Assignment 3

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ROLL NO.- 200992105041

Assignment 3, Quiz

1. What was the main objective of the foundation of ASEAN?

(a) To form an economic block against European countries

(b) To accelerate economic progress in Southeast Asia

(c) To finalize step by step a programme to develop a free market zone

(d) Equalizing of import duties and changes and uniform control on investments in all

member countries.

Ans- B

2. How many countries are the current members of ASEAN?

(a) 5

(b) 7

(c) 10

(d) 13

Ans- C

3.Application for approval of name of a company is to be made to _____.

(a) SEBI

(b) Registrar of Companies

(c) Government of India

(d) Government of the State in which company is to be registered

Ans- B

4. Established during the Vietnam War, ASEAN was originally intended as _____________

(a) A bulwark against the spread of Communism in South Asia

(b) To accelerate economic growth and promote regional peace in the region
(c) To mediate in case of differences between member countries

(d) All of them

Ans- D

5. In January 1992 ASEAN members agreed to establish a free trade area and to cut tariffs on

non-agricultural goods over a period of ______________

(a) 10 years

(b) 12 years

(c) 8 years

(d) 15 years

Ans- D

6. Price rigidity is the characteristic of which of the following?

(a) Monopoly

(b) Oligopoly

(c) Monopolistic competition

(d) Perfect competitive competition

Ans- B

7. Who is the current Secretary-General of ASEAN?

(a) Abhisit Vejjajiva

(b) Bouasone Bouphavanh

(c) Le Luong Minh

(d) Ms Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

Ans- C

8. The 20th ASEAN Summit was held on 3-4 April 2012 in ____________

(a) Hanoi, Vietnam

(b) Bali, Indonesia

(6) Cebu City, Philippines

(d) Cambodia. Phnom Pench

Ans- D

9.___________ cannot give an invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares in or

debentures of the company.

(a) Subsidiary Company

(b) Statutory Company

(c) Private Company

(d) Registered Company

Ans- C

10. The 31st ASEAN Summit was held in _______________ on 13 – 14 November 2017?

(a) Pampanga, Philippines

(b) Bali, Indonesia

(c) Bangkok, Thailand

(d) Hanoi, Vietnam

Ans- A

11. What is the full form of ASEAN?

(a) Association of South East Asian Nations

(b) Administration of Southern East Asian Nations

(c) Organisation of South East Asian Nations

(d) Administration of South East Asian Nations

Ans- A

12. How many members are in the ASEAN?

(a) 18

(b) 67

(c) 10

(d) 53

Ans- C

13. Which of the following country is not the member of the ASEAN?
(a) Laos

(b) Cambodia

(c) Philippines

(d) Mauritius

Ans- D

 14.If the company can make arrangements for raising the capital privately, so that pubic

appeal is unnecessary, the company is required to prepare a _________________.

(a) Prospectus

(b) Statement in lieu of Prospectus

(c) Certificate of Prospectus

(d) None of the above

Ans- B

15. __________ means the total amount of called up share capital which is actually paid to

the company by the members.

(a) Nominal capital

(b) Reserve capital

(c) Called up capital

(d) Paid-up capital

Ans- D

16. Preliminary Contracts are signed ______.

(a) Before the incorporation

(b) After incorporation but before the capital subscription

(c) After incorporation but before the commencement of business

(d) After commencement of business

Ans- A

 17.The application for registration of a company should be presented to the

_______________ of the state-appointed under Companies Act 1956.

(a) Controller

(b) Registrar

(c) Governor
(d) Registration officer

Ans_ B

18.The company will be considered as a separate person and different from its members from

the date (when the) _____________.

(a) Start of business

(b) Apply for registration

(c) Receive incorporation certificate

(d) Mentioned in the certificate

Ans- D

19. ‘Men may come and men may go, but the company exists.’ – This explains the

characteristics of the company as per Companies Act 1956.

(a) Separate legal entity

(b) Perpetual Succession

(c) Capacity to sue

(d) None of the above

Ans- B

20. Powers, rights, remuneration, qualification, and duties of directors are discussed clearly in


(a) Memorandum of Association

(b) Articles of Association

(c) Prospectus

(d) None of the above

Ans- B

21.Which of these organisations emphasises on the liberalisation of foreign investment and

foreign trade?

A) International Monetary Fund

B) World Health Organisation

C) World Trade Organisation

D) International Labour Organisation

Ans- C
22.Tax on imports is considered as an example of 

A) Collateral

B) Trade barriers

C) Foreign trade

D) Terms of trade

Ans- B

23. Which of the following is the main reason behind the investments of MNCs?

A) To benefit foreign countries

B) To provide financial support to the country’s government

C) For the welfare of underprivileged people

D) To increase the assets and earn profits

Ans- D

24. Which of these institutes supports investments and foreign trade in India?

A) International Monetary Fund (IMF)

B) World Trade Organisation (WTO)

C) World Bank

D) International Labour Organisation (ILO)

Ans- B

25.When did the government remove the barriers for investment in India?

A) 1990

B) 1991

C) 1992

D) 1993

Ans- B

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