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1. Rewrite the sentences using the linking word in 2. Add the necessary prefix/ suffix to the word in
brackets. Make the necessary changes. brackets.

1. Why don’t you put on a long-sleeved shirt? It may be 1. The passengers lodged a
cold tonight (IN CASE) ………………………… to the company about the
………………………………………………………… service on board (COMPLAIN)
………………………………………………………… 2. Paul was charged with
……………………………… …………………………… by the judge
2. Carol made a shopping list. She didn’t want to forget (VAGRANT).
anything (IN ORDER NOT TO) 3. Orlando Bloom has become a very ……………
………………………………………………………… actor (SUCCESS).
………………………………………………………… 4. You never know how Pat can react. He’s the most
……………………………… …………………… person I know (PREDICT).
3. The children couldn’t play in the garden. It was 5. Witnesses must tell the …………………
raining heavily (SO) (TRUE).
………………………………………………………… 6. The actor’s performance was really
………………………………………………………… …………………………… (APPOINT).
……………………………… 7. Open the door, please; it’s very …………………
4. Sue didn’t understand my point of view. I argued in here (HEAT).
with her (BECAUSE) 8. Do you know what the …………………… of the
………………………………………………………… lake is? (WIDE).
………………………………………………………… 9. Don’t waste your time telling Sam what to do, he
……………………………… always ………………… any piece of advice you
5. Most people adore the new TV series. It’s rather dull give him (REGARD).
(IN SPITE OF) 10. Don’t talk nonsense, Pete! What you’re saying
………………………………………………………… is ……………………………… (BELIEF).
6. I must finish my essay. Can you give help me? (SO
7. He refused to come around for dinner. We invited 11. Both families are going to announce their
Andy yesterday (ALTHOUGH) children’s …………………………… (ENGAGE).
………………………………………………………… 12. My passport is out of date. I think I’ll go and
………………………………………………………… ………………… it (NEW).
……………………………… 13. Why didn’t you ……………………… the
8. Mary tidied her bedroom. She washed the dishes, too alarm when you got home yesterday? (CONNECT).
(BESIDES) 14. The Trade Union complained
………………………………………………………… ……………………
………………………………………………………… to the manager about the pay rise (ANGRY).
……………………………… 15. You must use ………………………… marks
9. Tom couldn’t do the homework. He forgot the when repeating other people’s words (QUOTE).
Maths book (SINCE) 16. The voters didn’t …………………… agree
………………………………………………………… with the candidate’s ……………………………
………………………………………………………… (TOTAL/ PROPOSE).
……………………………… 17. The browns have just moved to a ………………
10. We have to be at home at 10 p.m. Father will get house (DETACH).
angry (UNLESS) 18. Some students in my class have got serious
………………………………………………………… ………………………… problems
………………………………………………………… (PRONOUNCE).
……………………………… 19. Paul is really …………………………… with
1. Suggested answers:
1. The passengers lodged a COMPLAINT to the
1. Why don’t you put on a long-sleeved shirt in case it company about the service on board
is cold tonight? 2. Paul was charged with VAGRANCY by the
2. Carol made a shopping list in order not to forget 3. Orlando Bloom has become a very
anything. SUCCESSFUL actor.
4. You never know how Pat can react. He’s the most
3. It was raining heavily, so the children couldn’t play UNPREDICTABLE person I know.
in the garden. 5. Witnesses must tell the TRUTH.
6. The actor’s performance was really
4. I argued with Sue because she didn’t understand my DISAPPOINTING.
point of view. 7. Open the door, please; it’s very HOT in here.
8. Do you know what the WIDTH of the lake is?
5. Most people adore the new TV series in spite of 9. Don’t waste your time telling Sam what to do, he
being rather dull. always DISREGARDS any piece of advice you give
6. Can you give help me so that I can finish my essay? 10. Don’t talk nonsense, Pete! What you’re saying
7. Although we invited Andy yesterday, he refused to 11. Both families are going to announce their
come around for dinner. children’s ENGAGEMENT.
12. My passport is out of date. I think I’ll go and
8. Mary tidied her bedroom. Besides, she washed the RENEW it.
dishes. 13. Why didn’t you DISCONNECT the alarm when
you got home yesterday?
9. Tom couldn’t do the homework since he forgot the 14. The Trade Union complained ANGRILY to the
Maths book. manager about the pay rise.
15. You must use QUOTATION marks when
10. Father will get angry unless we are at home at 10 repeating other people’s words (QUOTE).
p.m. 16. The voters didn’t TOTALLY agree with the
candidate’s PROPOSAL(S).
11. The race had to be cancelled due to the heavy rain. 17. The browns have just moved to a DETACHED
18. Some students in my class have got serious
19. Paul is really ADVENTUROUS with sport. He
tries whatever you propose to him.
20. You shouldn’t buy these DISPOSABLE glasses
for the party; they’re too expensive!

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