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Newsletter No 4

October 2022

In this issue:
ü Results of the Trials
ü Impact of the project

edEUcation ltd. ü Final partner meeting

Testing the Scheme The ways in which partners implemented

the scheme has reflected their own
context. One of the challenges faced
was how to manage the scheme when
Parkinson Lane the Young Interpeter was in a different
Community Primary school class to the pupil who was supported.
This required some creativity. An
example of this comes for Greece,
where Karim, who speaks Arabic at
home and is in grade 5 was trained as
Young Interpreter to helped a child in
grade 1. In order to create time to do
Directorate Of Primary this, Karim was removed from RE, and
Teacher training session in Spain
Education Of Western used this time to support his partner in her
Thessaloniki Partners have been continuing to trial Year 1 class.
http://dipe-v- the Young Interpreter scheme and they have reached far more individuals than
first planned. When we planned this
project the aim was to involve 20 pupils
in total as Young Interpreters. In fact the
project has reached 100. We aimed to
support 120 pupils but supported 398
overall and instead of involving only 20
I.C.S. Rita Atria Palermo
teachers or teaching assisstants we had 92 involved.
We worked with pupils from a very wide
range of languages, 19 in total –
including Middle Eastern, Asian and Karim helping his new Year 1 friend
European languages.
Konya In the UK, the project was used to
Metropolitan Municipality At the time that this project was develop a model of peer support for
planned, there was a focus on the those needing greater help with thier Syiran war, but in the three years that we literacy and aligned it to the school’s
have been working on this project, the development of student leadership,
Taliban has taken over in Afghanistan starting with pupils aged 7. The school
and Russia invaded Ukraine. This led to also used the scheme to help with
new waves of migration and created a interpreting for parents and there were
Open Europe further need to provide support to those also examples of using a similar
nationalities. approach in Turkey.

“Young Interpreters” – Erasmus+ project ID: 2019-1-UK01-KA201-061413

Testing the Accreditation
Partners evaluated the scheme and
analysed the impact. This has been
collated into an overall Impact report
which is available on the Project website and
the Erasmus+ Results platform. KEEP IN TOUCH

For the young interpreters the project had E-mail:

an impact on their competence in
literacy and language development, but
Young Interpreter Paraskevi in Greece
also on other skills such as initiative, Social media:
leadership and creativity. For the Final Partner Meeting
supported pupils there was a very Partners came together for a final
significant impact on language meeting in Thessaloniki in Greece in
development and the ability to build October 2022. It provided an
relationships, and with both sets of target opportunity to celebrate however and
groups, a big improvement in confidence to meet some of the Greek pupils who
Click on the icon or follow:
and self-esteem. had been involved and to formally
present them with their Gold awards. The #younginterpretersEU
main item of discussion was the Impact
of the project and all partners were able
to leave with the feeling that this had
been an extremely successful project.

Erasmus+ is the European

Union's programme to support
education, training, youth and
sport in Europe. Its budget
between 2014 and 2020 of €14.7
David receives his Award in Italy Final meeting in Greece billion will provide opportunities
The Future for over 4 million Europeans to
The impact on the teachers led to them study, train, and gain
All partners have shared the programme
changing their practice and in some experience abroad.
through a series of events in each of the
cases making changes to the timetable partner countries. The scheme is free to
to facilitate the programme. There was download from the project website. The Find out more on:
evidence that teachers saw the benefits resources are also available on the
for both their own practice and for their Erasmus+ Results platform which makes mes/erasmus-plus/
pupils. There was also an impact on them open to all European countries.
parents. Pupils required parental This project has been funded
approval to become involved, and this We are also planning a training course with support from the European
which will be eligible for an Erasmus KA1 Commission. This publication
led to improvements in communication
grant next year. If any organisation is reflects the views only of the
and engagement of parents, some of author, and the Commission
interested in applying for a grant to
whom were reluctant to be closely cannot be held responsible for
attend you can contact us for advice
involved with the schools, because of any use which may be made of
and support through the project the information contained
their own language barriers. website. therein.

“Young Interpreters” – Erasmus+ project ID: 2019-1-UK01-KA201-061413

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