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Guideline Brief and Purpose:

CoinSwitch Kuber recognizes the importance of Daycare @ workplace. We

understand the need of on-site child care benefits program that allows our
employees to be able to check in on their kids while at office.

The Scope:

This policy applies to all full-time employees who are working out of office 5 days
a week and does not include interns and contractors.

General guidelines and disclaimer:

 The Day care facility is available only to all the fulltime employees of
CoinSwitch and is strictly restricted for children between the age group 6
months - 6 years.
 The Day care will be provided in proximity to the employee's work location
and will be pre-designated by the company. No other Day Care or
reimbursement options would be considered.
 Employees will be eligible for availing company provided creche facility with
100% subsidy up to next 12 months, the fee will be paid directly to the
company provided day care vendor. No Charges shall be borne by the
 The day care facility will be operational from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM from
Monday to Friday. All employees also need to follow the day care holiday
list for further update on upcoming holidays.
 Employees who do not leave their kids to the Day care for more than 5 days
continuously without any prior notice, the kid’s registration stands
cancelled and the seat shall be allotted to the next kid.
 Once cancelled, the seat cannot be reallocated.
Process for Enrollment: -

 For availing the Day Care facility for the first time, employee must send a
mail to the respective HRBP on or before 12 October with complete details
as per below: -
a. Name of the Child1
b. Name of Child 2
c. DOB of both Children
d. Gender of the Child
e. How many days in a week are you planning to avail daycare facility-
3 days/ 5 days a week.

 The Day Care facility will be provided to employees on "first come and first
serve basis “only. The employees must register in advance for the
preceding month. Ex. For January, the employee must register by 15th
December, by sending the nominations in duly filled application forms to
the respective HRBP.
 In case the available slots are full, the pending applications would be put in
waitlist and will be given option once the slots are available.

Please Note:

*This benefit is effective from 17th Oct 2022 onwards.

*Any exceptions to the policy will be approved by Head HR.

*The Employee of Kid, who is getting enrolled will also be undergoing a detailed
registration process at the day care on the 1st day of admission.

For any Queries about the policy, do reach out to your HRBPs.

● Riya Elias - (HRBP – Tech and Product)

● Sashi Kumar A - (HRBP - Support)
● Uma Vasudevan - (HR SPOC - All other

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