ExtensiveReadingActivitiesOption LunaNavarroOjeda 2C

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Luna Navarro Ojeda

2ºC Educación Primaria

46311 - Comunicación Oral y Escrita, Inglés B1, para un Contexto Educativo II

Forrest Gump: Differences and similarities

Forrest Gump it’s a drama novel created in the United States by Winston Groom in 1986.
This novel had a lot of copies and became very famous so two years after the publication of
the book, they made the film of this story. However, we can see a lot of differences between
those stories, how it’s done and what it is better in my opinion.

One of the first differences it’s how the story it’s told because in both cases, the
storyteller it’s Forrest. However, we can see how in the book talks about his life as a tale but
in the film he is talking about the things he did in a bus stop to strangers. In the same way, we
can see in the beginning of both stories some differences, on the one hand we have that
Forrest has a problem in his legs and he can’t walk well, that is one of the main reasons why
people laugh at him. On the other hand, we see a small introduction where Forrest described
himself as an idiot but telling us that he is clever than people think. Also, some characters and
chapters are different. For example, the character of Jenny in the book it’s described as a girl
with dark hair, but the actress it’s blonde. Another example is the moment when Forrest
meets Bubaa, who in the book knows him in college but in the film he meets Bubaa in the
military bus.

However, we can see a lot of similarities between the book and the film, like the protagonists
of the story: Forrest Gump, Forrest's mother, Jenny Curran, Bubaa… Also, both stories
develop in Mobile, Alabama. This is the main place where Forrest lived, went to school and
started his life. Moreover, there are two important moments both in the book and in the film.
One of them is when Bubaa died and Forrest decided to start a shrimp business and he gave
all his money to his family and friends. And the other one, is the chapter where Forrest went
to the White House, to take his medal for all the service in Vietnam and he met the President.
Then he asked Forrest where he was hurt, then our protagonist decided to take off his trousers
and show him the injury in his butt.

To sum up, in my honest opinion, I have to say that the film it’s better than the book
because I think the story develops in an interesting and really funny way. Actually, the way in
the film is related is more understanding than the book, because the protagonist tells his life
to strangers in a bus stop and then all the story begins.

Book summary [2 min video]: https://youtu.be/VE1VQdT1XZk

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