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In this study, the cow manure compost and the vermicompost is the independent variable,

which is manipulated by the researchers, and is used as an intervention for the experiment group,

and the effect of those interventions is observed on the dependent variable which is the growth of

the tomato plant. The effects of both cow manure compost and vermicompost will then be

compared of which will be the better fertilizer for the tomato plant.

In order to evaluate the vermicompost fertilizer and animal manures efficiency on

arboreal tomato product and to compare these two fertilizers, our experiment was designed

Vermicompost and manure are both known to be efficient natural fertilizers. Both are rich in

nutrients, but they’re very different in the way that they become that way.

Vermicompost is made from worms, while manure comes from other animals, typically

from cows or horses. But, both forms of organic fertilizer might not be created equal.

For the materials: tomato seeds, loam soil, vermicompost, and cow manure, the researchers will

order online from Shoppee, so the seeds and fertilizers will be ready-made.

For our experiment, the researchers will plant 35 tomato plants. 15 for cow manure , 15

for vermicompost and 5 for the No Compost Soil . Each fertilizer will be planted separately. The

researchers will use the pH scale as basis to determine the “concentration” of each compost. The

plants will be divided into 3 columns; pH levels 5.8 – 6.2, 6.8 – 7.2, and 7.8 – 8.2. There will be

5 seeds for vermicompost, 5 seeds for cow manure and 5 seeds for the NO compost and that is

for each column. When planting, there will be a ft. distance on both sides of each plant and 1 ft.

distance on the top and bottom of each plant. The measure for each column is 1ft for the length

and 0.5 ft for the width. The amount of loam soil to be used is 200g and for the ratio when
mixing the composts to the soil is 75 – 25 ratio, 150g for the soil and 50g for the composts. The

depth when planting the tomato seed is 1/8 inch deep.

For the researcher’s study, the experimental method is the most suitable method out of all

the methods. The study will be made easier by using the experimental method. It will also help

the researchers do the study precisely and accurately. The experimental method involves

manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another

variable. The same in the researcher’s study, finding what the effects on the tomato plant will be

when putting cow manure compost and vermicompost on the plant.


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