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Reflection essay

On 3rd January

Students are supposed to prepare final storyboards of 5 minutes animation in this ln this

class. It’s because the final assignment of this class is making a maximum 5 minutes

video for children to promote their study. A storyboard is a visual explanation of an

animation screen to screen. We need it to make animations easily. Every group took

turns to present their final storyboards. Dr. feedbacked them every after each group

presented. My group’s topic is “Expressions in conversation” especially in a restaurant.

We also got some feedbacks from Dr. He reminded us that our group needed

introduction to attract attention. For the next class, students need to make animations

and show target audience these things to get feedbacks.

This class was a first class in a new year, 2023. In Japan, January 1st, 2nd, 3rd are called

三が日(sanganichi) and basically it’s holiday. I was surprised with the cultural

difference that we had the class in 3rd January in Malaysia. And I was little upset

because some groups have already made animations besides their storyboards. But I

also felt that I can work harder thanks to their efforts. This feeling is going to be my

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