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F5 backup script Guide

Python Script Developed by Kailas Pathade (


Don’t try to modify code it may be damage your device. user must be care about coding.
coder is not responsible any config loss.

Owner of this code Kailas Pathade ( Please contact for commercial

We have provided the F5 scripts based on requirement.


Requirements/Instructions: -

1. Install python 3.X version on window machine. Preferred path "C:\Python"

2. Install below packages using pip install packageName


3. Specify the of F5 IP/DNS name of F5 in script.

4. Copy your public key from F5 device to local PC.

F5 root directory - cd /root/.ssh/

Copy these contents and paste in window below file.

Now you can try access your F5 from desktop --open cmd ssh root@f5.ip first time

5. Specify the key path in script.

6. Specify the path where you want to store backup on local PC

7. If you want execute script manually then open cmd and run
Python "C:\Users\CAPRICON\Desktop\Powershell\F5\"

8. You want to automatic run this script on specific time then add task in window task
This script automatically runs on mentioned time manually intervention is not required.
9. Preferred to encrypt the script and the run that more secured way.
How to encrypt the script please find below step.
1) pip install pyinstaller

2) C:\Python\Scripts>pyinstaller.exe --onefile "C:\Users\CAPRICON\Downloads\"

3) You can find your exe file in C:\Python\Scripts\dist

4) Run same file in CMD .

5) Same file you use for automatic backup only use cmd instead of python.exe


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