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Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________

THG Chapters 7-16 Quiz Review: Break-Out Session Garcia/Sutch/Fields

Directions: Today we will be reviewing test-taking strategies as we prepare for tomorrow’s quiz. Before
we begin answering the practice quiz questions, read the table below which summarizes what we
discussed during our quiz reflection lesson a few weeks ago.
Reasons Questions Are Answered Incorrectly Test-Taking Strategies
STEP 1: Underline key terms and clue words in the
 I read the question incorrectly. question.
 I misread the answer I selected.
 I did not read all the available choices. STEP 2: Think about what you already know about the
 I did not study this particular topic enough. topic. Write any important associations / definitions
 I did not understand what the question was above vocabulary terms.
 I did not know what a word meant & I did not STEP 3: Use the process of elimination:
ask the teacher for help or use context  Read all of the choices.
clues/word parts to try to determine the  Eliminate the choices that are obviously wrong
meaning. and narrow your choice to two.
 Think about which alternative best answers the
question and relates most closely to what was
discussed in class.

____ 1. Haymitch instructs Katniss and Peeta to do all of the following in the Training Center EXCEPT:

STEP 1: Underline key terms and clue words in the question.

STEP 2: Think about what you already know about the topic. Write any important

associations / definitions above vocabulary terms.

A. Study the competition and the skills of the other tributes

B. Learn a new skill, something you don’t know how to do

C. Stay together at all times

D. Do not show off your skills

STEP 3: Use the process of elimination:

- Read all of the choices.

- Eliminate the choices that are obviously wrong and narrow your
choice to two.
- Think about which alternative best answers the question and
relates most closely to what was discussed in class.
____ 2. On page 103, Katniss wonders: “What really scares me is what they might do to my mother and

Prim, how my family might suffer now because of my impulsiveness.” Based on this sentence, what does

the word impulsiveness most closely mean?

A. impurity C. grimace

B. sudden D. carefulness

____ 3. Which literary device is used on page 149:

“Haymitch has never seen me run. Maybe if he had he’d tell me to go for it. Get the weapon.

Since that’s the very weapon that might be my salvation.”

A. Personification C. Metaphor

B. Irony D. Hyperbole

____ 4. Based on your understanding of the novel, we can infer all of the following about the true nature of

Peeta’s feelings towards Katniss EXCEPT:

A. Peeta’s stories have a ring of truth to them.

B. Peeta believes Katniss comes across sullen and hostile.

C. Peeta acts with tenderness and gentleness like he knows what true love feels like.

D. Peeta’s feelings explain many of his choices and actions.

____ 5. Katniss repeatedly asks herself internal questions throughout the novel. Which kind of conflict do

these questions suggest?

A. man vs. man B. man vs. self

C. man vs. society D. man vs nature

_____ 6. When Katniss talks to Rue about District 11, she realizes how little she knows about the other

districts. Why does the Capitol limit the communication between districts?

A. If the districts communicate, they could become a strong united force.

B. If the districts communicate, they are less likely to rebel.

C. If the districts communicate, the citizens will tell each other their darkest secrets.

D. All of the above

____ 7. Why does Katniss recall at this point what Gale said in chapter 3 about hunting humans; “How

different can it be, really?” What is the “Aha” moment Katniss realizes after the hovercraft leaves?

A. She feels guilt over her first real kill of the boy from District 1.

B. She realizes that she may have a real shot at winning now that she has a bow and arrow.

C. She has a renewed hatred of the Careers, and will make them pay for the death of her ally.

D. She now understands his anger against the Capitol and wants to take revenge.
____ 8. How does Katniss outsmart the Career Tributes who have chased her up a tree?

A. She cuts down a tracker jacker nest and it falls on top of them.

B. She blows up the supplies.

C. She yells down to them to play up to the TV audience.

D. She becomes allies with Rue and sends her to attack them.

____ 9. What does Peeta do right AFTER the tracker jacker incident?

A. Peeta gives Katniss a bow and arrow.

B. Peeta directs her toward the lake so she can drink some water.

C. Peeta tells Katniss to run because the Careers were coming.

D. Peeta helps the Careers find Katniss.

____ 10. Which MAIN IDEA does the following quote illustrate the MOST?

“It’s interesting, hearing about her life. We have so little communication with anyone outside our

district. In fact, I wonder if the Gamemakers are blocking out our conversation, because even though the

information seems harmless, they don’t want people in different districts to know about one another.”

A. Rebellion

B. Power

C. Morality

D. Dehumanization

____ 11. What does Peeta’s mother tell him when she went to say goodbye after the reaping?

A. She has no idea the effect she can have on sponsors, so be careful.

B. They’ll be tripping over each other to sponsor you, so play kind.

C. You are strong, and can wrestle. Show them what you are capable of doing.

D. District twelve may finally have a winner.

____ 12. After Katniss scores an 11, Haymitch says, “Guess they liked your temper, they’ve got a show to put on.”

This statement reveals which of the following themes the MOST:

A. Rebellion B. Surveillance C. Immorality D. Defiance

____ 13. What does Peeta ask of Haymitch after the scores are announced, at the end of chapter 8?

A. If they can stop pretending to be friends B. What strategy he should use in the games

C. What strategy to use in the TV interviews D. If they can train separately

____ 14. Why does Cinna ask Katniss to spin during her interview with Caesar?

A. He wants to show the audience how feminine Katniss can be.

B. He wants her to show off the dress he made her.

C. He wants to make her feel dizzy, so she will fall and the audience will feel sorry for her.

D. None of the above

____ 15. How does this information from the TV interview impact Katniss in the games?

A. It makes Katniss seem like a serious threat B. It makes Katniss seem weak and distracted

C. It makes Katniss seem sullen and hostile D. It makes Katniss seem desirable

____ 16. What are Haymitch’s final words of advice to Katniss and Peeta before they enter the arena?

A. Avoid the Cornucopia, stay alive, and find water.

A. Run to the Cornucopia to get a weapon or supplies, and find water.

B. Avoid the Cornucopia, make an alliance, and find water.
C. Run to the Cornucopia to get a weapon or supplies, make an alliance, and find water.

_____ 17. What are the genetic mutations of the wasps found in the Hunger Games?
A. They are red in color and fly very fast. B. They spy on the tributes.
C. Their venom causes hallucinations and possibly death. D. Their venom causes immediate death.

____ 18. Which one of the following events happens last?

A. Peeta asks to train on his own
B. Katniss shoots the arrow at the apple near the Gamemakers
C. Katniss has a MM/flashback about becoming hunting partners with Gale
D. Peeta claims to have feelings for Katniss

______ 19. What do the leftover wasp nests surrounding the districts symbolize?

A. Power B. Control C. Immorality D. All of the above

_____ 20. In what ways are Rue similar to Prim?

A. They are both twelve years old. B. They both know about healing herbs and plants.

C. They are named after flowers & symbolize innocence. D. All of the above

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