Phonics 1

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Phonics 1

1. Pam lives in Brazil. Pam loves Brazil. Tom lives in Canada. Tom loves
Canada. Pam and Tom met. Pam and Tom want to play. They want to jump.
They want to yell. They play, jump, and yell. Next, Pam and Tom sit. Tom
brings a big bag. Pam brings a small bag. Tom brings a black hat. Pam
brings a pink hat. Tom brings an old map. Pam brings a big map. Tom
brings a net. Pam brings a big net. Tom and Pam bring many things. They
also bring mugs. Tom and Pam drink!
2. Sky, sky, sky. Pam and Tom fly. They fly in a jet. Pam and Tom travel to
Texas. They hold a map. Pam and Tom try to spot Texas on the map.
Pam and Tom start to sing: "Texas, Texas, Texas! No stops to Texas!" Pam
and Tom make it to Texas. They study there. Pam’s sister, Emily, lives in
Texas. Pam and Tom call Pam’s sister, Emily. They ask her to send a cab.
The cab brings Pam and Tom to Emily. She also lives in Texas. Emily hugs
Pam first, then she hugs Tom. She is happy they are there! Pam and Tom are
also happy.
Phonics 2

1. Dan’s father got a new car. It was blue and shiny. He and Dan took a trip
one weekend. They were going to Grandma’s house. Dan liked Grandma.
She told him great stories. She also bakes tasty cookies. She made him feel
good. Dan and his father drove for a long time. Dan went to sleep in the car.
When Dan woke up, it was very late at night. It was also raining, but Dan
did not care. He was happy to be driving to his grandma’s house. After a few
hours, they made it to her house. She opened the door and let them inside.
2. A boy was looking after the sheep by his house. One day, he was bored and
wanted to play a game. He yelled, “Wolf! Wolf!” out loud. Other people
came running, but there was nothing wrong, so they left. The boy yelled,
“Wolf! Wolf!” three more times. The people came again and saw there was
nothing wrong. They got mad and left. One day, the Wolf really came, and
the boy got scared. He yelled, “Wolf! Wolf!” but this time, no one came. No
one listened. They did not come to help. The Wolf has nothing to be scared
of. He ate all the sheep.

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