Boot Helper Setup

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Boot helper setup

Step 1: Install the Ignite-UX minimum core functionality onto the helper system:

In our environment, Ignite-UX resides in the software depot


# swinstall -s hpfclc:/release/Ignite-UX Ignite-UX.MinimumRuntime

Step 2: On the helper, run the following command to point the INSTALLFS at the
correct Ignite-UX server:

# /opt/ignite/bin/instl_adm -t

Verify that INSTALLFS is referencing the correct Ignite-UX server, and gateway
for your subnet:

# /opt/ignite/bin/instl_adm -d

Step 3: Specify temporary IP address for the helper

On the helper, in the /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab file, add the IP addresses that

clients can use to boot. The remote subnet needs to have temporary IP addresses to
use during
an initial bootup. These are located in the /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab file, and
provided during our initial IUX server installation. But, the remote gateway
systems cannot use
these, so the boot helper system must supply its own. Therefore create an
/etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab file on the boot helper system containing lines of
following format. (See /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab on the IUX server for more
details): For example:

Step 4: Reboot the target system, interrupt the boot sequence by pressing , and
type the

> boot lan. install

It may also be worth your while ......

1. Launch /usr/sbin/rbootd on boot helper and see if you can see

the boot helper from the client.

2. After starting the /usr/sbin/rbootd daemon you will be able to

ignite your older client via BootHelper.

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