Wish Clauses

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Present situations
I wish/ If only + past simple
The past simple is used with I wish/ If only to talk about a desire for something to change
in the present. Examples: I wish I lived in Los Angeles./ If only I was better-looking.
I wish/ If only + could
Could can also be used with I wish/ If only to talk about a desire for something to change
in the present. Examples: I wish we could get some tickets./ If only he could come this
I wish/ If only + would
Would is used with I wish/ If only to complain about other people in present situations. It
is not possible to complain about yourself in this way! Examples: I wish you would stop
doing that./ If only the film would end.
NOTE: wish is not normally used to talk about the future. To express a wish for the future,
the verb hope is used. E.g. I hope my team wins on Saturday. (¡Ojalá mi equipo gane el
Past situations
I wish/ If only + past perfect
The past perfect is used with I wish/ If only to talk about a regret about the past.
Examples: I wish I had seen the film./ If only we hadn’t broken the CD player.

 Make sentences about these present situations, using I wish/If only + past

a) The World Cup final is taking place in London now and you want to be there:

b) You can’t tape your favourite programme because the video isn’t working:

c) Your girlfriend/ boyfriend can’t go to your friend’s party with you:

 Make sentences expressing regrets about these situations, using I wish/ If

only + past perfect:

a) You went to see a rock group play at an open-air stadium, but it rained
throughout the concert:
b) Your father bought a TV with a very small screen:

c) You arrived late for a film, and missed the beginning:

 Make complaints using I wish/ If only + would:

a) Your brother makes a lot of mess in your room:

b) Your teacher gives you too much homework:

c) You don’t think they put enough football on TV:

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