New Doc 04-06-2020 12.16.36

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- By Dr. UrshaJefa

2ndyr P47


- Masullemandibular relationship: Any spakal relationship of the masulla to the mandible; any one of the
infinite relationships of the mandible to the masilla (GP1-8)

- Masullemandibular relationship record: A registration of any pinhorial relationship of the mandible

relative to the masiula CGM

Masullemandibular relations can be classified as:

1) Orientation relations: These establishes the relationship of masiulla do the uranium.

2) Vatical Relations: Vertical relations establish the degree of jaw separation or vertical height of
face. These are classified as:
(a) Vertical relation at rest.
(b) Vertical retch on in occlusion
3) Horizontal Relation: Horizontal relation establish the antroposterm and side to side relationship
of the jaws.
These are classified as:
(a) Centric relation
(b) Escentric relation – Protrusive Laterals.

DRIENIAL JAW RELATION: This is the first jaw relation to be released. It establishes the relationship of
the masilla to the base of skull/crain.

Basically, it establishes the angle or tilt of the masiulla in th 3 reference planes. The mandible moves
against the priced masiulla and to accurately reproduce mandibular movements, it is necessary

- to establish and record the tilt of masiulla

- to record the angulation of masiulla, a plane should be formed with atleast 2 particular
references and 1 anterier reference.
- As the marth opens and closes its centric relation, the movement of analysis in the inshah stages
(upto about 12mm) of the opening and final stages of closing, is the rotational movement in the
horizontal axis, following an are of circle.
- The axis of rotation or the arc passes through the center of path the cendyles.
- the cendyles are centered in the glencid fessia during this rotational movement.
- if the centre of cendylar rotation can be determined, if will correspond to the positive reference
parts necessary to form a plane for massiulla, as the glencidforsa is located just above the
centre. This is a repeatable border position and can be located consistently.
- A 3rd reference print located anteribly in the masiulla infracbrital notch or nasion, will complete
the plane.
- the instrument that is used to recerd the centre of cendyldar rotation along with the 3 rd
reference print, thereby formly a plane to record the orientation relah an trip of massilla to the
cranium, is called facebow.
FACEBOW: A caliper like instrument used to record the spiritual relationship of the massilary arch to
some aname reference print and then transfer this relationship to an particular it arcrits the dental
cart in the same relationship to the opening arm of articulator.

Types: 2 Types

1) Arbitrary facebows
2) Kinematic punge facebows

The arbitrary facebow determines the approximate center of rotacein of the cendyle, while the
kenimatic facebow establishes the centre accurately.

ARBITRARY FACEBOW: A device used to relate the masicullary cast to the cendylar elements of an
articular using average anatomic landmarks to estimate the <doubt> of transverse horizontal axis on
the face (GP78).

- Also called average axis facebow.

- It is the most commonly used facebow.
- The lung axis (transverse horizontal axis) is approximately located. It positions the rod within
5mm of the true centre of rotation of cendyle.
- This method does not locate he true henge axis, but the clinical impact of this inaccuracy is
minimal and until lead to a mile error in the ocelusion, which can be adjusted during inoeition of
the complete derives.
- It is classified as:
(1) Earpiece type (earbow)
(2) Facia type

Earpiece type: In this type, the external auditory means is underived as reference part to determine the
centre of cendyton rotate the andyles are located at the approximate distance in front of the meaters.
This is compensated for in the articulator by monitoring the facebow behind the cendylar centre. This
type of facebow is easier to manipulate clinically.

Facia type : In a facia type of facebow, the centre of the cendylars rotation is orbitrarily marked as 13
mm anteries to the stages of the car, on a line drawn form the outer centres of the eye to the middle of
the trages of the car – anthotragal line

- the candylarods of the facebow are placed as the this past.

- Unless the earpiece types, this facebow is munted by placing the cendylarrods at the centre of
the candyle in the articulates.

Kinematic Facebow : A facebow in the adjustable caliper ends used to locate the transverse horizontal
axis of mandible

- It locates the true ( exact) centre of cendylas rotation as tramverse horizontal axis
- It is preferred in full month reconstructions.
- It usually requires a full adjustable articulators
- When we cender the rotation of any circular object, only the central point rotates, any other
point within the circle will show dramentary movement. Similarily the candyles, the centre
alone wil display rotaion this principle used to determine the true centre of rotation using
kinematic facebow.
- The cendylare rods asput pointed orbirtuary similar to the face type of facebow at a point 13
mm anteir to the auditory meaters on the canthotragal line.
- The patient is instructed to make opening and closing movement in centric the opening should
nut be greater man 12mm as the cendyle will then begin to translate instead of rotationing.
- The portion of the undylarnod is shifted around the orbitary mark until it shown pure rotation.
This is the centre of cendyle rotation. the print is marked, the cendylar nodes are located, the
facebow assembly is remined and merented on an appropriate articulater.


Slight modification in the facebow may be seen in different types. The basic parts of a facia facebow are
described as follows:

1) U shaped metallic frame, to which all the other components of the facebow are attached. It
extends from the TMS of oninde to the TMS of the other side, atleast 2-3 inches anterior to the
face to anoid contact.
2) Condylarrods: There are 2 calibrated metal extensions filled on either side of the free end of the
U shaped frame that are placed on the determined centre of condyle. The calibrations on the
other side are equalized (to centre the facebow) and then locked.
3) Bitefork: It is a U-shaped rod which is attached to the maxilory occlusation while recording the
orientation jaw relation. It is attached to the frame with the help of metal rod called ‘stem’
- The bile fork shared be inserted about 3 mm about the ocelenal surface into the <doube>
- sometimes the bite fork is attached to the <doubt> surface of the cultural rein with the help of
impression compound. This is dene to preserve the occulusal rim.
4) Locking devices: there are 3 locking devices.
a) Locking clamp for bite fork – It attaches the bite fork to the U-frame.
b) Locking clamp for arbital pine – Loaks the arbital pin into the U-shaped frame.
c) there is another locking screw for cendylar rods.
5) arbital panter pin: It helps in marking the anterior reference print. It is adjusted after marking
the anterior reference paint on the patient, this enables the transfer of the 3 rd reference paint.


The procedure of transferring the orientation of the masiulla to the articular involces:

1) Facebow record
2) Facebow mounting

Clinical procedure for recording orientation jaw relation (Wring facia type)

- The masullary occlusal rim is inserted into the patients mouth and centered.
- A print 13 mm from the tragus of the ear on can motrare line is marked on both sides.
- The bitefork is framed and attached anterling to the <> ocelearal rim, 3 mm above the incised
plane and parallel to the occlenal plane. The masullary rim with the attached bite fork is inserted
into the patients mouth. the parallelism and centering of the attached bite fork verified.
- The U-frame is supported by 2 fingers and gently rotated and inserted into the stem of the
bitefork in the patients mark.
- The cendylar rods are unlocked and the cendylar head s are placed in the patients right and left
cendylar centres on presionty marked points.
- The 3rd paine of reference (inprabilal notch) is palpated and the inbital panter is set to the 3 rd
paint of reference.
- The cendylar rod readings are equalized on both rods and the locking screws are tightened.
Following this, the orbital painter is also tightened in position.
- Once the entire approaches Is in position, the cendylar rods, arbital fan and the bite fork are
verified for any movement, a digiment and parallelism
- The facebow is remened from the patient by loosening only the cendylar screws. The record is
now ready to be mounted on the articulator.
- This completes the facebow transfer and it is transferred to the articulator.

Mounting on articulator:

The articulator is programmed fint (xrving of the articulator)

- The incisal guide pin is set to correct jaw separation and the anterior chip screws are tightened
frost. Next the <> condylar inclination is set at 40 degree and the bennet angle at 20 degree
- the facebow is now mounted on the articulator an follows. <> rods are attached to the auditory
pins. The bite fork is stabilized on the tilting support ben provided and the arbital pins is made to
aincide with arbital axis plane indicator.
- the incisal pin is locked with its lock screw at zero on calibration and the incisal table is set
- the upper member of articulator is screwing open, plaster is mixed and placed on the cart and
upper member is closed slowly, centil the incisalpin fully touches the incisal table and upper
mounting place is covered with plaster.
- Excess plaster is trimmed once the plaster is set facebow is now removed by loosening all the
locking devices.

Facebow and methods of use in arthodortic procedures the present invention relates to a novel in
proved facebow method of its use in dental and arthodance procedure for accenately transferring
gnahlifical relationship date to and articulator and L cephelopetric headphones and more
particularly to an arbitrary improved facebow .

Background of invention@: In numerous dental and artrudenti2c procedures, cars are made of the
teeth of both the upper and lower jaws of a patient. these dental carts are then mounted on an
articulator produce the location and movement of lower teeth and mandible relative to the upper
jaw and manillary teeth. varius methods of reproducing the teeth for the upper and lower jaws of
patients and maintaining them in a gnathological articulators have been commonly employed in the
prior art for a number of purposes including the making of artificial <>, gnathological pin<> etc. The
importance of using instruments such as articulator is to approximate as clearly as possible the
patient opening and closing axis of rotation or arc of <> of jaws. It is sufficient in terms of the
present invention to understand that the position of patients teeth in the upper and lower jaws and
the relative penticing of the upper and lower jaws <> be precisely reproduced in an articulator is
order to permit the arthoderment to determine are carryout the corrective measures which are
required for a given patient.

- facebows are commonly used in the prior art for transferring masicullary relationship data from
patients to such articulator. Present arbitrary face bins are used to record and relate the
patients jaws and deahtion to a universal reference plane and part oriental relative to the
patients head. These references serve and essential function in properly orienting and
transferring spatal information to the dental carts on the articulator.
- The facebow is the mechanical means of which data is transformed pin then patient to
anticulator and the dental carts mounted there<>. The spatial operation of patients denntion
and jaws as well as the spatial orientation of the dental carts mainted on the articulator are
correlated with each other by the references described <> through the one of the spactions.
- The primary purpose for facebow and the techniques involving the use of facebow is to locate,
transfer and reproduce as accurately as possible to the patients exact jaw relation and
movements marticulator only in this way can the patients dynamic occulusion be reproduced
and studied. Prior art facebow have performed the function by establishing approximately the
orientation of the patients dental cart relative to the universal reference plane and axis. The
facebow is then mechanically fitted onto the articulator to enable a dental cart of the
masicullary teeth to be precisely mounted in the articulator. subsequent transfer of addition of
dental cart from the patient to the articulator is also enabled using this technique without
redetermining to articulator settings for each transfer.
- certain proior facebows are of the kinematic type and who designated to locate an spenting and
closing axis after the <> jaw or mandible. this axis can be described as the center of the rotation
about which the mandible moves atleast diving the print mind of its opening movement
(without translating) when the cendyles are related in the fessar.
- in an effort to streamline upon the above-noted kinematic technice estimated or arbitrary
technique evolved when the evast hinge axis or true axis for the manolible was estimated from
various facial landmarks. The external auditory meatus (or ear hole) has become one of the
must popular facial landmarks for locating the facebows. According by <> us which are located
upon the patients head by means of the auditory means are also commonly referred to an “ear
hord” as well as arbitrary, estimated, or anatomical facebows.

Significance of facebow:

- Transverse hinge axis can be located with the acid of facebow.

- Records the portions of massiulla in 3 planes with reference to the plants glenaid fssa.
- to relate the maxullaring casis to the transverse axis of the arblutent.
- Mandibula huge axis earncvied 2 related to the maxillary ny centre relation record.
- the path of elesure will be similar.
- It ends insecuring the anterpastoe castrporation is relation the candlyes of the mandible.
- It registers the horizontal relationship of the cards accordingly so amsiste in in used plane
- helps in resharing vertifed height weighs in the anticulation
- Failure to use face bow can lead to error in occupation of detation.
- Facabow transfer allows max accurancve are of cleasens on the articulation when the
interoultrual reaction and
- Arbituary munting of the east.
- lateral denotes of mainteing cause refusal interfences as right or left.
- Vertical denotion affects the labiel inclusive
- Anterpertain portion affects the empal angulation injuried for balance importance o collusion

Dis advantages:

- The consuming specialized equipments required


- The ocelenal vertical dimension is subjected to change and the alternation of north cultural
surfaces our necessary to accmodate the change.
- Interocentral check records are used of the verification
- Definite arp fusea to marginal ridge relation delivered.


- The facebow records the postion of manulla is splance in rotation to the points that is glenraid
pursa and also aids in manking marsillary casts in same rotation as to artencter.

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