If Clauses

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Exista trei tipuri principale de propozitii conditionale:


1 Future (will+ V1) Present (V1) Open condition viitor
2 Present Conditional Present Subjunctive Present unreal cond. prezent
(would +V1) V2 (be numai forma were)
3 Past Conditional Past Subjunctive Past unreal cond. trecut
(would have +V3) (had+V3)

1. Voi merge la petrecere daca ma va invita.

I will go to the party if he invites me.
2. As merge cu voi la munte daca as fi mai tanar.
I would join you on the mountain if I were younger.
3. Daca m-as fid us la petrecere m-as fi intalnit cu Tom.
If I had gone to the party I would have met Tom.


a) La tipul 2, dar mai ales la tipul 3 de conditionale, daca asezam conditional in fata principalei,
putem s ail omitem pe IF si sa facem inversiunea:
Exemple: If he were here, he would help us. = Were he here, he would help us.
If I had known the story, I would have told it to you.= Had I known the story, I
would have told it to you.

b) CONDITIONALUL ZERO: se poate confunda cu conditionalul de tip 2:

Type 2: If it rained we would stay indoors today. (but it doesn’t, so we are going out.
Aceasta constructie se refera la o singura situatie, IN PREZENT)

ZERO COND: Last summer we went in the mountains and if it rained we stayed indoors.
(=every time it rained we stayed indoors. Acesta constructie se refera la situatii repetate IN
TRECUT. Aceasta subordonata este si conditionala si temporala in acelasi timp.)

c) MIXED CONDITIONAL se refera la constructie care exprima o conditie din trecut cu o

consecita in prezent.
Exemple: If he had gone to work yesterday, he would be free today.

d) DACA N-AR FI /DACA N-AR FI FOST + Subst/Pronume

Tip 2: Daca n-ar fi el/Tom, nu as sti ce sa fac.

If it weren’t for Tom/him, I wouldn’t know what to do. = Weren’t it for Tom/him, I
wouldn’t know what to do = BUT FOR TOM/HIM, I wouldn’t know what to do.
Tip 3: Daca n-ar fi fost Tom/el, nu as fi stiut ce sa fac.
If it hadn’t been for Tom/him, I wouldn’t have known what to do. = Hadn’t it been for Tom, I
wouldn’t have known what to do.= BUT FOR TOM/HIM, I wouldn’t have known what to do.

Constructia BUT FOR... este identica si la prezent si la trecut (neavand verb), doar timpul
verbului din principala ne arata daca se face referire la prezent sau la trecut.

NB: in cazul in care constructia NU este urmata de substantiv/pronume, ea il pierde pe FOR:

Exemplu: If it weren’t for the wind (subst.) we would go jogging.

If it weren’t windy (adj.), we would go jogging.

e) In subordonata conditional NU se poate folosi viitorul si nici conditionalul, dar WILL si

WOULD se pot folosi in subordonatele conditionale atunci cand sunt verbe modale si
1) O rugaminte politicoasa: If you will give me the money, I will buy the book
2) O invitatie politicoasa: If you would join us for dinner we would be very happy.

f) SHOULD se poate folosi in conditionala de tip 1 pentru a exprima o conditie foarte


Exemplu: He knows he is not welcome here, but if he should come here, I will refuse to see

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