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MT: VR#13 P a g e |1

VR/RC # 01
“Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.”

1. Online video streaming gaint CutFlix employs some of the most skillful software engineers in the world. The firm has
revolutionized the online video industry and engineers from CutFlix are highly sought recruits at all other leading technology
firms. Despite this, CutFlix foolishly relies on its main rival Orinoco for a crucial portion of its engineering requirements_ its
data center and server farm operations, and the associated software. CutFlix pays hundreds of millions of dollars each year
to Orinoco, when it could easily have its own engineers build similar technology in-house in a wholly owned server farm.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for CutFlix's decision to work with Orinoco for its data
center and server farm operations?

A. The engineers currently employed by CutFlix lack some crucial capability that engineers at Orinoco possess.
B. CutFlix has a business model that focuses on keeping fixed costs low and variable costs high, and relying on Orinoco's
server farms achieves exactly this .
C. The engineers at CutFlix work on projects that generate millions of dollars each year in revenue.
D. The engineers who build data centers and server farms constitutes a small proportion of the workforce at CutFlix.
E. The engineers for who would centers and server farms constitutes a very large proportion of the workforce at Orinoco.

2. Ersulia is a major petroleum exporting nation. In recent years, oil prices were steady at historic highs, and Ersulia enjoyed a
long economic boom. During this period of prosperity, Ersulia's government was careful to spend carefully and save a
substantial proportion of its earnings from oil exports in a reserve fund. Now, oil prices have crashed, and despite all its
precautions, Ersulia has an unemployment rate of 25%, and the government is extremely unpopular. Ersulia would have
been better of spending its earnings during the boom years, it would at least has built up national infrastructure.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the

A. Other major oil exporting Nations have been afflicted by similar problems and some of them have witnessed violent
revolutions and widespread unrest.
B. Government spending during periods of economic expansion often leads to inflation and wasteful expenditure
C. Ersulia's local currency has depreciated, and the country is now in danger of running out of cash
D.Ersulia, a neighboring country that was widely dependent on oil exports, used its earnings during the boom years to attract
large investments in semiconductor fabrication, virtually eliminating the country’s dependence on oil exports
E. During the boom, Ersulia did spend on building up its national infrastructure, and some elements, such as the interstate
highway system, have been widely praised.

3. The online search engine giant, Froogle, is well known for

the high quality of its software engineering workforce. For years, new employees who took up engineering jobs at Froogle
had to submit all software code for review by a panel of experts who would suggest changes or improvements before the
code could actually be used in production. Experts believe that the review process saved Froogle billions of dollars in costs,
because poorly written code is very expensive to fix once deployed into production. Recently, Froogle, which now has over
30,000 engineers, sad that it will abandon this practice of 'code reviews' by an expert panel.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest justification for the Froogle's decision to abandon code reviews?
A. Some software engineers newly inducted into the firm found the code review process patronizing and insulting
B. Review panels often suggested code changes that were helpful in the long run but not strictly required by immediate needs
C. The company had developed a sophisticated tool that engineers could run themselves, that would analyze their
software code and provide feedback indistinguishable from the code view by an expert panel
D. Froogle recently became the most valuable company in the world as measured by market capitalization, and it no longer felt
the need to save on costs via early detection of poorly written software code
E. Some experts who completed the review panel had to be been warned by management to maintain a polite and positive
demeanor during the review process

“MBA TRAINER” YouTube Channel : Saurabh Thakur / Telegram : Saurabhsirofficial /M. No. 8871383926 E-mail –
VR/RC P a g e |2

4. Lithium has a long history of successful use as medication for mental illness. It has been the cheapest and most effective
form of treatment for bipolar disorder since the 1950s,and experts have found that orally ingested lithium reduces anxiety and
improves performance on cognitive tests. The government is now considering a proposal to
introduce trace quantities of lithium into bottled milk supplied at the country’s schools as a way of improving academic
Which of the following issues would it be most important to resolve in evaluating the proposal to add lithium to school milk

A. Whether the lithium-laced milk will be supplied to all children, or only those at risk of psychological problems
B. Whether more conventional means to improve academic achievement, such as special tutoring for low- performing students,
have been tried
C. Whether any other country in the world has attempt such an experiment
D. Whether academic achievement is important in the overall development of children
E. Whether studies have conclusively proved that the ingestion of lithium, in these dosages, for these periods of time, is safe for

5. Independent and trustworthy consumer surveys show that Teras are among the best engineered and most reliable cars in
their categories. Charles is considering buying a new car. After careful research, during which he carefully studies these
consumer surveys, Charles decides against buying a Tera, despite its being the highest rated car within his price range. His
sister owns a Tera, and that vehicle has been quite unreliable.
Each of the following, if true, is a rational reason for Charles, except:

A. Charles will need to borrow from his parents for the purchase, and his parents have made it quite clear that they will not lend
him money if he chooses to buy a Tera.
B. Charles has decided to buy an electric vehicle and Tera does not manufacture electric vehicles.
C. Charles trusts his sister's judgement, and she is very dissatisfied with her Tera.
D. Charles is concerned that is he decides to purchase a Tera, his sister will try and persuade him to buy her vehicle.
E. The only local Tera dealership, from which Charles would buy his vehicle, is under investigation for substituting parts from the
cars that it sells.

6. Players in the nation's most prominent basketball league are, on average, 10 inches taller than the average male. Players in
other, less successful professional basketball leagues are also far taller than average males, but by less than 10 inches. Players in
amateur basketball leagues, however, are not taller than the national average. Youth seeking to grow taller ought to take up
basketball professionally.
Each of the following, if true, weakens the argument, EXCEPT:
A. Males who are significantly taller than average but do not play basketball are often approached by scouts to take up the
B. Tall players have a proven natural advantage at basketball, and the tallest players tend to become the most successful.
C. Elite basketball teams sometime supply their teams with legal hormonal supplements that have been found to be weakly
associated with growth spurts even past adolescence.
D. Basketball is the most popular game in the south west of the country, which is populated by members of an ethnic group that
has the highest average height in the world.
E. Youth seeking to join professional sports leagues have been shown to overestimate their probability of success by a factor of

7. In the 1950s, Arcadia was the leading exporter of cattle feed in the world. By some estimates, eighty percent of all cattle feed
used in Europe and North America originated in Arcadia. However, by last year, Arcadia had turned a net importer of cattle feed.
Despite Still being the world's largest producer of cattle feed, the country now is a net importer because _____________.

Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

A. The country has consciously diversified it's export mix and now focuses on the export of high-technology products rather than
raw materials
B. It decided to use the cattle feed to build a domestic cattle industry and is now the world's largest exporter of milk and beef

“MBA TRAINER” YouTube Channel : Saurabh Thakur / Telegram : Saurabhsirofficial /M. No. 8871383926 E-mail –
VR/RC P a g e |3

C. As the country grew prosperous, domestic demand for meat grew, and the country banned the export of beef and milk.
D. The cost of making some ingredients used in the manufacture of cattle feed domestically has increased so much that the
country has to import them.
E. The amount of cattle feed needed per cow has increased significantly, as both dairy and beef cattle have been bred to be far
heavier and taller than they wear in the 1950s.

8. The heights of elephants in a wildlife reserve, when measured and plotted can usually be expected to form a bell curve, or
more formally, to adhere to a normal distribution. This follows from a famous mathematical result known as the Central Limit
Theorem, which suggests that physical quantities, which are expected to be independent of each other and drawn from the
same distribution, will tend to be normally distributed. This result is universally true, and has been known for centuries.
However, the heights of the elephants measured at Bazinga Wildlife Reserve did not follow a bell curve, and instead were
clustered at two specific values.

Which of the following, if true, forms the best basis for at least a partial explanation of the clustered heights of the elephants in
Bazinga Wildfire Reserve?

A. The heights of some species of animals are not independent from each other, so the Central Limit Theorem does not apply to
B. Prehistoric paintings of elephants found in caves near Bazinga Wildlife Reserve show elephants that vary in sizes just as they
would be expected to under the bell curve.
C. The heights of lions and zebras in the national park all follow the familiar bell curve pattern
D. Elephants in the wild grow to certain height, and then stop growing once they attain a certain age
E. The elephant population of the park had been wiped out by poaching, and the elephants whose height was recorded were a
specially selected group of elephants chosen to be of the same size and age

9. The term "disease of affluence" is used to refer to a group of health problems that have been observed to rise in prevalence
as societies get richer. Several major epidemiological studies have confirmed that the incidence of obesity, colorectal disease,
gout and type 2 diabetes display a positive correlation with income and education.
Each of the following, if true, is a factor that can help explain this phenomenon, except:

A. Sedentary lifestyles and lower levels of physical exercise associated with higher incomes have been shown to cause diseases
of affluence.
B. High fat and high sugar foods, whose the consumption rises with wealth, are well known risk factors for these diseases.
C. Lower levels of immunity from reduced exposure to infectious agents among the rich weaken their constitutional resistance
to these health problems.
D. Technological advances in diagnostics which mean that disease are now accurately detected in both rich and poor patients.
E. High levels of emotional stress have been found to contribute to these health problems, and such elevated stress levels are
commonly associated with higher levels of income and education.

10. Hard bargaining during salary negotiations is a rational strategy for everyone. Studies show that employees and prospective
employees who negotiate with employers for at least 4 weeks are successful in extracting an increase in compensation of 25%
over those who accept the first compensation packages offered to them.
Which of the following would be least useful to establish in order to evaluate this argument?

A. Whether employees and candidates were more likely to engage in salary negotiations when hiring is strong, and demand for
employees exceeds supply.
B. Whether candidates applying for engineering roles where more likely to negotiate hard then candidates applying for roles in
C. Whether employees who negotiate large salary increases were subsequently at higher risk of being laid off or fired by their
D. Weather men who engaged in salary negotiations were more likely to extract salary increases than women who did so.
E. What proportion of candidates who initiated unsuccessful salary negotiations had their initial offers rescinded.

“MBA TRAINER” YouTube Channel : Saurabh Thakur / Telegram : Saurabhsirofficial /M. No. 8871383926 E-mail –
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“MBA TRAINER” YouTube Channel : Saurabh Thakur / Telegram : Saurabhsirofficial /M. No. 8871383926 E-mail –
“Power of Perseverance”

“MBA TRAINER” YouTube Channel : Saurabh Thakur / Telegram : Saurabhsirofficial /M. No. 8871383926 E-mail –

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