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Module Resources

Past, Present &

A Day in the Political Made In Points of
Kuazai Future:
Life Mind China Contention
Three Cities

Hopefully the following links will be useful. At the least, they may serve as pathways to additional
resources. Note: these are not necessarily exemplary it's a good idea to be
mindful of accuracy, point of view, authenticity, etc., when reviewing them. You will also find
additional resources in the Pathways to China Resources section.

A Day in the Life...

Three minutes in Shanghai

Brief podcast commentaries on daily life by an American expatriot living in Shanghai

Commentary on contemporary youth issues in China

International Bulletin of Youth Research report on The 7th International Conference on Asian
Youth Issues, December 5-9, 2005

Daily Life in Ancient China

Yin Yu Tang: A Chinese Home

Onine exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA

Resources on Gender and Sexuality

Center for Research on Eduation in China

Angel Island: Immigrant Journeys of Chinese Americans

Demographic Databases: China

Economic Implications of China's Demographics in the 21st Century

Statistics databases and analysis from the University of Connecticut

China in the 21st Century

A series of reports on NPR

China in the 20th Century

Describes daily village life

Chinese manners in daily life

Virtual China
Includes information & annotated pictures of major cities, regions

China's Ethnic Minorities

An exhaustive guide with geographic, cultural, demographic information, photos of each

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China West Exchange

"A place for Westerners to meet and learn about Chinese and for Chinese to meet and learn
about Westerners"—includes interactive onlne language & calligraphy lessons, cross-cultural
discussion boards

Population, health and human wellbeing data

Photos of Rural Life in China

Another photo site...

Fifty Years Inside the People's Republic: A Photo Essay

Rural-Urban Migration Issues in China

Documenting China: Contemporary Life and Social Change (a photo exhibit)

Rural Life in China (Wikipedia)

Cultural iIndex of Chinese Traditions

Try seaching on "Chinese youth" in Google Scholar . There are a number of articles about
relationships between adolescents and adults, gender, education, attitudes, responses to
one-child policy, etc.


Political Mind...

Chinese Human Rights Web

Devoted to informed discussion of both historical and contemporary human rights issues,
particuarly as they pertain to China. Includes texts, topics, news sources, documents, and activist
connections and course syllabi.

Human Rights in China

History of China Timeline

Chronological set of articles summarizing history of China from ancient times to present

Chinese Posters from 1949-present

Chinese propaganda posters

(From Philosophy, Theology and Religion site maintained by St. Martins College, UK)
History of the religion, relationship to historical political and social evolution in China.

Confucianism and Democracy

Confucianism and Confucius

The Useless Tree

An interesting blog about “ancient Chinese thought in modern American life.”
This page has an article about Confucianism and Chinese politics.

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Free China Movement web site

Studying the Science of Dissent in China(Times of Tibet)

Asia-America Initiative
A nonprofit organization concerned with promoting “democratic ideals” in the Asia-Pacific.
Article on this page : Can growing dissent transform China?

Dissent Grows Beyond Government Control in China

An NPR report by Daniel Schorr (audio and transcript)

The Great Firewall of China: Internet companies censor material at Chinese government’s
From Democracy Now (can listen to audio, download mp3 of report or read transcript)

You've Got Dissent! Chinese Dissident Use of the Internet and Beijing's Counter-

China Support Network (supporting Chinese Democracy since 1989)

The Three Gorges Dam in China: Forced Resettlement, Suppression of Dissent and Labor
Rights Concerns
(A publication of Human Rights Watch)

Tiananmen Square 1989: Declassified History (at GW University)

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 16

Chinese Dissidents and Democracy Movement

Links to resources

Chinese Dissident Xu Wenli

(A show on The Connection, NPR)

Distinguished Chinese Political Activists Discuss Constitutionalism & Political Reform

(UCLA International Institute)

A Concise Political History of China

Searching for China: A WebQuest on U.S. China Policy

NPR: China in the 21st Century

A series of programs and reports. Page includes links to previous China series.

Transnational China Project (Rice University)

A series of interresting articles on contemporary Chinese society, culture and politics in relation to
the West.

Examining media bias:

A Chinese journalist reflects on Western coverage

Attacks on the Press, 2003

Documented cases in Asia from the CPJ (Committee to Protect Journalists)


Made in China...

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China: Shifting Influences

A four-part podcast from PRI's "The World" examines how China's rise is shifting power and
allegiances in East Asia and the Asia Pacific. Mary Kay Magistad reports from Beijing.

The Silk Road

The story of one of the world's oldest and most historically important trade routes and its
influences on the culture of China, Central Asia and the West (A history--includes some
contemporary photos)

Silk Road Chronology

Lost Cities of the Silk Road

Studying through the discovery of artifacts

From Silk to Oil

A downloadable book and teachers' guide about the history of Chinese commerce and trade

History of China Timeline

Chronological set of articles summarizing history of China from ancient times to present

China Dimensions
Socioeconomic GIS data

NPR: China in the 21st Century

A series of programs and reports. Page includes links to previous China series.

China on the Rise | NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Podcast | PBS

Discusses business, politics, and commerce issues related to the economic rise of contemporary

Made in China: Labor issues in the economic boom

(The Connection, NPR)

WBUR Programs related to China—all with audio

History of Chinese Foreign Trade

History Teachers Global Studies: China resources

History of the Opium Trade in China

Opium Throughout history

U.S. Dept of State Profile of China

A comprehensive summary of economics, politics, history, demographics, etc.

Historyworld’s History of Trade Pages

Asian Export Art Collection (Peabody Essex Museum)


Points of Contention...

Silk road stories (iTunes Podcast)

China the Beautiful:

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Primary Resources of Chinese Classical Literature, Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting, History ...

One-Stop Chinese culture

Many resources ranging from fables, legends, arts, customs, symbols, history, demographics,
ethnic groups, calligraphy…to food, trade, etc.

Chinese Cultural Studies Resources

Folk Tales from China

Chinese Calligraphy (USC)

An animated alphabet and pronounciation guide.

Chinese Poetry (audio files read in Chinese)

Stories from Chinese Classical Literature

(in English, but you can also see a Chinese text version)

Global Ed’s Teaching About China Page

Includes teaching materials, lessons, etc.

Chinese proverbs

Chinese proverbs and interpretations

Chinese proverbs organized by century of origin

Chinese Texts Sampler:

An Annotated Collection of Digitized Chinese Texts for Students of Chinese Language and
Includes: Modern Chinese Literature | Classical Chinese Literature | Chinese Film Scripts and
Song Lyrics | Chinese Fables, Parables, and Children's Stories | Chinese History, Ethics, and
Politics | Chinese Language in Daily Life

Chinese legends and fairytales

Unit on Chinese Mythology

Classical Chinese Literature

Teaching Chinese culture through literature and food

Pathless Path, Nameless Name

LaoTzu in English

English Literature in China: A Historical Overview

Educational Literature/China from WorldWide School

Modern Chinese Culture and Literature Resource Center

Chinese Text Initiative (Univ. Virgina)

An Annotated Directory of Chinese Literature

The Chinese Media--More Autonomous and Diverse, Within Limits

Examining media bias:

A Chinese journalist reflects on Western coverage

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Attacks on the Press, 2003

Documented cases in Asia from the CPJ (Committee to Protect Journalists)

Chinese Opera

Audio Clips-- Beijing Opera

Includes explanatory audio as well as clips of arias

Chinese Opera Masks



Teaching Chinese culture through literature and food

The Origins of Chinese Medicine

Health Reports from PRI’s The World

China AIDS Report, Rural health interview, China health report

Applet for room layout from HGTV (works on PC only)

Great Feng-Shui software (free demo, $19.95 to purchase, for PC only)

Interactive Feng Shui game (beliefnet)

A shockwave applet that allows you to arrange a room using principles of Feng Shui

Articles about Feng Shui and design


One-Stop Chinese Culture

Many resources ranging from fables, legends, arts, customs, symbols, history, demographics,
ethnic groups, calligraphy…to food, trade, etc.

Chinese Philosophy Yin and Yang

China: Dim Sum (a unit about Chinese-American culture from Newton Pub Schools)

Chinese Medicine Sampler

Operated by Health Balance L.L.C. which is a for-profit firm located in Tucson, Arizona, USA. It's
primary activities are the private practice of TCM, this web site, continuing education
presentations and educational presentations to the non-professional public.
The ChiMed web site is managed by an international group of scholars who study the history of
medicine in China. We hope it will serve as an electronic clearinghouse where people with similar
interests can meet to exchange information and ideas.

History and medicinal qualities from U.S. FDA

Chinese Public Health Posters Collection

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History of Traditional Chinese Medicine (page of links)

Public Health in China

L inks to resources, government sites, data

Yee Fung Cheung

A Webquest about Chinese herbal medicine and a "barefoot doctor"

Overview of Public Health issues in China (short article)

Congressional Executive Commission on China—public health page

Resources on Gender and Sexuality

Center for Research on Education in China (from Univ Hong Kong)

China: Managing Environmental Issues (from the World Bank)

Inludes video

Environmental Issues in China (from US Dept of Energy)

Chinese Healing Arts

On the site…animated interactive quiz and explanatory answers

Future Directions for China’s Food Demand

Chinese Food Cultural Profile

All About Chinese Food

In-depth Analysis of China’s Future Food Demand

Eating China: Chinese Food, Culture and History

Food in Chinese Culture

Chinese Food
Overview for a 6th grade curriculum on China, but includes a useful summary of culture of
Chinese cuisine.

Flavorful History of Tea

Commercialization of Food Consumption in Rural China


Three Cities...

China through a lens

Extensive picture gallery, plus other information and resources

A fantastic database with graphs and maps that looks at key indicators (agriculture, education,
population, gender equity, literacy, economy, environment, etc.) for every country in the world.
Search on China…

China Resources from National Geographic

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The Shanghai Bund at night (interactive real-time panorama)

Maps of China

Geography from Space: The Great Wall

Maps of China

Maps of Asia archive (fantastic) from U. Texas

Walk the Great Wall

Interactive panoramic photos with interpretive hotspots

Virtual China
Annotated pictures of each region and major cities

The Beijing Page

Exhaustive list of Beijing resources

All About Shanghai

Shanghai Diary Blog

Shanghai Jewish Center

China Country Studies Page

From the Library of Congress

China CityQuest
ThinkQuest entry covering history, cities and regions of China

China Window: Major Cities


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