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Masha FX v4.


Zombicide Cheat Sheet & House Rules

Start Weapons: Pistol, Fire Axe, Crowbar and Pans for everyone else (plus any starts with…).

Decisions: Disagreements and Zombie choices are New Skills: Ideas for characters in creation.
decided by the current turn order holder. Aim: 1d6 Ranged. Use +1A to ignore T priority.
Double Tap: Roll 2d6 on 1d6 ranged…
Clock: Divide the estimated mission time by 3 and Hit doubles count as 1: 2 damage or 2: 1 damage.
escalate the danger level at each interval. Driver: No fresh action for direction change.
Hide: Spend 1A to hide, negates LoS from Z’s in
Room LoS: Only to next room, not through.
adjacent rooms. Still count as 1 Noise.
Survivors 2 or more rooms away are considered
Off the Hip: Move and Shoot as 1A.
hidden from view, Z’s will go towards most noise.
Snap Fire: Free shot when attacked by first Z.
Indoor alleys are considered streets for LoS.
Chainsaw Ferocity: Decide total dice pre-roll.
Noise: 1A only produces 1N no matter how many
Triples: Out of fuel. Refuel with gasoline, 1A. Hits
dice rolled, or hits obtained, including Dual Wield.
still count. Missed Doubles: Hit survivor if in zone.
Extra activation: Running out of minis.
Opt 1: All Z’s of the same type once for each card Advanced Car Rules…
Opt 2: 1 Z of the same type for each that can’t be Move up to 2 zones for 1A, in 1 Direction.
placed. Closest in LoS, if non, closest most Noise. Changing direction requires a fresh Action.
Splitting Z’s have no extra activation. A driver must move to an empty seat or vacate
the car before another can move to drive it.
Manhole Spawn:
Opt 1: At each MH on every tile a Survivor is stud Melee, ranged and open doors from inside.
Opt 2: At each MH in a zone a Survivor is stud Any number of Items can be stored/retrieved.
Searched from inside or outside.
Exchanging Items: 1A, give any number of items
to 1 survivor in the same zone as you. At the same Safe Zones until Smashed, the first wound from an
time, without extra cost, that survivor can give Abomination or Fatty.
you any number of items in return and rearrange. Attack: 4+ to hit, 1 damage, Armoured 2 damage.
Roll for all in a zone drove into, each actor type
Crawler: 1Z + Hit. Weapons and Car attacks.
separately in TP order. Dive past/avoid missed.
Loot: Dead survivors, Dropped, Rearrange, 1A.
Doubles that Miss… Curbed! Stopped!
You Dropped That: Discard, drop Item/s in room.
Doubles that Hit… Too Much Guts! Stopped!
Ultrared discard for 5xp or drop for 0xp.
Triples that Miss… Walled! Crash!
Targeting… (Melee ignores priority) Triples that Hit… Too Many Bodies! Crash!
Opt 1: Use T priority and mod Starts with Pistol. Hit Fatty / Hit Car… Unless 2D! Crash!
Opt 2: Only missed shots hit Survivors. Abomination… Unavoidable! Crash!
Opt 3: Ignore survivors in T priority. Reroll all
Stopped: Ends Action, reverse to try again.
missed shots, if hit, hits survivor.
Crash: Roll for each survivor in the car/s.
Starts with pistol: Ignore targeting priority when 5+: Wound. 1Z: Car wrecked. *Hits still Kill.
using 1d6 ranged weapons in the same zone. A wrecked car can't be drove but is still a Safe
Zone until Smashed. A Smashed car can be drove
Note: As debated to death… We agree, the but is no longer a Safe Zone.
standard targeting rule is extremely important to
the original design of modern Zombicide. If Expansions: It’s not a good idea to add everything
anything, the COP would be the only person who you own. Flooding the deck makes game breaking
could aim well, hence Opt 1, which keeps his skill strings. Shuffle the decks separately and pick a
useful as the game progresses and doesn’t break ratio from the types that suit your playstyle.
later skills to be unlocked. We endorse Opt 1.

A quick reference cheat sheet of a few specifics that often pop up in our games, a handy reminder!!!
Some of these rules are updates from newer editions, rules we played wrong at start or just outright changed.
Note: the main aim of any changes are always to keep them in tune and true to Zombicide.
Masha FX v4.5

Search Cards Wound Cards & Zombivours

Remove from deck: Molotov, Pimp/VIP Weapons I hope to get this mod wrote up soon, it’s truly
amazing adds so much spice to the game.
CF, BoR & W: Discard +/- 1xp (Same as Cookies). To be continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toilet Paper, Survival Kit, Protein Bar, Gum

Search Card Ideas

Noise: Place a noise token in the searched room
Spider! / Smashed Glass! / Creaky Floor Boards!
Trip: +1 Noise and Lose an Action
Room Empty: no more items! Leave card in room
Energy Drink: It gives you wings! Discard for +1A
First Aid: Spend 1A discard, heal a wound
Sewer Map: Use 3 actions to move MH to any MH
Nail Gun: 0-1/1/5+/1 Nails act as plenty of ammo
Defibrillator: Revive Actor, 1A within 1 turn
Flare Gun: Use outside, Z’s Stunned, discard
Grenade: O-2/S/S/L +5 Noise
Hockey Stick: 0/1/4+/1
Hockey Pucks: Combine with Stick for 1 range
Sledge Hammer: 0/1/3+/2
Monkey Wrench: 0/1/5+/1
Zombie Arm: 0/1/6+/1

Additional Mission Objectives

Helpless Kitten! Complete mission with kitten and
Canned Food. Can’t be traded or put down.

Skill Activating Search Card Ideas

Rambo Head band: +1 to roll combat
Micro Scooter: 2 Zones per Move Action
Roller Blades: 2 Zones per Move Action
Cuban Cigars: Born Leader
“I love it when a plan comes together”
Chair: Lock it Down, discard.
Megaphone/Air Horn: Loud
Charm Rabbits Foot/4 Leaf Clover: Lucky
First Aid Large: Medic
Zombie Pet/Mauled Infected: Rotten
Baby Oil/Lube: Slippery... lol!
Grappling Hook: Slippery, discard.
Beta Blockers: Steady Hand
Walkie Talkies: Tactician Masha Fx
Biker Jacket/Motor Cross Armour: Tough
Zombicide Board Game: Pick an extra skill

A quick reference cheat sheet of a few specifics that often pop up in our games, a handy reminder!!!
Some of these rules are updates from newer editions, rules we played wrong at start or just outright changed.
Note: the main aim of any changes are always to keep them in tune and true to Zombicide.

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