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1. What is physical vapor deposition? Explain different deposition methods in detail.

2. What is chemical vapor deposition? Discuss the synthesis of Graphene with physical and
chemical vapor deposition methods.
3. What are nanocomposites and how are they synthesized?
4. What is solgel method? What the the advantages of the technique?
5. Explain the significance of metal-polymer framework.
6. How superparamagnetism is different from other magnetic contributions.
7. Describe paramagnetism, diamagnetism and ferromagnetism.
8. What is magnetic susceptibility? How this is related to flux density?
9. Explain the superparamagnetism phenomenon in nanostructures?
10. What is surface plasmon resonance phenomenon?
11. Discuss the importance and applications of surface plasmon resonance.
12. How the bandgap of the material changes with reduced dimensions?
13. How the X-ray Diffraction pattern changes with reduced dimensions.
14. What is magnetoresistance? Explain different types of magnetoresistance.
15. What is polymer nanocomposites? Discuss its advantages also.
16. What is nano polymer. Discuss the practical applications of Nano polymers.

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