Ex 1. Discrete Sinusoidal

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20139 – Ex 1.

Discrete sinusoidal

A. To demonstrate the identity of signals with frequencies of ω0 + 2π k (k − int) do the

following using MATLAB (use legend on the plot):
a. Set the base frequency to ω0 = 0.1
b. Plot cos(ω0 n) for 200 points (n - starts at zero)
c. Repeat for ω=
1 ω0 + 2π , this time shift the plot up by 0.5 . Plot cos(ω1n) + 0.5 on the
same plot as before using another color.
d. Repeat again for ω=2 ω0 + 50π , this time shift the plot up by 1 . Plot cos(ω2 n) + 1 on the
same plot as before using a third color.

B. Use MATLAB to plot the two following discrete sinusoidal signals as ware seen in class:
πn 
a. x1[n] = cos  
 4 
 3π n 
b. x2 [n] = cos  
 8 
Plot both signal in one figure (two separate plots) and mark by red dots the points of the period
length (starting from n=0) use n=0..36 for both plots. Y scale -1.25 to 1.25. X scale 0 to 36

Submit the followings:

A pdf document explaining the phenomenon mathematically. Include the plots from MATLAB in the
document. Make sure to include axes labels, titles and legend. The MATLAB source code (in the pdf file).

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