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Anchorage-Dependent Cell Expansion in Fiber-shaped Microcarrier Aggregates

Kazuhiro Ikeda
Inst. of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Shoji Takeuchi
Inst. of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
International Research Center for Neurointelligence (WPI-IRCN), UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

DOI 10.1002/btpr.2755
Published online December 22, 2018 in Wiley Online Library (

This article describes a three-dimensional culture system for the expansion of anchorage-
dependent cells using fiber-shaped microcarrier (MC; Cytodex3) aggregates, termed “MC
fibers.” The fiber encapsulates the cells, the MC aggregates, and collagen and is covered with
a poly-L-lysine membrane. The thin structure of the fiber enables sufficient supply of O2 and
nutrients to the cell. Using the MC fiber, we demonstrated the efficient expansion of C2C12
cells with high viability through serial passaging. Therefore, our culture system is useful for
various applications where large-scale cell expansion is required, such as in pharmaceutical
technologies, regenerative medicine, and cultured meat production. © 2018 American Institute
of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 35: e2755, 2019.
Keywords: three-dimensional cell culture, microcarrier, anchorage-dependent cell, myoblast

Introduction establish a retrieval method of the cells from MC fibers. Finally,

we investigate the fold-change in cell expansion of C2C12
The microcarrier (MC) suspension culture system provides
cells, the myogenesis by induction of differentiation after serial
anchorage-dependent cells with a floating surface for their expan-
passaging, and optimize the culture conditions by changing the
sion and promises high cell yields due to the high surface-to-
seeding density of C2C12 cells.
volume ratios.1–4 Therefore, this system is used to obtain a large
number of cells required for various applications such as pharma-
ceutical applications,1 regenerative medicine,3–5 and production
Results and Discussion
of cultured meat.6,7 However, in conventional MC suspension
culture systems, uncontrolled and detrimental agglomeration of Encapsulation of MC aggregates and cells into MC fibers
cells and MCs is often observed, resulting in cell death by insuf- After extrusion of the alginate and collagen solutions with
ficient O2 and nutrition supply to the core of the aggregates.4 To cells and MC aggregates into a CaCl2 solution followed by the
prevent excessive aggregation, agitation is often used in MC sus- PLL coating, the fiber-shaped MC aggregates were formed as
pension culture, leading to cell damage by shear stress.4,8–10 shown in Figure 1B. To obtain enough surface area for cell
In this study, we described a method to expand cells using culture, MCs were packed in the structure at extremely high
fiber-shaped MC (Cytodex3, GE healthcare Life Sciences) density (approximately 80 mg [dry weight]/mL); the total sur-
aggregates. We formed a hydrogel fiber encapsulating the cells, face area of MCs in 200 μL of the pregel solution reached
collagen gel, and highly packed MC aggregates and then coated almost 70–80% of a 100 mm tissue culture dish. The micro-
the fiber with a poly-L-lysine (PLL) membrane; we named this scopic observation also showed that MCs were encapsulated in
fiber “MC fiber” (Figure 1A). In the MC fiber, the cells adhere PLL membranes. To confirm cell adhesion and survival on
onto and expand on the MC surface by three-dimensional cell MCs during culture, we observed the viable and dead cell
migration between the MCs. During the culture, the PLL mem- morphology by calcein AM and ethidium homodimer staining
brane maintains the fiber structure, that is, the thickness of the (live/dead staining) on Day 1. Without alginate lyase treatment,
MC aggregates. This microenvironment allowed us to supply stained cells maintained a rounded shape. On the other hand,
sufficient nutrition and O2 to the cells leading to efficient cell with alginate lyase treatment, the cells showed flat and elon-
expansion with high viability.11,12 As the fiber prevents the gated shapes on MCs (Figure 1C and Supporting Information
excessive MC aggregation, the cells are viable even in static S1). In addition, most of cells were viable in both of the condi-
condition, resulting in decreased shear stress. Here, we investi- tions. These results indicate that the removal of the alginate gel
gate the viability of cells cultured in the MC fibers using is essential for cell adhesion and sequential expansion.
C2C12 cells as a model of anchorage-dependent cells. We then

Additional supporting information may be found online in the Sup- Cell expansion and viability in MC fibers
porting Information section at the end of the article.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to To confirm cell expansion in the MC fibers with high via-
S. Takeuchi at bility, we performed MC fiber culture under static conditions,

© 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1 of 5

2 of 5 Biotechnol. Prog., 2019, Vol. 35, No. 2

Figure 1. (A) Fabrication of MC fibers. (B) An image of the MC fibers encapsulating C2C12 cells immediately after fabrication.
(C) Fluorescence images of C2C12 cells in MC fibers by live/dead staining on Day 1. Live and dead cells are stained by calcein
AM (green) and ethidium homodimer (red), respectively. Treatment with alginate lyase allowed cell adhesion on MC surface.

MC suspension culture under static and agitation conditions membrane and collagen on the MC fibers as previously
(conventional control), and then compared them for viability reported.13,14
and fold-change in cell expansion. We confirmed the cell via- Next, we calculated the fold-change in cell expansion by
bility using live/dead staining of cells on Day 4 (Figure 2A). counting retrieved cells from these aggregates. The results
MC suspension cultures under static conditions formed huge showed that the difference of fold-change in cell expansion of
and heterogeneous sized aggregates consisting of the cells and MC fiber and MC suspension cultures under static condition
MCs. Although the size of the aggregates in the MC suspen- was not statistically significant while that of the MC suspen-
sion culture under agitation conditions was relatively smaller, sion culture under static condition was significantly higher
a considerable number of MCs without adhesion of cells were than that under agitation conditions (Figure 2B). Furthermore,
found. In the MC fiber culture (cell seeding density: 1.0 × 106 the difference of cell expansion in MC fiber culture under
cells/mL), the thickness of MC fiber was sustained. Moreover, static and agitation conditions was not statistically significant,
almost all the MCs were covered with cells. Live/dead stain- suggesting that the MC fiber culture can protect cells from
ing showed dead cells at the core of the aggregates and on the shear stress (Supporting InformationFigure S2B). These results
isolated MCs in the MC suspension culture under static and demonstrated efficient cell expansion with high viability in
agitation conditions, respectively. On the other hand, dead MC fiber cultures. The thin structure of cells and MC aggre-
cells in MC fiber cultures were rarely found even under agita- gates after culturing might provide cells with sufficient expo-
tion condition (Supporting Information Figure S2A). These sure to nutrients and O2 to prevent cell death in the core.
results indicate that uncontrollable cell and MC agglomeration Lower cell attachment and fold-change in cell expansion in
induced the cell death in the core of the aggregates by poor MC suspension cultures under agitation conditions compared
supply of nutrition and O2. Moreover, shear stress might dam- to those under other cultures might be caused by shear stress
age the cells on isolated MCs in the MC suspension culture during culturing. In large-scale cultures, MC suspension cul-
under agitation. The high viability of cells in MC fiber culture tures under static and agitation conditions might cause cell
is considered to be due to the restriction of the thickness of loss and unwanted differentiation; however, MC fiber culture
aggregates and the low shear stress during culture. As the thin did not form detrimental agglomeration without agitation.
layers consisting of PLL-alginate and collagen existing on the These results indicate that MC fiber culture would be suitable
MCs and attached cells could have high diffusion rates that for large-scale expansion of anchorage-dependent cells.
allow the transport of molecules with large molecular weight
(> 75 kDa), the nutrition and O2 can be sufficiently supplied
to the cellular aggregates.11,12 Furthermore, the reason that the Optimization of MC culture for C2C12 cells
cells in the MC fibers were protected from shear stress under Initial cell density is known to be an important factor for the
static and agitation conditions might be the presence of PLL expansion efficiency of myoblasts on MCs.7,8 To achieve highly
Biotechnol. Prog., 2019, Vol. 35, No. 2 3 of 5

Figure 2. (A) Phase contrast and fluorescence images of the three types of MC cultures (MC fiber under static condition (MC fiber), MC
suspension cultures under static (Static MC), and agitation (Agitation MC) conditions on Day 1 and Day 4. The agitation cul-
ture was started from Day 1 using the cells in the static culture. Viable cells and dead cells were stained by calcein AM (green)
and ethidium homodimer (red), respectively. (B) Fold-change in cell expansion of the three types of MC cultures on Day 4
(N = 3). *P < 0.05.

efficient expansion and maintenance of the differentiation poten- Our culture system maintained the thickness of the cell and
tial through serial passaging using the MC fiber culture, we opti- MC aggregates, thereby improving the cell viability compared
mized the cell seeding density by culturing cells seeded on MC with the conventional MC suspension culture systems. Fur-
fibers using three different seeding densities (0.5 × 106, thermore, optimization of cell seeding density leads to the
1 × 106, and 2 × 106 cells/mL). To compare these fibers, we maintenance of the expansion and the differentiation potential
calculated their fold-changes in cell expansion until three pas- through serial passaging. These results suggest that our culture
sages (total 12 days; passaging every 4 days), and then evalu- system is useful for large-scale culture of other types of
ated their differentiation potential. Microscopic observation anchorage-dependent cells, such as mesenchymal stem cells
showed that C2C12 cells expanded in all three types of MC and primary skeletal muscle cells.
fibers (Figure 3A). In the 0.5 × 106 cells/mL fiber, considerable
numbers of MCs were not coated by the cells, while the cells in
the 2 × 106 cells/mL fiber were over-confluent on the MC sur- Experimental Section
face. Next, the cell expansion in three types of MC fibers was
calculated until three passages (Figure 3B). The results showed Maintenance culture of C2C12 cells
that the expansion was maintained at a high level in only the C2C12 cells were obtained from American Type Culture
1 × 106 cells/mL fiber. Moreover, the estimated accumulative Collection, Rockville, Md. The cells were maintained in culture
fold-change in cell expansion in the 1 × 106 cells/mL fiber was medium (Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium [DMEM;
the highest value among the three types of MC fibers until three 1195092, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA] containing
passages (437, 2217, and 696-fold expansion, in the 0.5 × 106, 10% fetal bovine serum [BioWest, Miami, FL]) under 5%
1 × 106, and 2 × 106 cells/mL fiber, respectively). Finally, CO2 at 37 C. For passaging on a 2D surface, the cells were
retrieved cells from passage 3 fibers were differentiated on a washed twice in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS [−]) (Sigma-
two-dimensional (2D) surface to evaluate the maintenance of Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), incubated with 0.25 w/v % trypsin–
differentiation potential by immunostaining. The nuclei and EDTA for 5 min at 37 C and then dissociated into single cells
myotubes were stained by Hoechst 33342 and myosin heavy by pipetting. The detached cells suspended in the culture
chain (MF20) antibody, respectively (Figure 3C). As all three medium were centrifuged at 400g for 3 min at room tempera-
types of MC fiber-derived C2C12 cells showed myogenesis, we ture. The cells were seeded into culture dishes with culture
calculated the fusion indices (percentage of nuclei inside the medium at 2.0 × 105 cells/100 mm culture dish. The medium
MF20 [+] myotubes) from three independent experiments
was replaced on Day 2. Passaging was performed approxi-
(Figure 3D). The results indicate that the cells in the 1.0 × 106
mately every 4 days. In all experiment, we used the cells before
cells/mL fiber had the highest efficiency of myogenesin among
reaching 10 passages. The viable cells were counted using try-
these three types of MC fiber cultures. Based on these results,
pan blue (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) exclusion assay.
we conclude that the optimal cell density is 1.0 × 106 cells/mL
and optimal passaging frequency is every 4 days for efficient
expansion and maintenance of differentiation potential of
C2C12 cells. This optimization process is essential for MC fiber MC suspension culture
culture to expand stem cells and somatic cells while sustaining We seeded C2C12 cells in ultra-low attachment six-well
the expansion and the characteristics of the cells. plates with culture medium (2.0 × 105 cells/well). Approxi-
We have developed an MC fiber culture for efficient mately 16 mg (dry weight) MCs were added in the well. In
expansion of anchorage-dependent cells with high viability. static culture, the cells were cultured without agitation for
4 of 5 Biotechnol. Prog., 2019, Vol. 35, No. 2

Figure 3. (A) Images of MC fiber cultures on Day 0 and 4 in the three different types of MC fiber cultures (cell seeding density:
5.0 × 105, 1.0 × 106, and 2.0 × 106 cells/mL in the fiber). (B) Fold-change in cell expansion of the three types of MC fiber cul-
ture. (N = 3) (C) Phase contrast and fluorescence images of differentiated C2C12 cells after passage 3 in the three types of MC
fiber cultures. Myotubes and nuclei were stained by MF20 (green) and Hoechst 33342 (blue). (D) Fusion indices of the three
different types of MC fiber cultures (N = 3). *P < 0.05.

4 days. In the agitation culture, the six-well plates were agi- medium supplemented or not with alginate lyase (Sigma-
tated using an orbital shaker at approximately 100 rpm from Aldrich) at 40 μg/mL and incubated for 5 min at 37 C. After
Day 1. Half the medium was changed on Day 2 and Day 3 in the treatment, MC fibers were floated in fresh medium and
both the MC suspension cultures. cultured in six-well plates or culture dishes for 4 days. The
half medium was changed on Day 2 and Day 3.

MC fiber culture
To fabricate MC fibers, first, we prepared MC suspensions Retrieval of cells from the MC fibers and serial passaging
in collagen and alginate solutions. Collagen-coated MC After culturing, MC fibers were mechanically dispersed by
(Cytodex3 [GE healthcare Life Sciences, Velizy-Villacoublay, rough pipetting in order to break the PLL membrane. The sus-
France]) was swollen and sterilized by following the instruc- pension was centrifuged at 400g for 3 min and washed by
tions for use. For preparation of MC pellets, MC suspensions PBS (−). Trypsin-EDTA treatment for 5 min at 37 C allowed
in culture medium were centrifuged at 400g for 3 min at room cell detachment from the MC surface. Then MCs were
temperature. The pellets were washed twice by 3 mg/mL col- removed by filtering with a 70 μm cell strainer (Falcon, NJ).
lagen (AteloCell®, IAC-50, KOKEN, Tokyo, Japan) and Harvested viable cells were also counted by the trypan blue
1 w/v % alginate (I-1G, KIMICA, Tokyo, Japan) solution and exclusion assay. For serial passaging, the harvested cells were
centrifuged at 400g for 3 min. Next, we mixed the MC pellets mixed with MC suspensions in collagen and alginate solu-
(approximately 80 mg [dry weight]/mL) with C2C12 cells on tions. Fabrication process was the same as above.
ice. Then, the cell and MC suspension was extruded into a
100 mM CaCl2 (Kanto Chemical, Tokyo, Japan) bath using a
syringe (Terumo syringe® 1 mL, Terumo, Tokyo, Japan) and Viability assay
a blunt needle tip (LS22, Instech Solomon, Plymouth Meeting, Viability assay was performed on MC fibers after culture
PA). The CaCl2 solution was changed to culture medium and using a Live/Dead Viability/Cytotoxicity kit (Molecular
incubated for 5 min at 37 C. Then, the fiber-shaped MC Probes, Eugene, OR). We stained the cells with 0.1 v/v % cal-
aggregates were coated with the PLL solution for 5 min at cein AM and 0.2 v/v % ethidium homodimer solutions and
37 C. Finally, the PLL solution was changed to culture imaged them by phase-contrast and fluorescence microscopy.
Biotechnol. Prog., 2019, Vol. 35, No. 2 5 of 5

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tion of Science. accepted Nov. 20, 2018.

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