NSTP Chapter 7

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N, PTER ‘ATION, ™ 7 TY ¢ "mB Ob tives, ‘ONCERN Atte £nd of the mock * Articulate the NS the students sould beable National develo en OF nati i 7 Familias lopment, "Al Security and peace in the promotion of the : 3. Identify the [a Which constitute the concems of national security; 4. Identify a ‘erent threats to national security; : he Gras Values that must be developed and strengthened among students in ance of national security and peace building. A. Overview of National Security Situation of territorially based states as the political organizing principle in urity for the past 400 years predominantly mexr to McNamara (1968), security includes the “poor nations” as : Since the emergence Europe after 1648, the concept of security f ion from organized violence”. According 3 promotion of economic, political, and social development in means of preventing conflicts; and oi = arserving a minimal measure of “global order” and stability. are entering a new era of human security where the concept of security will change, pou ically. Security will be interpreted as : and 1. Security of people, not just territory; 2. Security of individuals, not just of nations; and 3. Security through development, not through arms. concept of National Security There are two schools of thought as regards the meaning of national security. The first school views national security as the protection of the nation’s people and territories from physical assault. In this sense, national security is equated with national defens® and the threats to a nation’s security are perceived to emanate from outside the country. Ee agacoen Site Vleet Natoma Service Training Program (CWS) Ue een, Page 125 The second schoo) ion to national defense Ver, . joss of which coutd thre hie thy Dati rn he national security ig sreuten oso UTity i8 the Ss de hrea ‘ We subscribe to th, iti i a i 180 of the condition wherein the Peopie’ T View, f; with oe peverted and enhanced, 8 Way of tt na sen, Wiles lly, in at matic 4 We oun ‘alse 5, stitutions, their ‘ithe a “i es fe ia . SAY that nati provetion of a nation’s National Femination — Sovereignty, gp ty, fundamentally ofa natin? ‘8° crucial Attrib involves the maintenance and ule of which Based on the definiti LSU its politi which is the i s init tical, ‘ ight for self- elements, which constitute mee ne Securit conomic and social goals ty of a nati ens of na Nation would large! 1. Territorial Integr; tional security, igely depend on the following ~ the terri control of the government nt" Of the county is intact and under the effective 3. Socio-Political Stabili : ity — there is of people in the country, and ae eee and harmony among the divergent groups Government and the people as a whole Cooperation and support exists between the Economic Solidarity - : endeavors, and ae eer ane capable of supporting national ° m a through participation or ownership. eople wing ave an, orguic, aks in & 5. Cultural Cohesiveness — the people share the values and beliefs handed down by their forebears and posses a strong sense of attachment to the national community despite their religious, ethnic and linguistic differences. 6. Moral-Spiritual Consensus — there is moral and spiritual consensus among the people on the wisdom and righteousness of the national vision, and they are inspired by their patriotism and national pride to participate vigorously in the pursuit of the country’s goals and objectives. ; 7. External Peace ~ the country and the people dgutts es neighbors, and they are free from any control, interferen s cordial relations with their threat of aggression from any of them. onal security. Inits internal aspect, national Fegan cies There are two aspect stan inst hostile focal elements wecing hs pI ‘the defense ofthe nation a aoa security refers to measures aimé In this > With their own government. counterij 7 5 . order. Ing domestic or internal challenges to the existing political and Socio-eeonon;, In its external aspects, national security is concerned with safeguarding dere ity outside or forei i ign forces, pressures or influence designed to conduer " oe otaec Smt for the purpose of placing it under the domination OF control of some forcign say ve eee, In this sense, national security embraces the defense arran! jents ‘insuring fety of the state against foreign intervention or domination. should be part of 4 system o Both the internal and external aspects of national security safeguards designed to protect the national interests. Threats to National Security Threats to National Security may be defined as any expression injury or damage to the national security. i i f the Armed Forces of the Threats to national security have always been the concer © ned I Philippines (AFP) who is tasked with ite hecars of ot sa the enemies, internally and ith these threats, the as pl var a ens a wher weaponry and dealt with the problem by providing not only militay olution to any conflict but also a conscious what brought about these threats in order to smite the root causes. There are two types of threats to national security: the i threat. a.1 Internal Threats of intuition to inflict evil, internal threat and the extemal ‘The internal threats to national security come from the polarized groups in the Philippine society, The most prominent among them, and the longest lasting, ig the communist the by the Pato Koma ng Pilipins (PKP) inthe 1950s and followed by the CPP inbe i of the 1960s, However, the advent of the 80s brought with it the rise of ultraights Bours, particularly in the military, where different ultra Tightist factions exist. 1 LOCAL COMMUNIST MOVEMENT (LCM) The Local Communist Moy it has the intention tp act eneee remains the main thr i iy because to seize politi reat to our national secu! mment aa iti govel and the capability to pursue ms pd bitin through the violent overthrow of Historically, the rift wi ; /, the rift ir handful of Party member yp tia the CPP/NPA has its root the SYP units caused disillusionment a anon nd the remaining #2. Some of Whom are contemplating to desert or sures oe . 4, Reaffirmist Group ISON Group pert Communist Party of the Philippines Leader: Jose Ma SISON Ideology: Marxist-Leninist-Mao Tse-tang organization The party utilizes three main weapons in its revolutionary struggle, namely: the Party (cP), the Army (NPA) and the United Front (NDR) 1) _ The CPP ~ the Communist Party of the Philippines is the brain of the people’s seolution. It provides the political leadership to the movement and determines the general line tnd direction of the revolution. It controls the activities of the army and the united front. 2) The NPA - the New Peoples Army; it is the military arm of the Party tasked with the advancement of the protracted people’s war through the principal use of the armed struggle. 3) The NDF — National Democratic Front is the shield of the revolution. It provides tm umbrella organization for the CPP/NPA and other militant and “progressive” organization including CPP and CPP-infiltrated groups. It is composed of various territorial and sectoral non- governmental organizations as well as functional organizations tasked with advancing the legal program of the communist movement hitherto taking care of propaganda and black propaganda tivities. 4) The Party also maintains an International Department, which takes care of Snerating support from other countries or from other communist movement from abroad (e.g, the communist party in Australia, the Netherlands, and from the other socialist countries in Eastern Europe). b. Rejectionist Groups of poy is faction disagrees with the CPP/NPA/NDF's strict adherence to the Maoist Concept. Protracted people's war and is instead advocating the Nicaraguan model of insurrectionary “tiegy and tactics aimed at creating a revolutionary situation by staging crippling strikes and urban terrorism, It has been polarized into nine sub-groups due to personal and policy erences, to wit : 1) PMP (Partido ng Manggagawang Pilipino) Pan sinan State Univer ional Service Training Program (CWTS) Use Page 128 ¥ ‘Lagman Group | Leader, Filemon LAGMAN ~ Chairman Ideology: Adheres to the teachings of Lenin. It advocates insurrectionary ‘stra, that calls for a combination of political and rnilitary efforts to create an insurrection ‘U* revolutionary situation. 2 . Southern Philippines Secessionist Groups (SPSGs) The threat emanating from the southern Philippines (Mindanao) dates back to the Span. era. But the main issue then is the clash of interest between the Christians and the Muslims, however, the present problem drew its root cause from the neglect and total disregard fo, the Muslims. The SPSGs are divided into two groups: A. Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Former Leader: Hashim SALAMAT Armed Group: Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF) Objective: _Self-determination with the creation of a Mindanao Islamic Republic. The objective of the MILF is to carve out portions of the Philippine territory where it intends 1p establish an Islamic state, To attain its objective, the MILF relies on Dawah or Islamic call and Jihad or struggle in the way of Allah Dawah calls for the Islamization of the individual. B. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) Former Leader: Khadaffy JANJALANI Objective: Creation of an independent Islamic state in Mindanao. Mere autonomy or steers will not stop them from pursuing their mission, which is the eventual reign of Islam worldwide. Cc Missuari Breakaway Group 1, BACKGROUND * 30 April 2001 ‘ i * 26 high ranking personalities of MNLF formed 15 man Executive Council % =~ Stripped Nur Missuari of his powers # Relegated to position of “Chairman Emeritus” ® — 02 May 2001: Hor Pangasinan State University National Service Training Program (CWTS) Use et page 327 4th National Con Missuarl declared eee Of the | ft independence of Mindyret® ane the tng =: Forge & unity agree L's ‘ntonomny ‘ ent With the MILp “nr fom ° CONCENTRATION 4 ‘ Sulu, Basilan, Tawi-tayy) Zamb oany ; cAPABILATIES " . Ability to recruit new Members ; ing Capo Nt dn tenn "ning minor-scal wary ll prsonael @ Capable of merging with Ag Me selective acti | ive activities | WEAKNESSES # — Loosely organized # — Noeffective leader at present # — Resembles a ragtag group of bandits out tp prey on unsuspecting targets D,SYNDICATED CRIME GROUPS ‘Another threat to national security is the existence of syndicated crime groups locally and istemationally which continue to sow terror, panic and wreak havoc to the Philippine economy. ‘These syndicated crime groups are the local and foreign crime groups ‘who engage in the dealing af prohibited drugs, those who are engaged in the smuggling of economic goods and arms and oer deadly weapons, and those who engage ‘in mercenary works t0 liquidate prominent, penionalities in the public and private sectors. ‘VOLVED IN L ORGANIZATIONS, INDIVIDUALS ANP OTHER GROUPS IN ECONOMIC SABOTAGE ne ‘vate individuals and groups or cartels who engage in cea ee ites onsen al seul by copie the Philippine economy ni ‘explo: L Ie tet ik = 4 trafic of 0 m (CWTS) USE service 2 Page 130 State Universit Ns 2 Bxternal Threats pen Extern ts fa big problem to the maintenance of natio ity. ines” mal theron hs arena is the maintenance of good ties and relationship with y° Pains countries to avoid disputes that might result to military conflict. ‘Among the countries in Southeast Asia that pose a threat 19 Philippine Ot hae sey the countries of Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and the People’s bape Kaleyaen (Sor counties together with the Philippines, are contesting jurisdiction over Lo ratty, group of islands, located southwest of the Philippines. Benefits concerns that claimant can get: 1. Major shipping and oi tanker route connecting the Pacific sod tng Oceans e waters 2. Philippine trade goes through thes . sia, Sin Tie cree is Deke the Phil's er travel lance with MAS, SIE, Bomeo and Indonesia ib) 4. Around 2 million metric tons of sea harvest are exposed to possible oj] spills in the area . Sabah basin in Indones 5. The e i] and gas potential (¢.8- sunesia, The area's prove of fain in indonesia, Northwest Palawan basin) 6 The area straddles the migration path of commercia'y yellow-fin tuna. Additional Chinese Interest The Spratlys are important to China due to: 7 its hydrocarbon resources : 3 wil ‘abound in the area (= to 40 yrs GNP) 3 trillion worth resources 2. it provides an excellent source of marine protein since it is a fishermen’s paradise. China’s Act: 1, It occupied Mischief Reef in 1995 2. It prefers a bilateral rather than a multilateral resolution of the conflict 3, It wants a maintenance of the status-quo that favors itself. 4, It has so far refused to support the Indonesian initiative to transform China Sea workshop series into more formal government dialogue. yor Pangasinan State National Service Training Program (CWTS) Use Page 431 the South philippines drives more than gy, tlys are closest to the Ph of its rr Philippines (50.99 “ee from the sea west of Palawan area is indeed very strategic le passageway for all kinds of shiny gant, 2% Military, The South China Sea is man OCEAN Around 400 commercial yess tl sorts of cargoes from the Pacific to _ pet oute could therefore virtually strate rat tMouh this ea lane daily. Control of i ‘8 economy. on Se aiiae Jntching isthe on going conflict in Indonesia (Aces) and the go and in the case of Korean Peemlnantly Muslim area, the conflict may spill over 4 Hi8ae pat may indirectly affect our econo PM Fou ever comrat worker HY Ld Another threat is the intrusion of foreign and unidentified foreign vesels into Phil a sosial seas. The archipelagic nature of the country hampers the effort of tracking and wine foreign vessels from intruding into Philippine waters. Local and foreign enemics of ii atewslize this advantage in providing logistics and supplis to their followers like arm atl ‘Another menace to national security is the presence of foreign terrorist groups, foreign igrligence agencies, persona: non grata, and other foreign entities which three a er like those who are engage in economic sabotage, international conspiracy sxtivities contrary to Philippine vital interest. service Trainings ram (CW TS) US Page 132 LePangasinan State University Ns STU DENT Ry, ALATION 7 CCRT RIL Ee tion, Date s ag Score TION. ity of a nation he security 0! Would largely de, + ven (7) concerns of national security, end on the following elements. Enumerate the 1, There are two (2) types of threats to national security. Name them : Inthe Local Communist Movement remains the main threat to our national security. The petty utilizes three (3) main weapons in its revolutionary struggle. Enumerate the three (3) main weapons. ke training Progra (CURSOS State Univ National Service Tease Page 133 jp oa Mosel of aan are , itis the Beteral Mi and tolerance — meaning eved differen : y —— Brgy. Councilors What is the value of your vote? * equal chance for a vote, whether rich or poor * guaranteed opportunity to Participate It is priceless! on (CWTS) Use Nlmersinan State Taiversity ations) Sees TSE Page 141 Your vote will mean: 1, better services from the executive 2 better policies and laws from the legislative 3. a brighter future for us, Filipinos What must we do? 1, Go out and register or revalidate istrati i your registration te thelr regyocatt 2, Encourage your friends to register and to revalida' 3. Help educate your friends. Be an NYC Voters Edu‘ 4, Cast your vote 5, Watch the count {BLE voTIN GOOD CITIZEN’S GUIDE TO LA i omeuree speakers) (A Primer for Teachers, Trainers @” ipno citizen. More than . en to every Filij Eel ing or Suffrage is a privilege and right sive no ver ected "0 fulfill in anything ese however, it is @ responsibility that every / ity to be directly inv’ i «sony is given the opportunity ©. 4 privilege. Bl voting 3 ake it rational interest. Thus, voune isa pr scammt _ very citizen is entitled to vote and ee of the ing ne of the Filipino’s most ini sesh ral ae eda Hence, voting is O! Why should I vote? olved in the affairs of the ‘Upon having met detered from Suliling rights. noes) jence whereby his a it of the nation’s conscien' hi il no makes himself a part OF 5 ity and the fate of By yt Bt oral the whole nation, the well-being of his Cae te Filipino is sess ey eng he ed the viper the Common Good his family. pe esponsibility to promote and uohord what is beneficial (0 pus, voting is @ Titeal responsibility of every qualified Filipino Citizen. when @ himsel true freedom, ores to merely On the other hand, when a Filipino accepts his res} ivilege and asserts his right to vote, he becomes a part of the nation’s conscience, Fre future, and a vanguard of freedom and the interest of the common good. He becomes For Pangasinan State University National Service Training Program, (CWTS) Use Oe Page 142 es oo, ee ‘ ibility to vote, be Filipino citizen chooses to forfeit his privilege, right and responsibility ivan apathetic bystander amongst his people and all that they fight for in the name justice and love of country. He is set apart from the nation’s conscience as passively accept whatever results the decisions of others may bring about. avails of his nsibility as a citizen and tof on a builder of older in every national ; peieto beable to live g inter ei the affairs of th mor i om bt in bec nate Metningy pomerd ii? ly becomes a part of hj imme me we 8 nation Pie Fig 8 destiny, fv oo! gpould I vote for? walt fight more the tacion et a pol pepe country’s leaders, the A Filipino will most cert eee Thea hoveve ms, i <0 » Some basi gone Cage of Considerations i cndariions homey should be taken more ideally when coming UP With a “line-up These facts wil of an samen didates, one has to determine certain facts before wi ent The fore; ; com ead i ssentiall pot candidate ing quero a tl te caae's Canc, te ool ca be pl tothe vor a de wags 1, Has the candidate previous sly served F platforms, thrust, and projects? ts «pubis offi? Is, what we is Bsc petionale: This question will establi Beiveness 28 & public official. Se ee sandidate as well 35 his vdate’s vision and working style. ive the voter a good idea ofthe relevance of He . Does the candidate-possess the neces } i e ssary and/or minimum le vel mental and emotional faculties to discharge his functions effectively and ea? 5 Rationale: This question will help the voter determine the ‘mental and emotional capability of the candidate. Public Office entails an incredible amount of responsibility. Inherent init also are the strains that challenge @ person’s resiliency, dedication and ‘steadfastness t0 his purpose and values. Hence, it is imperative that the voter ascertains the © of the candidate and whether he possesses faculties to cay himself in moral, F onal, emotional and mental stride despite the challent of his office. Some good 5 ae: i public service/office experience, © iminal/civ! Ienown attitudes 2 ifesty=- relevant and moral platform? 3, Does the Candidate have a cleat, Rationale: This question will help the voter determing i se the candi commitment to public service, bis vision and mission i ea g00d values tl eventually draw out the best out i ioe to the family, the youth and future generations? tment and regard of Rationale: This qvestion fe i question s his own family. The family i the basi Candidate gives prior ay ‘Oority to Temember the we! decisions, te ane toe of ll-being the thmily, especially the youth County's future citizen and lenge ain tte which frm the fundamental ny Bnizes the relevance of pursuiny itis imports Virtually spell out the creation oy Wh UiNg initiatives ted nt that the oandidate understands fy, is it important to choose aeod | Programs for the youth tay 1. Candidates wh 10 even Tesources which belone leaders? ly get el i lected gain access to vital and substantial go eamed resources and allt the people, to us, ‘They become the custodians of own of his constituents, hi have the power to disburse such, ideally according to the "4 and responsible officisty therefore important that we place trustworthy, honest mae resources, cials in the various government posts that are asked to Manage oy ad The ieee a We elect willbe in-charge of determining our needs as a people, printing oods wy Teel or indretly affect us, and allocating resouees properly addreye® igantaa }0se issues, An official who is ill-equipped in experience, knowledge ax n will not be able to address properly and effectively our needs and the Pressing issues that confront us everyday should he be called upon to do so. A should have leaders who are competent, forward-looking and those that have a full oe of what our people need and the vision of how to address them. 3. The leaders we elect to public office are perhaps the most visible role models that ow youth see everyday. For our country to cultivate good citizens and reap good leaders in our youth, we need people in government whom our children can perceive as moral and competent, worthy of their emulation. When we elect people to positions of service, power, and authority, we virtually display our own values as parents, teachers and leaders by the very choices that we make. When our youth finally decide to follow our own values through the examples of the leaders that we put in power, they lies in our bands the sense of accountability and culpability in whatever our children learn from them. Thus, the leaders we vote for are the people we want our children to be. It is important for us to vote for good leaders since they are the ones primarily responsible in uniting our people, When beset with crises and other problems that affect the lives of our countrymen, our elected officials, being our leaders, are expected to beat the forefront, serving as our inspiration, source of wisdom and strength. When we have leaders who do not know how to lead and who do not possess the resolve to remain wit us in the thick thin of our struggle, our country will fall apart in disunity. Conflicts will surely go unresolved in the absence of people who can effectively stand up betwee? varied vested interests. Socio-political and economic problems will hardly arrive # meaningful solutions. > 5. Our elected officials form our conscience as a people. They embody our judgments a4 aspirations, ‘They therefore know what is best and urgent. In many ways, by voting inan State University National Service Traini ram (CWTS) Use meet | tt ra Sut Own aly 00 nd get ues. In individual agenda B8ide gy CMOOsin vero _ than ue omen candi tnd ds iti important that we let our ceraly things that wip nese ne wpa fo nro coral Who hve ht an lana thos 8 but 8 Who tee ope that will benefit others One of country’s worsen ourselves to degenerate ies \ ladies is poverty, 4 pis through rising above them, cv"! Of our problems amt hrstst Peoples we should not i , NOt goii 8 and hardshi nscie! HOt goin, ship. The and col NCE as a people j face them, We should P. a only way out of we can have ox peste oe : pe strong for the weake; is gear in mind that if all of us sro es NO have Riera Geer ee sen further lsh age aR dwt ale pepe s buyi People 1 aa re cob. His act of heroism, ef ide Ca oT en Eire wn cy aver pel chonedc mews gas sone points to reflect on why we SHOULD east our votes in the May Elections 1, By elections, the leaders we vote for can make a difference in the way our nation is run through the government in the Years to come, Therefore, our decision on whom to vote for is something that can be considered of significant national importance. 2, Being given the right to choose our future government leaders at the very least gives us HOPE for we CAN choose good people to be our leaders; and having ‘good people in government will assure us, that our needs and welfare will be addressed and safeguard. 3, When we decide to vote this May, we will have proven to ourselves that we are ready to face our destiny as a people and indeed be responsible for the welfare of our nation. Use, ing Program, CWIS) Rete state Universit, Nations service Teale Page 145, 8 TUDENT EVALUATION Namie Section year & Section ams Date Seore answer the following questions briefly, Give the definition of i fh ee ‘the following term: Suffrage Registration Plebiscite Special Election yeeree 2, What are the requirements for the registration of a new voter? 3, Why do you need to vote? re : sonst Service Training Program (COIS) es inan State University Nations Page 146 STUDENT EVau Name VATION pa 5 ple Choice: Encirel 1, Malti! itcle the letter ia Of your correct answe it, as to be fair, just and impartial j i \o8 be dois end Reston im ensuring respect, protection and promotion of osm a Indivisibility b. Accountability ieee , Empowerment - ag priority attenti i p giving Prionty attention to women, aged, indigenous people and other marginalized sectors of sie i a Equality & non discrimination b. Attention to vulnerable groups © Good governance d. People’s participation , Basi origin, creed, social status and sexual orientation do not make any person a lesser child a Equity ¢. Indivisibility ‘b. Accountability . Equality & Discrimination 4 ee rights could only be realized when the right to life is respected, protected and fulfil a. Indivisibility ©. Good governance b, Interdependence & interrelatedness d. Empowerment 5, Public servants must at all times serve the people with utmost responsibility, loyalty and efficiently. a. Transparency c. Legislation capacity b. Accountability d. People’s participation It provides the government the chance to understand the programs and projects of the goverment by keeping themselves informed of its activities. . Legislation capacity a, Transparency ¢. b. Indivisibility _ 4, Empowerment 1. Capacitati i i sroots in effecting change and development ‘apacitating and involving the gras: Bras = pe i nerable grouy b. peoples empowerment d. Attention to vuln groups Page 147 g the best interest and welfare of the governeg 8. Responding to people's need and promotin, ¢, Legislation cal 8, Good governance b. Transparency d, Equity ‘butions fr 9 It refers to the right of the state to require and demand voluntary contri OM the citizens ; a, Power of appropriation o. Power of taxation in b, Police Bins 6 Foyer of eminent domain a the enjo: another 10. Sst cannot be denied of his/her right in exehange oF (0 guarantee ’ v i gel oj = a uity ¢, Equality and non discrimination b. Accountability d. Indivisibility ym birth. 11, It refers to God given rights or the right posse® bya person fio a. Social right ¢. Political righ ? d, Economic right b. Natural Right : Jes Right of Solidarity Right 12, It is otherwise known as The Peoples Rig! fac Zon a. Individual Rights b..Social Rights , Human Rights 4 vii 13, Women in the past were regarded as the whose duty and respo ility were confined to the walls of the home. i: a. First class c. Third Class b, Second Class d. Fourth Class free and equal in dignity without 14, The states that all human beings are borne istincti to race or Sex. | ; ton ae a * Preamble c. Universal Declaration of Human Rights b. Constitution d. CEDAW Act entitled “Women in Development and Nation Building Act”. a. Republic Act No. 7912 c. Republic Act No. 7092 15. A Republic b. Republic Act No. 1279 d. Republic Act No. 7910 ects the dignity of women by declaring 16. Anti- Sexual Harassment Act of which 1995 prot education or training environment. sexual harassment as unlawful in the employment, a. Republic Act 7877 c. Republic Act 7777 b. Republic Act 8778 d. Republic Act 8787 17, The Anti Violence Act against Women and their Children Act of 2004. a. Republic Act 9262 c. Republic Act 6262. b. Republic Act 9363 d. Republic Act 1799 For Pangasinan State University N: Ti Pi gas ity National Service raining rogram ( ) ee (CWTS) Use 3 page } in development wore 4nd Naw) i nd opportunities for Wonyey on Wilding Ae that we &, Republic Agt 9) pmranten 172 Provides \agat b. Republic Aot g a m2: ene s ‘ naa Aa ti04 7 repubi 0° Repent Nof every “ne \ b Renill ‘Act 739 1” YO National Women jo Parent Act of 2000, Wea 4 pire Ae ins yp 0 tproprinting Runde ter BMO8M an tt et 72 appropri Republi te0F td for other Privileges to solo parents and their a Public Act 8972 Purposes, . Republic Act 7688 © Republic Act 6955 4. Republic Act 7322 1. atify the words described in the fa a ieee lowing statements, Write your answers on the space 1, An act or series of ; Gqand for a sexual favor, or ‘other vertu involving any unwelcome sexual advance, request or hs hysical behav ent employee or official i Physical behavior of a sexual nature committed by “Fe person complained of ial in a work related, training or education related environment 2. The basic rights and freedor it er eee E ms to which all humans are entitled and which include the right to life and liberty, freedom of though and srocenitn and equality before the law. 3. The right of the state to require the citizens to share their property to the pvemment by asking them to pay taxes, 4, Those rights that are granted by the state for the promotion of common welfare of individual citizen. 5,The power of the state to destroy private property if it becomes a hazard or public nuisance to the community. 6. Rights conferred by the state to the people so that they may participate in : = 7, Rights that can be suspended or taken and may be limited due to public morality, welfare and security. 8. It is the means by which people choose their officials for definite and fixed = Al application for ishing and filing a sworn —-— Refers ie act of scooml ig id fr tion i i n to every Filipino citizen. ~__10,A privilege and right give! fon te mle Page - 156, 199,160, 2. Onmnons | 161,167 sad 168 | 3. Honey | 2. Wangan | 4 Dine | pare | eo od 5. Laity ‘weanese 6. Repose 7. Lie earings Page 150 State U1

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