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1. C 3. A
2. D 4. B

1. E 3. A 5. B
2. D 4. C

A thesis statement:

People prefer to use airplanes instead of other types of transport when they are on holidays.

A topic sentence for a paragraph arguing that individual people cannot make a difference:

To make a meaningful change is necessary to reduce contamination from big industries like
clothes factories, oil exploitation or the new one: cryptocurrencies factories, who impact
badly in the contamination of the water and air.

A topic sentence for a paragraph arguing that government control what industries do:

The government has politics to collects taxes on industrial production, importation or

exportation, in order to reward the ecological impact produced by industries, with these
taxes they finance environmental projects with the idea of planting more trees or creating
contests to create products that improve water quality

The first sentence of a concluding paragraph:

In conclusion, the benefits produce by flying are more than the disadvantages which could
be compensated with ecological projects.

People prefer to use airplanes instead of other types of transport when they are on holidays, or for
business activities and commercial purposes thanks to advantages that flights have such as a
reduction of the time and money, the comfort and more.

First, the biggest reason people prefer going by plane is because it is timesaving. In the past, people
only use ships or cars to travel between great distances, especially from one continent to another
continent, which took days or even months. Thanks to flights network, the time has been reduced to
hour and also helps to import and export products from a country to another, products like flowers,
food, medicine, vaccines and more.

On the other hand, referring to the people who believe that individual changes could impact on the
environment, the truth is that to make a meaningful change is necessary to reduce contamination
from big industries like clothes factories, oil exploitation or the new one: cryptocurrencies factories,
who impact badly in the contamination of the water and air.
It is important to mention that the government has politics to collects taxes on industrial production,
importation, or exportation, in order to reward the ecological impact produced by industries, with
these taxes they finance environmental projects with the idea of planting more trees or creating
contests to create products that improve water quality

In conclusion, the benefits produce by flying are more than the disadvantages which could be
compensated with ecological projects

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