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*vitamin, any of the organic (carbon containing) compounds that the body requires on small amounts to
maintain health and function properly.

*The word vitamin later shortened to vitamin, was confined by polish- American chemist Casmir Funk in the
early 20th century. Funk was searching for the unknown substance. Funk guessed that an amine in foods was

*So he named it vitamin.

∞ Vital= necessary for life. (a Latin word)

∞ Amine= a compound containing nitrogen and hydrogen (an English word)

*Vitamins help the body carry out essential biochemical processes. Vitamins generally combine with proteins
to create enzymes that promote chemical reactions. These enzymes promote reactions enrolled in the
information of bone, hormones, blood cells, nervous system chemicals and genetic material. These enzymes
also act as a coenzymes (means a vitamin that work together with enzymes).

*Scientists have classified 13 compounds as vitamins. They have given most of these vitamins letter plus
number names, such as A, B12 and D.

*Most vitamins are produced by plants.

*Some such as vitamin D, are produced by animals.

*A few vitamins are made by the body itself. For example, bacteria in the digestive tract help produce vitamin
K and the skin uses sun light to produce vitamin D.

* Deficiency of particular vitamins can lead to diseases we can counties malnutrition.

* Malnutrition is inadequate nutrition or lack of healthy foods in a diet or an exercise in take of an healthy
foods, leading to physical harm .

*Vitamins are unstable and can be destroyed during the cooking or processing of foods. Heat in combination
with water can remove water-soluble vitamins from food. Because many vegetables are rich in these
vitamins, nutritionists advice people to cook vegetables by steaming, roasting or microwaving rather than by
boiling in water.

*Some vitamins can also destroyed by expositor to sun light or air.

*We can see the deficiency diseases

*Mild deficiency –the minor one shows early symptoms

* Severe deficiency –the major ones, cause a lot of damage

Kinds of Vitamins
Based on their solubility Vitamins are classified in to two.

1. Water soluble vitamins

*Includes the B vitamins and vitamin c.

*Do not dissolve in Fat and can not be stored.

*Must be consumed frequently.

*They contain C,H,O and may contain S and CO.

*They are secreted in to Urine.

*They cannot be synthesized by the body.

*They are not dietary essentially.

2. Fat soluble vitamins

*Include vitamins A, D, E and K.

*They dissolve in fats.

*Are generally consumed in foods that contain fats

*Are stored in the body’s fat.

*They do not need to be consumed every day.


1. Vitamin A
*vitamin A is a pale yellow, fat soluble substance.

*It is formed from an orange pigment in plants called carotene, which animals convert in to vitamin A.


*Vitamin A plays an important role in cell growth, vision and the immune system.

*Helps the skin develop and stay healthy.

*Promotes the growth of bones and teeth.

*It is present in retina and its vision in low lights.

-Retina is the light sensitive membrane at the back of the eye.

*It also helps to maintain the mucous membranes that trap microbes and fight infections.

*The body obtains Vitamin A in to two rays.

1. One way is by manufacturing it from beta –carotene, a vitamin pre cursor found in orange
vegetables such as



* Sweet potatoes as well as in

*other dark green, leafy vegetables


* Squash

2. The other way of obtaining vitamin A is by absorbing it from plant-eating animals. In animal form,
Vitamin A is found in Milk, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Liver and Fish .

Deficiency Disease
-An early symptom is Night Blindness, The skin, Eyes and mucus membranes may also become extremely dry.

*Night blindness is Difficult in adapting to darkness.

-The long term risks of vitamin A are not yet certain.

*Some studies indicate that too much Vitamin A over prolonged period may reduce bone density and increase
the like hood of fractures.

*In a short term Too much Vitamin A can case Head ache, nausea, blurred vision and dizziness.

2. The B Vitamins
*Also known as Vitamin complex, the eight B vitamins are water soluble substances.

*several of the B Vitamins are destroyed by heat.

*Now let’s see the eight Vitamin B‘s.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
*Promote the metabolism of carbohydrates, enabling these nutrients to release their energy.

*plays a role in the functioning nerves system, muscles and heart.

*Thiamine is found in a nutrition food in modern net amount.

*Foods richest in Thiamine are

*pork *nuts

*liver *seeds

*yeast *legumes (dried peas and beans)

*enriched grams and crews *milk and milk product

*Mild thiamine deficiency can cause fatigue, muscle, weakness and loss of aphetic.

*Severe thiamine deficiency can cause beriberi

*Beriberi is a disease characterized by muscle weakness, sewing of the heart and leg cramps.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
-Riboflavin is more stable in heat than thiamine , but it can be destroyed by light.

*Involved in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

*Helps to maintain the mucus membranes of the respiratory system.

*Best sources of riboflavin

*liver *Dark green leafy vegetables

*make a dairy products *enriched grams and cereals


*Signs of riboflavin deficiency generally appear in the skin and eyes

* Crackers open, nervous open sores may develop on the skin, especially around lips or

*The eyes may become rod, itchy and sensitive to light.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
*It is also known as niacin and nicotinic acid.

*Helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system, nervous system and Skin .

* It also acts on cholesterol levels in the blood.


* The best sources of niacin are protein –rich foods such as

*Liver * meat * Sea food *Poultry * Fish

*The body also makes niacin from tryptophan.

* It is also found in whole or enriched grains and cereals, legumes and nuts.

*Mild niacin deficiency can cause * lass of appetite * nausea *weakness * indigestion * Vomiting

*Severe niacin deficiency causes pellagra,

*The first symptom is skin in fammation.

* Diarrhea, confusion and irritability may follow.

Pellagra develops only when the amino acid tryptophan ( found in eggs and milk) also is missing from the

*Too much niacin can cause skin flushing, nausea and liver toxicity.

* Large dose of niacin over long periods can lead to liver damage.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

*Necessary for the absorption and metabolism of carbohydrates and protein.
*Plays an important role in the use of fats in the body.
*fin the formation RBC
*In functioning of nerve and muscle cells and the immune system.
*It is needed for the production of myelin and of certain neuron transmitters.
-Myelin is the material that surrounds the nerves.
-Neuron transmitters are chemicals that carry messages between nerve cells.
*Whole grains and cereals such as *brown rice at meals *pork *beans * chicken (white meat)
*avocadoes *spinach *potatoes *peanut butter * banana

*Affects the skin and mucous membranes, causing itching inflammation and sores.

*The effect of a B6 deficiency on the nervous system includes confusion, depression and insomnia..

*Can also cause anima

Vitamin B 12
*Vitamin B12 is a product of bacterial fermentation/ which is why it is not present in higher order plant

* It is also called calamine because it contains the metal cobalt.

*During digestion hydrochloric acid in the stomach frees the vitamins, which combines with another
substance so it can be absorbed by the intestines.

*Necessary for the information of red blood cells and de oxy rib nuclear acra (DNA)

*Needed for the functioning of the nervous system.

*It is obtained from animal foods and not found in plants.

Example *meat *poultry *milk *fish *eggs *cereals


*People with stomach or intestinal disorders at particular risk developing B12 deficiency.
*Older adults too lose some ability to absorb vitamin.

*Certain drugs also can interfere with the absorption of B12.

* Early sign B12 deficiency mauled memory problems, confusion and difficulties thought.

*Numbers and ting ring in the arms and legs may follow.

*People who are unable to absorb vitamin B12 can develop pernicious anemia.

-Pernicious anemia is a chronic condition in which the red blood cells are unable to deliver
sufficient oxygen to body tissues.

Foliate, or Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

*Folic acid is also known as foliate or folacin ,

*Foliate is especially important during pregnancy and in infancy, when new cells are forming rapidly.

*Folic acid is destroyed in foods during process of cooking, so it is important to avoid over cooking.

*Folic acid is the form produced synthetically for supplements.

*For forming new body cells.

*Dietary sources of foliate include leafy green vegetables, as pavagus, legumes, oranges and orange juice,
liver, and whole grains.

*Many countries fortify foods with foliate such foods as bread, flour, pasta, and rice.

*Foliate deficiency way contribute it certain birth defects.

*Pregnant women who do not receive enough folic acid may also give birth prematurely or to low-birth
weight infants.

Other B Vitamins

Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B 5)

-Plays a role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

-It is found in most foods Brockton, lentils, split peas, avocado, whole, wheat, mushrooms, sweet potato,
sunflower, seeds, green egg, squash, strawberries, liver.


-Plays a role in the formation of party acid and the release of energy from carbohydrates.
-It is produced by bacteria in the intestine and is also found in many foods.

Vitamin C
*Vitamin c is a water-soluble vitamin also known as ascorbic acid.

*Vitamin c and other antioxidants block some of the damage to the body caused by a molecue called function
free radical antioxidants neutralize free radicals.

*It is important in the formation and repair of bones, teeth and colgen.

-Collagen is a substance in the skin, muscles, blood vessels, and other tissues.

*Help heal wounds

*Help the body absorb iron from plant foods.

*Include citrus fruits *guava *spinach *fresh strawberries *canto loupe *pineapple *broccoli
*Brussels sprouts *tomatoes *kale *green papers *cabbage* turnips

*Weaknesses and fatigue, inflamed or bleeding gums, greater likelihood of infection and poorer ability to heal.

*Scurvy the classic manifestation of serve vitamin c deficiency.

-Scurry is characterized by weakness, spongy gums, and bleeding of the gums, skin and mucus

-Its symptoms are due to loss of cementing action of collagen.

* Larger dose can result up set stomachs and Diarrhea.

* Larger dose also result Kidney stones, rebound scurvy, increase oxidative stress excess iron absorption and
erosion of dental enamel.

Vitamin D
*Vitamin D are also called the sun shine Vitamin, as it is manufactured by the skin after exposure to the
ultraviolet radiation of the sun.

*It is fat soluble and it is stored in the body.

*Keeping the bones and teeth strong and healthy.

*Helps the intestines absorb ca Crum .

*Regulates levels of the minerals calcium and phosphorus in the blood .

*plays a vital role in building bones and teeth.

-Calcium taken without sufficient Vitamin D has little effect on maintaining bones.

*It may also bolster the immune system.

*Helps protect against some cancers.

*N.B - Believe it or not , Africans ,Americans and others people with Dark skin pigmentation have less ability
to produce Vitamin D from ultraviolet radiation .

*It can be manufactured by skin.

*It is also obtained from –eggs -salmon -Sardines -fortified Milk

-Liver -tuna -other fatty fishes

-Result-Deformed bones, retarded growth and soft teeth.

-In adults Vitamin D deficiency can result in asteomalacra, soften bones, spontaneous factures and tooth

*can lead to a softening of the bones known as rickets in children or contribute to a osteoporosis.

-Osteoporosis is loss of bone mass.

*Excessive Vitamin D consumption can lead to Vitamin D poisoning, causing nausea, Vomiting, constipation
and weight loss.

*By raising the levels of calcium in the blood , excess Vitamin D also can lead to confusion and abnormal heart

*In addition excess Vitamin D can interfere with kidney function and result in deposit of calcium through out
the body, especially in the kidneys it may also result Kidney failure .

Vitamin E
*It is a fat soluble vitamin acts in the body as antioxidant .

*The vitamin comes eight different forms, but one form-alpha-tocopherol has the greatest impact on the body.

*Although it is stored in the body over doses appears to have lower to effect than do over doses other fat-
soluble vitamins.

*As antioxidant.

*Protects cell wall.

*Plays a role in forming RBC.

*Prevents cataracts, heart disease and certain cancers.

*Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, margarine, wheat germs, whole grams, nuts and leafy green vegetables.

*People who eat extremely low fats diets or who are unable to absorb dietary fats may be at risk of vitamin

*Vitamin E Deficiency is only noticed in those with severe malnutrition. However, sub optimal intake of
Vitamin E is relatively common. Because Vitamin E can prevent blood clots, high doses over a prolonged
period may lead to bleeding problems.

Vitamin k
*It is a fat soluble Vitamin.

-Formation of blood clots (without this bleeding won’t stop).

-Plays a role in building bone.

*Include all leafy green vegetables, eggs, dairies products, soy beans and liver.

*Tendency to bleed or humor hag.


*May interfere with glutathione.

-No known toxicity with high dose.


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