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 January 1980 reform package. What lead to 12 Eylül military coup-increased law and
order, leftist nationalist kurdish seperatism, a deadlocked political system, economic
breakdown, also Iranian islamic revolution and influence on Turkey in islamism.
 12 Eylül coup-parliment dissolved, immunities are lifted, Political leaders had been
arrested, Alparslan Türkeş went underground for some time, then turned himself in. All the
power concentrated into the hands of national security council(milli güvenlik konseyi).
 A cabinet (27 people) under Bülen Ulusu is appointed, the parties had been suspended.
Political climate is nightmare, it was forbidden even for 2 guys to talk in the Street. Anything
organized is allergetic.
 Karıştır barıştır technique, political climate is supressed, so many people are put in jail also
the rightists, Grey wolves in universities are put in highly strict control, Yüksek Öğretim
Kurulu is established(which appointed all the rectors and deans)
 Kenan Evren incrediably active in spreading the message of the coup, he Shows up with
Kur’an and read some ayets. He says execution is also in other religions. Erdal Eren-17
yaşında olmasına rağman yaşı büyültülüp idam ediliyor.
 1982 anayasası- Milli Güvenlik Konseyi Powers are increased, Senato was closed, Single
legislative body. freedom of press is limited, trade unions, strikes are banned, Rerferandum
of the constitution -91% Because if you didnt vote you cannot vote for 5 years. %10
threshold getiriliyor. Politicians who were active before 1980 are banned from politics for 10
years. Approval of NSC was needed. Students, teachers and civil servants are banned from
membership of parties. Parties were’nt allowed to have woman and youth branches.
 For the elections of 1983 15 party attempted to go in elections, 3 party is allowed to take
place in the elecitons. -Milliyetçi Demokrasi Partisi( By general Turgut Sunalp) ,,, Halkçı
Parti( by Necdet Calp) ,,, Anavatan Partisi (by Turgut Özal- before finding this party he took
the 24 Ocak kararları in the Demirel government then 1980-1983 he was in the Bülen Ulusu
cabinet but banned because of the corruption scandals.)
 Motherland Party scored 45% of the vote. Özal’s election slogan was to appeal for the orta
direk(orta gelirli halk)
 Rise of ANAP- United under Tukish islamic tent. Neo liberal economic measures, It was a
conservative, traditionalist, nationalist party. Kucaklayıcı bir parti. Sosyal demokratlardan
faşistlere kadar herkes var bu partinin içerisinde.
 1984 local elections-New parties entered into the arena-SODEP, DYP, RP Local elections
were getting more and more important. Erdal İnönü founder of SODEP. DYP(True Path
Party)-Demirel’s party. HP abolished itself and joined SODEP. SODEP got a lot of belediyes
but they dont have any deputies in the parliment. Also MDP resolved and joined ANAP and
 24 Ocak kararnameleri-more export oriented economy, Opening up the economy of
Turkey to the World, neo liberalism ideas by Ronal Regan. ( limiting the power of the
representatives and giving the power to the market), a lot of followers in the western
Europe. Özal likes this ideas but these ideas comes with a cost: Corruption and
nepotism( yakınlarını kayırmak).
 Özal is an economist, worked in state planning Office, also has a background in the World
bank. He knows the expectations of the private sector.
 He inspires confidence, he is going to be succesful in getting that support. He doesnt like true
politics, he knows how beurocrats are slow in doing their work. So he introduces executive
decree(kanun hükmünde kararnameler) He gives 186 kanun hükmünde kararname.
 He rushes some decisions and doesnt ask the parliment, For strong economy in long term
strong instution and proper legal structure is needed. Özel creates new layers of beurocracy
and these people are called Özalın prensleri. Bir nevi beyin göçünü tersine çevirmek için de
yapılmış bir hareket. There are also some scandals about fictional exports(he basicly present
big documents claminig that Turkey exported huge amounts of material- however these
were false) Özal - responded as “benim adam işini bilir”(referring to the princes). For
economic crimes- economic penalties are given. Legal structure is not working.
 Also there are huge amounts of corruption concerning his family. Her daughter has a
Jaguar(car). Also everyone around him suddenly got richer. Inflation went really high. Gırgır
gazetesi de bunla dalga geçmek için fiyatları Turgut üzerinden yapıyor. 1 Turgut, 2 Turgut.
 Return of the old guard- 1987 referandum- Turgut Özal asks for people if they want the
politically banned politicians to come back. Slightly they vote yes 50.5%.
 1987 milletvekili seçimi-Özal’ın oyları düşüyor. %36. SHP % 24 and DYP %19 oyları
 1989 yerel seçimler-SHP en çok belediyeyi alıyor ve ANAP 2. Sıraya düşüyor.
 1991 milletvekili seçimler-DYP come in first 27%, ANAP 24% second and SHP 20% third.
Özal becames the president. DYP couldnt formed the government by itself so coalition with
SHP. Demirel and İnönü. 1993 Özal passed away. And everybody suggesting Demirel as the
president. Demirel also had some trouble in his head because of the corruption accusations
so he rescued himself by being the president.
 Rise of Tansu Çiller- Not very popular in the party, Robert collage, American education,
degree in economics, speaks fluent English. So much hype when she comes. İnsanlar Tansu
Çiller kuşburnu içiyor diye kuşburnu içmeye başlıyorlar.
 İnönü says he doesnt want to be partners with this lady and even says he is not going to go
for the elections. Murat Karayalçın replaced him.
 1993 Sivas katliyamı- Just before the new government got the vote of confidence, there is
famous Pir Sultan Abdal celebrations in Sivas, important people are invited. Aziz Nesin is the
guest of honor. However press was wroting critically and local press wrote very critically
about him. -Angry crowd gathered around the Madımak hotel and set the hotel in fire.
Government couldnt get there of course. 37 people died. Aziz Nesin was saved at the last
moment. Social democrats were angry against İnönü about how this event was handled
and they couldn’t save the people there. İnönü resigned.
 After some time Çiller’s management style is very critisized-his husband was also very
interested in politics, his son stole somebodies jet ski and didn’t gave back. Also she make
silly statements about her wealth, these events made public to raise their eyebrows.
 Late 1993-Another scandal, but this time by social democrats, Head of iski- Ergun
Gökner, decided to devorce since he was in love with another woman, but his ex wife knows
all the details of his Money laundering, so he reports all about his Shell company and so
forth. Bütün bu skandallar da Refah Partisi’nin işine yarayacak.
 1994- worst economic crisis since 2nd World war. Çiller is going to make some decisions
not consulting her coalition partner Murat Karayalçın. The economy is terible. Koç and
Sabancı aren’t happy about Çiller.
 1994 local elections- people are extremely unhappy. Refah partisinin işine yarıyor.
 Secularism and political Islam in Turkey. Secularism has 2 verisons-Anglo American
verison says religion has to be free and state should stay away from it. Devlet çok güçlüdür
ve bu işin içine girmesi inanç özgürlüğünü engeller. French says that if government doesnt
involve religous groups will do excess things so they should check religion. Turkish one-
subordination of religion to the state. And potential religous leaderships are abolished.
Religous brotherhoods are pushed into the corner. They made religion less socially
 Early Republican Era- Secularis reforms, İnönü got critisizm because he watered down
secularism. , Multi- party era- gradual relaxation and 1947 imam hatip schools are
opened. Some tarikats are formed. Nakşibendiler, Nurcular. Demirel got support from these
 Necmettin Erbakan is eccentric in his own way. But rejected by Demirel. Milli Görüş
düşüncesini ortaya atan adam. Refah partisi, Fazilet, Saadet Partisi.
 Refah-they talk about right here and now, they aspire for modern islam society, secondly
they are free-market. They want to built an islamist modern country. They critisize the blind
mimicry of the west in the early days. They think Turkey lost its way and Turkey needs
spiritual growth. They place great importance in family values. They think the idea of social
justice, They are involved in the economy and they want adil düzen in economy and no
intrest rate. Also they are against the west, they think west is a crusader zionist club.
 They advocate being more generous to small and medium size companies. They create
Kobiler. They give them credits and missionary. They think that these Kobi’s should arise
from Anatolia and Istanbul.
 After 1980’s they came up with a synthesis- Turkish islamist idea. İbrahim kafesoğlu
aydınlar ocağı’nı kurarak toplumda sol düşünceyi azaltmak istemiştir.
 Bu süreçten sonra İslamın toplumda insanları etkilemek için kullanıldığını görüyoruz. Kenan
Evren bile halka seslenişlerinde elinde Kuran ile çıkarmış.
 A new rise of Anadolu’nun kaplanları. Konya, Kayseri, Denizli, Maraş, Balıkesir. Kobiler bu
illerden çıkıyorlar ve ekonomiye katkıları büyük. Bunlar konservatif ekonomik girişimciler.
Ekonomideki payları %10. They also involve in charity.
 Refah Partisi- 1987 de barajı geçemiyorlar. Ancak 1991 de güçleri giderek artıyor. Adil
düzene vurgu yapıyorlar ve temel olarak ekonomiyi eleştiriyorlar. Milli haysiyet-batıyı
takip etmemiz bizi küçük düşürüyor. They say that Kurds and us are both muslims, other
right wing parties couldnt find a solution to this problem. Tesbih(string) modeli- Herkes bir
bütünün parçası biri olmadan işlemez. Everybody has certain function to be able to work.
 1994 local elections-28 of 76 mayor. They are very interested in problems that are
sticking in the eye of public. Social municipalities, White desk they even tell when the bus
will come, People’s Assemblies- people talk about their problems., In elections they dont get
any coverage from the media. Erdoğan is the underdog in this election. They are far form
competitive in this election. Zülfü Livaneli is nomenee for CHP. Refah Partisi see the
weaknesses of other parties and created themself a chance. Erbakan said” Other parties
have voters we have believers” After the succes of belediyeler, they became a mass party.
The woman branch is very effective and they knock on every door and talk to them. İktidara
geleceğiz duruşları var. They have that posture.
 They understand they cant only talk about islam, they have to touch in every segment of the
society. They have modern and effective messages. They are adressing the Daily concerns of
people. Urban poor is at the center of their attentions, they are like 1960’s lefties. Also the
students who cannot enter to the university because of the headscarf issue.
 They developed a very strong language, gecekondularda yaşayanlara etkili olacak. They are
the first party to talk about enviromental issues.
 1995 elections-ANAYOL government than REFAHYOL government. First Çiller and Yılmaz
made a government, but then Erbakan threatened Çiller for her corruprions and then
offered to make a government with her, she agreed. Refahyol coalition- they faced with
enormous pressure. There is so much instability. Turkey experienced enormous amount of
 Refah partisinin başarısı-Icreasing role of islam in Turkish society. State repression of
religous expression is galvanized islamist activism. An image of a modern party rather than a
islamist party, voter base has expanded. Support for kurdish linguistic and cultural rights.
 Albay çavuş kapitalisminin ne kadar çalıcı olduğunu gösteriyorlar.
 Kasım 1996-Susurluk kazası, 3 people came out of this car, Famous emniyet müdürü,
famous ülkücü assasin who was on the run Abdullah Çatlı, Deputy Sedat Bucak(who was
also Kurdish tribesman) Sedat Bucak came alive. There were guns, illegal passaports, they
had a meeting and they were going in seperate ways. Some security force involved in some
famous businnes man. These guys were in active coalition. People were very angry and Çiller
constantly denied such a connection between government and mafia. Investigation comitee
was formed but nobody testified and event is closed. Herkes ifade vermeyi reddediyor.
Mehmet Ağar’ın adı da pis işlerle anılıyor.
 February 1997- People started a coordinated action called sürekli aydınlık için 1 dakika
karanlık. Evlerinin ışıklarını bir dakika kapatıyorlardı. Kolaydı ve herkes yapıyordu. People
were very angry against the government. That was a very strong psycological warfare
agianst Erbakan.
 Late 1996-Some kasettes had been revealed, a member of RP talked in a conferanse in
1990 about secularism. Their political rheteric is very harsh. It was very disturbing for public
to see those things. Sürekli aydınlık etkinliği de sekülerizmi koruma etkinliğine dönüşüyor
bir süre sonra. As the month progresses there is a Jerussalem night-solidatory of palistine.
Iranian embassedor came and gave very critical talk about Turkey’s secularism. And
belediye mayors bow their heads. Erbakan meets with Kaddafi in his tent. Kaddafi talks
about Turkish secularism badly and Erbakan just bows his head. These things boil up.
 Erbakan is very dismissive, bunlar gulu gulu dansı yapıyor diyor. Ministry of justice says
bunlar mumsöndü oynuyor. People are very very fed up with Erbakan and Çiller.
 28 Şubat postmodern coup-it was a process. It was the removal of RP from the of
beurocracy. Controlling and criminalizing,
 In the NSC meeting military gave Erbakan a long list of demands. Erbakan is furious but
çiller is not that angry. They demanded that ilkokul to be 8 years and closing imam hatips,
closing down the tarikats. Erbakan said he will do but never done. Military was in
everywhere, giving reports to the journalists. Yargıtays Chief Prosecutor opened a court
case to close Refah Partisi, army dismissed 160 officers. This psycological warfare resisted
until Erbakan realized he cant save his seat and resigned.
 Batı Çalışma Grubu(task force west)-collect evidence against fundemental threats against
state. Çevik Bir is the head of this task force. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan became the target. He
gave a speech in Siirt and got into prison for 4 months. 5 year ban from politics, Refah party
is closed in 1998 because of overthrowing the secular order. Erbakan takes 5 year ban from
politics. 1998-Fazilet Partisi is found. Leader of the party is Recai Kutan, he is not funny
and charismatic like Erbakan. In 1998 Öcalan leaves Syria and refugees in Italy, everybody is
mad at Italy for hiding him. American secret service captures Öcalan and delivers him to
Turkey. There are huge nationalist uprisings.
 1999 elections- DSP %22, MHP % 18. Fazilet %15. People dont trust them that much
anymore. DSP, MHP, ANAP made a coalition. From all the sprektrum in Turkey, they took
huge critisizm
 2000- Ahmet Necdet Sezer is the new president of Turkey. He was a very ordinary man,
he was the head of constitutional court. He doesnt want any preferential treatment. He stops
at red light. He doesnt have good relations with the parliment. He is going to give hard time
to AKP in their early years.
 2001-Big scandal happened, White energy soruşturması, NSC meeting-There is deep
economic crisis, Ahmet Necdet Sezer critisized the government not taking any action against
corruptions. Ecevit left the meeting saying that Ahmet Necdet Sezer used a nasty language.
After that event a huge economic crisis happened. Kemal Derviş is a friend of Demirel, he
was working at the World bank. He came and restored the program. The majör beneficiary
of this program is AKP.
 Merve Kavakçı incident- She entered the parliment with headscarf and wanted to take the
oath with the headscarf on. Everyone including Ecevit said it is not possible. They took her
ID and she lived some time in America..
 Erdoğan is very charismatic however Abdullah Gül, Bülent Arınç and Abdülatif Şener is also
very prominent in the party. Abdullah Gül is doing the heavy lifting, 2000- congress at the
Fazilet party. Recai Kutan is just emulating Erbakan and polorizing people. Renewers say they
need to change their agenda. They dont want to fight against the army. they nominate Gül
against Recai Kutan RK 633 votes, AG 521. They think now they have great base and they
can found a new party.
 AKP was found in August 2001- Renewers created the party. Abdullah Gül is in the center
of attention, Erdoğan says milli görüş gömleğini çıkardık to get the votes of right wing
parties. He will get critisized for that. They are conservative democrats. They follow pro
western policy, they follow free market economy, they believe in soft secularism.
 Bahçeli is not happy with the Kemal Derviş program because of the idam cezasının
kaldırılması. He doesnt know how to tell his base about this. So he breakes the coalition and
goes for an early election.
 2002 elections- AKP got 34%, CHP 19%, DYP is closed. 45% of the votes are wasted
because of the %10 barajı.
 Cem Uzan comes form a rich family and he founds Genç Parti, he owns Star tv and and İmar
Bankası. He was very ambitious, In the space of 4 months he scored 7%. He is very energetic
and has good connections with the people.
 The success of AKP- came from the outcomes of liberal islam(they are like christian
central parties in Europe) and 4 politicosocial factors: the new anotolian bourguasie(they
supported the anatolian businnesman), new muslim intellectuals( Debates of muslim
intellectuals and rise of Ahmet Hakan Yeni Şafak newspaper they made their arguments in a
wise way), Cophenhagen criteria( insan haklarının iyileştirilmesi, hukukun üstünlüğü,
azınlıkların korunması, ful demokrasi- Economicly- fully self assured capitalis economy,
stale inflation rate, also legal dominance of EU over Turkish courts, removing death penalty,
they opened the negotiations for EU and AKP got the benefits.) and 28 February(they
learned their lesson well and tried not to make the same mistakes again).
 2002-2007 AKP government-First government is established by Abdullah Gül for 3-4
months. They voted for the removal of the ban over Erdoğan and with a by election Erdoğan
joined the cabinet on march 2003 and he is going to became the president of AKP.
 They are going to benefit immensely form Kemal Dervişs program. Ali Babacan used this
program. Piyasa ekonomisine yardımcı olma ve ekonomik olarak zor durumda olanlara
yardım etme üzerinde çok güzel bir sistem yerleştirecekler.
 Late 2004 EU road is open, it seems that it is guarantee that Turkey will enter EU. Turkey
entered the final stage.
 Iraq war broke out. Turkey was in the middle between its public opinion and pressure form
America. Public really didnt want to open a war against Iraq on our soil for America. They
voted in parliment and 264 in favor 250 against. Technically it has to be 267 for passing. It
didnt pass and Turkeys relations with US worsened.
 Despite all the good work, people dont trust their sincerity, they didn’t bring up the
headscarf issue and people believe that they are just pretending a role.
 2007 presidential elections- Still a very strong position and the last resource of
secularism. President was going to be selected from the parliment. Abdullah Gül’s name was
on the table. However people didn’t want him because his wife was wearing a headscarf.
Politics became more and more polarised.
 Salih Kadanoğlu-found a hole in the system, the law said if there isn’t 367 deputies in
parliment, the elections would cancel. Nitelikli çoğunluk. In the first round in April 361
votes. CHP became very excited, In the second round 357 votes, CHP didnt join.
Constitutional court cancelled the election.
 2 important things- firstly there will be large crowds walking, cumhuriyet mitingleri
wanting secularism from the government. Secondly, Yaşar Büyükanıt will anounce sözde
değil gönülde seküler liderler istiyoruz.
 27 April- Yaşar Büyükanıt sent a muhtıra to the general staff, saying they are not happy
enough. On the next day Cemil Çiçek he came forward and made a statement that they
cannot do anything to democraticly elected civilians.
 They say they are going to call for early elections. 2007 summer- the gamble of AKP paid
of, they got 46% of votes, CHP %20, MHP %14. Some democrats didnt like the attitude of
Baykal, MHP back in the court. MHP said they will not vote for Gül but will be there to
amount for the vote.
 After the election of Gül, there will be a referandum for electing the president by public for 5
years not for 7.

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