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Republic of the Philippines

Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa

Marawoy, Lipa City
College of Teacher Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in S111: Genetics

I. Objectives
A. Define the meaning of Eugenics
B. Identify the positive and negative Eugenics
C. Appreciate the importance of Eugenics to our human race

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Eugenics
B. Reference:
C. Materials: Laptop, TV, Cartolina, marker

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

(Mr. Capili, please lead the prayer)

“Lord God, behold us your loving

children, offering you today our works
and studies. Help us Dear Lord to be
obedient to our teachers, to be kind to
our classmates and be diligent in our
studies. May you also grant us the
courage to follow your way. Amen.”

Lord God, behold us your loving children,

offering you today our works and studies.
Help us Dear Lord to be obedient to our
teachers, to be kind to our classmates
and be diligent in our studies. May you
also grant us the courage to follow your
way. Amen.

2. Greetings

Good morning, class! Good morning Ma’am!

I hope that everyone is doing well
today! Thank you Ma’am!

3. Checking of attendance
For your attendance, you will have two
choices to choose it is either you are going to
say your crush’s name or you will answer my
question that may serve as our review.

(Student will be called one by one)

5. Motivation
Before we proceed to our discussion, let’s
have a short fun activity. In this activity, the
class will be divided into two groups. Each
member will receive a brown envelope and
each envelope has jumbled pieces of puzzle.
The first group to solve the jigsaw puzzle will
be consider as the winner.

B. Lesson Proper

Presentation of the lesson

Okay class, did you enjoy our activity?

Yes, Ma’am.

Class, based on our activity are you familiar

with the person on the puzzle?
No, Ma’am.
Okay, since you are not familiar with him. Let
me introduce you all to my friend, Francis

Again, what is the name of my friend?

Francis Galton

Very good. Francis Galton was an English

explorer and anthropologist best known for
his research in eugenics and human
intelligence. He was the first to study the
effects of human selective mating.

So base from my description about Francis

Galton. What do you think is our topic for
Ma’am I think our topic for today is about
C. Discussion
Yes, that’s right. Any idea about Eugenics?

Ma’am based on what you have said earlier

about Galton, I think eugenics refers to the use
of procedures in human selective mating.

Very good, thank you for sharing your idea. It

is right that eugenics has something to do
with human selective mating because it was
influence by Charles Darwin's theory of
natural selection. Eugenics is the study of
how to arrange reproduction within a human
population to increase the occurrence of
heritable characteristics regarded as
desirable. It is also refers to the use of
procedures like selective breeding and forced
sterilization in an attempt to improve the
genetics purity of the human race. And also,
eugenicists believe that disease, disability,
and “undesirable” human traits can be “bred

Why do you think other people wants to bred

out the undesirable human traits?
Ma’am, maybe because they want to lessen the
sufferings of humans. Of course, when someone
has disability we tend to feel pity on him/her and
sometimes that makes them suffer.

Very good, that’s right. That’s why Sir Francis

Galton, introduced as the two-way approach
of selective breeding. First is the idea of
breeding for desirable traits to improve the
human race, called positive eugenics. This
focused on giving monetary incentives in
form of tax breaks and stipends to encourage
the “best” to reproduce and pass on their

Why do you think some are willing to give Ma’am, I think to motivate those with desirable
monetary incentives? traits to have more children and therefore
increase the number of individuals with such
traits in the human population.

Yes that’s right, but when altruism doesn’t

work, the second approach, called negative
eugenics, comes into play. Here, instead of
encouraging “fit” people to reproduce, “unfit”
people are prevented from reproducing, often
against their will. Negative eugenics involved
sterilization, marriage restrictions.

What do you think is the aim of negative

The aim of negative eugenics is to reduce
frequency of hereditary diseases and disability in
the community as low as possible.

Yes, very good that’s right. Preventing such

people from reproducing prevented their
genes supposedly “tainting” the gene pool
and bringing down the human race.

Since, you already know the difference

between the Negative and Positive Eugenics.
Let’s have a short activity, I have prepared
here some practices and you’re going to
identify whether it belongs to the Positive
Negative Eugenics
Eugenics or to Negative Eugenics.

Sexual separation of defectives

Positive Eugenics
Early marriage of those having desirable
Positive Eugenics

Subsidizing the fit

Negative Eugenics


Positive Eugenics

Genetic Engineering

Negative Eugenics

Birth Control

D. Generalization

To generalize, The term “eugenics” refers to

a controversial area of genetic science based
on the belief that the human species can be
improved by encouraging only people or
groups with “desirable” traits to reproduce,
while discouraging or even preventing
reproduction among people with
“undesirable” qualities. And it’s stated goal is
to improve the human condition by “breeding
out” disease, disability, and other subjectively
defined undesirable characteristics from the
human population.

Based on our discussion how you will reflect

the importance of Eugenics to our human
(any volunteer from the class )

D. Application
After, knowing all of these information let’s
have an activity again. The class will be
divided into two groups. Our activity will be a
debate about Eugenics being an ethical or
Eugenics being an unethical. I will only give
each group 5 minutes to be prepared and
each member will only be given 1 minute to
explain their side using their own thoughts.

(students getting ready for the debate)

F. Evaluation
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct

1. He is the Father of Eugenics.

A. Saint Francis
B. Sir Francis Galton
C. Gregor Mendel
D. Charles Darwin

2. It refers to the use of procedures like

selective breeding and forced sterilization in
an attempt to improve the genetic purity of
the human race.
A. Genetics
B. Genes
C. Eugenics
D. Genome

3. _____________ is the idea of breeding

for desirable traits to improve the human

A. Positive Eugenics
B. Positive Genes
C. Negative Genes
D. Negative Eugenics

4. In ___________ eugenics, “unfit” people

are prevented from reproducing.
A. Genetics
B. Positive
C. Negative
D. Genes

5. This focused on giving monetary

incentives in form of tax breaks and stipends
to encourage the “best” to reproduce and
pass on their traits.
A. Positive Eugenics
B. Positive Genes
C. Negative Genes
D. Negative Eugenics

6. When was the term “eugenics” coined?

B. 1853
C. 1553
D. 1883

7. In this measure selected young men and

women of best eugenic value should be
encouraged to increase their birth rate
A. Subsidizing the fit
B. Genetic Engineering
C. Sexual separation of defectives
D. Birth Control

8. It is the best means to deprive an

individual from his power of reproduction
without interfering with any of his normal
A. Subsidizing the fit
B. Sterilization
C. Sexual separation of defectives
D. Birth Control

9. In this measure, people possessing more

undesired traits should be encouraged to
have small families through birth control.
A. Subsidizing the fit
B. Sterilization
C. Sexual separation of defectives
D. Birth Control
1. B
10. What does “Eugenics”mean? 2. C
A. Born again 3. A
B. New Born 4. C
C. Well-born 5. A
D. Rebirth 6. D
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. C

IV. Assignment
1. Make an advance reading about different types of hereditary cancer.
2. Sight some example of hereditary cancer.

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