Aeiu3 Aio Ut2-Reading

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Name: ..................................................... Mark: .................

Reading 20 points
1 Read the text and find the following information. (4 points)

One of the most famous events in history is the tragic sinking of the ship
the Titanic. The story shocked everyone at the time, and many people have
called it “the greatest maritime disaster in history”. It sank just four days
1. where the
after it had set sail on its first journey from Southampton in England, killing
building of the Titanic took
5 over two-thirds of the passengers.
place …………………….
The building of the Titanic began in March 1909 in Belfast, Ireland. The
ship had become famous even before it began sailing because of its huge 2. the number
size and luxurious rooms. When it finally set off on its way from of lifeboats on the ship
Southampton to New York on 10th April 1912, 2,228 passengers and crew …………………….
10 members had come on board. However, the ship carried only 16 lifeboats, 3. how long it
with a capacity for a maximum of 1,178 people. took to get the lifeboats
The disaster occurred on 14th April, at 11.40 at night, while the ship was ready …………………….
making its way across the Atlantic Ocean. Soon after the captain realised
that the Titanic had hit an iceberg, icy water started to fill the ship. The 4. the age of
15 sailors took about 45 minutes to prepare the first lifeboat for use. By the the girl in the story
time the last lifeboat had left the Titanic, there were still about 1,500 …………………….
passengers on the ship!
At 2.10 am, the ship broke into two and sank. There weren’t enough life
jackets, so many people tried to grab onto anything they could find.
20 Tragically, more than 1,500 people drowned in the icy water that night.
One passenger was 14-year-old Lucille Carter. She was travelling on the
Titanic along with her family. At about 11.30 at night, many of the guests
had finished their meal and were still sitting in the dining room, chatting
cheerfully or dancing enthusiastically. After they had checked that Lucille
25 was sleeping peacefully in her room, her parents went outside their room to
look at the sea. Suddenly, there was a deafening noise and Lucille woke up,
very confused. She opened the door and saw water everywhere.
A man was shouting: “To the lifeboats! The ship is sinking!”
After someone had carried Lucille into a lifeboat, she spotted her parents.
30 They were lucky – they had managed to climb in, too. But many other
people were not so fortunate. Only 710 passengers on the Titanic survived
that night.

2 Answer the questions. (6 points)
1. Why was the ship famous before it started sailing?
2. What caused the ship to sink?
3. Why did Lucille suddenly wake up?

3 Tick (✓) the sentences T (true) or F (false). Copy the sentences that helped you decide. (6 points)
1. Over half the passengers on the Titanic were killed when the ship sank. ...... ......
2. Many passengers were still having dinner when the disaster occurred. ...... ......
3. Lucille’s parents survived the sinking of the Titanic. ...... ......
` ...............................................................................................................

4 Find words in the text to match the definitions below. (4 points)

1. workers on a ship (lines 6-11) ……………………
2. quickly take and hold (lines 18-20) ……………………
3. extremely loud (lines 24-28) ……………………
4. saw (lines 29-32) ……………………

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