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Shine Marie M.

De la Cruz

SS 112 - Ethics

PK Movie

Watch the film and enjoy.

1. Describe 3 scenes that are immoral. Why? (60pts. 20/each)

- He painstakingly learns that many people think that only God can assist him in finding his
remote control in the scenario. It was so gnarly because they relied on God to find the remote
instead of on the fact that he could find what he lost by looking for it and being independent
enough to look for what he is missing.

- The following scene showed him touring far-off mosques, cathedrals, and temples. He takes the
counsel of priests and other religious authorities in order to persuade the deity of all faiths.
Instead of searching for the remote that he misplaced, he is attempting to persuade the gods of
faith to locate it for him which is so unreal.

- In one scenario, Khan's character gradually learns that certain so-called gurus or "godmen" take
advantage of superstitions and "fraud" to "cheat" others. simple fact that it is fraud. Fraud is
defined as a dishonest act that someone commits to get another person to give up something of
value or a legal right.

2. What do you think is the theme of the movie and what is/are your realizations/learnings.
Discuss. (40pts.)

- Belief in religion and science fiction are the movie's themes. I understood that this film is about
outsiders in the city who ponder novel questions. Despite seeming benign and innocent, the
queries elicit dire conclusions. When they see the world through PK's innocent eyes, those who
have been accustomed to their ways for generations are compelled to reconsider them. Another
lesson I took away from this film was to never lose sight of your ultimate objective, even when
you are confronted with difficult circumstances and challenges. Similar to this, always keep in
mind the overall objective of your team or business while working.

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