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DATE: 08-20-2022


This test measures your ability to write effectively. Your writing sample will be scored on
how effectively it communicates a complete message to readers. You will not be scored on the
position you take in the essay; only on your ability to express, organize, and support your
opinions and ideas. Five writing characteristics that will be considered are:
1. Focus: The clarity of your main idea or point of view.
2. Organization: The structure and organization of your ideas.
3. Development and Support: The elaboration of your ideas and the extent you present
supporting details.
4. Sentence Structure: The effectiveness of your sentence structure.
5. Mechanical Conventions: The extent to which your writing is free of mechanical

1. Reread the opening case. What emotional intelligence issues do you think Lynn will
address with Reegan when they meet? If you were Lynn, what recommendations would you
make to Reegan?Visit
(you do not need to register) and take the 146-question quiz on emotional intelligence, which
should take about an hour. Then answer the following questions:
a. Why do you think EQ predicts more career success than IQ?
EQ predicts more career success than IQ because EQ measures the individual's social
and emotional competence or one's ability to recognize one's own and other person's emotional
expression while IQ tests measure your ability to solve problems,use logic,and grasp or
communicate complex ideas.

b. What were the results of the quiz? Do you agree with them?
Yes, I agree with them because it is the result of their evaluation wherein you could
identify the students ability in literacy and numeracy and from that result you can formulate an
intervention which is suitable for every type of learners depending on their knowledge and skills.
c. Formulate a plan to improve your emotional intelligence skills, with at least three goals
and strategies to reach those goals.
1.Utilize an assertive style of communicating.
@Must be in a polite way.
@Make some letters that could motivate them to attend all your demands .
@Must be direct to the point but not to the extent that may feel embarrassed.
2.Respond instead of reacting to a conflict.
Yes, instead of reacting to an issue that can lead you to feel bad just focus on making
solutions to the problem to avoid misunderstanding.
3.Utilize active listening skills.
Be attentive .

2. Create a personal values statement. This should include five to ten things you find
important. Now assess your close relationships. Do they match? What can occur when your
personal values do not match the values of another person?
Follow these steps to create a personal values statement that can serve as a guiding light
for your personal, as well as your professional, life.
Write down the things you value. ...
Group your values into themes. ...
Eliminate the least important values. ...
Write a sentence describing why each value is important to you.
On the other hand, if you value security, the opposite applies. What some people would
view as a “dream” opportunity to travel the world and be your own boss may leave you feeling
insecure and craving a more settled existence.

Everybody is different, and what makes one person happy may leave another person
feeling anxious or disengaged. Defining your personal values and then living by them can help
you to feel more fulfilled and to make choices that make you happy, even if they don’t make
sense to other people. You’ll see how to go about doing that in the following sections.
Personal values are your central beliefs and the tenets that guide your actions. These
principles influence your behavior and personality traits and guide you through success and
challenging times. These individual values inform your decision-making, aspirations, and
relationships with loved ones.
3. Think of a recent ethical decision you have made. Using the model or framework of
your choice, discuss how you went through the process of making a sound ethical decision.
Bowen's Model for Strategic Decision Making: This model for ethical decision-making is
specifically designed to help with issues management. In other words, it helps professionals
make correct decisions in a management process in order to avoid ethical problems and crises.

4. Have you ever been unhappy at a job? Or if you haven't worked, have you ever felt
unhappy in a specific team or group? Consider this experience and write about how you went
through each phase of the job withdrawal progress.
Yes, sometimes I feel unhappy with my job when there are surmountable works and
reports that need to be submitted.
I am not happy mingling with a new group which I feel is not welcome.
It takes a lot of time for me to embrace the new environment which my job bringing me in.
5. Is it possible for an outsider (a nongroup member) to help a group move from the
storming stage to the norming stage? Explain your answer .
Yes, namic changes and transforms the very nature of the group. Group socialization
involves how the group members interact with one another and form relationships. Just as you
were once born and changed your family, they changed you. You came to know a language and
culture, a value system, and set of beliefs that influence you to this day. You came to be
socialized, to experience the process of learning to associate, communicate, or interact within a
group. A group you belong to this year—perhaps a soccer team or the cast of a play—may not
be part of your life next year. And those who are in leadership positions may ascend or descend
the leadership hierarchy as the needs of the group, and other circumstances, change over time.

6. Assume you have been put in charge of a new task force to determine the problems
related to module crafting, reproduction, and distribution. As the leader of the task force, it is
your job to schedule and run effective meetings. The outcome of the meetings will be a report
that includes research and possible reasons and solutions for the decline in sales. On your task
force will be representatives from the marketing, accounting, and manufacturing departments.
Traditionally, your team may have conflicting goals, and you are concerned about this as an
issue in the meeting. Because you only have time to meet two times, you know the meetings
need to be effective to complete the task at hand.

6.1. Write an agenda for your first meeting.

1.Plan Research
2. Reproduction status
3. Accounts of sales
4.Marketing Plan

6.2. Discuss the phases of the group development process your team will likely go

It talked about the four stages of development all teams move through over time:
forming, storming, norming, and performing.
Being the leader or in charge of a certain task, first and foremost, I will conduct thorough
research and investigation regarding the problem that my team is experiencing. Forming a new
set of workers who could do much better than the older one,who showed more expertise in that
particular field of work.
And ask my team to cooperate in brainstorming with me to come up with a new strategy on how
to level up the sales and design a much better one. Once, the agenda was settled and agreed by
the body then, implement new rules and regulations for the betterment of the plan.

6.3. As the team leader, you are concerned about personality conflicts that may occur
during the storming phase. What are some strategies you can use to reduce or eliminate any
Develop Communication Skills. ...
Let Them Storm. ...
Do One-On-One Check-Ins. ...
Review Established Norms. ...
Ask To Alter Behaviors Not Personalities.
6.4. What are the types of conflicts that individuals may have at work? Which type have
you experienced the most?
Interdependence/Task-Based Conflicts. ...
Leadership Conflicts. ...
Work Style Conflicts. ...
Personality-Based Conflicts. ...
Discrimination. ...
Creative Idea Conflict.

6.5. What are some primary causes of conflict at work?

poor management.
unfair treatment.
unclear job roles.
inadequate training.
poor communication.
poor work environment.
lack of equal opportunities.
bullying and harassment.

6.6.List three ways to decrease a conflict situation. What are some pros and cons of each
of these approaches?
Proven tactics in this domain include:
Separating the person from the problem.
Using “I” instead of “You” statements.
Asking open-ended questions.
Using active listening.
Differentiating interest from positions.
Coming up with options for mutual benefit.
You can reduce the negative impact of conflict by helping employees develop the skills
they need to successfully resolve the conflicts that occur in their lives. This gives people more
confidence in their ability to resolve both personal and professional conflict.

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