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eaf Jeff,

ow have you been? Thank you very much for inviting me to your special 30th birthday party next month. I would love to join the party and to share
e merriment all together. In fact, I have some ideas about the party in order to make the event more remarkable and joyful.
ince our old basketball team would be invited to the party, I would produce a video to refresh the memories of obtaining the overall champion in
ter-school basketball tournament. I believe that all of us including your wife would love to watch that video. After that, we might arrange a hot pot
nner at Tom's restaurant, and I will contact him to prepare your favorite food including beef and poke in advance. It would be a wonderful evening.
fter the dinner, you can come to visit my place for playing some boardgame, I would introduce you to my daughter as she is now play the basketball
am at school. Most importantly, we should have a delicious birthday cake for the celebration which is our tradition since we were 13 years old.
lease let me know if you like the idea of your party and I will organize all the necessary works in advance. Best wishes to you and your family.
est wishes

ear Tim,
ow are you? Hope you're enjoying the English lessons at the language school. Anyway, not sure if you're aware of it, but our good classmate,
obin, from Turkey is going to have his 19th birthday next Friday, which falls on the 25th of September, and I've made a plan to make it a surprise
rthday party just after our English language class.
y the way, in case you haven’t noticed, currently, Robin is going through a rough time since he is feeling a bit more homesick than usual. Besides,
e's also struggling a lot to get used to this new culture of a foreign country. On top of that, the news of his little sister’s sickness has also made him
epressed. In this kind of situation, giving him a big surprise on his birthday would certainly cheer him up.
nyway, I already have a plan about who should bring what to the party. Timothy and Kelly should bring their specially-made flower cake while
ohnson should bring his guitar to play his special tune.  As for you and me, we will bring the candles to decorate the cake and the banners to
ecorate the room.
et's have a great party to cheer Robin up!
Warm wishes,

ear Elizabeth,
ope you are doing great. I am writing this letter because I need your help in organizing a surprise birthday party for Amy. Lately, she has been
omplaining about how much she misses her parents and siblings, and her personality has changed drastically over the last few weeks! She became
ithdrawn and I often see her crying. So I thought we might arrange something to cheer her up and lift her spirit.
have learned from her Facebook account that her birthday is on the first of July, that is about two weeks from now. I think we could arrange a
urprise birthday party for her in the "Olive Gardens" restaurant as we have been there once and she admired the place. I would like to book a lunch
eservation there for five to six persons. I would bear the cost and I would expect you to bring any kind of gifts to cheer Amy up.
o, I think you could help me choose a gift for her as I am not sure what to buy. Please also bring a birthday card for Amy and if possible, talk to
essica and Mark to join us. I am sure Amy will love it all.
nyway, please give me a call or send me a message on Facebook. Take care,

SSAY STORY 4 pharagraph

ALMOST HAD A CAR ACCIDENT ) “ring!ring!”the irritating and annoying sound of my alarm clock pierced through my cars. The terrible sound
oke me up from my wonderful slumber. As I looked out out muy window,the first crack of dawn could have be seen and the soundsof birds chirping
gnalled the beginning of yet another day…..


PHONE * 1)Name; ip 11 pro 2)the features: colours,size,price , camera 3)why bought it? 4) explain the usage of it 5)would you recommend it to

BOOK* 1)what: title and happens 2)who:author and characters,genre {give sinopsis} 3) where the story take place 4) when does the story take
ace 5) why do you like the novel? And is it worth?{opinions and emo} 6)how: how does the story tauht u about moral values and shoul u
ecommend it{very well written}

MOVIE* 1) movie name + genre + setiing +awards + year of production + cast and author 2) synopsis highlight storyline 3) describe the main
haracters 3) opinion like/not 4) recommendation
Everyone has been embarrassed at one time or another. It is that moment in time when you wish the earth would open up and
wallow you. The anxiety and discomfort felt during that time which may only last a few seconds feels like time has stood still. *I
emember so well when I had my most embarrassing moment. I was in Form 4 and it was during the school recess. The minute the
ell rang for recess, I rushed to the toilet because I had been controlling my urges since class started. I didn’t want to miss class
ecause the lesson taught that morning was to include tips for the forthcoming examination. *Without realising, I had rushed to
he girls’ toilet. The prolonged control and an upset stomach made worse by two glasses of cold milk in the morning made me
runt and groan in what I thought in what I thought was the privacy of the cubicle. I thought I heard giggling outside and
wondered why the giggles sounded unusually near. A few minutes later I came out the cubicle and discovered my horror that I
ad entered the girls’ toilet. To make matters worse, the few girls standing outside didn’t even turn away when I came out.
nstead they looked down at me, then only they turned quickly away. Horror of horrors, I had forgotten to zip up! No beetroot
ould have matched the colour of my face at this point in time! *They news of my predicament spread like wild fire throughout
chool. I was truly the talk of the town. I felt like I could either walk around feeling perpetually self-conscious and embarrassed or I
ould turn the situation round, perhaps even to my advantage. I remembered my mother’s words that ‘if you can’t beat them, join
hem’. So I decided to make fun of myself, to laugh at myself too. It works. Everyone got bored after a while and nobody teased
me after that. *It was indeed an eye-opening experience for me. I have learnt that when people laugh at you, you should laugh
long. You must not take yourself seriously. Learn to look at yourself through other people’s eyes and you will realise that most of
he time when they laugh at you, they just want to have some fun. They mean no harm. If you can make people laugh, it’s like
ringing sunshine into their lives and as someone said, ‘those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from


Feet Apart is a romantic drama about two teenagers, Stella Grant (Haley Richardson) and Will Newman (Cole
prouse), with cystic fibrosis (CF) who fall madly in love, The Fault In Our Stars-style. Stella is a cheerful patient who
escribes herself as “clinically OCD” and takes pride in following a strict treatment schedule as she waits for a lung
ansplant. Her regimented routine, however, is thrown into disarray when she meets fellow CF patient Will
Newman.Unlike Stella, Will is cavalier about taking his medicine, even though his life depends on it. With a “Abandon all
ope, ye who enter here” sign hanging on his ward door, Will has given up on life.Although there is a spark between the
wo, they clash over Will’s fatalistic attitude about his condition – he’s struck off the lung transplant list after being tested
ositive for a dangerous bacteria, and is on a new drug trial.The pair becomes friends as Stella convinces Will to take
is treatment schedule seriously in exchange for allowing him to sketch her, and friendship soon turns into love. But as
with terminal romance stories, there is a catch. CF patients can cross infect each other, so Stella and Will cannot be
within six feet of one another.Based on the popular YA novel by Rachael Lippincott, the title  Five Feet Apart refers to
he couple rebelling against the six feet rule so they can walk together by holding a five feet pool cue between them.
nd of course, they end up breaking that rule too.The plot is slow at times, and while Five Feet Apart may have started
ut as a well-intended film on CF and the struggles patients face to have a normal life, the narrative quickly goes on a
ownward spiral with its fixation on the teens’ blooming romance, and their condition even seems irrelevant to the
toryline at times. The predictable plot twists may even make some question the irresponsible decisions the couple
make, instead of rooting for them.The excessive use of philosophical quotes about the meaning of life and death
hroughout also make the dialogue forceful and pretentious. And sadly, Richardson and Sprouse’s charming on-screen
hemistry is just not enough to save the weak storyline.Five Feet Apart may appeal to diehard fans of romantic teen
ramas, but on the whole, it is a forgettable film that fails to match up to many others in the same genre.
rst dates and love notes, “Five Feet Apart” is a run-of-the-mill teen romance, except that all of the main characters suffer from a
on, life-threatening genetic disease called cystic fibrosis.
onist Stella (Haley Lu Richardson) is optimistic, organized and so relatable that I often forgot she had cystic fibrosis. She lives in a
al 24/7, adjacent to her best friend Poe (Moisés Arias), who also has cystic fibrosis.When another cystic fibrosis patient, Will (Cole
e), moves into the hospital, Stella tries to avoid him after their first meeting because he sounds like the “I don’t care” type of
to Stella, and she is the opposite. Stella cherishes every  breath, while Will can’t wait for his last.So, no, it was not love at first
but opposites do attract. As time goes by and they begin understanding one another, they start falling for each other
agically, Will and Stella can never kiss, hug or even hold hands. It is extremely dangerous for cystic fibrosis patients to touch each
since they can end up catching each other’s bacteria, so Stella and Will have to stay at least six feet apart at all times. It was hard
ch at some points in the movie because anyone could tell that Stella and Will are madly in love, and it is so heartbreaking that
an’t touch.
e not being able to touch, Stella is able to teach Will how to enjoy life and shed his “I don’t care” personality.All the main
ters are impossible not to fall in love with. They’re such quirky and amazing people, each with their own flaws and strengths. This
could not have been the same without the wonderful acting of Richardson, Sprouse and Arias. It was so realistic that I forgot I
atching a movie; instead it felt like peering into someone else’s life and watching it unfold. There were parts of the movie that
me cry because the acting was so incredible and believeable.this movie spreads awareness about cystic fibrosis and the people
ave it. It really shows how cystic fibrosis patients are normal human beings who do normal things and their disease does not
them as a person.
eet Apart” is more than just a love story between Stella and Will. It has a truly powerful message that everyone should take away
his brilliant film: live life to the fullest, because you never know what might happen tomorrow.

Is it goodThere's a million books like this and a million movies like this, where people are beautiful -- but they're sick! The
t is believable - right up to the heart-in-the-mouth turns near the end - and the dialogue sounds real.

Why should I recommend Five Feet Apart? t's great movie talking about cystic fibrosis and people with a deadly disease
d how they can live between hope and falling apart. This movie is fantastic and amazing from the beginning to end. For all of
u, go see it you wont regret it.

What is 5 feet apart about summary? Seventeen-year-old Stella spends most of her time in the hospital as a cystic
fibrosis patient. Her life is full of routines, boundaries and self-control -- all of which get put to the test when she meets
Will, an impossibly charming teen who has the same illness. There's an instant flirtation, though restrictions dictate
that they must maintain a safe distance between them. As their connection intensifies, so does the temptation to
throw the rules out the window and embrace that attraction.

Main message: ive Feet Apart is the story of forbidden love and the human urge to survive, and the novel explores the
question of what makes life truly worth living.

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