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Lortue-4 TRACING OF CURVE To dv) the cue , we weed the | besides Muttiple fora A fom on a cuive Uniowgh which, mate tom one brawl of the curve poses, 6 Called a rultiple. pom of He awe. » 94 aly be deowlle punt, tuple bit awd bo on Tn potkilar we define double but Double eine: A pomk on a cuive ts Called a double. bs if too byanehes 4 cate bans Hrvowgle tk - Tw apnea 7a wre Has T (reall covverllonk © maging yok a multiple fot 4 “fe dow, owt toy ener of tre ¥ branebes “Hhes of Double boils + reve axe thre Kind of double pols: i) Node: A double pot ow a curve. Hribushe whidh , two veal branelus of re Ourve bakes awd te at whack are “tal gunk diptinek 6 ied mami (8 Ant) } : it) Cusp: A dauble font on a ve. Arseny while too | real brawls bases awd the te at vilih ave Caiverdowt “ Colled 0 “ Caee feet) i) in) Corjuyali point oy Thobited points 3f uve it no veal fomt on the auive m dre noighbourherd a ths point, Hon tus pont jp walled roy bowt (Towel at AW point ia imagrinany ) A —————> Working. Rule dor Frneing 0 curve Ore fr) ) SYMMETRY +- Thee are thee types of Sgwoncy a) 24 Hae is even power of ¥ only - thon pre ive i& Aywomchical about f ans (exavnplg. y= = 4) d) A ave Ix sywumelical about yoaxis , in ord even, power af 1 ote im 1B eGpraliow (ey: =4) C) Aanve ¥ sywwebaical about Hw Line aw 4 om intrchangn WL awh 7 UB io Youu unchavyed - et $ mation ye €x: wip ar i Le a) A udve een ww obposite qpodrent, if on cha Ane Jorn of 1 and 4 ac tannins dang Exownpl! a : A y= &) L 7 We ae ces 2) Organ: See UY de curve posses thy Ihe ovigin A cuive pres Hivewgl angie Uf (ro) absfies tt oY Anne fa ne towtiwt teow’ arf Uk does dw we fiveg Fm ok origin The epalton of Vomgont ak oii com be. obtain by nu, do Zero He Ceeffertiat hte Lowest dagiee “i iw te ehualion of fe anve we of te ovine ‘8 a double fort, find whellur the origiw is a wit , wubb con gale pom - Cownhuv Hat ocawple below i as Baye a) ey O ponws Hortrvgle engin: rind pang Seweat 4 atc (wo veal tawyculy ) Node will befermed of rng 3) Inkevredtion, voit, the coordinale axes» Find ot the fink 4 iferterbion of Hre cane with th condiwale gues by pave 4-0 anh tn Meo In dhe nv : 4) Aaymptin: Fd ont of He aagwaptales if any s) Retions whove nro foot of the aucive Shes; - gdlve Ar ww and see Hoe Yepiuw for which vy 56 Athued of vt defect inesfimdivg, fo ta b) eet fad: one SEU Is niet posible froee Hoe, ,Curve. by aane fue prinlh fram we fv special pul five pure of inflexion , brits maxiwaa | warrviwer ke

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