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Fun fact: Planet EARTH is 4.5 billion years old, and humankind is about 140,000
years old. Let’s put that in perspective if you condense the Earth's lifespan into 24
hours which is one full day then we humans have been on this planet for 3 seconds.
Why not now take a minute and look at what we have done? We have modestly named
ourselves homo sapiens meaning wise man but are we so wise?
Further, this essay would be addressing the need to tackle the issues of climate change
and environmental crisis and the view with which humankind sees itself.


We are the most advanced species that exist but sometimes I wonder if some future
alien culture would look back on us as nature's failed experiment. Will we be another
example of wasted potential? Remember the theory which tells us that asteroids were
the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. Today it's us. Thanks to man-made climate
change, 100 innocent species go extinct every day yet many continue to deny it,
refusing to take an honest look at the science. Well, please allow me to analogize it.
Imagine you're on a plane with 100 pilots, 97 of them say we have headed disaster if
we do not change course and re-route it and 3 of them say there’s nothing to worry
about. Even if you believe those 3 pilots are correct, wouldn't you take precautions
anyway? Well, this is the same situation we face with climate change, 2000 scientists
and 200 countries have concluded that we are all on a crash course for devastation and
if we do not pump the breaks, spaceship Earth won't make it. The time is now, we
cannot delay, it is time to innovate and to stop fighting the old system and start
creating a new one, where we support organizations and technologies that not only
have sustainability but thriveability as the endeavour.


We did not stop hunting because we were no longer hungry; instead, we learnt to
harvest. Likewise, we did not stop sending letters because we stopped caring; no we
just invented better ways to keep in touch.
But rerouting this route would be more time-taking and much more arduous. Every
time we switch on those lights, travel in our cars or buy things in plastic bags the
environment pays the price, a price which we cannot afford to pay anymore.
The need of finding such solutions is high and urgent.
 Yellowstone National Park located in the USA reintroduced wolves in 1995.
The wolves quickly transformed the ecosystem where they reduced the
number of overpopulated deer indirectly leading to the recovery of
vegetation. As the forest returned so did some other animals leading slowly
to a wilderness return.
This simple scheme is known as rewilding. India is also taking a step
forward in rewilding by reintroducing cheetahs in the country.

 Plastic bottles turned into light bulbs are one of my favourite and ingenious
ideas. In the Philippines, Iliac Diaz invented a plastic bottle blub, Seeing the
condition of nearby slums. Materials like a plastic bottle, water, bleach, and
some screws are required in its making.

 More than 50% of plastic which is thrown away with consideration for
recycling are cups, plates and other plastic utensils. To reduce this number
BAKEYS FOODS PRIVATE LIMITED, in Hyderabad has invented and is
the largest manufacturer, and supplier of edible spoons. These spoons are
made up of a mixture of rice, jawar, and maize. They don't melt or dissolve
while eating a liquid and you can also eat them after finishing your meal.

 Many people love to have a garden, but there is hardly any space to have a
garden with the high-rise buildings surrounding us. Besides, most of us
reside in apartment blocks, and we are not in control of what can be done in
the surrounding. There is a solution to that problem, a vertical garden.
Vertical gardens have become very popular in recent times. They not only
create the atmosphere of having a garden but also have economic,
physiological, and environmental benefits.
These solutions are not impractical but have been implemented in some parts of the
world. Motivation and learning about the same is just a small part of the goal of
achieving sustainable Earth.

In the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, there is a cage where the notice reads, ‘The world’s
most dangerous animal’. Inside the cage, there is no animal but a mirror where you see
yourself. Thanks to the efforts of several agencies in different countries, a new
awareness has now dawned upon the most dangerous animal in the world. They have
realized the wisdom of shifting from a system based on domination to one based on
partnership. We have to take a holistic view of the very basis of our existence. The
environmental problem does not necessarily signal our demise; it is our passport for
the future. The emerging new world vision has ushered in the Era of Responsibility. It
is a holistic view, an ecological view, seeing the world as an integrated whole rather
than a dissociated collection of parts that are going to save us now.
The industry has a crucial role to play in this New Era of Responsibility. What a
transformation would be affected if more businessmen shared the view of the
Chairman of Du Pont, Mr Edgar S. Woolard who, in the 1990s’ declared himself to be
the Company’s “Chief Environmental Officer” and said, “Our continued existence as a
leading manufacturer requires that we excel in environmental performance.”

Let me suggest, that if a farmer sees a tree that is unhealthy they don't look at the
branches to diagnose it, they look at the roots. So like that farmer, we must also look at
the root and not at the branches of government, not at the politicians or corporations,
we are the root, we are the foundation, of this generation. It is up to us to take care of
this planet, it is our only home. We must globally warm our hearts and change the
climate of our souls and realize that we are not apart from nature, we are a part of
nature and to betray nature is to betray us, to save nature is to save us because
whatever you're fighting for racism or poverty, feminism, hunger or any type of
equality, it won't matter in the least because if we don't all work together to save the
environment, we'll be all equally extinct. We will get out of this mess as we've always
gotten out of things, together. Togetherness is the solution we require. And once we
realize our power together, humankind will have discovered fire for the second time.
In the words of Mr Lester Brown, “We have not inherited this earth from our
forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.
I would like to express my gratitude to my teacher Mrs Neetu Mathur as well as my
principal ma'am Mrs Archana S Mankotia who gave me this golden opportunity to
complete this project on the topic "Climate change a pressing issue". Without ma'am's
guidance, I would have not been able to compile and research this project. Ma'am's
guidance has helped me in gaining knowledge on this topic as well as the ability to
accurately research a topic.

This is to certify that the project report Climate change a pressing issue for English
core, is a bona fide work of Mrinalini Yadav of class 12-G of MGD Girls’ School,
Jaipur for the fulfilment of ALS Project work for the session 2022-23.
Date: _____ Teacher Guide: ____
Student’s Sign: ______


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