Checklist M.ticket

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ID Testing area

1 Installation

2 Registration

3 Login

4 Adding a bank card

5 Buying a ticket

6 Bus routes

7 My tickets

8 Rating your trip

9 Settings

10 Navigation

12 Uninstall
Check list item title
1. Download app
2. Install app
3. Launch app
1. Enter invalid PIN code
2. Enter valid PIN code
3. Enter new PIN code
1. Enter invalid PIN code
2. Enter valid PIN code
1. Leave all fields blank
2. Fill in valid information leaving at least one field blank
3. Fill in all invalid information
4. Fill in valid information leaving at least one field with invalid information
1. Do not add any tickets in any discount category
2. Add at least one ticket in any discount category for any time period
3. Add at least one ticket in any discount category for every time period
4. Add maximum amount of tickets in any discount category for any period of time
5. Add maximum amount of tickets in any discount category for all time periods
1. Check "Maršrutų tvarkaraščiai"
1.1 Check changing bus types
2. Check fastest route planning "Greičiausio maršruto planavimas"
2.1 Leave at least one field not filled
2.2 Fill in at least one field with invalid information
2.3 Fill in valid information
3. Check route search
4. Check live map functionality
5. Check favorites
6. Check more information
1. Check activating a ticket from any category
2. Check activating at least two tickets at the same time
1. Check QR code scanner with valid QR code
2. Check QR code scanner with invalid QR code
3. Check bus code field with valid code
4. Check bus code field with invalid code
5. Check bus code field by leaving it empty
6. Check rating section
1. Check "Informacija telefonu"
2. Check "Naudojimosi taisyklės"
3. Check "Savitarnos svetainė"
4. Check "Saugumo nustatymai"
4.1 Check trying to change PIN code with invalid PIN code
4.2 Check trying to change PIN code with valid code
1. Check if phone back button goes only one step back
2. Check if map is easy and efficient to use
1. Check language changing

2. Check language button position

1.Hold app icon and press uninstall
Status Comment






Failed Buttons overlapping


Failed Page does not exist any more



Failed Let's you make a rating with invalid code



Back button takes you back to the start

Map dragging very not responsive
Language changes back to Lithuanian
when you return to home page
Language changing button not in settings
but in "Maršrutai"

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