Oral Session I Which Theory Do The Structural Brain Changes Support?

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is considerable evidence to suggest that this nucleus may be

Oral Session I abnormal in schizophrenia. We estimated the volume and the

total number of neurones in both the left and right MDT
Which Theory Do The Structural Brain initially in 11 male and 11 female schizophrenics and 18
Changes Support? matched control brains. Estimates of neuronal number were
made in thick Nissl sections using a three dimensional counting
box, whilst the boundaries of the nucleus were delineated using
WHOLE BRAIN ANALYSIS OF an adjacent myelin stained section, as the precise borders are
STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN difficult to define in Nissl sections. We have sampled the whole
SCHIZOPHRENIA of each nucleus systematically randomly, i.e. every neurone in
the nucleus has had an equal probability of being counted. We
H. Sauer, H.-P. Volz, C. Gaser have found no consistent differences in either volume or total
neuronal number between the MDT nuclei of the schizophrenics
Psyehkttric Department, University of Jena, D-07740 .lena. and the controls.
Schizophrenic Control
In conventional approaches to detect structural cerebral
alterations regions of interest have to be predefined. In our Mean SD Mean SD
department, a deformation based morphometry was recently
developed (Gaser et al., 1999), which represents a whole brain Volume Left 675 + 178 605 +_159
approach. MR-images of 85 schizophrenics and 75 controls (ram3) Right 615 --220 640 ± 140
were compared. Volume reductions in brains of schizophrenics
Number of Left 4.63xl0 ~' +1.36x10 ~' 4.64×10" :_+1.26x106
were observed bilaterally in the thalamus, and in the superior
neurones R i g h t 4.30x106 --l.18x106 4.18×106 +0.96x100
temporal gyrus, on the left side in the superior frontal and
precentral gyrus and the cerebellum, whereas on the right side
the middle frontal gyrus was reduced. Additionally, we analysed
the relationship between the severity of auditory hallucinations
and cerebral structure in schizophrenics and found a volume
decrease of the left Heschl gyrus and the left supramarginal
gyrus, and on the right side of the right inferior/middle FRONTAL, TEMPORAL A N D LIMBIC
The difference between schizophrenics and controls corrobo- WHITE MATTER TRACTS IN
rate the cognitive dysmetria model of Andreasen et al. (1998). SCHIZOPHRENIA
To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that all critical
nodes of the network proposed are affected. The findings in T. Sigmundsson,* J. Suckling, M. Maier,
hallucinating schizophrenics support functional brain imaging S.C.R. Williams, E.T. Bullmore, K. G r e e n w o o d ,
results of Dierks et al. (1999), suggesting an alteration of the R. Fukuda, M.A. Ron, B.K. Toone
primary auditory cortex. According to our findings on the
supramarginal gyrus, however, language-relevant areas also *Institute of Psychiatry (King's College), De Crespigny Park,
appear to be altered. London SE5 8AF, UK
References Imaging studies of schizophrenia have repeatedly demon-
Andreasen et al.: Schizophrenia Bull 24:203 (1998). strated global abnormalities of cerebral and ventricular vol-
Dierks et al.: Neuron 22:615 (1999). umes, but pathological change at more local levels of brain
Gaser et al.: Neuroimage 10:107 (1999). organisation has not yet been so clearly characterised. Possible
reasons for this include morphometric analysis of only a few
brain regions of interest and heterogeneity of patient samples.
THE MEDIODORSAL NUCLEUS OF THE Methods." Dual echo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
T H A L A M U S IN SCHIZOPHRENIA: data were acquired at 1.5T from 27 right-handed patients
A POST-MORTEM STUDY satisfying DSM IV criteria for schizophrenia and with enduring
negative symptoms, and 27 healthy comparison subjects.
T.J. Cullen, M.A. Walker, H. Roberts, T.J. Crow, Between-group differences in grey and white matter volume
P. Harrison, M. Esiri were estimated at each intracerebral voxel after registration of
the images in standard space. The relationship between clinical
Departments of Clinical Neurology ( Neuropathology) and symptom scores and brain structure was also examined within
Ps:vchiatrv, Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Road, University of the patient group.
OxJord Results. We found significant deficits of grey matter volume
in the patient group at three main locations: (i) left superior
The mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (MDT) contributes temporal gyrus and insular cortex; (ii) left medial temporal
the majority of thalamic input to the prefrontal cortex. There lobe including the parahippocampal gyrus and hippocampus;
and (iii) the anterior cingulate and medial frontal gyri. White PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO FAMINE AND
matter deficits were found in similar locations in the left BRAIN MORPHOLOGY IN
temporal lobe, extending into the left frontal lobe. The patient
group showed a relative excess of grey matter volume in the
basal ganglia. Within the patient group, basal ganglia grey
H.E. H u l s h o f f P o l , H.W. Hock, E. Susser, A.S. Brown,
matter volume was positively correlated with positive symp- A. Dingemans, H.G. Schnack, N.E.M. v a n Haren,
tom scores. L.M.P. R a m o s , C.C. Gispen-de Wied, R.S. K a h n
Conclusion. These data are compatible with models of schizo-
phrenia as a supraregional disorder of multiple, distributed Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Center Utrecht,
brain regions and the axonal connections between them. AO1.126. Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX, The Netherlands

Background." A twofold increased incidence of schizophrenia

was found in a birth cohort exposed to the Dutch Hunger
Winter at the end of World War II during the first trimester of
RIGHT FRONTAL HYPERGYRIA gestation (Susser et al., 1996). However, it is not known
whether pre-natal nutritional deficiency contributes to struc-
DIFFERENTIATES AFFECTED FROM tural brain abnormalities in schizophrenia.
HEALTHY SIBLINGS IN FAMILIES WITH Methods: Nine schizophrenic patients and 9 healthy controls
SCHIZOPHRENIA from the birth cohort, and 9 non-exposed schizophrenic patients
and 9 non-exposed healthy controls were evaluated with 1.5T
K. Vogeley, R. Tepest, U. Pfeiffer, P. Falkai magnetic resonance brain imaging.
Results. An interaction effect of schizophrenia with hun-
Address for correspondence. Dr. Kai Vogeley, Department o[ gerwinter for intracranial volume was found (F(1.32)=6.52,
Psychiatry, Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25, 53105 Bonn. FRG, p = 0.02). Prenatal famine exposure in schizophrenia was associ-
Phone: 0044 228 287 6122, Fax: 0044 228 287 5025. ated with decreased intracranial volume. Hungerwinter expo-
e-maiL" vogelev@uni-bonn.de sure alone was related to an increase in brain abnormalities - -
predominantly white matter hyperintensities (Fisher's exact,
The macroscopic development of the frontal lobe including p=0.04). No effects on total brain, gray and white matter,
its gyrification is mostly completed during fetal life, therefore, cerebellar, lateral and third ventricular volumes were found.
its examination provides considerable information on early Conclusions." Nutritional deficiency in the first trimester of
brain development. The measurement of the gyrification index gestation resulted in an increase in clinical brain abnormalities
and was associated with abberant early brain development in
(GI) as ratio of inner and outer contour (Zilles et al. 1988)
patients with schizophrenia. Stunted brain development second-
revealed a right frontal hypergyria in male schizophrenics in a
ary to factors affecting brain growth in the first trimester of
post mortem sample (Vogeley et al., in press). To further
gestation may thus be a potential risk factor for developing
evaluate the significance of this finding, the gyrification index
was now measured in 13 age- and gender-matched pairs from Acknowledgement. This research was supported by the
families with schizophrenia with one affected and one non- Theodore & Vada Stanley Foundation.
affected sibling. Measurements were performed on standard 1,5
Tesla Tl-weighted MRI images on three subsequent slices
starting at the anterior border of the corpus callosum (10mm
distance). Outer and inner gyral contour were traced manually,
image analysis was performed with Optimas6.0 (Window95). REDUCED LEFT ANTERIOR
Mean GI values revealed a significant right frontal hypergyria CINGULATE/PARACINGULATE
in schizophrenia. There were no gender differences in GI FISSURIZATION IN MALES WITH FIRST-
measurements in this sample. This study corroborates previous EPISODE PSYCHOSES BUT NOT FEMALES:
findings in a post mortem sample. It is proposed that the
hypergyria is a developmental marker in schizophrenia.
M. Yucel, D. Velakoulis, P. Maruff, G.W. Stuart,
References D.J. Smith, G. Savage, S. Crowe, W.J. Brewer,
Vogeley K., Schneider-Axmann T., Pfeiffer U., Tepest R., Bayer T. Profitt, K. M a h o n y , L. Leeton, C. Pantelis
T.A., Bogerts B., Honer W.G., Falkai P. Disturbed gyrification
of the prefrontal region in male schizophrenics - - a morpho- Cognitive NeuropaTchiatry Unit, The Mental Health Research
metric post mortem study. Am J. Psychiatry (in press). Institute of Vietoria, Locked Bag 11, Parkville, VIC3052,
Zilles K., Armstrong E., Schleicher A., Kretschmann H.J. The Australia
human pattern of gyrification in the cerebral cortex. Anat
Embryol, 1988, 179, 174-179. Recent brain imaging work has revealed normal anatomical
Supported by the Stanley Foundation and the DFG asymmetries that are absent or reversed in patients with psycho-
( Fa 241/2-2). sis. Our previous work in control subjects has found an

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