Direct Object Clauses

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Indirect/Reported Speech

Regula 1: Cand trecem din vorbire directa in vorbire indirecta si verbul din propozitia principala este
la prezent nu se produc modificari.

Regula 2: Cand trecem din vorbire directa in vorbire indirecta si verbul din propozitia principala este
la past tense, se produc urmatoarele modificari:


Present Past
Past T si Present Pf Past Pf
Future Future-in-the-past
This/these That/those
here there
now then
today That day
yesterday The previous day/the day before
tomorrow The next day
next The next
Last/ago before

Regula 3: intrebarile in vorbire indirecta au topica de afirmativ.

Regula 4: Imperativul din vorbire directa se transforma la vorbirea indirecta in infinitiv lung,
indferent care este timpul verbului din propozitia principala.


Regulile 1 si 2

“She likes apples”

Regula 1: He says she likes apples.

Regula 2: He said she liked apples”

“I saw her yesterday.”

Regula 1: He says he saw her yesterday.

Regula 2: He said he had seen her the day before.

“ Father has just arrived.”

Regula 1: He says father has just arrived.

Regula 2: He said father had just arrived.

“I will visit them tomorrow.”

Regula 1: He says he will visit them tomorrow.

Regula 2: He said he would visit them the next day.

Regula 3

a) Yes/no questions
“Do you like chocolate?”
He asked me if I liked chocolate.
“Will you join us?”
He asked me if I would join them.

b) Wh- questions
“Why did you go there?”
He asked me why I had gone there.
“When will you leave?”
He asked me when I would leave.

Regula 4

“Go home!”

He tells/told me to go home.

“Don’t open the door!”

He tells/told me not to open the door.

NOTA: constructia “ I want to leave” he said to me. este corecta in limba engleza, dar “he said to
me” nu poate fi folosita ca si constructie introductiva. Pentru a introduce cuvintele cuiva in vorbire
indirecta, folosim verbul to say atunci cand nu exista complement indirect si verbul to tell atunci
cand exista complement indirect. Deci:

*He said to me he wanted to leave. este o constructie gresita, ea trebuie inlocuita cu:

He told me he wanted to leave.

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