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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
Information Science and Engineering
Submitted by:

Department of Information Science and



The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, whose constant guidance
and encouragement crowned our effort with success. I completed my internship in Redtron
company from 01-08-22 to 01-09-22 .I express my sincere gratitude to my manager Jai
Mangal singh.

I wish to thank my HoD, Dr.MOHAN S G. for the excellent environment created to further
educational growth in our college. I also thank him for the invaluable guidance provided which
has helped me to complete my internship successfully..


Every organization needs an attendance monitoring system to evaluate student performance, but
it might be difficult to verify whether every student is there. The department directors give
attendance registers as proof in every organization, and attendance is manually collected by
contacting people by their register numbers or names. In certain organizations, students desire
to sign the sheets, which are then kept for future use. As few students consistently sign for their
absent pupils or report proxy attendance of the absent students, this technique is repetitive,
difficult, and prone to errors. This strategy also makes it more difficult to monitor each student's
attendance individually and more difficult to track each student's attendance across the board.
This approach also makes it more challenging to keep track of every student's attendance and to
keep track of each student's attendance individually in a large classroom setting. In this study,
we employ a face detection and recognition framework to continually identify students who are
attending class or not and record their attendance by comparing their faces with a database to
match. This facial biometric framework uses a camera to take a photo of a person, contrasts that
image with the image that was stored at the time of enrollment, and if they match, records the
attendance and constantly tracks student performance. We might employ the idea of artificial
intelligence to keep track of students' attendance by taking images of them when they are in
class and analyzing the information to determine how much time they spend there.

1. Background
2. Brief history of Technology/concept
3. Applications
4. Research motivation and Problem statement
4.1. Research Motivation
4.2. Statement of the Problem
5. Research objectives and contributions
5.1. Primary objectives
5.2. Main contributions
6. Summary


1. Introduction
2. Related work
3. Study of Tools/Technology
4. Summary


1. General Description
3.1.1 Product Perspective
2. System Requirements
3. Summary


5.1 Methodology
5.2 Description of Process
5.3 Pseudocode






1.1 Background

Artificial intelligence has really changed the whole world. A world where most of repetitive
work involving human resource are now being done using artificial intelligence. Real time
tracking using artificial intelligence has wider range of usability like in system monitoring
attendance. Likewise we are using real time monitoring system to monitor the usage of the
mobile phones by students and accordingly generating the report mentioning their activity
during class hours. The combination of both the deep learning and machine learning is used
which constitutes to form the AI techniques.

1.2 Brief history of Technology/concept

Automated facial recognition made its debut in the 1960s. A computer that can recognise
human faces was created in collaboration with Woody Bledsoe, Helen Chan Wolf, and Charles
Bisson. Because a human had to identify the coordinates of the facial characteristics in a photo
before a computer could detect them, their early facial recognition effort was known as "man-
machine." On a graphics tablet, a person had to precisely place markers for aspects of the face
like the widows peak in the hairline, the centre of the pupils, and the inside and outer corners
of the eyes. Twenty various distances, including the breadth of the mouth and the eyes, were
calculated using the coordinates.

In this way, a person might generate a database of calculated distances and process about 40
photos in an hour. The distances between each photograph would then be compared, a
difference would be calculated, and the closed records would be returned as a potential match.

Takeo Kanade publicly demonstrated a face matching system in 1970 that located anatomical
features like the chin and calculated the distance ratio between facial features without the use

of a human. Later tests revealed that the system was not always accurate in recognizing facial
features. Despite this, interest in the subject grew, and Kanade published the first detailed book
on facial recognition technology in 1977.

the Army Research Laboratory The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency established
,in 1993, established the FERET face recognition technology program to develop "automatic
face recognition capabilities" which could be used in a productive real-world environment "to
assist intelligence, security, and law enforcement personnel in the performance of their duties."

Real-time face detection in video footage became possible in 2001 because to the Viola-Jones
object detection framework for faces. AdaBoost, the first real-time frontal view face detector
developed by Paul Viola and Michael Jones, combines their face detection technique with the
Haar-like feature approach to object recognition in digital images. By 2015, the Viola-Jones
method had been implemented on handheld devices and embedded systems employing tiny
low-power detectors. The Viola-Jones technique was thus utilised to support new features in
user interface and teleconferencing in addition to expanding the practical use of face
recognition systems.

FaceNet, Google's advancement in facial recognition, was unveiled in 2015, not long after
DeepFace. It was very different from DeepFace in that it just used one convolutional neural
network throughout the entire end-to-end procedure. FaceNet was trained using the triplet loss.
Three pictures are needed, two of person A and one of person B. Its objective is to narrow the
gap between two photos of person A and widen the gap between person A and person B's

With the release of Object detection in Tensor-flow by Google it can be used in various
detection systems say if there is a phone on the table or a laptop or a bag anything can be
detected automatically. It uses convolutional neural network for end to end detection and
training of the model.

We can expect more efforts to "empower the model" in the future of deep learning. As human
domain knowledge dwindles in its ability to assist, models will become more general across a
wide range of contexts.

1.3 Applications
Nowadays AI has wider range of applications wherever standalone system is required for real
time tracking or observation without human involvement. AI has proven itself in many fields
where it observes the environment through camera input likewise which we will be doing in
our project.

Artificial Intelligence works in a way that it resembles the ability of human thinking so takes
the decisions accordingly. Humans have the limitation to stay active all day long but AI
remains active online all day long.
Today, real-time tracking can be utilized to follow a student's movements to check if they are
using their phones in class. Later, an automatic attendance system can be implemented
employing different algorithms and this real-time monitoring.

1.4 Research motivation and Problem statement

1.4.1 Research motivation

In this emerging time of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning repetitive tasks
should be eradicated by the use of these technology. Such as taking an attendance in a
classroom which is a daily task for a teacher which takes almost 20% of the class time
depending on the strength of the class. The use of face recognition can be used to avoid
this and the process can be made automatic so this system is a must

1.4.2 Problem Statement

Student attendance using face recognition

States that Student in a class is monitored and attendance is updated for every student
automatically without the interference of the teacher and the students are monitored for
detection of usage of mobile phones
1.5 Research objectives and contributions

1.5.1 Primary objectives

The primary objectives of the paper is to automate the attendance in the class and to
detect the use of mobile phones in the class by using real time monitoring. The records of
the attendance will be saved in the database of the college or school automatically. The
detection of the mobile phones in the class using the real time monitoring and the activity
can be recorded in the database which can later be informed to the teacher to let them
take action on that

1.5.2 Main contributions

In a class of 1 hour attendance takes almost 20% of the time which is almost 12 minutes
on average this can be avoided by the use of this project and proxy attendance by
students can be avoided as we all know if a teacher is taking attendance to save time he
will go on fast and would not look to the students hence proxy can easily be done. This
paper suggests a automatic attendance system which will automatically update the
database of the college. The detection of mobile usage in class can increase the focus of
students in the class. This increases the result of the class.

1.6 Summary

The system consists of a camera that captures the images of the students and sends it to the
image enhancement module. After enhancement the image comes in the Face Detection
and Recognition modules and then the attendance is marked on the database server. This is
shown in the experimental setup. At the time of enrolment, templates of face images of
individual employees are stored in the Face database. Here all the faces are detected from
the input image and the algorithm compares them one by one with the face database. If
any face is recognized the attendance is marked on the server from where anyone can
access and use it for different purposes. In this way a lot of time is saved and this is highly
secure process no one can mark the attendance of other. Attendance is maintained on the
server so anyone can access it for purposes like administration, students themselves. In
order to avoid the false detection K.Senthamil Selvi et al, International Journal of
Computer Science and Mobile Computing, we are using the skin classification technique.
Using this technique enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the detection process. In this
process first the skin is classified and then only skin pixels remains and all other pixels in
the image are set to black, this greatly enhance the accuracy of face detection process.
Two databases are displayed in the experimental setup. Face Database is the collection of
face images and extracted features at the time of enrolment process and the second
attendance database contains the information about the employees and also uses to mark
attendance. For mobile use detection we are proposing a simple deep learning algorithm in
which we will first train the model against a set of images and then use those images to
detect anyone using phones in the class


2.1 Introduction

Facial recognition software (FRS) is a biometric tool that matches faces in images, typically
from photos and video stills to an existing database of identities. It is divided into three
components: detection (finding a face in an image) which is followed by analysis (face
mapping), and then finally recognition (confirming identity). The automatic photo tagging
feature on Google and even on Facebook like social media apps is an example of facial
recognition technology. These social media and technology, maps a user to the face in the photo
by searching photos in their existing database of uploaded images. Because facial features are
far more complex than other existing biometric methods, such as fingerprints and the iris of the
eye, FRS tools necessitate complex, artificially intelligent algorithms.

According to a NIST report from 2021, the average error rate of facial recognition algorithm is
0.08 percent, down from 4.1 percent in 2014. Since then, neural networks and deep learning
technology have advanced significantly, allowing for significant advancement in 3D
recognition software. Not only do we have more powerful microcontrollers and processors, but
we also have on chip processing and advanced camera technology for lenses. The availability
of the hardware in the form of cellular phones has been a boon to the FRS industry.

False-positives are common in Hasar cascades; for example, the Viola-Jones algorithm claims
that there is a face in an image when there is none.

And fine-tuning the OpenCV detection parameters can be time-consuming. It might be possible
that we might recognize all the faces in an image but there is also a possibility of where regions
of an image are incorrectly classified as faces and/or faces are completely missed.

While survey we found a paper called pattern recognition for usage of mobile phones in drivers
where 100 positive images and 100 negative images are used to train a model with SVM
classifier to detect if a driver is using mobile while driving so we are trying to use it for a class
and add different classes

2.2 Related Work

S.N Main context Advantages Disadvantages

1. A comparative study between Haar-Adaboost method is Limited head pose.

four machine learning better than other methods
methods for face detection such as Gabor
2. Smart Attendance Monitoring System performs Sometimes fails to
System using viola jones and satisfactorily with recognize every face of
deep learning different facial the student in the class.
3. Real time human face Recognize the faces with Difficult to recognize
recognition using LBPH 90% accuracy blur faces
4. Describes real time face Efforts and time taken Sensitive to lighting.
detection and recognition for attendance is reduced
using viola jones, HOG and
5. Attendance Monitoring Minimise computation in Not possible to identify
system using viola jones and viola jones algorithm faces having similar
PCA algorithm. facial features. For
6. Real time face recognition High accuracy of face Real time face
using eigenface and viola detection using Viola recognition using
jones jones Eigenface is not
7. Face recognition using eigen Reduces statistical Sensitive to lighting,
face method complexity difficult to capture
8. Automated attendance Quick calculation of Large dataset of images
management system based on requires more

face recognition algorithms calculations

9. A Pattern recognition system It is using SVM for Only calling over

classifying the
for detecting mobile phones phone is detected
during driving.

2.3 Study of Tools/ Technology

The proposed system includes the sequence of images captured by the college or school during
the admissions and then and then imported into the training system as input. The system follows
four steps: face detection,extraction of facial components, mapping the face to the name of
the student and then marking attendance.

Face Detection:

The image is generated in real time at the beginning. Then images are tested by the
machine learning algorithm facial landmark detection x that detects the eyes contour to
find whether theeyes (Wang, 2018) are closed or open.[L1]

The facial landmarks algorithm is used to detects all 68 points in the face by 68 facial
landmarkdetector [L2]. This algorithm is used to training the shape predictor on the
captured datasets.

Facial Components Extraction:

-The 68 facial landmarks mean that there are 68 points on the face which are detected
for processing the facial landmarks detection.

Fig 2.1 : 68-point Facial Landmark

-Secondly, the image is captured in real time is passed through the trained model 68 facial
landmarks detector.

Tracking of Facial Components:

The facial components including eyes and mouth are extracted through the Haar classifiers.
Then the extracted eyes and mouth data are trained by the facial landmark detection algorithm.The
Haar Cascade Classifier is implemented using the Open-Source Computer Vision Library(Open
CV).The Dlib library is the most widely used for detecting facial landmarks. This library
contains two types of landmark.This pre-trained landmark detector identifies 68 points in a
human face ((x, y) coordinates). These points are used to pinpoint the area around the eyes,
brows, nose, mouth, chin, and jaw.To make things faster, dlib introduced the 5-point detector,
which assigns two points to the corners of the left eye, two points to the corners of the right eye,
and one point to the nose. Thisdetector is commonly used for face alignment.

Fig 2.2 : Dlib 5-point detector


3.1 General Description

A program that describes the requirements and requirement validation of a combination of

elements that need to work together to generate the functionality needed to meet the needs of
a mission, including hardware, equipment, software, or any combination thereof it is called a
type of unique specification.

3.2 System Requirements

3.2.1 Hardware Requirements

• Processor : Intel i3 or above

• RAM : 4GB or Above
• Space needed : 500MB or above
• Camera : Web Cam

3.2.2 Software Requirements

• Operating System : 32/64bit WINDOWS/Linux/Mac

• Database : MySQL
• Scripting Language : Python
• IDE used : VS Code

15 Functional Requirements & Non-functional Requirements

The system will perform the following functional requirements:

• A photo will be taken every 10 minutes

• All the faces in the pictures will be recognized
• Face data for students will be brought from the database
• The faces from the images will be classify using the face data
• The attendance will be marked in the csv file
• The csv file will be sent to administrator
• The administrator will add the it to the database of attendance
• Students can view their attendance
• After attendance a real time monitoring will be done of students
• If some suspicious activity is found it will be reported in a report

The system will perform the following non-functional requirements:

• Reliability
• Availability
• Security
• Maintainability
• Portability

3.3 Summary

The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a description of a software system to be

developed. It defines functional and non-functional requirements and include a set of use cases
that describe the user interactions that the software must provide. To fully understand their
project, it is very important that we come up with an SRS that lists their requirements, how we
will meet them, and how we will complete the project. This saves the team time as we can
understand how the project is going. It also allows the team to quickly learn about limitations
and risks.

SRS reduces development expenses and time spent by developers on achieving desired results.
A good SRS outlines how an application will communicate with the computer's hardware, other
software, and users in a variety of real-world situations. There is an evaluation of parameters
like uptime, reaction time, availability, portability, maintainability, footprint, security, and the

rate of recovery from negative occurrences. IEEE 830-1998, published by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, details the procedures for calculating SRS.

4.1 Architectural Design

Attendance System design


5.1 Methodology

With the use of a high-resolution digital camera that can identify and recognise faces, our
system uses facial recognition technology to track attendance. The recognised faces are then
compared to student faces saved in a database. The attendance record for that person is marked
as present once the identified face matches a saved image. Additionally, facial recognition
should be used to track attendance in places like companies, colleges, and schools. Due to the
sluggishness and unsuitability of the current hand-done attendance procedure, the Face
Recognition technique pivots to develop a class attendance system that makes use of the
concept of face recognition. Additionally, there is a potential of excessive proxy attendance.

5.2 Process Description

Firstly, every student will have a frontal photo stored in school/college database with their
names and USN attached to them or mapped to them. The model will extract the features of the
images from the student and store it in a database.

The above is an example on which type of frontal images will be used for extracting the features
of the face.

Then a image of a class will taken and sent to the machine for processing where it will detect
the faces in the image and classify the faces based on the features of the face and the student
face database from college. Then student attendance will be marked .

Once attendance is taken then the monitoring system will analyze for any activity that could be
classified as the usage of mobile in the class. The activity that is considered to be used are like
looking down, having something attached to ear bending down etc. To classify the data we will
train our SVM model by using datasets that will have some images showing different classes of
mobile usage and hence notifying the teacher about it. In this phase we are just getting the idea
of how to train the model for this detection and will be collecting images for the same.

5.1Pseudo code
The below pseudo code is for attendance marking as we can say the first and the foremost
thing the system has done is to take images in a Image vector then the faces are extracted
from that image and then with the help of a support vector machine classifier we map the
student and attendance is marked for the particular student.
Extract_Faces(Images, Faces)

The below pseudo code is for detecting the use of mobile phone usage in a classroom
where first the image will be taken and then the faces will be extracted as above then the
feature extraction will be done like the eyes of the student is not in front or is something
attached to his ears these activity will be considered as using mobile phones in the class
and hence the face will be mapped a report will be generated accordingly.
Input class feed:
for i in f:
if lookdown(i):

Chapter 6: RESULT

Image sent for attendance

Attendance marked in CSV file


In the past, keeping track of everyone's attendance required human labour. With the help of
facial recognition, however, a significant amount of work will be reduced because computers
can now manage attendance in addition to keeping track of it, and in an institution, every
individual's attendance can be managed at one location.


Thus, the time and money savings of the Face Based Attendance Management System utilising
Machine Learning were demonstrated. This essay provides a productive approach for keeping
track of attendance in a classroom setting that can take the place of the previous manual
procedures. This paper describes how to monitor with a webcam to find out when students are
using their phones in class. This approach is sufficiently safe, dependable, precise, and effective.
Upon achieving the stated goals, this project will yield good results.


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