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Department of Management Sciences

Class/Semester: BBA (2 year) 1st Semester Credit Hours: 3(3-1)

Course title: Principles of Marketing Course Instructor: Dr. Junaid Ul Haq

Final project and Presentation

Choose a national brand and discuss the following contents for that national brand.

1) Introduction
A) Vision Statement B) Mission Statement
2) History
Organizational Objectives and Goals
3) Customer Driven Strategy
A) Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP)
B) Marketing Mix (4ps, 7ps)
4) Analysis
A) Current portfolio, B) Future portfolio C) Marketing Analysis
(BCG Matrix) (Expansion Grid) (SWOT)
5) Target marketing Strategies choose the one most appropriate.
A) Undifferentiated Marketing B) Differentiated Marketing C) Concentrated Marketing
E) Micro Marketing
i) Local Marketing
ii) Individual Marketing
6) As a rationale person how you will decide to purchase or render that product. And which factors will
affect you while purchasing.
7) What is the type of product (consumer and Industrial)
a. Discuss its classification (Convenience, Shopping, Specialty, Unsought)
b. Individual Product Decision (Product attributes, Branding, Packaging, Labeling, Product
Support Services)
Prepare a summary in Microsoft word and prepare a presentation in Microsoft Power point and
submit hard form till 4th of June.
Document format
1) Font : Times New Romans
2) Font Size: 12
3) Line spacing: 1.5
4) Don’t use extra Margins and paddings
5) 6 to 10 pages other than title pages.
6) Slides can be 20 to 25

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