A Game of Polo With A Headless Goat - iGCSE English Language Edexcel Revision - Study Rocket

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A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat

iGCSE English Language
Paper One - Reading
Beyond the Sky and Earth: a Levine describes an unusual set of races that she witnesses.
Journey into Bhutan
Young and Dylexic? You've Got it
Going On context
Writing Successful Analysis
Levine chose to travel on a one year trip around Asia. This resulted in her writing ‘A Game of Polo
The Explorer's Daughter
The Danger of a Single Story with a Headless Goat’, which was then developed into a documentary.
127 Hours: Between a Rock and a
Hard Place author’s purpose
Key Skills
His for Hawk
This text is a travelogue; a non-fiction book describing a foreign country. The writer is aiming to
Explorers or Boys Messing About engage both people who are interested in foreign travel and people who are interested in culture
Chinese Cinderella and sport with this particular story. She wants to __inform __readers about the traditions and
A Passage to Africa
A Game of Polo with a Headless
culture of the exotic places she is visiting, and also to __entertain __readers with humorous and
Goat surprising stories which sum up the quirky and unexpected events she witnesses.
Paper One - Writing
Using Paragraphs
Sentence Types language
Inform and Explain
Improving Vocabulary As they are waiting for the race to begin, dialogue is used:
Audience, Purpose and Tone
Argue ‘‘We’ll open the car boot, you climb inside and point your camera towards the race. As the
Paper Two - Reading donkeys overtake us, we’ll join the cars.’ ‘But will you try and get to the front?’ ‘Oh yes, that’s no
Writing Successful Analysis
Whistle and I'll Come to You (The
Woman in Black)
It is almost as though Levine is remembering word for word what occurred prior to the race. It
The Story of an Hour
The Necklace emphasises the wait for the race to begin.
The Bright Lights of Sarajevo
Still I Rise The time appears to be going extremely slowly: ‘Nearly one hour later.‘ This is contrasted by
Significant Cigarettes (The Road ‘revved’, which is a speedy action that is used once the important vehicles are spotted.
Out Out
Short simple sentences are also used to reflect the movement of time: ‘The race was over. And
Key Skills then the trouble began’.
An Unknown Girl __Humour __
Paper Two - Writing
Varying Sentences Levine begins the extract with ‘Wacky Races’, which sets the tone for the article. Unlike other
Using Paragraphs extracts in the anthology, humour is created straight away. This allows for a lack of tension and
Improving Vocabulary
the reader is looking forward to discovering other elements of humour that occur to Levine.
Explore, Imagine and Entertain
Describe Description
Audience, Purpose and Tone
Spoken Language Despite the fast pace that occurs once the race begins, Levine also focuses on description:
Di erent Types of Spoken ‘The noise of the approaching vehicles grew; horns tooting, bells ringing, and the special rattles
Language used just for this purpose (like maracas, a metal container filled with dried beans). Men standing
on top of their cars and vans, hanging out of taxis and perched on lorries, all cheered and
shouted, while the vehicles jostled to get to the front of the convoy.’

Within this paragraph, all the senses are covered, most noticeably the sense of sound. Using
similes, such as ‘like maracas’, the sound becomes electric and exotic to the reader.

The beginning of the extract is the build up to the race: the race has not begun yet.

As the extract progresses, so does the race. This then reflects the pace of the piece. As the race
begins, the sentences seem to become quicker.

The text is written in chronological order. This means that all of the events are written in the
order in which they occur.

Within your examination, you will be asked a series of questions about the article.

Some of the questions will be short questions. For these questions, you must look at the number
of marks in brackets. It is important to answer in full sentences.

Other questions will be long questions. For these questions, you must look at using analysis. You
will also be asked to compare. Think carefully about the key comparisons and plan your answer

Assessment features are __coming soon: ____check back here in the next few days for the
opportunity to ____unlock assessment ____and access ____teacher-written questions
____with ____model answers.

1. Who was Yaqoob?

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How many races were there?

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How does Levine use language and structure to present his emotions?
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In this extract, there is an attempt to use time e ectively. Evaluate how successfully this is
achieved. Support your views with detailed reference to the text. (15)
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How is humour used in the extract?

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How is description used?

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Provide 3 facts about Levine.

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