelling. This model can
be directly connected to a variety of process and explain how they interact into the system.

3.3.1 Data flow diagram (DFD)

A DFD shows what kind of information will be input to and output from the system, how the data will
advance through the system, and where the data will be stored. It does not show information about
process timing or whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel, unlike a traditional
structured flowchart which focuses on control flow, or a UML activity workflow diagram, which
presents both control and data flows as a unified mode.

11 Context diagram

Description of Context diagram

The figure above shows a Context Data Flow Diagram that is drawn for Online Bus Management
System. It contains a process (shape) that represents the system to model, in this case, the “OIMS
system”. It also shows the participants who will interact with the system, called the external entities. Level 0 diagram

Description of Level 0 diagram

The figure above shows a Level 0 Diagram that is drawn for Online Bus Management System. It
contains a process (shape) that represents the system to model, in this case, the “OIMS system”. it also
shows how the participants interact with the system.

12 Level 1 diagram

Description of Level 1
This diagram shows the process of Admin / User when he is Login into the system. The
Admin/User fills the Login form, the form is then being checked and processed by the system to
the data store. It also shows the process of data entry done by the Admin.

3.4 Use case diagram

Description of Use case diagram

The above diagram is a use case diagram which states the various activities carried by the actors of the
system which includes many functions.

3.5 Conceptual data

The conceptual data model schema is a description of the data requirements of the users. Because these
concepts do not include typically this is a first-cut model, with insufficient detail to build an actual
database. This level describes the structure of the whole database for a group of users. The conceptual
model is also known as the data model that can be used to describe the conceptual schema when a
database system is implemented. It hides the internal details of physical storage and targets on
describing entities, data type, relationships and constraints. Implementation details, they are usually
easier to understand and can be used to communicate with nontechnical users. The conceptual schema
can also be used as a reference to ensure that all requirements are met and do not conflict. In this project
proposed, the conceptual modeling is performed using UML (Unified Modeling Language) class
diagram notation.

4.0 Introduction
This chapter generally describes Database design model, Architectural design and Interface of the Bus
Booking management system. The database model is based on the entity-relationship model, data
dictionary, ER diagrams, conceptual data model and it can be implemented by relational database
management systems. Also, database design helps eliminating redundant and duplicate data if there
exists any. The interface components are support how to make data entry; data display also manage data
in different forms at same time.

4.1 Architectural design

This architecture system is comprised from different platform which can be used in any part of the
system. User connects to database by using web browser software, Internet Explorer. Interface or design
of system allows staff of company manipulate data or information. They are also permitted to print the
selected data. Moreover, MySQL is not only a server to store the data but also as a processor to process
the request from user which is input data or output data. In short, Figure 2 is the architecture of Bus
management system.

4.2 User interface design

Print Output

4.3 Database design

4.3.1 Database schema

4.3.2 Physical design

4.3.3 Data dictionary
Table ‘Routes’
Field name Description Type Length
Id Routes id Int 11
Name Routes name Varchar 60
Time Routes time datetime
Amount Routes Amount Money

Table ‘Buses’
Field name Description Type Length
Id Bus id Int 11
Number Bus No Varchar 60

Table ‘Availability’
Field name Description Type Length
Id Availability id Int 11
Bus Availability Bus Varchar 60
Route Availability Varchar 20
Date Availability date Date
Time Availability time Datetime
Amount Availability Money
Status Availability varchar 30

Table ‘Customer’
Field name Description Type Length
Id Customer id Int 11
Name Customer name Varchar 255
Phone Customer phone Varchar 100

Table ‘Booking’
Field name Description Type Length
Id Booking id Int 11
Name Booking name Varchar 255
Phone Booking Number Varchar 50
Bus Booking Bus, no Decimal 25,2
Seats price of the Seat Decimal 25,2
Time Time of Booking Datetime
Amount Booking amount Int 11
Date Booking Date Date

Table ‘seats’
Field name Description Type Length
Id Sales id Int 11
Name Selling date Date

Table ‘users’
Field name Description Type Length
Id User id Int 11
Name User name Varchar 60
Username Username of the user Varchar 50
Password Password of the user Varchar 255
User_level Level of the user Int 11
Image Image of the user Varchar 255
Status Status of the user Int 1
Last_login Last time that the Datetime
user has logged

Table ‘user_groups’
Field name Description Type Length
Id Group id Int 11
Group_name Group name Varchar 150
Group_level Level of the group Int 11
Group_status Status of the group Int 1



5.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses how the program was implemented and how the program was tested respectively.

5.1 Development tools

The system has been developed using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL Server (Xampp), the system was
able to process and update the database with more ease. It helped in developing a total integrated system

5.2 Sample codes

➢ Add code

➢ Delete code

➢ Edit code

5.3 Testing
Testing is a process, which reveals errors in the program. It is the major quality measure employed
during software development. During testing, the program executed with a set of test cases and the
output of the program for the test cases evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it
expected to perform.

5.3.1 Unit testing

This type of testing is the testing of individual software components. It is typically done by the
programmer and not by the testers. It requires details information and knowledge about the internal
program design and code to perform this. During unit testing, we carried out various testing task such as
the reflection of the unit data on database and its interface. Various types of bugs associated with the
component were identified and fixed. We use various functional keys to test our software.

5.3.2 Alpha testing
It is the most common type of testing used in the Software industry. The objective of this testing is to
identify all possible issues or defects before releasing it into the market or to the user.
Alpha Testing is carried out at the end of the software development phase but before the Beta Testing.
Still, minor design changes may be made as a result of such testing. Alpha Testing is conducted at the
developer’s site. In-house virtual user environment can be created for this type of testing.

5.3.3 Acceptance testing

An Acceptance Test is performed by the client and verifies whether the end to end the flow of the
system is as per the business requirements or not and if it is as per the needs of the end-user. Client
accepts the software only when all the features and functionalities work as expected. It is the last phase
of the testing, after which the software goes into production. This is also called User Acceptance Testing

5.3.4 Back-end testing
Whenever an input or data is entered on front-end application, it stores in the database and the testing of
such database is known as Database Testing or Backend Testing. There are different databases like SQL
Server, MySQL, and Oracle, etc. Database Testing involves testing of table structure, schema, stored
procedure, data structure and so on. In Back-end Testing GUI is not involved, testers are directly
connected to the database with proper access and testers can easily verify data by running a few queries
on the database.

5.3.5 Browser compatibility testing

It is a subtype of Compatibility Testing (which is explained below) and is performed by the testing team.
Browser Compatibility Testing is performed for web applications and it ensures that the software can
run with the combination of different browser and operating system. This type of testing also validates
whether the program runs on all versions of all browsers or not.


6.0 Summary
This project demonstrates the efficient and effective data of Bus Booking Management system. It uses
less of time for accessing data or information about the merchandiser and at the same time makes the
process become faster. The aim is to lessen the incorrect input of records when using manual counting of
inventories, provide by the system reliable information about Bus levels, give information to
management if certain predetermined order points are met about Bus level. Make the process faster
regarding in ordering products or items to the merchandiser. The features of computerized Bus systems
are proper order management, cost saving, increase efficiency, updated to the data, and generate the
reports and the security of the data.

6.1 Future work:

We will be upgrading with new visions and design that better than this part Now we can’t able to
upgrading due to time and our techniques when we reach our hope We will produce new versions that is
the best this one this software will make more update in reality for all that reasons it made to make an
update placed and make advanced this software works only offline It may have not attractiveness
graphical interface that attractive with the user, for the future will update it and we will add more
additional interfaces that make the software more attractive, The interfaces that will update is:
✓ Graphic interface

✓ Labels and their interfaces

✓ Controls and their interface structure

✓ Colors and user interfaces

The system of design it will be need to edit, remove and save more extra thing like:
✓ Camera

6.2 What has been accomplished for each project objective

✓ Produce good documentation and report generation.

✓ Increases efficiency and management of Bus system.
✓ Makes easy registration of Customers and retrieving back it easily.
✓ Makes easy entry of Booking and retrieving back it easily.

6.3 What we have learned during your project?

We have learned during this project many things that we don’t know before this project and also, we get
• We learned many things like:
• How to write proposal of your project.
• How to write thesis book step by step.
• How to make my program focused on my thesis book.
6.4 Conclusion
To conclude, Bus Booking Management System is a simple web-based system basically suitable for
small and medium organizations. It has every basic item which are used for the organizations. Our team
is successful in making the system where we can Add customer, edit customer, generate report etc. As
per the requirement.

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