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Marketing communications are the means by which firms

attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers—

directly or indirectly— about the brands they sell represent
the voice of the brand and are a means by which the brand
can establish a dialogue and build relationships
Figure 6-1 displays some of the common marketing
communication options for the consumer market.

One Important Purpose of marketing Communication Is To

Contribute To Brand Equity
Marketing Communications Can Contribute To Brand
Equity In A Number Of Different Ways: By Creating
Awareness Of The brand; linking points-of-parity and
points of- difference associations to the brand in
consumers’ memory; eliciting positive brand judgments or
feelings; and facilitating a stronger consumer–brand
connection and brand resonance
In this chapter, we consider how to develop marketing
communication programs to build brand equity. Thus, the
optimal brand positioning has been defined—especially in
terms of the desired target market—and product, pricing,
distribution, and other marketing program decisions have
largely been made
A fact that the media environment has changed
dramatically in recent years. Traditional advertising media
such as TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers seem to be
losing their grip on consumers due to increased competition
for consumer attention. The digital revolution offers a host
of new ways for consumers to learn and talk about brands
with companies or with each other. This changing media
landscape has forced marketers to reevaluate how they
should best communicate with consumers

Challenges in Designing Brand-Building

The new media environment has further complicated marketers’ perennial
challenge to build effective and efficient marketing communication
programs Perhaps the simplest—but most useful—way to judge any
communication option is by its ability to contribute to brand equity. For
example, how well does a proposed ad campaign contribute to brand
awareness or to creating, maintaining, or strengthening certain brand

Figure 6-2 displays a simple three-step model for judging the effectiveness
of advertising or any communication option to build brand equity “Simple
Test for Marketing Communication Effectiveness”
Information Processing Model of Communications.
let’s consider in more depth the process by which
marketing communications might affect consumers
One implication of the information processing model
is that to increase the odds for a successful marketing
communications campaign, marketers must attempt
to increase the likelihood that each step occurs.

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