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Mx8000 IDT Systems

MCU Error Messages

May 2002


Service Publications, Philips Medical Systems (Cleveland) Inc., Highland Hts., OH

© 2002 All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
byte0 byte1 byte2 byte3 message parameter
E 00 01 02 unknown_command: Param. 1: first letter of the unexpected command
a wrong CAN command was Param. 2: actual system state
E 00 00 03 can_bus_error: Param. 2: 01H: CAN bus error bit
An error occured on the CAN bus 02H: Transmit timeout
E 00 00 04 can_overrun_error: Param. 2: 01H: overrun within CAN unit (interrupt lost)
A CAN command is lost 02H: overun within temporary buffer
E 00 00 05 table_timeout: none
A timeout occured during table
E 00 00 06 rec_table_too_long: none
received table is longer than
defined in the FW
E 00 00 07 rec_wrong_sequence: Param. 1: table number
The received table fragment was Param. 2: number of received fragment
not the expected one or system P3 & P4: FF FE => unexpected end of (application) table
type mismatch. FF 80 => Mode or cycle table with wrong sequence order
All other: => P3 = actual system type, P4 = received
system type
E 00 00 08 ==> not used at the moment
E 00 00 09 flash_not_ok: Param. 1: board_firmware_id
the FW runs on a wrong controller Param. 2: actual board given by hardware (who-Port)
E 00 00 0A flash_not_programmed: none
No valid controller FW is loaded on
E 00 00 0B Boot FW checksum not ok: none
Boot-FW checksum test failed
E 00 00 0C internal_fw_error Param. 1 & 2: 10H = Stack overrun
All other combinations mark a flash access error within the Boot-
FW. In this case, Param.1 contains the value of the internal flash
E 00 00 0D ==> not used at the moment none
E 00 00 0E ==> not used at the moment none
E 00 02 0F Predictive_message: Param. 1: fatal error number concerning to that low level warning
Warning for service center that a Param. 2: none
low level error is reached. Contains
the error number of a fatal error
which will occur after the high level
error is reached.
E 00 00 10 ==> not used at the moment
E 00 00 11 id_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with ID in time after IR from MCU. "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with ID, "0" in bitmask =
no answer
E 00 00 12 stoprep_close_timeout: none
The stop rep circuit cannot be
closed in state STOP.
E 00 00 13 ad_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with AD in time after AS from MCU. "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with AD, "0" in bitmask =
no answer
E 00 00 14 rw_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with RW in time after RS from MCU "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with RW, "0" in bitmask =
(from ABORT) or closing the stop no answer
line (from STOP).
E 00 00 15 rd_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with RD in time after RS from MCU "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with RD, "0" in bitmask =
(from ABORT) or closing the stop no answer
line (from STOP).
E 00 00 16 wait_i0_timeout: none
No processor reset by hardware
happens after MCU closed the stop
report line (in state STOP).
E 00 00 17 stoprep_in_init_active: none
The stop report line is detected
closed in system state INIT.
E 00 00 18 stop_closed_in_init_active: none
The stop line is detected closed in
system state INIT.

E 00 00 19 stop_closed_in_reset_active: none-
The stop circuit is detected closed
in system state RESET.
E 00 00 1A vf0_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with VF0 in time after TF0 was "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with VF0, "0" in bitmask =
received. no answer
E 00 00 1B vf1_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with VF1 in time after TF1 was "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with VF1, "0" in bitmask =
received. no answer
E 00 00 1C sync_lost_error: none
Synchronisation error between
rotating part (ACU) and MCU.
E 00 00 1D rec_error: none
An error within the data
communication between rotating
part (ACU) and MCU is detected
(e.g. parity error, wrong data word).
E 00 00 1E xa_timeout: none
Controller XRS has not answered
with XA in time after SE from MCU.
E 00 00 1F wrong_CAN_ident Param. 1 & 2: unexpected illegal CAN identifier
A CAN command (CM or CS) is
received with an unexpected
E 00 00 20 xf_timeout: none
Controller XRS has not answered
with XF in time after SE from MCU.
E 00 00 21 footswitch_active_in_INIT none
The footswitch is detected active
during INIT (maybe sticking or
E 00 00 22 lr_timeout: none
Controller RTC has not answered
with LR in time after SL from MCU.
E 00 00 23 not used at the moment none
E 00 00 24 lt_timeout: none
Controller FOC has not answered
with LT in time after SL from MCU.
E 00 00 25 xc_ena_not_set: none
MCU detects that the signal
XC_ENA is not set by ACU in
system state SCAN EXECUTE.
E 00 00 26 xc_not_set: none
MCU detects that the signal XC is
not set in system state SCAN
E 00 00 27 xray_supervise_error: none
Radiation was detected longer than
110% of nominal value.
E 00 00 28 xray_on_gen_error: none
Signal XRAY gets not active in time
after XC is set by MCU.
E 00 00 29 xo_timeout: none
Controller ACU has not answered
with XO in time after SE from MCU.
E 00 03 2A movement_active: none
A move (hori, vert or tilt) is
detected in state SCAN LOADED.
E 00 00 2B stoptest_timeout_error: none
The controller hasn't entered the
STOP state (no interrupt occured).
E 00 00 2C wdtest_timeout_error: none
The watchdog hasn't bite in time,
no processor reset during
watchdog test.
E 00 00 2D yd_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with YD in time after YS by MCU. "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with YD, "0" in bitmask =
no answer
E 00 00 2E lc_timeout: none
Controller FOC has not answered
with LC in time after SL from MCU.
E 00 00 2F cm_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with CM in time after mode is "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with CM, "0" in bitmask =
cancelled. no answer

E 00 00 30 cs_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with CS in time after scan is "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with CS, "0" in bitmask =
cancelled no answer
E 00 00 31 wrong_TF0_length: Param. 1: calculated length of TF0 (in fragments)
Length of mode table TF0 detected Param. 2: not used
wrong (0 or not dividable by 13)
E 00 00 32 xc_ena_error: none
The signal XC_ENA doesn't occur
in time after scan is started.
E 00 00 33 lf_timeout: none
Controller XRS has not answered
with LF in time after SL from MCU.
E 00 01 34 scan_time_out_of_bounds: Param. 1 & 2: scan_time which is found "out of bound"
The scan time value in the mode
table is not within the limit values.
E 00 00 35 wrong_mode_number: Param. 1: F0 or F2 (mode table identifier), F1 or F3 (cycle table
The mode number given in the identifier)
mode table (TF0, TF2) doesn't fit Param. 2: table index that doesn't fit the mode_number
with the actual number, or the
calculated mode number from
cycle table (TF1, TF3) exceeds the
length of the mode table.
E 00 02 36 scan_short: Param. 1 & 2: scan_time which is found "too short"
The scan was shorter than 90% of
the nominal value given in mode
E 00 02 37 prestart_timeout: none
No SE is received in time after the
start button or the footswitch
(depends on selection) is pressed.
E 00 01 38 rot_pos_ok_error: none
Signal ROT_POS_OK is not set in
time, start angle has not been
E 00 01 39 ext_trig_timeout: none
The external trigger signal has not
been detected in time after start
command from ICS.
E 00 00 3A wrong_mode_in_se: Param. 1: (unexpected) mode number given in SE
The mode within the SE command Param. 2: expected mode number
differs from the actual one in the
cycle table.
E 00 01 3B wrong_start_cond: Param. 1: contents of actual switch[0] (selected start condition)
The start condition flags in the Param. 2: not used
mode table contain an unallowed
E 00 00 3C quality_active: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
One of the controllers is in service details)
mode when the system state "1" in bitmask = controller is in service mode, "0" in bitmask =
should change from STANDBY to controller is not in service mode
E 00 00 3D zt_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with ZT in time after state STOP is "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with ZT, "0" in bitmask =
reached. no answer
E 00 00 3E pow_24v_error: none
The 24 volt power supply fails
(missing or below 20 V)
E 00 00 3F pow_12v_error: none
The 12 volt power supply fails
(missing or below 10 V)
E 00 00 40 wrong_mode_type: Param. 1: F0 or F2 (mode table identifier)
The mode type given in the mode Param. 2: table index that contains an undefined
table (TF0, TF2) is not defined (0 mode_type_number
or > 6)
E 00 00 41 mode_not_defined: Param. 1: actual mode type (given in the mode table)
A mode with an undefined mode Param. 2: actual adjust/test type (given in the mode table)
type or adjust/test type should be
E 00 00 42 unallowed_rotation: none
The rotation speed does not
decelerate enough in brake phase.
E 00 00 43 unallowed_tilt: none
The tilt is detected running without
a move command (GT) received.

E 00 00 44 unallowed_extended_table: Param. 1: identifier of unallowed table (F2 or F3)
TF2 is required although TF0 is not Param. 2: real table length of heading table (TF0 or TF1)
filled completely OR
TF3 is required although TF1 is not
filled completely
E 00 00 45 unallowed_Xray: Param. 1: system state in which the error is detected
The signal XRAY was detected Param. 2: not used
active in a state between
E 00 00 46 board_simulation: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
A SE command is received and details)
one or more controllers are "1" in bitmask = controller is simulated (cause of error!), "0" in
simulated (selected via IS bitmask = controller ok
E 00 01 47 sl_not_in_time: Param. 1: bit0 = hori running, bit1 = vert running, bit2 = tilt running
Not all conditions have been (bit x = 1 => cause of error!)
fullfilled in time in state SCAN Param. 2: bit0 = LR, bit1 = LT, bit2 = LC, bit3 = LF (bit x = 1 =>
LOAD after SL is sent from MCU cause of Error)
(movement not stopped).
E 00 00 48 gen_super_error: none
A tube arcing occured and XRS is
not able to start the high voltage
within a given time in state SCAN
E 00 03 49 room_door_info: Param. 1: actual room door state (0 = door closed, 1 = door open)
Actual room door state, reported on Param. 2: not used
every change of state.
E 00 01 4A se_before_button: none
The SE command is received from
ICS before the selected start
condition (start button or footswitch
has been pressed), is fullfilled
E 00 00 4B wrong_TF1_length: Param. 1: calculated length of TF1 (in fragments)
The calculated table length of TF1 Param. 2: length given in TF1 (in fragments)
differs from the length given in the
E 00 00 4C lm_timeout: none
Controller DOM has not answered
with LM in time after SL from MCU.
E 00 00 4D vf2_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with VF2 in time after TF2 was "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with VF2, "0" in bitmask =
received. no answer
E 00 00 4E vf3_timeout: Param. 1 & 2: actual value of controller bitmask (see last page for
Not all controllers have answered details)
with VF3 in time after TF3 was "1" in bitmask = controller has answered with VF3, "0" in bitmask =
received. no answer
E 00 00 4F wrong_TF2_length: Param. 1: calculated length of TF2 (in fragments)
Length of mode table TF2 detected Param. 2: not used
wrong (0 or not dividable by 13)
E 00 00 50 wrong_TF3_length: Param. 1: calculated length of TF3 (in fragments)
The calculated table length of TF3 Param. 2: length given in TF3 (in fragments)
differs from the length given in the
E 00 02 51 WCS_tx_error: Param. 1: block identifier of block which could not be transmitted
A data block could not be Param. 2: request identifier of that block
transmitted to WCS via serial
E 00 02 52 MoveKey_Timeout: none
None of the commands PH, GH,
PT or GT is received from ICS in
time after the MoveKey has been
E 00 02 53 HoldMeasKey_Timeout: none
No CM or CS command is received
from ICS in time after the
HoldMeasKey has been pressed.
E 00 00 54 ACQ didn't set signal ACQ_OK in Param. 1 & 2:
correct way.This may have 01 01 = during Test, signal is not High
different causes (troubled data 01 02 = during Test, signal doesn't follow to Low
transfer, internal IRS problems, ...). 01 03 = during Test, signal doesn't follow to High
For further information on this error 02 01 = in Scan Execute, signal is not High before scan starts (no
cause see the IRS messages. start angle)
02 02 = in Scan Execute, signal is not High before scan starts (with
HINT: This fatal error is sent from start angle)
STANDBY on. Up to STANDBY, 02 03 = in Scan Execute, signal gets Low during scan
warning 0x64 is sent instead!. 03 00 = in Scan Loaded, on scans with auto start

E 00 00 55 wrong_table_contents: Param. 1: "T"
A parameter within a received table Param. 2: number of table with wrong contents
didn't fit its limits.
E 00 02 56 unexp_table: Param. 1: "T"
A table has been received which Param. 2: number of received unexpected table
was not expected.
E 00 00 57 stoprep_closed_by_S10: none
Switch S10 is detected active.
E 00 02 58 WCS_out_of_order: 00 01 = no answer received (still after some retries)
No or not the expected reaction 00 02 = incorrect answer received (still after some retries)
from WCS after a block is
E 00 03 59 WCS_temp_error: Param. 1 & 2: WCS water temperature, given by WCS
The water temperature is out of the
allowed limit values.
E 00 01 5A room_door_open_in_execute: Param. 1: actual room door state
A scan should be started when the Param. 2: not used
room door is still open.
E 00 02 5B gantry_temp_too_high: Param. 1 & 2: actual gantry temperature
The gantry temperature exceeds
the allowed limit value.
E 00 02 5C gantry_temp_too_low: Param. 1 & 2: actual gantry temperature
The gantry temperature is lower
than the allowed limit value.
E 00 02 5D humidity_too_high: Param. 1: actual humidity
The humidity exceeds the allowed Param. 2: humidity high limit
limit value.
E 00 02 5E not used at the moment
E 00 02 5F gantry_temp_okay: Param. 1 & 2: actual gantry temperature
The gantry temperature is within its
limit values again after being out of
bounds before.
E 00 02 60 humidity_okay: Param. 1: actual humidity
The humidity is within its limits Param. 2: 0
again after being out of bounds
E 00 03 61 internal_WCS_error: Param. 1: WCS_status
WCS has detected and reported an Param. 2: WCS_error
internal error.
E 00 00 62 wrong_ext_trigger: Param. 1: mode number where error is found
more than 1 ext trigger input is Param. 2: external trigger mask: A x x B x C x x (A = ECG, B =
selected within a mode Pulmo, C = Power injector)
E 00 02 63 Primary cooling system not ok: Param. 1: 00
The primary cooling system doesn't Param. 2: 01 = water, 02 = air (depends on used type of cooling
work correctly system)
E 00 02 64 acq_ok_warning: Param. 1 & 2:
ACQ didn't set signal ACQ_OK in 01 01 = during Test, signal is not High
correct way.This may have 01 02 = during Test, signal doesn't follow to Low
different causes (troubled data 01 03 = during Test, signal doesn't follow to High
transfer, internal IRS problems, ...). 02 01 = in Scan Execute, signal is not High before scan starts (no
For further information on this error start angle)
cause see the IRS messages. 02 02 = in Scan Execute, signal is not High before scan starts (with
start angle)
HINT: This Warning is sent up to 02 03 = in Scan Execute, signal gets Low during scan
STANDBY, from STANDBY on 03 00 = in Scan Loaded, on scans with auto start
fatal error 0x54 is sent instead!.
E 00 00 65 Wrong_modulation_type: Param. 1: mode number where the error is detected
„Dose modulation“ is selected Param. 2: invalid value of parameter „modulation_type“
within a mode, but the system
contains no DOM controller.
E 00 03 66 Stop_opened_by_MCU: none
Info to indicate who opened stop
circuit (to improve error search)
E 00 00 67 Wrong_mode_specification: Param. 1: mode number where the error is detected
Some specified value in the mode Param. 2: 01: switch „CareVision“ is set and a load or execute feed
table doesn’t fit to another. is specified
E 00 01 68 Periphery_HW_error: Param. 1 & 2:
Some periphery HW is not in the 00 01 = Power Injector already active when selection is done.
expected state
E 00 03 69 Refmove_info: Param. 1 & 2: Actual position of the mix valve when a reference
Info to indicate that a reference move was forced.
move is forced (every 8h)
E 00 00 6A IRS_supervision_error: none
The lifecheck (YS) from IRS is not
received in time. (Used only in
Siemens Systems instead of the
ACQ signal check.)

E 00 01 6B CS_by_IRS_received: none
IRS has send a CS
E 00 00 6C FPGA_load_error: Param 1: Flex result
The FPGA of the MCU couldn‘t be
loaded successfully.
E 00 02 6D SRS_Eventctr_warning: Param. 1 & 2: Slot ring event counter.
The SRS Event counter exceeds
the warning threshold.
E 00 00 6E SRS_Eventctr_fatal: Param. 1 & 2: Slot ring event counter.
The SRS Event counter exceeds
the fatal error threshold.
E 00 02 6F SRS_Timectr_warning: Param. 1 & 2: Slot ring time counter.
The SRS Time counter exceeds
the warning threshold.
E 00 00 70 SRS_Timectr_fatal: Param. 1 & 2: Slot ring time counter.
The SRS Time counter exceeds
the fatal error threshold.
E 00 02 71 SLS_Parityerr_warning: Param. 1 & 2: Slip ring parity error counter.
The SLS parity error counter
exceeds the warning threshold.
E 00 00 72 SLS_Parityerr_fatal: Param. 1 & 2: Slip ring parity error counter.
The SLS parity error counter
exceeds the fatal error threshold.

Controller Bitmask (integer): xx xx xx xx | GPC RTC PTH PTV | XRS xx xx xx | xx FOC DOM ACU (xx = not used)

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